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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Laimdota
2.Perekonnanimi Truus
3.Töökoht Ökoloogia Instituut, Tallinna Ülikool
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 04.06.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1974, bioloog (botaanik)
1998 magistrantuur Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool (botaanika)
1998-2004 doktorantuur Tartu Ülikool (taimeökoloogia)
7.Teenistuskäik 2002 - TÜ (TPÜ) Ökoloogia Instituut, teadur
1998 – 2002 - TPÜ Ökoloogia Instituut, assistent
1993 - 1998 – TPÜ Ökoloogia Instituut, insener
1973 - 1992 – Tallinn Botaanikaaed, aednik, insener
8.Teaduskraad magister (MSc)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1998 Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ranniku- ja märgalamaastike struktuur ja dünaamika

Puude ökofüsioloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid

Portsmuth, A., Niinemets, Ü., Truus, L., Pensa, M. (2005). Biomass allocation and growth rates in Pinus sylvestris are interactively modified by nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities and by tree size and age. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35 (10), 2346-2359.

Niinemets, Ü., Cescatti, A., Lukjanova, A., Tobias, M., & Truus, L. (2002). Modification of Light-Acclimation of Pinus Sylvestris Shoot Architecture by Site Fertility. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 111(2), 121-140.

Niinemets, Ü., Portsmuth, A., & Truus, L. (2002). Leaf Structural and Photosynthetic Characteristics, and Biomass Allocation to Foliage in Relation to Foliar Nitrogen Content and Tree Size in Three Betula Species. Annals of Botany, 89(2), 191-204.

Truus, L. (1998).Influence of management cessation on reedbed and floodplain vegetation on the Kloostri floodplain meadow in the delta of the Kasari River, Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol., Ecol., 1998, 47, 58-72.

Truus, L., Tõnisson, A. (1998). The ecology of floodplain grasslands in Estonia. European wet grasslands. Joyce, C. B., Wade, P. M. (Eds.). Biodiversity, management and restoration. J. Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 49-60.

viimati muudetud: 13.12.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Laimdota
2.Surname Truus
3.Institution Institute of Ecology, Tallinn University
4.Position researcher
5.Date of birth 04.06.1949 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu State University, 1974, Dipl. Biologist (Botany)
1998 - M.Sc student at Tallinn Pedagogical University
1998 - 2004 PhD student at Tartu University (plant ecology)
7.Research and
professional experience
2002 - Institute of Ecology, Tallinn University (Tallinn Pedagogical University), researcher
1998 - 2002 - Institute of Ecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University, assistent
1993 - 1998 Institute of Ecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University, engineer
1973 - 1992 Tallinn Botanical Garden, engineer
8.Academic degree Master (M.Sc.)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1998 Tallinn Pedagogical University
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Portsmuth, A., Niinemets, Ü., Truus, L., Pensa, M. (2005). Biomass allocation and growth rates in Pinus sylvestris are interactively modified by nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities and by tree size and age. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35 (10), 2346-2359.

Niinemets, Ü., Cescatti, A., Lukjanova, A., Tobias, M., & Truus, L. (2002). Modification of Light-Acclimation of Pinus Sylvestris Shoot Architecture by Site Fertility. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 111(2), 121-140.

Niinemets, Ü., Portsmuth, A., & Truus, L. (2002). Leaf Structural and Photosynthetic Characteristics, and Biomass Allocation to Foliage in Relation to Foliar Nitrogen Content and Tree Size in Three Betula Species. Annals of Botany, 89(2), 191-204.

Truus, L. (1998).Influence of management cessation on reedbed and floodplain vegetation on the Kloostri floodplain meadow in the delta of the Kasari River, Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol., Ecol., 1998, 47, 58-72.

Truus, L., Tõnisson, A. (1998). The ecology of floodplain grasslands in Estonia. European wet grasslands. Joyce, C. B., Wade, P. M. (Eds.). Biodiversity, management and restoration. J. Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 49-60.

last updated: 13.12.2005

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