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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ants
2.Perekonnanimi Kurg
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut; Biotehnoloogia õppetool
4.Ametikoht Dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 19.12.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1981 Abja Keskkool
1986 Tartu Riiklik Ülikool; Bioloogia-geograafiateaduskond, cum laude biokeemikuna
7.Teenistuskäik 1986-1991 Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Üldise- ja Molekulaarpatoloogia Instituudi geeniekspressiooni labori nooremteadur
1991-1997 Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, biotehnoloogia õppetooli teadur
1997-1998 Järeldoktor Dr. John M. Shumakeri labor, Molekulaar- ja Inimesegeneetika Osakond, Baylori Meditsiinikolledz, Houston, TX, USA
1998-1999 Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar-ja Rakubioloogia Instituut, biotehnoloogia õppetooli vanemteadur
1999- Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituudi biotehnoloogia õppetooli dotsent
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. molekulaarbioloogias
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool 1996
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Kristel Vabrit, MSc, 2005, juh. Ants Kurg. Võimalikud seosed tsütokiinide interleukiin 20 ja interleukiin 24 geenide polümorfismide ja naastulise psoriaasi kujunemise vahel. Tartu Ülikool

Kristjan Välk, MSc, 2005, juh. Ants Kurg. Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi geeniekspressiooni profiilid. Tartu Ülikool

Katrin Männik, MSc, 2004, juh. Ants Kurg. Inimese X kromosoomile spetsiifilise mikrokiibi väljatöötamine vaimse alaarenguga seotud DNA koopiaarvu submikrokoopiliste muutuste tuvastamiseks. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad DNA diagnostika ja DNA mikrokiipidel põhinevate analüüsimeetodite väljatöötamine ja arendamine inimese kromosoomide struktuursete aberratsioonide tuvastamiseks vaimse alaarengu korral.
Nanotehnoloogilised lahendused molekulaardiagnostikas
14.Jooksvad grandid Eesti Teadusfondi grant Nr. 5467 "Uue DNA diagnostika tehnoloogia väljatöötamine inimese kromosoomide struktuursete aberratsioonide tuvastamiseks vaimse alaarengu korral" 2003-2006
Euroopa Liidu 6. raamprogrammi grant Nr. 513771 "SLIC Biosensorid molekulaardiagnostikas: Nanotehnoloogia liigispetsiifiliste mikroobsete transkriptide analüüsiks" 2005-2007

Kõks, S., Nikopensius, T., Koido, K., Maron, E., Altmäe, S., Heinaste, E., Vabrit, K., Tammekivi, V., Hallast, P., Kurg, A., Shlik, J., Vasar, V., Metspalu, A., Vasar, E. (2005) Analysis of SNP profiles in patients with major depressive disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. Jun1: 1-8

Maron, E, Nikopensius, T, Kõks, S, Altmäe, S, Heinaste, E, Vabrit, K, Tammekivi, V, Hallast, P, Koido, K, Kurg, A, Metspalu, A, Vasar, E, Vasar, V, Shlik, J. (2005) Association study of 90 candidate gene polymorphisms in panic disorder. Psychiatric Genet., 15 (1): 17-24

Patsalis, P.C., Kousoulidou, L., Sismani, C., Männik, K., Kurg, A. (2005) MAPH: from gels to microarrays. Eur. J. Med. Genet. 48 (3): 241-249

Saal, K., Plaado, M., Kink, I., Kurg, A., Kiisk, V., Koževnikova, J., Mäeorg, U., Rinken, A., Sildos, I., Tätte, T., and Lõhmus, A.: Aminopropyl Embedded Silica Films as Potent Substrates in DNA Microarray Applications, in Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials and Devices, edited by K.H. Sandhage, S. Yang, T. Douglas, A.R. Parker, and E. DiMasi (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 873E, Warrendale, PA , 2005), K9.3

Koido K., Kõks S., Nikopensius T., Maron E., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Kurg A., Shlik J., Vasar V., Metspalu A., Vasar E. (2004) Polymorphisms in wolframin (WFS1) gene are possibly related to increased risk for mood disorders. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 11: 1-10

Remm, M., Kurg, A., and Metspalu, A. (2003) Primer Design for Large-Scale Multiplex PCR and Arrayed Primer Extension (APEX). In PCR Technology, Current Innovations, 2nd Edition (T. Weissensteiner, H.G. Griffin and A. Griffin, Eds), 131-139. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.

Tätte, T, Saal, K, Kink, I, Kurg, A, Lõhmus, R, Mäeorg, U, Rahi, M, Rinken, A, Lõhmus, A. (2003) Preparation of smooth siloxane surfaces for AFM visualization of immobilized biomolecules. Surface Science, 532-535: 1085-1091

Dawson, E, Abecasis, G.R, Bumpstead, S, Chen, Y, Hunt, S, Beare, D.M, Pabial, J., Dibling, T, Tinsley, E, Kirby, S, Carter, D, Papaspyridonos, M, Livingstone, S, Ganske, R, Lõhmussaar, E, Zernant, J, Tõnisson, N, Remm, M, Mägi, R, Puurand, T, Vilo, J, Kurg, A, Rice, K, Deloukas, P, Mott, R, Metspalu, A, Cardon, L.R, Bentley, D.R, Dunham I. (2002) The first generation linkage disequilibrium and haplotype map of chromosome 22 in Caucasians. Nature 418: 544-548

Gemignani, F, Perra, C, Landi, S, Canzian, F, Kurg, A, Tõnisson, N, Galanello, R, Cao, A, Metspalu, A, Romeo, G. (2002) Reliable detection of ß-thalassemia and G6PD mutations by a DNA microarray. Clinical Chemistry 48: 2051-2054

Tõnisson, N, Zernant, J, Kurg, A, Pavel, H, Slavin, G, Roomere, H, Meiel, A, Hainaut, P, Metspalu, A. (2002) Evaluating the arrayed primer extension resequencing assay of TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 5503-5508

Kurg A, Tõnisson N, Georgiou I, Shumaker J, Tollett J, Metspalu A. (2000) Arrayed Primer Extension: Solid phase four-color DNA resequencing and mutation detection technology. Genetic Testing 4: 1-7

Tõnisson, N, Kurg, A, Kaasik, K, Lõhmussaar, E, Metspalu, A. (2000) Unravelling Genetic Data by Arrayed Primer Extension. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 38: 165-170

Tõnisson, N, Kurg, A, Lõhmussaar, E, Metspalu, A. (2000) Arrayed Primer Extension on the DNA Chip- Method and Applications. In Microarray Biochip Technologies (M. Schena ed), 247-263 Biotechniques Books. Natick, MA

Kurg A, Tõnisson N, Metspalu A, Berik E. (1999) Laser diagnostic system for rapid mutation identification. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 37: suppl. 1, 311

Metspalu, A., Saulep, H., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N. and Shumaker, J. M. (1998) Primer extension from two-dimensional oligonucleotide grids for DNA sequence analysis. In “GENOMICS Commercial Opportunities from a Scientific Revolution.” (G.K. Dixon, L.G. Copping and D. Livingstone, Eds), 217-219. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Ltd. Oxford, UK

Fechner, H., Blankenstein, P., Looman, A. C., Elwert, J., Geue, L., Albrecht, C., Kurg, A., Beier, D., Marquart O. and Ebner, D. (1997) Provirus mutants of the bovine leukemia virus and their relation to the serological status in naturally infected cattle. Virology 237: 261-269

Pastinen, T., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Peltonen, L. and Syvänen, A.-C. (1997) Minisequencing: A specific tool for DNA analysis and diagnostics on oligonucleotide arrays. Genome Research 7: 606-614

Fechner, H., Kurg, A., Blankenstein, P., Mewes, G., Geue, L., Albrecht, C., and Ebner, D. (1996) Direct use of cell lysates in PCR-based diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus infection. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 109: 446-450

Fechner, H., Kurg, A., Geue, L., Blankenstein, P., Mewes, G., Ebner, D., and Beier, D. (1996) Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) application in diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in naturally infected cattle. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B. 43: 621-630.

Kurg, A., (1996) Bovine leukemia virus: Molecular studies on the packaging region and DNA diagnostics in cattle. Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 20, 103p, Tartu University Press, Tartu

Kurg, A., Sommer, G., and Metspalu, A. (1995) An RNA stem-loop structure involved in the packaging of bovine leukemia virus genomic RNA in vivo. Virology 211: 434-442.

Sommer, G., Kurg, A., Wagner, H.-J., Heymann, S., Blankenstein, P., und Ebner, D. (1990) Untersuchungen zur Lage eines vermuteten Verpackungsortes im Genom des Bovinen Leukosevirus. Monatshefte für Veterinärmedizin 45: 713-716.

viimati muudetud: 28.11.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ants
2.Surname Kurg
3.Institution University of Tartu; Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology; Dept. of Biotechnology
4.Position Associate Professor
5.Date of birth 19.12.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1981 Abja Secondary School
1986 Tartu State University; Faculty of Biology and Geography, cum laude biochemistry
7.Research and
professional experience
1986-1991 junior scientist at the Lab of Gene Expression of Institute of General and Molecular Pathology; Tartu State University
1991-1997 research scietist at the Dept. of Biotechnology Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Tartu
1998-1999 senior scientist at the Dept. of Biotechnology Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Tartu
1999- present associate professor of biotechnology at the Dept. of Biotechnology Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Ph.D. in molecular biology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu 1996
12.Supervised dissertations

Kristel Vabrit, MSc, 2005, superv. Ants Kurg. Võimalikud seosed tsütokiinide interleukiin 20 ja interleukiin 24 geenide polümorfismide ja naastulise psoriaasi kujunemise vahel. Tartu Ülikool

Kristjan Välk, MSc, 2005, superv. Ants Kurg. Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi geeniekspressiooni profiilid. Tartu Ülikool

Katrin Männik, MSc, 2004, superv. Ants Kurg. Inimese X kromosoomile spetsiifilise mikrokiibi väljatöötamine vaimse alaarenguga seotud DNA koopiaarvu submikrokoopiliste muutuste tuvastamiseks. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program DNA diagnostics and development of new DNA microarray-based methodologies for the detection structural chromosomal abnormalities in case of mental retardation
Nanotechnological solutions in molecular diagnostics
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation grant No. 5467 "Development of novel DNA diagnostic technologies for the detection of structural chromosomal abnormalities in case of mental retardation" 2003-2006
EU 6th Framework grant No.513771 "SLIC Biosensors in Molecular Diagnostics: Nanotechnology for the Analysis of species-specific Microbial Transcripts" 2005-2007
15.List of most important publications

Kõks, S., Nikopensius, T., Koido, K., Maron, E., Altmäe, S., Heinaste, E., Vabrit, K., Tammekivi, V., Hallast, P., Kurg, A., Shlik, J., Vasar, V., Metspalu, A., Vasar, E. (2005) Analysis of SNP profiles in patients with major depressive disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. Jun1: 1-8

Maron, E, Nikopensius, T, Kõks, S, Altmäe, S, Heinaste, E, Vabrit, K, Tammekivi, V, Hallast, P, Koido, K, Kurg, A, Metspalu, A, Vasar, E, Vasar, V, Shlik, J. (2005) Association study of 90 candidate gene polymorphisms in panic disorder. Psychiatric Genet., 15 (1): 17-24

Patsalis, P.C., Kousoulidou, L., Sismani, C., Männik, K., Kurg, A. (2005) MAPH: from gels to microarrays. Eur. J. Med. Genet. 48 (3): 241-249

Saal, K., Plaado, M., Kink, I., Kurg, A., Kiisk, V., Koževnikova, J., Mäeorg, U., Rinken, A., Sildos, I., Tätte, T., and Lõhmus, A.: Aminopropyl Embedded Silica Films as Potent Substrates in DNA Microarray Applications, in Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials and Devices, edited by K.H. Sandhage, S. Yang, T. Douglas, A.R. Parker, and E. DiMasi (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 873E, Warrendale, PA , 2005), K9.3

Koido K., Kõks S., Nikopensius T., Maron E., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Kurg A., Shlik J., Vasar V., Metspalu A., Vasar E. (2004) Polymorphisms in wolframin (WFS1) gene are possibly related to increased risk for mood disorders. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 11: 1-10

Remm, M., Kurg, A., and Metspalu, A. (2003) Primer Design for Large-Scale Multiplex PCR and Arrayed Primer Extension (APEX). In PCR Technology, Current Innovations, 2nd Edition (T. Weissensteiner, H.G. Griffin and A. Griffin, Eds), 131-139. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.

Tätte, T, Saal, K, Kink, I, Kurg, A, Lõhmus, R, Mäeorg, U, Rahi, M, Rinken, A, Lõhmus, A. (2003) Preparation of smooth siloxane surfaces for AFM visualization of immobilized biomolecules. Surface Science, 532-535: 1085-1091

Dawson, E, Abecasis, G.R, Bumpstead, S, Chen, Y, Hunt, S, Beare, D.M, Pabial, J., Dibling, T, Tinsley, E, Kirby, S, Carter, D, Papaspyridonos, M, Livingstone, S, Ganske, R, Lõhmussaar, E, Zernant, J, Tõnisson, N, Remm, M, Mägi, R, Puurand, T, Vilo, J, Kurg, A, Rice, K, Deloukas, P, Mott, R, Metspalu, A, Cardon, L.R, Bentley, D.R, Dunham I. (2002) The first generation linkage disequilibrium and haplotype map of chromosome 22 in Caucasians. Nature 418: 544-548

Gemignani, F, Perra, C, Landi, S, Canzian, F, Kurg, A, Tõnisson, N, Galanello, R, Cao, A, Metspalu, A, Romeo, G. (2002) Reliable detection of ß-thalassemia and G6PD mutations by a DNA microarray. Clinical Chemistry 48: 2051-2054

Tõnisson, N, Zernant, J, Kurg, A, Pavel, H, Slavin, G, Roomere, H, Meiel, A, Hainaut, P, Metspalu, A. (2002) Evaluating the arrayed primer extension resequencing assay of TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 5503-5508

Kurg A, Tõnisson N, Georgiou I, Shumaker J, Tollett J, Metspalu A. (2000) Arrayed Primer Extension: Solid phase four-color DNA resequencing and mutation detection technology. Genetic Testing 4: 1-7

Tõnisson, N, Kurg, A, Kaasik, K, Lõhmussaar, E, Metspalu, A. (2000) Unravelling Genetic Data by Arrayed Primer Extension. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 38: 165-170

Tõnisson, N, Kurg, A, Lõhmussaar, E, Metspalu, A. (2000) Arrayed Primer Extension on the DNA Chip- Method and Applications. In Microarray Biochip Technologies (M. Schena ed), 247-263 Biotechniques Books. Natick, MA

Kurg A, Tõnisson N, Metspalu A, Berik E. (1999) Laser diagnostic system for rapid mutation identification. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 37: suppl. 1, 311

Metspalu, A., Saulep, H., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N. and Shumaker, J. M. (1998) Primer extension from two-dimensional oligonucleotide grids for DNA sequence analysis. In “GENOMICS Commercial Opportunities from a Scientific Revolution.” (G.K. Dixon, L.G. Copping and D. Livingstone, Eds), 217-219. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Ltd. Oxford, UK

Fechner, H., Blankenstein, P., Looman, A. C., Elwert, J., Geue, L., Albrecht, C., Kurg, A., Beier, D., Marquart O. and Ebner, D. (1997) Provirus mutants of the bovine leukemia virus and their relation to the serological status in naturally infected cattle. Virology 237: 261-269

Pastinen, T., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Peltonen, L. and Syvänen, A.-C. (1997) Minisequencing: A specific tool for DNA analysis and diagnostics on oligonucleotide arrays. Genome Research 7: 606-614

Fechner, H., Kurg, A., Blankenstein, P., Mewes, G., Geue, L., Albrecht, C., and Ebner, D. (1996) Direct use of cell lysates in PCR-based diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus infection. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 109: 446-450

Fechner, H., Kurg, A., Geue, L., Blankenstein, P., Mewes, G., Ebner, D., and Beier, D. (1996) Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) application in diagnosis of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in naturally infected cattle. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B. 43: 621-630.

Kurg, A., (1996) Bovine leukemia virus: Molecular studies on the packaging region and DNA diagnostics in cattle. Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 20, 103p, Tartu University Press, Tartu

Kurg, A., Sommer, G., and Metspalu, A. (1995) An RNA stem-loop structure involved in the packaging of bovine leukemia virus genomic RNA in vivo. Virology 211: 434-442.

Sommer, G., Kurg, A., Wagner, H.-J., Heymann, S., Blankenstein, P., und Ebner, D. (1990) Untersuchungen zur Lage eines vermuteten Verpackungsortes im Genom des Bovinen Leukosevirus. Monatshefte für Veterinärmedizin 45: 713-716.

last updated: 28.11.2005

[ sulge aken ]