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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Irina
2.Perekonnanimi Lang
3.Töökoht Tervise Arengu Instituut
4.Ametikoht Keskkonnatervise Osakonna teadur
5.Sünniaeg 08.12.1950 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kaasani Meditsiini Instituut, sanitaarhügieeni teaduskond, sanitaararst 1969-1974
7.Teenistuskäik Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut (EKMI) - nooremteadur 1974-1979
EKMI - aspirant 1979-1982
EKMI - nooremteadur 1982-1988
EKMI - vanemteadur 1988- 1996
EKMI - teadur 1996-käesoleva ajani (1.05.2003 - Tervise Arengu Instituut)
8.Teaduskraad Meditsiinikandidaat (Ph.D.)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tööhügieeni ja Kutsehaiguste Instituut, Moskva 1982
10.Tunnustused ei ole
ja –administratiivne
ei ole
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

ei ole, cand, 2005, juh. Irina Lang. ei ole. ei ole

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Töötervishoid (tööhügieen): asbesti-,põlevkivi- ja tsemendi tolmude ning diiselheitgaaside sisalduse ja ohtlikkuse uurimine töökeskkonna õhus.
14.Jooksvad grandid ei ole

Bogovski, S., Muzyka, V., Ryazanov, V., Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Karlova, S., Veimer, S., Scheepers, P., Lichtenstein, I., Hartfiel, G-D., Kusova, J., Micka, V.(Biomarkers and occupational monitoring of diesel exhaust). Med Tr Prom Ekol, 2004, (8): 19-23 (in Russian, summary in English).

Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Veimer, S., Kahn, H., (The influence of different working conditions factors on the construction workers). Med Tr Prom Ekol, 2004,(7):38-42 (in Russian, summary in English).

Muzyka, V., Scheepers, P. T. J., Bogovski, S., Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Rjazanov, V., & Veidebaum, T. (2004). Porphyrin Metabolism in Lymphocytes of Miners Exposed to Diesel Exhaust at Oil Shale Mine. Science of the Total Environment, 322(1-3), 41-50.

Kangur,M., Jaakmees, V., Lang, I., Veidebaum T.,Tossovainen, A., Just, E.Asbesti kasutamisest tuleneva ohu hindamine. Eesti Arst, 2001; 80 (11): 512-516.

Innos, K., Rahu, M., Rahu, K., Lang, I., & Leon, D. A. (2000). Wood Dust Exposure and Cancer Incidence: a Retrospective Cohort Study of Furniture Workers in Estonia. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 37(5), 501-511.

Sui V.,Lang I. Diseases of the skelet and muscular system of the workers in the clothing industry. Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology 1999; 7: 44-47. (in Russian, summary in English).

Lang, I., Smidt. N., Rjazanov V. Vanemate elukutse osast laste suremuses. Eesti Arst (lisa) 1998; 509-511.

Avdejeva (Lang) I., Shmidt N., Ryazanov V. Child mortality from cancer. J Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1996, (3): 87-89 (in Russian, summary in English).

Avdejeva (Lang) I., Shmidt N., Ryazanov V. Role of parents occupation in the children`s mortality. Med Tr Prom Ekol, 1996, (3): 17-22 (in Russian, summary in English).

Dueva L., Avdejeva (Lang) I., Rodman L. Hygienic and immunological aspects of the effects of formaldehyde and wood dust in furniture industries. Med Tr Prom Ekol, 1996, (3): 17-22 (in Russian, summary in English).

Sui V., Avdejeva (Lang) I., Toom A. Õmblustööliste lihas- ja luukonnahaigused. Eesti Arst, 1996, (3): 212-216.

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Irina
2.Surname Lang
3.Institution National Institute for Health Development
4.Position Environmental Health Department researcher
5.Date of birth 08.12.1950 (day.month.year)
6.Education Kazan Medical Institute, sanitary and hygiene faculty, 1969-1974 - sanitary physician
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (IECM) - junior researcher
1974-1979 IECM - postgraduate student
1979-1982 IECM - junior researcher
1982-1988 IECM - senior researcher 1988-1996
IECM - researcher
1996 - onwards (since 1 May 2003 - National Institute for Health Development).
8.Academic degree Candidate of Medicine (Ph.D.)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1982 Labor Hygiene and Occupational Medicine Institute, Moscow
10.Honours/awards no
12.Supervised dissertations

ei ole, cand, 2005, superv. Irina Lang. ei ole. ei ole

13.Current research program Occupational medicine (occupational hygiene): investigations of occurrence and hazards of asbestos, oil shale, and cement dust and diesel exhaust in working zone air.
14.Current grant funding no
15.List of most important publications

Bogovski, S., Muzyka, V., Ryazanov, V., Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Karlova, S., Veimer, S., Scheepers, P., Lichtenstein, I., Hartfiel, G-D., Kusova, J., Micka, V.(Biomarkers and occupational monitoring of diesel exhaust). Med Tr Prom Ekol, 2004, (8): 19-23 (in Russian, summary in English).

Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Veimer, S., Kahn, H., (The influence of different working conditions factors on the construction workers). Med Tr Prom Ekol, 2004,(7):38-42 (in Russian, summary in English).

Muzyka, V., Scheepers, P. T. J., Bogovski, S., Lang, I., Schmidt, N., Rjazanov, V., & Veidebaum, T. (2004). Porphyrin Metabolism in Lymphocytes of Miners Exposed to Diesel Exhaust at Oil Shale Mine. Science of the Total Environment, 322(1-3), 41-50.

Kangur,M., Jaakmees, V., Lang, I., Veidebaum T.,Tossovainen, A., Just, E.Asbesti kasutamisest tuleneva ohu hindamine. Eesti Arst, 2001; 80 (11): 512-516.

Innos, K., Rahu, M., Rahu, K., Lang, I., & Leon, D. A. (2000). Wood Dust Exposure and Cancer Incidence: a Retrospective Cohort Study of Furniture Workers in Estonia. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 37(5), 501-511.

Sui V.,Lang I. Diseases of the skelet and muscular system of the workers in the clothing industry. Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology 1999; 7: 44-47. (in Russian, summary in English).

Lang, I., Smidt. N., Rjazanov V. Vanemate elukutse osast laste suremuses. Eesti Arst (lisa) 1998; 509-511.

Avdejeva (Lang) I., Shmidt N., Ryazanov V. Child mortality from cancer. J Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1996, (3): 87-89 (in Russian, summary in English).

Avdejeva (Lang) I., Shmidt N., Ryazanov V. Role of parents occupation in the children`s mortality. Med Tr Prom Ekol, 1996, (3): 17-22 (in Russian, summary in English).

Dueva L., Avdejeva (Lang) I., Rodman L. Hygienic and immunological aspects of the effects of formaldehyde and wood dust in furniture industries. Med Tr Prom Ekol, 1996, (3): 17-22 (in Russian, summary in English).

Sui V., Avdejeva (Lang) I., Toom A. Õmblustööliste lihas- ja luukonnahaigused. Eesti Arst, 1996, (3): 212-216.

last updated: 12.10.2005

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