[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ago
2.Perekonnanimi Rinken
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool
Orgaanilise ja bioorgaanilise keemia instituut
4.Ametikoht professor, instituudi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 13.06.1960 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1983.a. Tartu Ülikooli keemik, keemiaõpetaja kvalifikatsiooniga bioorgaanilise keemia erialal diplom kiitusega
7.Teenistuskäik 1986 – 1989 Tartu Ülikooli Bioorgaanilise keemia laboratooriumi teadur
1989-2000 Tartu Ülikooli Keemilise füüsika instituudi vanemteadur
1990-1992, Tokio Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna Aju Uurimise Instituudi biokeemia osakonna järeldoktor Prof. T. Haga töörühmas.
1992-1996 Uppsala Ülikooli Meditsiinilise ja füsioloogilise keemia instituudi järeldoktor Prof. L. Engströmi töörühmas.
2000 – 2003 Tartu Ülikooli Orgaanilise ja bioorgaanilise keemia instituudi dotsent, bioorgaanilise keemia õppetooli hoidja
2003 - k.a. Tartu Ülikooli Orgaanilise ja bioorgaanilise keemia instituudi korraline professor, instituudi juhataja
8.Teaduskraad keemiakandidaat
meditsiiniteaduste doktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti TA Keemia Instituut 1987.a
Uppsla Ülikool (Rootsi) 1996.a.
10.Tunnustused Rootsi Kuningliku Teadusühingu Benzeliuse auhind 1996.a. meditsiini ja loodusteaduste alal.
Rahvusvahelise Farmakoloogia Ühingu reisistipendium 1993, 2002
Rahvusvahelise Neurokeemia Ühingu reisistipendium 1994, 2001
ja –administratiivne
Üleliidulise konverentsi "Muskariinne Atsetüülkoliini Retseptor" organiseerimiskomitee liige aastatel 1982, 1984, 1986.
Põhjamaade ja Baltikumi konverentsi “7-TM Receptors” organiseerimiskomitee liige, 2000.a.
Artiklite retsenseerimine ajakirjadele J.Neurochem., Neurochem. Int., Biosensors. Bioelectr., Neuropharmacology
INTAS ja ETF teadusgrantide retsensent
Eesti TA Toimetised, Keemia toimetuskolleegiumi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Santa Veikšina, MSc, 2005, juh. Ago Rinken, Sergei Kopantšuk. Binding of peptic ligands to melanocortin receptor subtypes and its regulation. Tartu Ülikool

Anton Terasmaa, PhD, 2004, juh. Ago Rinken, Kjell Fuxe. Dopamine D2 receptor G protein coupling and its regulation. Karolinska Instotutet, Stokholm, Rootsi

Argo Vonk, MSc, 2004, juh. Ago Rinken, Ain Uustare. Adenosiin A2A retseptor sõltuva adenülaadi tüklaasi aktiivsuse iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool

Sven Parkel, MSc, 2004, juh. Ago Rinken. [3H]WAY 100635 sidumine roti hipokampuse membraanidele. Tartu Ülikool

Kristjan Saal, MSc, 2002, juh. Ago Rinken, Ants Lõhmus. Immobiliseeritud glükoosi oksüdaasi visualiseerimine aatomjõumikroskoobi abil. Tartu Ülikool

Ain Uustare, MSc, 2001, juh. Ago Rinken. M2muskariinsete retseptorite interaktsioonid Go ja Gi tüüpi G valkudega. Tartu Ülikool

Sergei Kopantšuk, MSc, 2001, juh. Ago Rinken. Modulation of muscarinic receptor properties by components of surrounding membranes. Tartu Ülikool

Annemari Arro, MSc, 2000, juh. Ago Rinken. [3H]8-OH-DPAT sidumine roti aju membraanidele ja seda mõjutavad tegurid.. Tartu Ülikool

Martin Lepiku, PhD, 2000, juh. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. Kinetic aspects of dopamine D2 receptor interactions with specific ligands. Tartu Ülikool

Anton Terasmaa, MSc, 1999, juh. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. [3H]ZM-241385 seostumine A2A adenosiini retseptoritele roti aju juttkeha ja CHO rakkude membraanides.. Tartu Ülikool

Gerda Raidaru, MSc, 1995, juh. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. Muskariinse atsetüülkoliini retseptori solubiliseerimine erinevate digitoniini preparaatidega ja solubiliseeritud retseptori moolkaalu määramine.. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad G-valguga seotud retseptorite (muskariinne, dopamineregiline, serotonergiline, melanokortiini, adenosiini ) ja nendega seotud regulaatorite uurimine. Põhilist tähelepanu pööratakse ligandide sidumise kineetikale ning G valkude ja nende regulaatorite kui ka ümbritsevate membraanide osale signaalide ülekande ragulaatoritena. Püütakse leida seoseid biokeemiliste regulatsioonimehhanismide ning füsioloogiliste vastuste vahel.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6492 "Retseptor - G valk komplekside regulaatormehhanismide uurimine" 2005 - 2008.

Alttoa, A., Kõiv, K., Eller, M., Uustare, A., Rinken, A., Harro, J. (2005) Effects of low dose DSP-4 administration on exploratory and amphetamine-induced behaviour, and dopamine D2 receptor function in rats with high or low exploratory activity. Neuroscience 132(4), 979-990.

Kopanchuk S., Veiksina S., Petrovska R., Mutule I., Szardenings, M., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2005) Co-operative regulation of ligand binding to melanocortin receptor subtypes: Evidence for interacting binding sites Eur. J. Pharmacol.512(2/3) 85-95.

Mutulis, F., Mutule, I., Liepnish, E., Yahorau, A., Lapinsh, M., Kopanchuk S., Veiksina, S., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2005) N-alkylated dipeptide amides and related structures as imitations of the melanocortins’ active core. Peptides 26(10), 1997-2016.

Saal K., Plaado M., Kink I., Kurg A., Kiisk V., Koževnikova J., Mäeorg U., Rinken A., Sildos I., Tätte T. and Lõhmus A. (2005) Aminopropyl embedded silica films as potent substrates in DNA microarray applications. Mater. Res. Symp. Proc. 873E, K9.3.1-K9.3.6

Uustare, A., Vonk, A., Terasmaa, A., Fuxe, K., Rinken A. (2005) Kinetic and functional properties of [3H]ZM241385, a high affinity antagonist for adenosine A2A receptors. Life Sci.76(13), 1513-1526.

Häidkind R., Eller M., Kask A., Harro M., Rinken A., Oreland L., Harro J. (2004) Increased behavioural activity of rats in forced swimming test after partial denervation of serotonergic system by parachloroamphetamine treatment. Neurochem. Int. 45, 721-732

Mutulis, F., Yahorava S., Mutule I., Liepnish E., Kopanchuk S., Veiksina S., Tars K., Belyakov S., Mishnev A., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2004) New substituted piperazines as ligands for melanocortin receptors. Correlation on the X-ray structure of “THIQ”. J.Med. Chem. 47, 4613-4626.

Parkel, S., Rinken, A. (2004) Kinetics of [3H]WAY100635 binding to 5-HT1A receptors in rat hippocampal membranes. Proc Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem. 53(3), 116-124.

Rinken, T. Järv, J. Rinken, A., Tenno, T. “Biosensor and method of its construction”, Estonian patent EE 04250 B1 (16.02.2004).

Uustare A., Näsmann J., Åkerman K.E.O. and Rinken A. (2004) Characterization of M2 muscarinic receptors in activation of different G protein subtypes. Neurochem. Int. 46(2), 119-124.

Vonk A., Uustare A. and Rinken A. (2004) "Modulation of activity of adenylate cyclase in rat striatal membranes by adenosine A2A receptors". Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chemistry. 53(4), 153-164.

Harro J., Terasmaa A., Eller M. and Rinken A. (2003) Effect of denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by DSP-4 treatment on [3H]-raclopride binding to dopamine D2 receptors and D2 receptor - G-protein interaction in the rat striatum. Brain Res. 976(2), 209-216.

Häidkind R., Eller M., Harro M., Kask A., Rinken A., Oreland L. and Harro J (2003) Effects of partial locus coeruleus denervation and chronic mild stress on behaviour and monoamine neurochemistry in the rat. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol.13(1), 19-28

Mutulis F., Yahorava S., Mutule I., Yahorau A., Kopanchuk S., Veiksina S., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2003) A non-peptide radioiodinated high affinity melanocortin-4 receptor ligand. J.Label. Comp. Radiopharm. 46(11), 1007-1017.

Terasmaa A., Eller M., Fuxe K., Harro J. and Rinken A. (2003) Effect of loss of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic projections by DSP-4 treatment on striatal dopamine D2 receptors. J.Neurochem 85(S2), p.18.

Tätte T., Saal K., Lohmus R., Mäeorg U., Rinken A., Rahi A., Kurg A. and Lohmus A. (2003) Preparation of smooth siloxane surfaces for AFM visualization of immobilized biomolecules. Surface Sci. 532-535C, 1085-1091.

Harro J., Eller M., Häidkind R., Kivastik T., Terasmaa A., Kolts I., Rinken A. and Oreland L. (2002) Changes in dopamine release, metabolism and D2 receptors after denervation of the locus coeruleus projections. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. 12(Suppl. 3), S222.

Lepiku M., Järv J., Fuxe K. and Rinken A. (2002) Reversible and irreversible components of [3H]-N-propylnorapomorphine interactions with rat brain striatal membranes. Neurosci. Lett. 325(2), 111-114.

Rinken, T. Järv, J. Rinken, A., Tenno, T. “Biologically active material”, US patent application number 10/148,312, 26.05.2002.

Saal K., Sammelselg V., Lõhmus A., Kuusk E., Raidaru G., Rinken T. and Rinken A. (2002) Characterization of glucose oxidase immobilization onto mica carrier by atomic force microscopy and kinetic studies. Biomol. Eng. 19(2-6), 195-199.

Arro A., Uustare A., Harro J. and Rinken A. (2001) Modulation of [3H]-8-OH-DPAT binding to rat brain membranes by metal ions. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chemistry, 50(1), 28-38.

Kopanchuk S. and Rinken A. (2001) The changes in membrane fluidity during the micelle formation determines the efficiency of the solubilization of muscarinic receptors. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem. 50(4), 229-240.

Rinken A., Terasmaa A., Raidaru G. and Fuxe K. (2001) D2 dopamine receptor-G protein coupling. Cross-regulation of agonist and guanosine nucleotide binding site. Neurosci.Lett. 302(1) 5-8.

Saal K., Sammelselg V., Lohmus A., Lohmus R., Kuusk E., Raidaru G., Rinken T. and Rinken A. (2001) AFM characterization of enzyme immobilization onto glass and mica – Problems and perspectives. Phys. Low-Dim. Struct. 3/4, 151-158.

Saal K., Sammelselg V., Lõhmus A., Kuusk E., Kopantšuk S., Raidaru G., Rinken T. and Rinken A. (2001) Studies of the immobilization of glucose oxidase on the surface of mica by AFM and kinetic methods. J. Microsyst. Techn. No 12, 30-33 (in Russian).

Harro J., Meriküla, A., Lepiku, M., Modiri, A.-R., Rinken, A. and Oreland L. (2000) Lesioning of the Locus coreleus projections by DSP-4 treatment: The effect on amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion and dopamine D2 receptor binding in the rat. Pharmacology & Toxicology 86 197-202.

Rinken, T. Järv, J. Rinken, A., Tenno, T. “Biologically active material”, international (PCT) patent application PCT/EE00/00004, 27.11.2000 (WO 01/40452 A2)

Terasmaa A., Andbjer B., Fuxe, K. and Rinken A. (2000) Striatal dopamine denervation decreases the GDP binding affinity in rat striatal membranes. NeuroReport. 11 (12) 2691-2694.

Terasmaa A.., Finnman U.-B., Owman C., Ferré, S. Fuxe K and Rinken A. (2000) Modulation of [35S]GTPgS binding to CHO cell membranes by D2(short) dopamine receptors. Neurosci.Lett. 280(2) 135-138.

Rinken A., Ferré S., Terasmaa A., Owman C. and Fuxe K. (1999) Serotonergic agonists behave as partial agonists for D2 dopamine receptor. NeuroReport, 10(3) 493-495.

Rinken A., Finnman U.-B. and Fuxe K. (1999) Pharmacological characterization of dopamine-stimulated [35S]GTPgS binding in rat striatal membranes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 57(2) 155-162

Rinken A., Terasmaa A. and Fuxe K. (1999) Bilateral regulation of ligand binding between D2 dopamine receptors and G proteins. J.Neurochem. 73 Suppl. S.153.

Tungel R., Rinken T., Rinken A. and Tenno T. (1999) Immobilisation and kinetic study of tyrosinase for biosensor construction. Anal. Lett. 32(2) 235-249.

Kukkonen J.P., Näsman J., Rinken A., Dementjev A. and Åkerman K.E.O. (1998) Pseudo-noncompetitive antagonism of M1, M3, and M5 muscarinic receptor-mediated Ca2+ mobilization by muscarinic antagonists. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 243(1) 41-46.

Rinken A., Harro J., Engström L. and Oreland L. (1998) Guanyl nucleotide dependent binding of cholecystokinin-8S to rat brain cortical membranes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 55(4) 423-431.

Rinken A., Terasmaa A., Finnman U.-B., Owman C., Ferré S., and Fuxe K. (1998) Dopaminergic stimulation of [35S]GTPgS binding to CHO cell membranes. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch. Pharmacol. 358, No1, Suppl.1, R102.

Rinken T., Rinken A., Tenno T. and Järv J. (1998) Calibration of glucose biosensors by pre-steady state kinetics. Biosens. Bioelectr. 13(7/8) 801-807.

Kukkonen J.P., Näsman J., Rinken A., Dementjev A. and Åkerman K.E.O. (1997) Insurmountability of the receptor-antagonist interaction. Life Sci. 60 (13/14), 1181.

Lepiku M., Järv J., Rinken A. and Fuxe K. (1997) Mechanism of modulation of [3H]raclopride binding to dopaminergic receptors in rat striatal membranes by sodium ions. Neurochem. Int. 30(6), 575-581.

Lepiku M., Rinken A., Järv J. and Fuxe K (1997) Modulation of [3H]quinpirole interaction with dopamine receptors by adenosine A2A receptors. Neurosci. Lett. 239(2/3), 61-64.

Dasgupta S., Li X.-M., Jansson A., Finnman U.-B., Matsui T., Rinken A., Arenas E., Agnati L.F. and Fuxe K. (1996) Regulation of dopamine D2 receptor affinity by cholecystokinin octapeptide in fibroblast cells cotransfected with human CCKB and D2L receptor cDNAs. Mol. Brain Res. 36, 292-299.

Lepiku M., Rinken A., Järv J. and Fuxe K. (1996) Kinetic evidence for isomerization of the dopamine receptor - raclopride complex. Neurochem. Int. 28(5/6), 591-595.

Rinken A. (1996) Formation of the functional complexes of m2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors with GTP-binding regulatory proteins in solution. J. Biochem. 120(1), 193-200.

Rinken T., Rinken A., Tenno T. and Järv J. (1996) A model of oximeter - based enzyme electrode. Anal. Lett. 29(6), 859-877.

Dong G.Z., Kameyama K., Rinken A. and Haga T. (1995) Ligand binding properties of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes (m1-m5) expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 274(1), 378-384.

Rinken A. (1995) Influence of solubilization on ligand binding properties to different muscarinic receptor subtypes. Life Sci. 56(11/12), p.1021.

Rinken A. (1995) Studies on the solubilization and characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 573, 47pp, Almqvist & Wiksell Int. Stockholm.

Rinken A. (1995) Subtype-specific changes in ligand binding properties following solubilization of muscarinic receptors from baculovirus infected Sf9 insect cell membranes. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 272(1), 8-14.

Rinken A. and Oreland L. (1995) Characterization of guanyl nucleotide dependent binding of cholecystokinin-8S to rat brain cortical membranes. J. Neurochem. 65, Suppl., p.S212.

Rinken A., Kameyama K., Haga T and Engström L. (1994) Solubilization of muscarinic receptor subtypes from baculovirus infected Sf9 insect cells. Biochem. Pharmacol. 48(6), 1245-1251.

Toomela T., Jolkonen M., Rinken A., Järv J. and Karlsson E. (1994) Two-step binding of green mamba toxin to muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. FEBS Lett. 352, 95-97.

Järv J. and Rinken A. (1993) Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In: Neurotransmitter Receptors (Hucho F. ed.) pp. 199-220. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Rinken A. and Haga T. (1993) Solubilization and characterization of atrial muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in sucrose monolaurate. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 301(1), 158-164.

Dong G.Z., Rinken A., Kameyama K. and Haga T. (1992) Ligand binding properties of muscarinic acetylcholine subtypes expressed in insect cells (Sf9). J. Neurochem. 59, Suppl. p.S7.

Haga T. and Rinken A. (1991) Specific ligands for muscarinic receptor subtypes. Seitai no Kagaku 42(5), 380-385. (in Japanese).

Haga T., Guo Z.D., Rinken A. and Kameyama K. (1991) Screening of muscarinic receptor subtype-specific agonists. Research Papers of the Suzuken Memorial Foundation 10, 231-236. (in Japanese).

Kõiv A., Rinken A., and Järv J. (1990) Fluidity of detergent micelles plays an important role in muscarinic receptor solubilization. J. Biosci. 15(3), 149-152.

Järv J., Arukuusk P., Kõiv A., and Rinken A. (1989) Muscarinic receptor - biomembrane interaction, in Highlights of Modern Biochemistry (Kotyr A., Skoda J., Paces V., and Kostka V., eds), Vol. 2, pp. 1073-1082. Zeist, Praha.

Raidaru G., Rinken A., Järv J., and Lõhmus M. (1989) Chromatographic analysis of Digitalis glycosides and their relation to solubilization of muscarinic receptor. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Chemistry 38(2), 103-114.

Raidaru G., Rinken A., and Järv J. (1988) Gel-chromatography of solubilized muscarinic receptor. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Chemistry 37(2), 92-99. (in Russian).

Eller M. H., Kõiv A. H., Langel Ü. L., Rinken A. A., Tähepõld L. J., and Järv J. L. (1987) Quinuclidinyl benzilate can't be used as a ligand in equilibrium binding studies with muscarinic receptor. Neirokhimia. 6(4), 605-610. (in Russian).

Järv J. and Rinken A. (1987) Effect of sulfhydryl reagents on antagonist binding with muscarinic receptors. In: Receptors and Ion Channels (Ovchinnikov Y. A. and Hucho F., eds), pp. 101-108. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.

Rinken A. A., Langel Y. L., and Järv Y. L. (1987) Solubilization by some detergents of muscarine cholinreceptor and its complex with quinuclidinyl benzilate. Biochemistry - Moscow 52(2), 263-269.

Kõiv A. H., Rinken A. A., and Järv J. L. (1986) Solubilization alters cooperativity of antagonist binding to muscarinic receptor. Org. Reactivity 23(4(84)), 403-411.

Käämbre T. A., Langel Ü. L., Rinken A. A., Tähepõld L. J., and Järv J. L. (1984) Action of proteases and phospholipase A2 on the membrane-bound muscarinic acetylcholine receptor from rat brain. Neirokhimia 3(2), 107-115. (in Russian).

Rinken A. A., Langel Ü. L., and Järv J. L. (1984) Solubilization of muscarinic receptor and receptor - quinuclidinyl benzilate complex with digitonin. Biol. Membrany 1(4), 341-348. (in Russian).

Rinken A. A., Langel Y. L., Tyakhepyld L. Y., and Yarv Y. L. (1984) Kinetics of the inactivation of the muscarine cholinoreceptor, solubilized by digitonin. Biochemistry-Moscow 49(11), 1533-1537.

Langel Ü., Rinken A., Tähepõld L., and Järv J. (1982) Kinetics of the muscarinic receptor inactivation. Neirokhimia 1(4), 343-351. (in Russian).

viimati muudetud: 28.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ago
2.Surname Rinken
3.Institution University of Tartu
Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
4.Position professor, head of the institute
5.Date of birth 13.06.1960 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University; B.Sc. Chemistry (Bioorganic Chemistry) (1978-1983)
7.Research and
professional experience
1986-1989 Research Associate, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia
1989-2000 Senior Research Associate, Institute of Chemical Physics, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia
1990-1992 Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Prof. Tatsuya Haga
1992-1996 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Medical and Physiological Chemistry, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, Prof. Lorentz Engström.
2000- 2003 Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry, Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia
2003 – present Professor of bioorganic chemistry, Head of the Institute of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia
8.Academic degree Ph.D.in biochemistry and organic chemistry (candidate of chemical sciences)

Doctor of medical sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Chemistry, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia (1987)

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (1996)
10.Honours/awards Benzelius Price from the Royal Swedish Science Society, 1996
Travel Award from the International Union of Pharmacology, 1993, 2002
Travel Award from the International Society of Neurochemistry, 1994, 2001
Member of organizing comittee of the international conferences "Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors" 1982, 1984, 1986,
“7-TM Receptors”, 2000
Referee of the journals J.Neurochem., Neurochem. Int., Biosensors. Bioelectr., Neuropharmacology
Referee of scientific grants of INTAS and ESF.
Member of editorial board of the Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chemistry
12.Supervised dissertations

Santa Veikšina, MSc, 2005, superv. Ago Rinken, Sergei Kopantšuk. Binding of peptic ligands to melanocortin receptor subtypes and its regulation. Tartu Ülikool

Anton Terasmaa, PhD, 2004, superv. Ago Rinken, Kjell Fuxe. Dopamine D2 receptor G protein coupling and its regulation. Karolinska Instotutet, Stokholm, Rootsi

Argo Vonk, MSc, 2004, superv. Ago Rinken, Ain Uustare. Adenosiin A2A retseptor sõltuva adenülaadi tüklaasi aktiivsuse iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool

Sven Parkel, MSc, 2004, superv. Ago Rinken. [3H]WAY 100635 sidumine roti hipokampuse membraanidele. Tartu Ülikool

Kristjan Saal, MSc, 2002, superv. Ago Rinken, Ants Lõhmus. Immobiliseeritud glükoosi oksüdaasi visualiseerimine aatomjõumikroskoobi abil. Tartu Ülikool

Ain Uustare, MSc, 2001, superv. Ago Rinken. M2muskariinsete retseptorite interaktsioonid Go ja Gi tüüpi G valkudega. Tartu Ülikool

Sergei Kopantšuk, MSc, 2001, superv. Ago Rinken. Modulation of muscarinic receptor properties by components of surrounding membranes. Tartu Ülikool

Annemari Arro, MSc, 2000, superv. Ago Rinken. [3H]8-OH-DPAT sidumine roti aju membraanidele ja seda mõjutavad tegurid.. Tartu Ülikool

Martin Lepiku, PhD, 2000, superv. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. Kinetic aspects of dopamine D2 receptor interactions with specific ligands. Tartu Ülikool

Anton Terasmaa, MSc, 1999, superv. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. [3H]ZM-241385 seostumine A2A adenosiini retseptoritele roti aju juttkeha ja CHO rakkude membraanides.. Tartu Ülikool

Gerda Raidaru, MSc, 1995, superv. Ago Rinken, Jaak Järv. Muskariinse atsetüülkoliini retseptori solubiliseerimine erinevate digitoniini preparaatidega ja solubiliseeritud retseptori moolkaalu määramine.. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Studies have been focused on the mechanisms of ligand binding kinetics to different G protein-coupled receptors (muscarinic, dopaminergic, serotonergic, adenosine, melanocortin) and coupling of these receptors with different G proteins. Special attention has been paid on the regulation of ligand binding and signal transduction processes. We try to find correlation between the biochemical regulation and physiological responses in these systems.
14.Current grant funding ESF 6492 "Studies on the regulatory mechanisms of receptor – G protein complexes"
15.List of most important publications

Alttoa, A., Kõiv, K., Eller, M., Uustare, A., Rinken, A., Harro, J. (2005) Effects of low dose DSP-4 administration on exploratory and amphetamine-induced behaviour, and dopamine D2 receptor function in rats with high or low exploratory activity. Neuroscience 132(4), 979-990.

Kopanchuk S., Veiksina S., Petrovska R., Mutule I., Szardenings, M., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2005) Co-operative regulation of ligand binding to melanocortin receptor subtypes: Evidence for interacting binding sites Eur. J. Pharmacol.512(2/3) 85-95.

Mutulis, F., Mutule, I., Liepnish, E., Yahorau, A., Lapinsh, M., Kopanchuk S., Veiksina, S., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2005) N-alkylated dipeptide amides and related structures as imitations of the melanocortins’ active core. Peptides 26(10), 1997-2016.

Saal K., Plaado M., Kink I., Kurg A., Kiisk V., Koževnikova J., Mäeorg U., Rinken A., Sildos I., Tätte T. and Lõhmus A. (2005) Aminopropyl embedded silica films as potent substrates in DNA microarray applications. Mater. Res. Symp. Proc. 873E, K9.3.1-K9.3.6

Uustare, A., Vonk, A., Terasmaa, A., Fuxe, K., Rinken A. (2005) Kinetic and functional properties of [3H]ZM241385, a high affinity antagonist for adenosine A2A receptors. Life Sci.76(13), 1513-1526.

Häidkind R., Eller M., Kask A., Harro M., Rinken A., Oreland L., Harro J. (2004) Increased behavioural activity of rats in forced swimming test after partial denervation of serotonergic system by parachloroamphetamine treatment. Neurochem. Int. 45, 721-732

Mutulis, F., Yahorava S., Mutule I., Liepnish E., Kopanchuk S., Veiksina S., Tars K., Belyakov S., Mishnev A., Rinken A. and Wikberg J.E.S. (2004) New substituted piperazines as ligands for melanocortin receptors. Correlation on the X-ray structure of “THIQ”. J.Med. Chem. 47, 4613-4626.

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last updated: 28.09.2005

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