[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Jüri
2.Perekonnanimi Allik
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, pspühholoogia osakond
4.Ametikoht eksperimentaalpsühholoogia professor, osakonna juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 03.03.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1973 Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, psühholoogia diplom
1976 Psühholoogia kandidaat (Moskva Riiklik Ülikool)
1991 PhD psühholoogia (Tampere Ülikool)
7.Teenistuskäik 2003- SA Eesti Teadusfond, nõukogu esimees
2002- Tartu Ülikooli psühholoogia osakonna juhataja
2002- Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalpsühholoogia professor
1992-2002 Tartu Ülikooli psühhofüüsika professor
1996-2001 Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduskonna dekaan
1993-1995 Tartu Ülikooli psühholoogia osakonna juhataja
1991-1992 Jyväskylä Ülikooli vanemassistent ja dotsent
1989-1992 Tartu Ülikooli psühhomeetria ja psühhofüüsika laboratooriumi juhtivteadur
1985-1989 Tartu Ülikooli biofüüsika laboratooriumi vanemteadur
1975-1978 Tartu Ülikooli psühholoogia osakonna vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad Psühholoogia kandidaat
PhD psühholoogia
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Moskva Riiklik Ülikool 1976
Tampere Ülikool 1991
10.Tunnustused 1992 Tampere Ülikooli Sihtasustuse autasu
1997 Soome Teaduste Akadeemia välisliige
1998 Eesti Riigi Teaduspreemia sostiaalteaduste alal
2001 Valgetähe 4. klassi orden
2005 Eesti Riigi Teaduspreemia sostiaalteaduste alal
ja –administratiivne
Associate Editor, European Journal of Personality (2004- )
Consulting Editor, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2004- )
Consulting Editor, European Journal of Psychological Asssessment (2005- )
Editorial Board, Acta Psychologica (Published by the Elsevier Science B.V.) (1995- )
Toimetaja, Trames (1995- )
Eesti Teaduusfondi sotsiaalteaduste ekspertkomisjoni esimees, (1993-1996; 2003- )
Eesti Psühholoogide Liit, nõukogu liige (1988-2004)
Eesti Psühholoogide Liit, asepresident (1994-2004)
Eesti Psühholoogide Liit, president (1988-1994)
Tutor, Summer School on Visual Perception (European Society of Cognitive Psychology), Stockholm, 1989.
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, October-December 1990.
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January-March 1991.
Lecturer, Winter School on Perception of Structure, Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, February 1993
Visiting Research Fellow, Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA, February-March 1995.
Winer Memorial Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, April-May 1999.
Fellow, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany, January-July 2001.
Fellow, The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2001-June 2002.
Winer Memorial Guest, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, July-August 2003
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Helle Pullmann, PhD, 2005, juh. Jüri Allik. The development of intelligence and personality traits among Estonian schoolchildren. Tartu

Kairi Kreegipuu, PhD, 2004, juh. Jüri Allik. Availability and accessibility of information in perception of moving stimuli. Tartu

Anneli Kolk, PhD, 2001, juh. Tiina Talvik ja Jüri Allik. Cognitive development of children with non-progressive unilateral brain lesion. Tartu

Aune Valk, PhD, 2001, juh. Jüri Allik. Two facets of ethnic identity: pride and differentiation. Tartu

Maaja Vadi, PhD, 2000, juh. Janno Reiljan ja Jüri Allik. Organisatsioonikultuur ja väärtused ning nendevahelised seosed (Eesti näitel). Tartu

Anu Realo, PhD, 1999, juh. Jüri Allik. Individualism and collectivism: an exploration of individual and cultural differences. Tartu

Aleksander Pulver, PhD, 1995, juh. Jüri Allik. Measurement of elementary movement vectors in human visual system. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad liikumistaju
kultuuridevahelised erinevused
14.Jooksvad grandid Sihtfinantseeritav teema 0180543 "Isiksuse omaduste kaardistamine ja mentaalne kronomeetria"

ETF-i grant 5677 "Koolilaste vaimse arengutaseme hindamine ja õpiedukust mõjutavad tegurid"

Allik, J. (2005) Personality dimensions across cultures. Journal of Personality Disorders 19, 212-232.

Allik, J. & Konstabel, K. (2005). G. F. Parrot and the theory of unconscious inferences. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 41, 317-330.

Fetissov, S.O., Harro, J., Jaanisk, M., Järv, A., Podar, I., Allik, J., Nilsson, I., Sakthivel, P., Lefvert, A.K., & Hökfelt, T. (2005). Autoantibodies against neuropeptides are associated with psychological traits in eating disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102, 14865–14870.

McCrae, R.R., Terracciano, A., Khoury, B., Nansubuga F., Kneževič, G. Djuric Jocic, D., Ahn, H., Ahn, C., De Fruyt, F., Gülgöz, S., Ruch, W., Arif Ghayur, M., Avia, M.D., Sánchez-Bernardos, M.L., Rossier, J., Dahourou, D., Fischer, R., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Yik, M.S.M., Smith, P.B., Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F., Halim, M.S., Hřebíčková, M., Martin, T.A., Sineshaw, T., Sekowski, A., Klinkosz, W., Prentice, G., McRorie, M., Flores-Mendoza, C., Shimonaka, Y., Nakazato, K., Mastor, K.A., Barbaranelli, C., Alcalay, L., Simonetti, F., Pramila, V.S., Falzon, R., Lauri, M. A., Borg Cunen, M.A., Calleja, S.S., Pedroso de Lima, M., Bratko, D., Marušić, I., Allik, J., Realo, A., Abdel Khalek, A.M., Alansari, B.M., del Pilar, G.E.H., Ojedokun, A.O., Munyae, M., Budzinski, L., Oishi, S., Diener, E., Chittcharat, N., Wang, L., Beer, A., Humrichouse, J., Mortensen, E.L., Jensen, H.H., Jónsson, F.H., Ficková, E., Adamovová, L., Rus, V.S., Podobnik, N., Diaz-Loving, R., Leibovich, N.B., Schmidt, V., Reátegui, N., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Ayearst, L.E., Trobst, K.K., Matsumoto, D., Neubauer, A., Porrata, J., Rolland, J.-P., Petot, J.-M., & Camart, N. (2005). Universal features of personality traits from the observer’s perspective: Data from 50 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 547-561.

Terracciano, A., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Adam, N., Adamovova, L., Ahn, C., Ahn, H., Alansari, B. M., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Ayearst, L. E., Barbaranelli, C., Beer, A., Borg-Cunen, M. A., Bratko, D., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Budzinski, L., Camart, N., Dahourou, D., De Fruyt, F., de Lima, M. P., del Pilar, G. E. H., Diener, E., Falzon, R., Fernando, K., Fickova, E., Fischer, R., Flores-Mendoza, C., Ghayur, M. A., Gulgoz, S., Hagberg, B., Halberstadt, J., Halim, M. S., Hrebickova, M., Humrichouse, J., Jensen, H. H., Jocic, D. D., Jonsson, F. H., Khoury, B., Klinkosz, W., Knezevic, G., Lauri, M. A., Leibovich, N., Martin, T. A., Marusic, I., Mastor, K. A., Matsumoto, D., McRorie, M., Meshcheriakov, B., Mortensen, E. L., Munyae, M., Nagy, J., Nakazato, K., Nansubuga, F., Oishi, S., Ojedokun, A. O., Ostendorf, F., Paulhus, D. L., Pelevin, S., Petot, J.-M., Podobnik, N., Porrata, J. L., Pramila, V. S., Prentice, G., Realo, A., Reategui, N., Rolland, J.-P., Rossier, J., Ruch, W., Rus, V. S., Sanchez-Bernardos, M. L., Schmidt, V., Sciculna-Calleja, S., Sekowski, A., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Shimonaka, Y., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Siuta, J., Smith, P. B., Trapnell, P. D., Trobst, K. K., Wang, L., Yik, M., Zupancic, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2005). National Character Does Not Reflect Mean Personality Trait Levels in 49 Cultures. Science, 310, 96-100.

Terracciano, A., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Adam, N., Adamovova, L., Ahn, C., Ahn, H., Alansari, B. M., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Ayearst, L. E., Barbaranelli, C., Beer, A., Borg-Cunen, M. A., Bratko, D., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Budzinski, L., Camart, N., Dahourou, D., De Fruyt, F., de Lima, M. P., del Pilar, G. E. H., Diener, E., Falzon, R., Fernando, K., Fickova, E., Fischer, R., Flores-Mendoza, C., Ghayur, M. A., Gulgoz, S., Hagberg, B., Halberstadt, J., Halim, M. S., Hrebickova, M., Humrichouse, J., Jensen, H. H., Jocic, D. D., Jonsson, F. H., Khoury, B., Klinkosz, W., Knezevic, G., Lauri, M. A., Leibovich, N., Martin, T. A., Marusic, I., Mastor, K. A., Matsumoto, D., McRorie, M., Meshcheriakov, B., Mortensen, E. L., Munyae, M., Nagy, J., Nakazato, K., Nansubuga, F., Oishi, S., Ojedokun, A. O., Ostendorf, F., Paulhus, D. L., Pelevin, S., Petot, J.-M., Podobnik, N., Porrata, J. L., Pramila, V. S., Prentice, G., Realo, A., Reategui, N., Rolland, J.-P., Rossier, J., Ruch, W., Rus, V. S., Sanchez-Bernardos, M. L., Schmidt, V., Sciculna-Calleja, S., Sekowski, A., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Shimonaka, Y., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Siuta, J., Smith, P. B., Trapnell, P. D., Trobst, K. K., Wang, L., Yik, M., Zupancic, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2005). National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures. Science, 310, 96-100.

Allik, J., Laidra, K., Realo, A., & Pullmann, H. (2004). Personality development from 12 to 18 years of age: changes in mean levels and structure of traits. European Journal of Personality, 18, 445-462.

Allik, J., McCrae, R.R. (2004). Escapable conclusion: Toomela (2003) and the universality of trait structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 261-265.

Allik, J., & McCrae, R.R. (2004). Towards a geography of personality traits: patterns of profiles across 36 cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 13-28.

Allik, J., Realo, A. (2004). Individualism-collectivism and social capital. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 29-49.

Kreegipuu, K. & Allik, J. (2004). Confusion of space and time in the flash-lag effect. Perception, 33, 293-306.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., & Irving, P. (2004). Sex differences on three factors identified in Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices. Intelligence, 32, 411-424.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., Pullmann, H., & Laidra, K. (2004). Sex differences on the progressive matrices among adolescents: Some data from Estonia. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1249-1255.

Pullmann, H., Allik, J. & Lynn, R. (2004). The growth of IQ among Estonian schoolchildren from 7 to 19. Journal of Biosocial Science, 36, 735-740.

Realo, A., Kästik, L., & Allik, J. (2004). Individualism-collectivism and elementary forms of sociality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21, 793-808

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allensworth, M., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Fowler, R., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Giri, V.N., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Haque, S., Hefer, E., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hitchell, A., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Huffcutt, A., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Mkhize, N.J., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Olimat, H., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schleeter, R., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Sharan, M.B., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Turner, A., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Van Wesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2004). Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: are models of self and other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 367-402

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Foley, D., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Spyrou, S., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Vanwesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2004). Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: The effect of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person’s partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 560-584.

Allik, J. (2003). The quality of science in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania after the first decade of independence. Trames, 7 (57/52), 40-52.

Allik, J., Toom, M., & Luuk, A. (2003). Planning of saccadic eye movement direction and amplitude. Psychological Research, 67, 10-21.

Kreegipuu, K., & Allik, J. (2003). Perceived onset time and position of a moving stimulus. Vision Research, 43, 1625-1635.

Lynn, R., Pullmann, H. & Allik, J. (2003). A new estimate of the IQ in Estonia. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 662-664.

Merenäkk, L., Harro, M., Kiive, E., Laidra, K., Eensoo, D., Allik, J., Oreland, L., & Harro; J. (2003). Association between substance use, personality traits and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1507-1514.

Must, O., Must, A., & Raudik, V. (2003). The Flynn effect for gains in literacy found in Estonia is not a Jensen effect. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 1287-1292

Realo, A., Allik, J., Nõlvak, A., Valk, R., Ruus, T., Schmidt, M., & Eilola, T. (2003). Mind-reading ability: beliefs and performance. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 420-445.

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allensworth, M., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Fowler, R., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Giri, V.N., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Haque, S., Hefer, E., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hitchell, A., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Huffcutt, A., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Mkhize, N.J., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Olimat, H., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schleeter, R., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Sharan, M.B., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Turner, A., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Van Wesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2003). Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Personal Relationships, 10, 309–333.

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Foley, D., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Spyrou, S., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Vanwesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2003). Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 85-104.

Aavik, T. & Allik, J. (2002). The structure of Estonian personal values: A lexical approach. European Journal of Personality, 16, 221-235.

Allik, J. (2002). Towards a theory of personality. In L.Bäckman & C. von Hofsten (Eds.) Psychology at the turn of millennium, Vol. 2: Social, developmental, and clinical perspectives (pp. 179-200). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

Allik, J. & McCrae, R.R. (2002). A Five-Factor Theory perspective. In McCrae, R.R. & Allik, J. (Eds.), The Five-Factor Model across cultures (pp. 303-321). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., Pullmann, H., & Laidra, K. (2002). A study of intelligence in Estonia. Psychological Reports, 91, 1022-1026.

McCrae, R.R. & Allik, J. (Eds.), The Five-Factor Model Across Cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002

Realo, A., Koido, K., Ceulemans, E., & Allik, J. (2002). Three components of individualism. European Journal of Personality, 16, 163-184.

Costa, P. T., Jr., McCrae, R. R., Martin, T. A., Oryol, V. E., Senin, I. G., Rukavishnikov, A. A., Shimonaka, Y., Nakazato, K., Gondo, Y.,Takayama, M., Allik, J., Kallasmaa, T., & Realo, A. (2000). Personality development from adolescence through adulthood: Further cross-cultural comparisons of age differences. In V. J. Molfese & D. Molfese (Eds.), Temperament and personality development across the life span. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kallasmaa, T., Allik, J., Realo, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2000). The Estonian version of the NEO-PI-R: An examination of universal and culture-specific aspects of the five-factor model. European Journal of Personality, 14, 265-278.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., & Must, O., (2000). Sex differences in brain size, stature and intelligence in children and adoloscence: Some evidence from Estonia. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 555-560.

Pullmann, H. & Allik, J. (2000). The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: its dimensionality, stability, and personality correlates in Estonian. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 701-715.

viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Jüri
2.Surname Allik
3.Institution University of Tartu, Department of Psychology
4.Position Professor of Experimental Psychology, Head of Department
5.Date of birth 03.03.1949 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1973 Dipl. Psychol., University of Tartu
1976 Candidate of Science (Ph.D.), Psychology, University of Moscow
1991 Ph.D. (psychology), University of Tampere, Finland
7.Research and
professional experience
2003- Chairman, Estonian Science Foundation
2002- Head, Department of Psychology, University of Tartu
2002- Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Tartu
1992-2002 Professor of Psychophysics, University of Tartu
1996-2001 Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tartu
1993-1995 Head, Department of Psychology, University of Tartu
1991-1992 Docent and Senior Assistant, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
1989-1992 Research Professor, Laboratory of Psychometry and Psychophysics, University of Tartu
1985-1989 Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Biophysics, University of Tartu
1975-1978 Senior Research Fellow, Department of Psychology University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Candidate of Science (Ph.D.)
Ph.D. (psychology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Moscow 1976
University of Tampere 1991
10.Honours/awards 1992 Award of the Tampere University Foundation
1997 Foreign Member, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
1998 Estonian National Science Award, Social Sciences Category
2001 4th Class Order of the White Star, Decoration of the Republic of Estonia
2005 Estonian National Science Award, Social Sciences Category
Associate Editor, European Journal of Personality (2004- )
Consulting Editor, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2004- )
Editorial Board, Acta Psychologica (Published by the Elsevier Science B.V.) (1995- )
Consulting Editor, European Journal of Psychological Asssessment (2005- )
Editor, Trames (1995- )
Member, Council of the Estonian Science Foundation, Chairman of the Panel of Social Sciences, (1993-1996; 2003- )
Board of Directors, Estonian Psychological Association (1988-2004)
Vice-President, Estonian Psychological Association (1994-2004)
President, Estonian Psychological Association (1988-1994)
Tutor, Summer School on Visual Perception (European Society of Cognitive Psychology), Stockholm, 1989.
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, October-December 1990.
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January-March 1991.
Lecturer, Winter School on Perception of Structure, Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, February 1993
Visiting Research Fellow, Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA, February-March 1995.
Winer Memorial Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, April-May 1999.
Fellow, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany, January-July 2001.
Fellow, The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2001-June 2002.
Winer Memorial Guest, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, July-August 2003
12.Supervised dissertations

Helle Pullmann, PhD, 2005, superv. Jüri Allik. The development of intelligence and personality traits among Estonian schoolchildren. Tartu

Kairi Kreegipuu, PhD, 2004, superv. Jüri Allik. Availability and accessibility of information in perception of moving stimuli. Tartu

Anneli Kolk, PhD, 2001, superv. Tiina Talvik ja Jüri Allik. Cognitive development of children with non-progressive unilateral brain lesion. Tartu

Aune Valk, PhD, 2001, superv. Jüri Allik. Two facets of ethnic identity: pride and differentiation. Tartu

Maaja Vadi, PhD, 2000, superv. Janno Reiljan ja Jüri Allik. Organisatsioonikultuur ja väärtused ning nendevahelised seosed (Eesti näitel). Tartu

Anu Realo, PhD, 1999, superv. Jüri Allik. Individualism and collectivism: an exploration of individual and cultural differences. Tartu

Aleksander Pulver, PhD, 1995, superv. Jüri Allik. Measurement of elementary movement vectors in human visual system. Tartu

13.Current research program motion perception
personality psychology
cross-cultural differences
14.Current grant funding Grant 0180543 from the Estonian Ministry of Science and Education

Grant 5677 from the Estonian Science Foundation
15.List of most important publications

Allik, J. (2005) Personality dimensions across cultures. Journal of Personality Disorders 19, 212-232.

Allik, J. & Konstabel, K. (2005). G. F. Parrot and the theory of unconscious inferences. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 41, 317-330.

Fetissov, S.O., Harro, J., Jaanisk, M., Järv, A., Podar, I., Allik, J., Nilsson, I., Sakthivel, P., Lefvert, A.K., & Hökfelt, T. (2005). Autoantibodies against neuropeptides are associated with psychological traits in eating disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102, 14865–14870.

McCrae, R.R., Terracciano, A., Khoury, B., Nansubuga F., Kneževič, G. Djuric Jocic, D., Ahn, H., Ahn, C., De Fruyt, F., Gülgöz, S., Ruch, W., Arif Ghayur, M., Avia, M.D., Sánchez-Bernardos, M.L., Rossier, J., Dahourou, D., Fischer, R., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Yik, M.S.M., Smith, P.B., Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F., Halim, M.S., Hřebíčková, M., Martin, T.A., Sineshaw, T., Sekowski, A., Klinkosz, W., Prentice, G., McRorie, M., Flores-Mendoza, C., Shimonaka, Y., Nakazato, K., Mastor, K.A., Barbaranelli, C., Alcalay, L., Simonetti, F., Pramila, V.S., Falzon, R., Lauri, M. A., Borg Cunen, M.A., Calleja, S.S., Pedroso de Lima, M., Bratko, D., Marušić, I., Allik, J., Realo, A., Abdel Khalek, A.M., Alansari, B.M., del Pilar, G.E.H., Ojedokun, A.O., Munyae, M., Budzinski, L., Oishi, S., Diener, E., Chittcharat, N., Wang, L., Beer, A., Humrichouse, J., Mortensen, E.L., Jensen, H.H., Jónsson, F.H., Ficková, E., Adamovová, L., Rus, V.S., Podobnik, N., Diaz-Loving, R., Leibovich, N.B., Schmidt, V., Reátegui, N., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Ayearst, L.E., Trobst, K.K., Matsumoto, D., Neubauer, A., Porrata, J., Rolland, J.-P., Petot, J.-M., & Camart, N. (2005). Universal features of personality traits from the observer’s perspective: Data from 50 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 547-561.

Terracciano, A., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Adam, N., Adamovova, L., Ahn, C., Ahn, H., Alansari, B. M., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Ayearst, L. E., Barbaranelli, C., Beer, A., Borg-Cunen, M. A., Bratko, D., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Budzinski, L., Camart, N., Dahourou, D., De Fruyt, F., de Lima, M. P., del Pilar, G. E. H., Diener, E., Falzon, R., Fernando, K., Fickova, E., Fischer, R., Flores-Mendoza, C., Ghayur, M. A., Gulgoz, S., Hagberg, B., Halberstadt, J., Halim, M. S., Hrebickova, M., Humrichouse, J., Jensen, H. H., Jocic, D. D., Jonsson, F. H., Khoury, B., Klinkosz, W., Knezevic, G., Lauri, M. A., Leibovich, N., Martin, T. A., Marusic, I., Mastor, K. A., Matsumoto, D., McRorie, M., Meshcheriakov, B., Mortensen, E. L., Munyae, M., Nagy, J., Nakazato, K., Nansubuga, F., Oishi, S., Ojedokun, A. O., Ostendorf, F., Paulhus, D. L., Pelevin, S., Petot, J.-M., Podobnik, N., Porrata, J. L., Pramila, V. S., Prentice, G., Realo, A., Reategui, N., Rolland, J.-P., Rossier, J., Ruch, W., Rus, V. S., Sanchez-Bernardos, M. L., Schmidt, V., Sciculna-Calleja, S., Sekowski, A., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Shimonaka, Y., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Siuta, J., Smith, P. B., Trapnell, P. D., Trobst, K. K., Wang, L., Yik, M., Zupancic, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2005). National Character Does Not Reflect Mean Personality Trait Levels in 49 Cultures. Science, 310, 96-100.

Terracciano, A., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Adam, N., Adamovova, L., Ahn, C., Ahn, H., Alansari, B. M., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Ayearst, L. E., Barbaranelli, C., Beer, A., Borg-Cunen, M. A., Bratko, D., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Budzinski, L., Camart, N., Dahourou, D., De Fruyt, F., de Lima, M. P., del Pilar, G. E. H., Diener, E., Falzon, R., Fernando, K., Fickova, E., Fischer, R., Flores-Mendoza, C., Ghayur, M. A., Gulgoz, S., Hagberg, B., Halberstadt, J., Halim, M. S., Hrebickova, M., Humrichouse, J., Jensen, H. H., Jocic, D. D., Jonsson, F. H., Khoury, B., Klinkosz, W., Knezevic, G., Lauri, M. A., Leibovich, N., Martin, T. A., Marusic, I., Mastor, K. A., Matsumoto, D., McRorie, M., Meshcheriakov, B., Mortensen, E. L., Munyae, M., Nagy, J., Nakazato, K., Nansubuga, F., Oishi, S., Ojedokun, A. O., Ostendorf, F., Paulhus, D. L., Pelevin, S., Petot, J.-M., Podobnik, N., Porrata, J. L., Pramila, V. S., Prentice, G., Realo, A., Reategui, N., Rolland, J.-P., Rossier, J., Ruch, W., Rus, V. S., Sanchez-Bernardos, M. L., Schmidt, V., Sciculna-Calleja, S., Sekowski, A., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Shimonaka, Y., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Siuta, J., Smith, P. B., Trapnell, P. D., Trobst, K. K., Wang, L., Yik, M., Zupancic, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2005). National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures. Science, 310, 96-100.

Allik, J., Laidra, K., Realo, A., & Pullmann, H. (2004). Personality development from 12 to 18 years of age: changes in mean levels and structure of traits. European Journal of Personality, 18, 445-462.

Allik, J., McCrae, R.R. (2004). Escapable conclusion: Toomela (2003) and the universality of trait structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 261-265.

Allik, J., & McCrae, R.R. (2004). Towards a geography of personality traits: patterns of profiles across 36 cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 13-28.

Allik, J., Realo, A. (2004). Individualism-collectivism and social capital. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 29-49.

Kreegipuu, K. & Allik, J. (2004). Confusion of space and time in the flash-lag effect. Perception, 33, 293-306.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., & Irving, P. (2004). Sex differences on three factors identified in Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices. Intelligence, 32, 411-424.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., Pullmann, H., & Laidra, K. (2004). Sex differences on the progressive matrices among adolescents: Some data from Estonia. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1249-1255.

Pullmann, H., Allik, J. & Lynn, R. (2004). The growth of IQ among Estonian schoolchildren from 7 to 19. Journal of Biosocial Science, 36, 735-740.

Realo, A., Kästik, L., & Allik, J. (2004). Individualism-collectivism and elementary forms of sociality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21, 793-808

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allensworth, M., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Fowler, R., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Giri, V.N., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Haque, S., Hefer, E., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hitchell, A., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Huffcutt, A., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Mkhize, N.J., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Olimat, H., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schleeter, R., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Sharan, M.B., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Turner, A., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Van Wesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2004). Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: are models of self and other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 367-402

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Foley, D., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Spyrou, S., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Vanwesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2004). Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: The effect of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person’s partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 560-584.

Allik, J. (2003). The quality of science in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania after the first decade of independence. Trames, 7 (57/52), 40-52.

Allik, J., Toom, M., & Luuk, A. (2003). Planning of saccadic eye movement direction and amplitude. Psychological Research, 67, 10-21.

Kreegipuu, K., & Allik, J. (2003). Perceived onset time and position of a moving stimulus. Vision Research, 43, 1625-1635.

Lynn, R., Pullmann, H. & Allik, J. (2003). A new estimate of the IQ in Estonia. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 662-664.

Merenäkk, L., Harro, M., Kiive, E., Laidra, K., Eensoo, D., Allik, J., Oreland, L., & Harro; J. (2003). Association between substance use, personality traits and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1507-1514.

Must, O., Must, A., & Raudik, V. (2003). The Flynn effect for gains in literacy found in Estonia is not a Jensen effect. Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 1287-1292

Realo, A., Allik, J., Nõlvak, A., Valk, R., Ruus, T., Schmidt, M., & Eilola, T. (2003). Mind-reading ability: beliefs and performance. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 420-445.

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allensworth, M., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Fowler, R., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Giri, V.N., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Haque, S., Hefer, E., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hitchell, A., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Huffcutt, A., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Mkhize, N.J., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Olimat, H., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schleeter, R., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Sharan, M.B., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Turner, A., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Van Wesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2003). Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Personal Relationships, 10, 309–333.

Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Ault, L., Austers, I., Bennett, K.L., Bianchi, G., Boholst, F., Borg Cunen, M.A., Braeckman, J., Brainerd Jr., E.G., Caral, L.G.A., Caron, G., Casullo, M.M., Cunningham, M., Daibo, I., De Backer, C., De Souza, E., Diaz-Loving, R., Diniz, G., Durkin, K., Echegaray, M., Eremsoy, E., Euler, H.A., Falzon, R., Fisher, M.L., Foley, D., Fry, D.P., Fry, S., Ghayur, M.A., Golden, D.L., Grammer, K., Grimaldi, L., Halberstadt, J., Herrera, D., Hertel, J., Hoffman, H., Hradilekova, Z., Hudek-Kene-evi, J., Jaafar, J., Jankauskaite, M., Kabangu-Stahel, H., Kardum, I., Khoury, B., Kwon, H., Laidra, K., Laireiter, A., Lakerveld, D., Lampart, A., Lauri, M., Lavallée, M., Lee, S., Leung, L.C., Locke, K.D., Locke, V., Luksik, I., Magaisa, I., Marcinkeviciene, J., Mata, A., Mata, R., McCarthy, B., Mills, M.E., Moreira, J., Moreira, S., Moya, M., Munyea, M., Noller, P., Opre, A., Panayiotou, A., Petrovic, N., Poels, K., Popper, M., Poulimenou, M., P’yatokha, V., Raymond, M., Reips, U., Reneau, S.E., Rivera-Aragon, S., Rowatt, W.C., Ruch, W., Rus, V.S., Safir, M.P., Salas, S., Sambataro, F., Sandnabba, K.N., Schulmeyer, M.K., Schütz, A., Scrimali, T., Shackelford, T.K., Shaver, P.R., Sichona, F., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Sookdew, R., Speelman, T., Spyrou, S., Sümer, H.C., Sümer, N., Supekova, M., Szlendak, T., Taylor, R., Timmermans, B., Tooke, W., Tsaousis, I., Tungaraza, F.S.K., Vandermassen, G., Vanhoomissen, T., Van Overwalle, F., Vanwesenbeek, I., Vasey, P.L., Verissimo, J., Voracek, M., Wan, W.W.N., Wang, T., Weiss, P., Wijaya, A., Woertment, L., Youn, G., & Zupanèiè, A. (2003). Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 85-104.

Aavik, T. & Allik, J. (2002). The structure of Estonian personal values: A lexical approach. European Journal of Personality, 16, 221-235.

Allik, J. (2002). Towards a theory of personality. In L.Bäckman & C. von Hofsten (Eds.) Psychology at the turn of millennium, Vol. 2: Social, developmental, and clinical perspectives (pp. 179-200). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

Allik, J. & McCrae, R.R. (2002). A Five-Factor Theory perspective. In McCrae, R.R. & Allik, J. (Eds.), The Five-Factor Model across cultures (pp. 303-321). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., Pullmann, H., & Laidra, K. (2002). A study of intelligence in Estonia. Psychological Reports, 91, 1022-1026.

McCrae, R.R. & Allik, J. (Eds.), The Five-Factor Model Across Cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002

Realo, A., Koido, K., Ceulemans, E., & Allik, J. (2002). Three components of individualism. European Journal of Personality, 16, 163-184.

Costa, P. T., Jr., McCrae, R. R., Martin, T. A., Oryol, V. E., Senin, I. G., Rukavishnikov, A. A., Shimonaka, Y., Nakazato, K., Gondo, Y.,Takayama, M., Allik, J., Kallasmaa, T., & Realo, A. (2000). Personality development from adolescence through adulthood: Further cross-cultural comparisons of age differences. In V. J. Molfese & D. Molfese (Eds.), Temperament and personality development across the life span. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kallasmaa, T., Allik, J., Realo, A., & McCrae, R. R. (2000). The Estonian version of the NEO-PI-R: An examination of universal and culture-specific aspects of the five-factor model. European Journal of Personality, 14, 265-278.

Lynn, R., Allik, J., & Must, O., (2000). Sex differences in brain size, stature and intelligence in children and adoloscence: Some evidence from Estonia. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 555-560.

Pullmann, H. & Allik, J. (2000). The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: its dimensionality, stability, and personality correlates in Estonian. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 701-715.

last updated: 05.10.2005

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