[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ain |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kull |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool Geograafia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 07.08.1973 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | BSc loodusgeograafias ja maastikuökoloogias, Tartu Ülikool, 1995.a. BSc inimgeograafias, Tartu Ülikool, 1995.a. MSc geograafias, Tartu Ülikool, 1996.a. PhD geograafias, Tartu Ülikool, 2001.a. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut, insener, 08.04.1996 - 30.06.1996 Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut, erakorraline teadur, 01.07.1996 - 31.08.1999 Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut, lektor, 01.09.1999 – 28.02.2003 Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut, erakorraline teadur, 01.03.2003 – 28.02.2005 Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut, vanemteadur, 01.03.2005 - |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD geograafias |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 2001.a. |
10. | Tunnustused | Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia põllumajandusteaduste alal, 2001 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Tuuleenergia Komisjon (juhatuse liige), Eesti Geograafia Selts, BALLERINA Network, Majandusministeeriumi Alaline Taastuvenergeetika Komisjon, Eesti esindaja Rahvusvahelises Tuulerakenduste Assotsatsioonis IAWE, põllumajandusteaduste nõukogu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Anne Laas, MSc, 2002, juh. Ain Kull. Mullaerosiooni leidmine USLE mudeli abil Sipe valglas. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Loodusgeograafia Inimgeograafia Energeetika (2.5) - tuuleenergeetika |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF 5464 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kull, A., Daniel, K. ja Kull, E. Põllumajanduslikust kasutusest kõrvale jäänud alade metsastamise võimaluste hindamine Valgamaa ja Läänemaa näitel. EGS Aastaraamat 34. Lk. 115-130. Kull, A. ja Kull, A. Mullaerosiooni modelleerimine Sipe valglas GIS abil USLE mudeli põhjal. EGS Aastaraamat 34. Lk. 101-114. Kull, A. ja Kull, A. Tšetšeenia konfliktist ja selle tagapõhjast. Akadeemia, nr. 10 (199), lk. 2139-2163. Kull, A., Kull, A., Uuemaa, E., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. Modelling of excess nitrogen in small rural catchments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 108 (2005) pp. 45-56. Kull, A. Relationship between inter-annual variation of wind direction and wind speed. In: Carl Calk 200. Symposium on Historical Climatology. J. Jaagus (Ed.). Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 97, pp. 62-73. Kull, A. Tuuled ja tuuleenergeetika võimalused Eestis. Universum. Valguses ja vihmas. Veisman, U. ja Veskimäe, R. (koost.). lk. 217-228. Reintam, L., Rooma, I., Kull, A. and Kõlli, R. Soil information and its application in Estonia. In: Soil Resources of Europe, 2nd edition. R.J.A. Jones, B. Houškova, P. Bullock and L. Montanarella (eds.). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 9, EUR 20559 EN, pp. 121-132. Öövel, M., Tarajev, R., Kull, A. and Mander, Ü. Tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater in a floodplain peatland. In: Water Resources Management III. M. De Conceicao Cunha and Brebbia, C.A. (Eds). WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 80, 433-444. Kull, A. (2004). Estonian Wind Atlas. University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, UNDP. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Univesitatis Tartuensis, 96. Tartu. P. 94. Kull, A. Zoning and defining the best locations for installation of wind turbines. Case study in Estonia. In: Wind Energy in the Baltics. 72-81 pp. Olev, R. ja Kull, A. Tuulikute energiatoodangu modelleerimine ja paigutuse optimeerimine tuuleparkides. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitas Tartuensis, 89, lk. 421-436. Tiit, V. and Kull, A. Wind energy in Estonia. In: Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik 2004. Vol. XI. S. 204-208. Kull, A. and Laas, A. (2003). Sustainable management of wind resources in coastal areas in Estonia. In: Beriatos, E., Brebbia, C.A., Coccossis, H. & Kungolos, A. (Eds.). Sustainable Planning and Development. The Sustainable World. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 69-78. Kull, A. and Laas, A. 2003. The influence of episodic meteorological events on nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements in a floodplain ecosystem. In: Mander, Ü., Vohla, C. and Poom, A. (Eds.). Constructed and riverine wetlands for optimal control of wastewater at catchment scale. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 94, 256-262. Kull, A. ja Laas, A. (2003). Eesti tuulekliima ja rannikualade tuuleressursi kasutamise võimalused. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. T. Frey (toim.). Tartu, lk. 84-93. Laas, A. and Kull, A. (2003). Application of GIS for soil erosion and nutrient loss modelling in a small river catchment. In: Beriatos, E., Brebbia, C.A., Coccossis, H. & Kungolos, A. (Eds.). Sustainable Planning and Development. The Sustainable World. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 525-534. Laas, A., Koduvere, E., Kull, A., Kuusemets, V. ja Mander, Ü. (2003). Maakasutuse muutuste mõju lämmastiku bilansile ja väljakandele väikestes põllumajanduslikes valglates. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. T. Frey (toim.). Tartu, lk. 117-126. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Frey, J. (2003). Residual cadmium and lead pollution at a former Soviet military airfield in Tartu, Estonia. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus. Mander, Ü., Oja, T., Hallemaa, H., Kull, A., R. Bendere, I. Kudrenickis, L. Sergeeva and G. Denafas (2003). Environmental Pollution Analysis of Energy Production and Consumption in the Baltic Region. In: E.Tiezzi, C.A.Brebbia, J-L.Uso (Eds.) Ecosystems and Sustainable Development IV Vol. 2, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 19, 2003, 835-845 WIT Press, Southampton. Reintam, L., Kull, A., Palang, H., Rooma, I. (2003) Large-scale soil maps and a supplementary database for land use planning in Estonia. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 166 (2), 225-231. Järvet, A., Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2002. Nutrient runoff change in a rural catchment in South Estonia. Archive für Hydrobiologie, 13:3-4, 305-319. Kull, A. 2001. Impact of weather and climatic fluctuations on nutrient flows in rural catchments. Dissertationes Geographicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 15, Tartu, 140 pp. Kull, A., Oja, T. (2001). Influence of climate change on nutrient flows in boreonemoral floodplain ecosystem. In: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. & Uso, J.L. (Eds.). Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III. Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 10. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 585-594. Kull, A. (2000). Weather influence on the water balance and nutrient flows in a small river catchment. Estonia. Geographical Studies 8. J.-M. Punning (Ed.). Tallinn, pp. 56-71. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V., (2000). Nutrient flows and land use change in a rural catchment: a modelling approach. Landscape Ecology, 15: 187-199. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Kuusemets, V. and Tamm, T. (2000). Nutrient runoff dynamics in a rural catchment: Influence of land-use changes, climatic fluctuations and ecotechnological measures. Ecological Engineering, 14: 405-417. Oja, T., Kull, A. (2000). Sensitivity of landscape to atmospheric pollution. In: Mander, Ü. and Jongman, R.H.G. (Eds.) Consequences of Land Use Changes. Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 5. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 147-159. Oja, T., Kull, A. and Tamm, T. (2000). Critical tresholds to atmospheric pollution and landscape sensitivity. Uncertainty of Critical Loads in the Baltic Countries. Environment. TemaNord 2000:544. Nordic Council of Ministers. Copenhagen, pp. 46-49. Reintam, L., Rooma, I. and Kull, A. (2000). Estonia. Soil and Terrain Database, Land Degradation Status and Soil Vulnerability Assessment for Central and Eastern Europe. Version 1.0. Land and Water Digital Media Series, 10. FAO. Reintam, L., Rooma, I., Kull, A., Kitse, E. and Reintam, I. (2000). Soil vulnerability and degradation in Estonia. In: Soil degradation status and vulnerability assessment for Central and Eastern Europe - Preliminary results of the SOVEUR Project. Proceedings of concluding workshop (Busteni, Romania, 26-31 October 1999). Batjes, N.H. (ed.). FAO-RISSA-ISRIC. Pp. 43-47. Kull, A., (1999).Eesti tuulekliima. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 85, lk. 86-95. Kull, A. (1999). Wind Energy. Possible Energy Sector Trends in Estonia. Context of Climate Change. Tallinn, pp. 105-124. Kull, A., Post, R. and Selg, V. (1999). Conclusions on Renewable Energy Resources, Their Potential and Economic Efficiency. Possible Energy Sector Trends in Estonia. Context of Climate Change. Tallinn, pp. 124-127. Kull, A. and Meitern, H. (1998). Changes in wind climate. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Assessments in the Republic of Estonia. Tarand, A. and Kallaste, T. (eds.). Tallinn. pp. 23-25. Mander, Ü and Kull, A. (1998). Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on water budget and nutrient runoff: the Porijogi river case study, Estonia. Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Climate and Water. Lemmelä, R. and Helenius, N. (Eds.). Espoo, Finland, 17-20 August 1998. Vol. 2., pp. 884-896 Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. (1998). Land use change and nutrient flows in a rural catchment. Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology. Dover, J.W., Bunce, R.G.H. (Eds.). IALE (UK), Preston. pp. 103-109. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Tamm, V., Kuusemets, V. and Karjus, R. (1998). Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on runoff and nutrient losses in rural landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 41: 229-238. Oja, T., Kull, A., Tamm, T. (1998). Critical loads for air pollution in Estonia. Estonian Environmental Monitoring 1996. Estonian Ministry of Environment, Environment Information Centre, Tallinn. pp. 34-37. Roos, I., Kallaste, T., Kull, A. (1998). Potential for renewable energy sources. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Assessments in the Republic of Estonia. Tarand, A. and Kallaste, T. (eds.). Tallinn. pp. 9-10. Khalili, M., Ebbersten, S., Mosiej, J., Kull, A., Palang, H. (1997). The changing face of agriculture - land use and farm structure. In: Food and Fibres. Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery. B.Bodin and Ebbersten, S. (eds.), Uppsala, pp. 11-16. Kull, A., Hansson, S. (1997). Fish and fish catches. In: Food and Fibres. Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery. B.Bodin and Ebbersten, S. (eds.), Uppsala, pp. 49-50. Kull, A., Mander, Ü. (1997). Ainevood muutuva maakasutuse ja ilmastiku tingimustes. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. T. Frey (toim.) Eesti VII Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, lk. 115-121. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. (1997). Book review. Climate Change Research: Evaluation and Policy Implications. Ecological Economics, 20: 95-97. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. (1997). Variation of Runoff and Nutrient Fluxes in an Agricultural Watershed: Influence of Land Use Changes and Climatic Fluctuations. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. Usó, J. L., Brebbia, C.A., Power, H. (Eds.). Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 1. WIT Press, Southampton Boston, pp. 183-192. Oja, T., Kull, A, Tamm, T. (1997). Eesti looduslike taimekoosluste vastupanuvõime N ja S saastele. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. T. Frey (toim.). Eesti VII Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, lk. 155-159. Steinruecke, J., Kull, A., Stemmler, J. (1997): Rahmenplan für die Windenergienutzung in Estland. Umweltforschung RUB, 9, S. 5-6. Kull, A. (1996). Estonian Wind Climate and Wind Resources. Estonia. Geographical Studies. J.-M. Punning (Ed.). Tallinn, lk. 29-42. Steinrücke, J., Kull, A., Stemmler, J. (1996). Zukünftige Nutzung der Windenergie in der Republik Estland. Die Erde, Berlin. 127, S.193-204. Kull A. (1995). Estonian Wind Atlas. Nutzung der Windenenergieressourcen in der Republik Estland – Know-how Transfer von der Ruhr- Universität Bochum (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Universität Tartu (Republik Estland) auf dem Gebiet der Wind feld klimatologie und Evalierung der Windenergieressoursen in der Republik Estland. Part B. Bochum. S. 52. |
viimati muudetud: 03.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ain |
2. | Surname | Kull |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu, Institute of Geography |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 07.08.1973 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | BSc in physical geography and landscape ecology, University of Tartu, 1995 BSc in human geography, University of Tartu, 1995 MSc in geography, University of Tartu, 1996 PhD in geography, University of Tartu, 2001 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, engineer, 08.04.1996 - 30.06.1996 University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, resercher, 01.07.1996 - 31.08.1999 University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, lecturer, 01.09.1999 – 28.02.2003 University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, researcher, 01.03.2003 – 28.02.2005 University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, senior researcher, 01.03.2005 – |
8. | Academic degree | PhD in geography |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 2001 |
10. | Honours/awards | National Science Award of Estonian Republic in agricultural scienses, 2001 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Estonian Geographical Society, Board of the Estonian Wind Energy Commission, Permanent Commission on Renewable Energy at Ministry of Economy, Representative of Estonia at International Assocation of Wind Engineering IAWE, BALLERINA Network, Board member of the Agricultural Sciences at M inistry of Agriculture |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Anne Laas, MSc, 2002, superv. Ain Kull. Mullaerosiooni leidmine USLE mudeli abil Sipe valglas. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Physical geography (1.11) Human geography Energetics (2.5) - wind energy |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF 5464 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kull, A., Daniel, K. ja Kull, E. Põllumajanduslikust kasutusest kõrvale jäänud alade metsastamise võimaluste hindamine Valgamaa ja Läänemaa näitel. EGS Aastaraamat 34. Lk. 115-130. Kull, A. ja Kull, A. Mullaerosiooni modelleerimine Sipe valglas GIS abil USLE mudeli põhjal. EGS Aastaraamat 34. Lk. 101-114. Kull, A. ja Kull, A. Tšetšeenia konfliktist ja selle tagapõhjast. Akadeemia, nr. 10 (199), lk. 2139-2163. Kull, A., Kull, A., Uuemaa, E., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. Modelling of excess nitrogen in small rural catchments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 108 (2005) pp. 45-56. Kull, A. Relationship between inter-annual variation of wind direction and wind speed. In: Carl Calk 200. Symposium on Historical Climatology. J. Jaagus (Ed.). Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 97, pp. 62-73. Kull, A. Tuuled ja tuuleenergeetika võimalused Eestis. Universum. Valguses ja vihmas. Veisman, U. ja Veskimäe, R. (koost.). lk. 217-228. Reintam, L., Rooma, I., Kull, A. and Kõlli, R. Soil information and its application in Estonia. In: Soil Resources of Europe, 2nd edition. R.J.A. Jones, B. Houškova, P. Bullock and L. Montanarella (eds.). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 9, EUR 20559 EN, pp. 121-132. Öövel, M., Tarajev, R., Kull, A. and Mander, Ü. Tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater in a floodplain peatland. In: Water Resources Management III. M. De Conceicao Cunha and Brebbia, C.A. (Eds). WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 80, 433-444. Kull, A. (2004). Estonian Wind Atlas. University of Tartu, Institute of Geography, UNDP. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Univesitatis Tartuensis, 96. Tartu. P. 94. Kull, A. Zoning and defining the best locations for installation of wind turbines. Case study in Estonia. In: Wind Energy in the Baltics. 72-81 pp. Olev, R. ja Kull, A. Tuulikute energiatoodangu modelleerimine ja paigutuse optimeerimine tuuleparkides. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitas Tartuensis, 89, lk. 421-436. Tiit, V. and Kull, A. Wind energy in Estonia. In: Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik 2004. Vol. XI. S. 204-208. Kull, A. and Laas, A. (2003). Sustainable management of wind resources in coastal areas in Estonia. In: Beriatos, E., Brebbia, C.A., Coccossis, H. & Kungolos, A. (Eds.). Sustainable Planning and Development. The Sustainable World. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 69-78. Kull, A. and Laas, A. 2003. The influence of episodic meteorological events on nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements in a floodplain ecosystem. In: Mander, Ü., Vohla, C. and Poom, A. (Eds.). Constructed and riverine wetlands for optimal control of wastewater at catchment scale. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 94, 256-262. Kull, A. ja Laas, A. (2003). Eesti tuulekliima ja rannikualade tuuleressursi kasutamise võimalused. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. T. Frey (toim.). Tartu, lk. 84-93. Laas, A. and Kull, A. (2003). Application of GIS for soil erosion and nutrient loss modelling in a small river catchment. In: Beriatos, E., Brebbia, C.A., Coccossis, H. & Kungolos, A. (Eds.). Sustainable Planning and Development. The Sustainable World. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 525-534. Laas, A., Koduvere, E., Kull, A., Kuusemets, V. ja Mander, Ü. (2003). Maakasutuse muutuste mõju lämmastiku bilansile ja väljakandele väikestes põllumajanduslikes valglates. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. T. Frey (toim.). Tartu, lk. 117-126. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Frey, J. (2003). Residual cadmium and lead pollution at a former Soviet military airfield in Tartu, Estonia. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus. Mander, Ü., Oja, T., Hallemaa, H., Kull, A., R. Bendere, I. Kudrenickis, L. Sergeeva and G. Denafas (2003). Environmental Pollution Analysis of Energy Production and Consumption in the Baltic Region. In: E.Tiezzi, C.A.Brebbia, J-L.Uso (Eds.) Ecosystems and Sustainable Development IV Vol. 2, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 19, 2003, 835-845 WIT Press, Southampton. Reintam, L., Kull, A., Palang, H., Rooma, I. (2003) Large-scale soil maps and a supplementary database for land use planning in Estonia. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 166 (2), 225-231. Järvet, A., Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2002. Nutrient runoff change in a rural catchment in South Estonia. Archive für Hydrobiologie, 13:3-4, 305-319. Kull, A. 2001. Impact of weather and climatic fluctuations on nutrient flows in rural catchments. Dissertationes Geographicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 15, Tartu, 140 pp. Kull, A., Oja, T. (2001). Influence of climate change on nutrient flows in boreonemoral floodplain ecosystem. In: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. & Uso, J.L. (Eds.). Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III. Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 10. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 585-594. Kull, A. (2000). Weather influence on the water balance and nutrient flows in a small river catchment. Estonia. Geographical Studies 8. J.-M. Punning (Ed.). Tallinn, pp. 56-71. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V., (2000). Nutrient flows and land use change in a rural catchment: a modelling approach. Landscape Ecology, 15: 187-199. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Kuusemets, V. and Tamm, T. (2000). Nutrient runoff dynamics in a rural catchment: Influence of land-use changes, climatic fluctuations and ecotechnological measures. Ecological Engineering, 14: 405-417. Oja, T., Kull, A. (2000). Sensitivity of landscape to atmospheric pollution. In: Mander, Ü. and Jongman, R.H.G. (Eds.) Consequences of Land Use Changes. Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 5. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Pp. 147-159. Oja, T., Kull, A. and Tamm, T. (2000). Critical tresholds to atmospheric pollution and landscape sensitivity. Uncertainty of Critical Loads in the Baltic Countries. Environment. TemaNord 2000:544. Nordic Council of Ministers. Copenhagen, pp. 46-49. Reintam, L., Rooma, I. and Kull, A. (2000). Estonia. Soil and Terrain Database, Land Degradation Status and Soil Vulnerability Assessment for Central and Eastern Europe. Version 1.0. Land and Water Digital Media Series, 10. FAO. Reintam, L., Rooma, I., Kull, A., Kitse, E. and Reintam, I. (2000). Soil vulnerability and degradation in Estonia. In: Soil degradation status and vulnerability assessment for Central and Eastern Europe - Preliminary results of the SOVEUR Project. Proceedings of concluding workshop (Busteni, Romania, 26-31 October 1999). Batjes, N.H. (ed.). FAO-RISSA-ISRIC. Pp. 43-47. Kull, A., (1999).Eesti tuulekliima. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 85, lk. 86-95. Kull, A. (1999). Wind Energy. Possible Energy Sector Trends in Estonia. Context of Climate Change. Tallinn, pp. 105-124. Kull, A., Post, R. and Selg, V. (1999). Conclusions on Renewable Energy Resources, Their Potential and Economic Efficiency. Possible Energy Sector Trends in Estonia. Context of Climate Change. Tallinn, pp. 124-127. Kull, A. and Meitern, H. (1998). Changes in wind climate. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Assessments in the Republic of Estonia. Tarand, A. and Kallaste, T. (eds.). Tallinn. pp. 23-25. Mander, Ü and Kull, A. (1998). Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on water budget and nutrient runoff: the Porijogi river case study, Estonia. Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Climate and Water. Lemmelä, R. and Helenius, N. (Eds.). Espoo, Finland, 17-20 August 1998. Vol. 2., pp. 884-896 Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. (1998). Land use change and nutrient flows in a rural catchment. Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology. Dover, J.W., Bunce, R.G.H. (Eds.). IALE (UK), Preston. pp. 103-109. Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Tamm, V., Kuusemets, V. and Karjus, R. (1998). Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on runoff and nutrient losses in rural landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 41: 229-238. Oja, T., Kull, A., Tamm, T. (1998). Critical loads for air pollution in Estonia. Estonian Environmental Monitoring 1996. Estonian Ministry of Environment, Environment Information Centre, Tallinn. pp. 34-37. Roos, I., Kallaste, T., Kull, A. (1998). Potential for renewable energy sources. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Assessments in the Republic of Estonia. Tarand, A. and Kallaste, T. (eds.). Tallinn. pp. 9-10. Khalili, M., Ebbersten, S., Mosiej, J., Kull, A., Palang, H. (1997). The changing face of agriculture - land use and farm structure. In: Food and Fibres. Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery. B.Bodin and Ebbersten, S. (eds.), Uppsala, pp. 11-16. Kull, A., Hansson, S. (1997). Fish and fish catches. In: Food and Fibres. Sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery. B.Bodin and Ebbersten, S. (eds.), Uppsala, pp. 49-50. Kull, A., Mander, Ü. (1997). Ainevood muutuva maakasutuse ja ilmastiku tingimustes. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. T. Frey (toim.) Eesti VII Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, lk. 115-121. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. (1997). Book review. Climate Change Research: Evaluation and Policy Implications. Ecological Economics, 20: 95-97. Mander, Ü., Kull, A. (1997). Variation of Runoff and Nutrient Fluxes in an Agricultural Watershed: Influence of Land Use Changes and Climatic Fluctuations. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. Usó, J. L., Brebbia, C.A., Power, H. (Eds.). Advances in Ecological Sciences. Vol. 1. WIT Press, Southampton Boston, pp. 183-192. Oja, T., Kull, A, Tamm, T. (1997). Eesti looduslike taimekoosluste vastupanuvõime N ja S saastele. Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. T. 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last updated: 03.08.2005
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