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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Anneli
2.Perekonnanimi Poska
3.Töökoht TTÜ Geoloogia Instituut/TÜ Geoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 29.04.1969 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool, geloogia, 1992
7.Teenistuskäik 1992 – 1993 Uppsala Ülikooli maateaduste osakonna külalisuurija (SI stipendiaadina);
1993 – 1996 TTÜ GI kvaternaarigeoloogia osakonna nooremteadur;
1994 – 1995 Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudi Botaanika osakonna insener;
1996 – 2002 Uppsala Ülikooli maateaduste osakonna doktorant;
1996 - 2002 TTÜ GI kvaternaarigeoloogia osakonna teadur;
2001 - 2002 Haridus- ja teadusministeeriumi poliitikaosakonna peaekspert riiklike programmide alal;
2003 - TTÜ GI kvaternaarigeoloogia osakonna erakorraline vanemteadur;
2004 - TÜ GI erakorraline vanemteadur;
1992 Rootsi Instituudi stipendiaat;
1997 and 1999. C. J. Liljewalsi stipendiaat;
2000 Helge Ax:son stipendiaat.
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Uppsala Ülikool, 2001
10.Tunnustused -
ja –administratiivne
INQUA PMP (Pollen Monitoring Program) asutaja ja tegevliige ning NorFa POLLANDCAL Network tegevliige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad kvaternaari geoloogia; taimkatte ajalugu; eelajalooline maakasutus; paleokliima ja -ökoloogia; statistiline andmetöötlus; maastiku arengu modelleerimine
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 5923.

Veski, S., Heinsalu, A., Klassen, V., Kriiska, A., Lõugas, L., Poska, A. & Saluäär, U. 2005. Early Holocene coastal settlement and palaeoenvironment on the shore of the Baltic Sea at Pärnu, southwestern Estonia. Quaternary International 130, 75-85.

Veski, S., Koppel, K. & Poska, A. 2005. Decadal scale reconstruction of land use development during the last 1000 years in Rõuge, S Estonia: using pollen analyses of annually laminated lake sediments, historical maps and documents. Journal of Biogeography, 32, 8, 1473-1488.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. & Veski, S. 2004. Reflections of pre- and early-agrarian human impact in the pollen diagrams of Estonia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 209, 37-50.

Seppä, H., Birks, H.J.B., Odland, A., Poska, A. & Veski, S. 2004. Modern pollen-climate training set from northern Europe: developing and testing a tool for palaeoclimatological reconstructions, Journal of Biogeography, 31, 251-267.

Seppä, H. & Poska, A. 2004. Holocene annual mean temperature changes in Estonia and their relationship to past solar insolation and atmospheric circulation patterns. Quaternary Research, 61, 1, 22-31.

Niinemets, E., Saarse, L. Poska, A., 2002. Vegetation history and human impact in the Parika area, Central Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Geology, 51, 4, 241-258.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. 2002. Biostratigraphy and dating of a lake sediment sequence on the north-west Estonian carbonaceous plateau, interpreted in terms of human impact in the surroundings. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot, 11, 3, 191-200.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. 2002. Vegetation development and introduction of agriculture to Saaremaa Island, Estonia: the human response to shore displacement. The Holocene, 12, 555-568.

Veski, S., Heinsalu, A., Kirsimäe, K., Poska, A., Saarse, L., 2001. Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali Meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 36, 10, 1367-1376.

Poska, A., Saarse, L.,1999. Holocene vegetation and land-use history in the environs of Lake Kahala, northern Estonia. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot., Vol. 8, No. 3, 185-197.

Poska, A., Saarse, L., Veski, S. and Kihno, K. 1999. Farming from the Neolithic to the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Estonia, as reflected in pollen diagrams. In: U. Miller, T. Hackens, V. Lang, A. Raukas and S. Hicks (Eds.), Environmental and cultural history of the Eastern Baltic region, PACT, 57, 305–317.

Poska, A., Veski, S., 1999. Man and Environment at 9500 BP. A palynological study of an Early-Mesolithic settlement site in South-West Estonia. Acta Palaeobotanica, supplement 2, 603–607.

Saarse, L., Heinsalu, A., Poska, A., Veski, S. and Rajamäe, R. 1999. Palaeoecology and human impact in the vicinity of Lake Kahala, Northern Estonia. In: U. Miller, T. Hackens, V. Lang, A. Raukas and S. Hicks (Eds.), Environmental and cultural history of the Eastern Baltic region, PACT, 57, 373–403.

Saarse, L., Poska, A., Veski, S. 1999. Spread of Alnus and Picea in Estonia. Proceedings Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 48, 3, 170–186.

viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Anneli
2.Surname Poska
3.Institution TTU Institute of Geology/TU Institue of Geology
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 29.04.1969 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher, University of Tartu, geology, 1992
7.Research and
professional experience
1992 – 1993 postgraduate student at Uppsala University with the Swedish Institute scholarship;
1993 – 1996 Institute of Geology, Tallinn Technical University (TTU GI) junior researcher;
1994 – 1995 Institute of Zoology and Botany, engineer; 1996 – 2002 PhD student at Uppsala University;
1996 - 2002 TTU GI researcher;
2001 - 2002 Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, senior expert on State programs;
2003 - TTU GI senior researcher;
2004 - TU GI senior researcher;
1992 Swedish Institute scholarship;
1997 and 1999. C. J. Liljewals scholarship;
2000 Helge Ax:son scholarship.
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Uppsala University, 2001
10.Honours/awards -
Participation in INQUA PMP (Pollen Monitoring Program) and NorFa POLLANDAL network.
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Quaternary geology, vegetation history, prehistoric land-use; palaeoclimate and -ecology, numerical analysis, landscape modelling
14.Current grant funding ETF grant nr. 5923.
15.List of most important publications

Veski, S., Heinsalu, A., Klassen, V., Kriiska, A., Lõugas, L., Poska, A. & Saluäär, U. 2005. Early Holocene coastal settlement and palaeoenvironment on the shore of the Baltic Sea at Pärnu, southwestern Estonia. Quaternary International 130, 75-85.

Veski, S., Koppel, K. & Poska, A. 2005. Decadal scale reconstruction of land use development during the last 1000 years in Rõuge, S Estonia: using pollen analyses of annually laminated lake sediments, historical maps and documents. Journal of Biogeography, 32, 8, 1473-1488.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. & Veski, S. 2004. Reflections of pre- and early-agrarian human impact in the pollen diagrams of Estonia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 209, 37-50.

Seppä, H., Birks, H.J.B., Odland, A., Poska, A. & Veski, S. 2004. Modern pollen-climate training set from northern Europe: developing and testing a tool for palaeoclimatological reconstructions, Journal of Biogeography, 31, 251-267.

Seppä, H. & Poska, A. 2004. Holocene annual mean temperature changes in Estonia and their relationship to past solar insolation and atmospheric circulation patterns. Quaternary Research, 61, 1, 22-31.

Niinemets, E., Saarse, L. Poska, A., 2002. Vegetation history and human impact in the Parika area, Central Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Geology, 51, 4, 241-258.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. 2002. Biostratigraphy and dating of a lake sediment sequence on the north-west Estonian carbonaceous plateau, interpreted in terms of human impact in the surroundings. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot, 11, 3, 191-200.

Poska, A., Saarse, L. 2002. Vegetation development and introduction of agriculture to Saaremaa Island, Estonia: the human response to shore displacement. The Holocene, 12, 555-568.

Veski, S., Heinsalu, A., Kirsimäe, K., Poska, A., Saarse, L., 2001. Ecological catastrophe in connection with the impact of the Kaali Meteorite about 800-400 BC on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 36, 10, 1367-1376.

Poska, A., Saarse, L.,1999. Holocene vegetation and land-use history in the environs of Lake Kahala, northern Estonia. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot., Vol. 8, No. 3, 185-197.

Poska, A., Saarse, L., Veski, S. and Kihno, K. 1999. Farming from the Neolithic to the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Estonia, as reflected in pollen diagrams. In: U. Miller, T. Hackens, V. Lang, A. Raukas and S. Hicks (Eds.), Environmental and cultural history of the Eastern Baltic region, PACT, 57, 305–317.

Poska, A., Veski, S., 1999. Man and Environment at 9500 BP. A palynological study of an Early-Mesolithic settlement site in South-West Estonia. Acta Palaeobotanica, supplement 2, 603–607.

Saarse, L., Heinsalu, A., Poska, A., Veski, S. and Rajamäe, R. 1999. Palaeoecology and human impact in the vicinity of Lake Kahala, Northern Estonia. In: U. Miller, T. Hackens, V. Lang, A. Raukas and S. Hicks (Eds.), Environmental and cultural history of the Eastern Baltic region, PACT, 57, 373–403.

Saarse, L., Poska, A., Veski, S. 1999. Spread of Alnus and Picea in Estonia. Proceedings Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 48, 3, 170–186.

last updated: 05.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]