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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Anne
2.Perekonnanimi Kull
3.Töökoht Usuteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht süstemaatilise usuteaduse professor, õppetooli hoidja
5.Sünniaeg 30.06.1959 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus M.A. 1994 (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA)
M.Th. 1996 (samas)
Ph.D. 2000 (samas)
7.Teenistuskäik 2005 süstemaatilise usuteaduse professor
2003 süstemaatilise usuteaduse dotsent
2001 süstemaatilise usuteaduse lektor
2001 süstemaatilise usuteaduse õt hoidja
2000 - 2001 TÜ usuteaduskond, Uue Testamendi ja kreeka keele õppetool, lektor
1995-1996 EELK Usuteaduse Instituut, süstemaatilise teoloogia lektor
1978-1992 organist mitmel pool Eestimaa kirikuis
1982-1992 haljastustööline Tallinna Metsakalmistul
1977-1992 masinakirjaline paljundamine ja tõlketööd Usuteaduse Instituudi, EELK ajakirja ja sõprade tarbeks
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2000.
10.Tunnustused Ph.D. with distinction
ja –administratiivne
1. Interdistsiplinaarse ja rahvusvahelise kollokviumi, 4-5 mai 2001 Tartus korraldamine
2. Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programme (29716-IC-1-2001-1DE-ERASMUS-EPS-1; koordinaator Dr Norbert Hintersteiner, vt www.gottdenken.de) Tartu koordinaator ja õppejõud – 10-päevane intensiivkursus peamiselt doktorantidele, nii üliõpilased kui õppejõud kõigist EL riikidest, Lähis-Idast, Põhja-Ameerikast, Aafrikast) – see annab kuni 5-le meie doktorandile võimaluse kursusest osa võtta (2003 – Viin, 2004 – Leuven, 2005 – Pariis).
3. Teaduse ja religiooni loengupäeva „Looduse tõlgendamise tasandid“ korraldamine 25. aprillil 2003 Tartus (Ajaloomuuseumis)
4. Osalemine The Nordic Society of Theological Ethics aastakonverentsi ja seminari organiseerimises, 4-10 juuni 2003 Tallinnas, EELK UI ruumes
5. Euroopa Kirikute Konverentsi usuteaduskondade ja seminaride konsultatsioonide planeerimisgrupi liige (alates 2001) (vt ka Viorel Ionita, Gerhard Larcher and Grigorios Larentzakis, The Future of Theology in Europe (Geneva, 2003)).
6. WOCATI (World Conference of the Associations of Theological Institutions) assambleel 8-13.12.2002 (Chiangmai, Thailand) – Euroopa esindaja/vaatleja.
7. Teaduse ja Religiooni Kolleegiumi I kevadkooli (24-25 aprill 2004 Põltsamaal) ja II kevadkooli (22-23 aprill 2005) korraldamine
8. European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) liige; ESSSATi revisjonikomisjoni liige
9. Esitatud asutajaliikmete poolt kandidaadiks: International Society for Science and Religion (www.issr.org.uk)
10. TAI Meditsiiniuuringute eetikakomitee liige alates september 2000.
11. Akadeemilise Teoloogia Seltsi liige
12. Ühenduse Naised Teoloogias liige
13. EELK Õpetuskomisjoni liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Teadus ja religioon, kaasaegne teoloogia.
14.Jooksvad grandid Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Local Societies Initiative grant 2003-2006 ($ 15,000 kokku)

„Cultures-Natures’ Signatures,” in Streams of Wisdom? Science, Theology and Cultural Dynamics. Studies in Science and Theology. Vol 10. Edited by Hubert Meisinger, Willem B. Drees, Zbigniew Liana (Lund: ESSSAT, 2005), 137-146.

„Unmasking God or the Humans,” in: Niels Henrik Gregersen, Marie Vejrup Nielsen (eds), Preparing for the Future: The Role of Theology in the Science-Religion Dialogue (University of Aarhus: 2004), 95-106.

„Exploring technonature with cyborgs,” in William B. Drees (ed.), Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value (Routledge: 2003), 236-243.

„Speaking Cyborg: Technoculture and Technonature,” Zygon, Vol 37, No 2 (June 2002): 279-287.

„Towards a Theology of Culturenature,” Trames No 1, Vol 6(56/51), 2002: 17-37.

„The Cyborg as an Interpretation of Culture-Nature,” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science Vol 36, No 1 (March 2001): 49-56.

A Theology of Technonature Based on Donna Haraway and Paul Tillich (Ann Arbor, Michigan, UMI Dissertation Series), 2000.

viimati muudetud: 13.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Anne
2.Surname Kull
3.Institution Faculty of Theology, University of Tartu
4.Position Professor of Systematic Theology, Head of the Department of Systematic Theology
5.Date of birth 30.06.1959 (day.month.year)
6.Education M.A. 1994 (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA)
M. Th. 1996 (LSTC)
Ph. D. 2000 (LSTC)
7.Research and
professional experience
2005 - professor in systematic theology, U of Tartu
2003 – associate professor in systematic theology, U of Tartu
2001 – lecturer in systematic theology; head of the department of systematic theology
2000 – lecturer in the New Testament and Greek, U of Tartu
1995-96 – lecturer in systematic theology, EELC Theological Institute (Tallinn)
1978-1992 – an organist in various Lutheran churches
1977-1992 – typewriting, translations for the Theological Institute
1982-1992 – a maintenance worker at the Metsakalmistu (Tallinn)
8.Academic degree Ph.D.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (affiliated with the University of Chicago), 2000.
10.Honours/awards Ph.D. with distinction
1. Interdisciplinary and international colloquium 4-5 May 2001.
2. Socrates/Erasmus Intensive Programme (29716-IC-1-2001-1DE-ERASMUS-EPS-1; coordinator Dr Norbert Hintersteiner, cf www.gottdenken.de). Local coordinator and IP professor (10 days in Vienna (2003), Leuven (2004), Paris (2005).
3. 25.04.2003 a seminar „Levels of the Interpretation of Nature“ in Tartu.
4. The Nordic Society of Theological Ethics annual conference and seminar in Tallinn, 4-10.06.2003 a local coordinator.
5. European Conference of Churches: planning group member of the theological education in the theological faculties and seminaries, organization of the seminars (since 2001).
6. WOCATI (World Conference of the Associations of Theological Institutions) assembly 8-13.12.2002 (Chiangmai, Thailand) an European observer.
7. Organizing the I and II Spring School of the Collegium of Science and Religion (Põltsamaa 2004, 2005).
8. European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) member.
9. Founder and head of the Collegium of Science and Religion at the University of Tartu (since 2002).
10. A member of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Research (Tallinn)
11. A member of the Society of Academic Theology (Estonia)
12. A member of the Society Women in Theology (Estonia)
13. A member of the Committee of Theology (Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church)
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Science and religion, contemporary theology.
14.Current grant funding Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Local Societies Initiative grant 2003-2006 ($ 15,000 total)
15.List of most important publications

„Cultures-Natures’ Signatures,” in Streams of Wisdom? Science, Theology and Cultural Dynamics. Studies in Science and Theology. Vol 10. Edited by Hubert Meisinger, Willem B. Drees, Zbigniew Liana (Lund: ESSSAT, 2005), 137-146.

„Unmasking God or the Humans,” in: Niels Henrik Gregersen, Marie Vejrup Nielsen (eds), Preparing for the Future: The Role of Theology in the Science-Religion Dialogue (University of Aarhus: 2004), 95-106.

„Exploring technonature with cyborgs,” in William B. Drees (ed.), Is Nature Ever Evil? Religion, Science and Value (Routledge: 2003), 236-243.

„Speaking Cyborg: Technoculture and Technonature,” Zygon, Vol 37, No 2 (June 2002): 279-287.

„Towards a Theology of Culturenature,” Trames No 1, Vol 6(56/51), 2002: 17-37.

„The Cyborg as an Interpretation of Culture-Nature,” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science Vol 36, No 1 (March 2001): 49-56.

A Theology of Technonature Based on Donna Haraway and Paul Tillich (Ann Arbor, Michigan, UMI Dissertation Series), 2000.

last updated: 13.10.2005

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