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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Nigulas |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Samel |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TTÜ), matemaatika-loodusteaduskond, keemiainstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | professor, bioorgaanilise keemia õppetooli juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 03.09.1950 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TPI) keemiatööstuse protsesside ja keemiaküberneetika erialal, 1974.a. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Alates 1974.a. töötan TTÜ Keemia Instituudis (varem TA ja HM alluvuses). Olen olnud vaneminseneri, nooremteaduri, vanemteaduri ja juhtivteaduri ametikohal. Alates 1997.a. bioorgaanilise keemia osakonna juhataja. Alates 01.09.2001.a. TTÜ keemiainstituudi bioorgaanilise keemia õppetooli juhataja, korraline professor |
8. | Teaduskraad | Keemiakandidaat orgaanilise keemia erialal |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Eesti TA Keemia Instituut, 1983.a. |
10. | Tunnustused | Riiklik Teaduspreemia töödekogumiku “Prostaglandiinide süntees, uurimine ja rakendused” eest 1987.a. (teaduskollektiivi liige).Riiklik Teaduspreemia keemia ja molekulaarbioloogia alal tööde tsükli “Prostaglandiinide biosüntees korallides" eest 2002.a. (teaduskollektiivi juht). |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Vabariigi Teaduspreemiate komisjoni liige Eesti Biokeemia Seltsi juhatuse liige; TTÜ matemaatika-loodusteaduskonna nõukogu liige, TTÜ Akadeemilise Raamatukogu nõukogu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Reet Koljak, PhD, 2001, juh. Nigulas Samel ja Ivar Järving. Uued rasvhappe dioksügenaasid korallidest Plexaura homomalla ja Gersemia fruticosa. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Külliki Varvas, PhD, 1999, juh. Nigulas Samel. Arahhidoonhappe ensümaatiline oksüdatsioon korallis Gersemia fruticosa. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Ivar Järving, cand, 1991, juh. Ülo Lille ja Nigulas Samel. Tromboksaan A2 metaboliitide ja E-prostaglandiinide süntees. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Keemia Instituut |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Uute looduslike bioaktiivsete ühendite (oksülipiinid, steroidid) otsing, nende biosünteesi- ja metabolismiradade välja selgitamine ning neis osalevate ensüümide struktuur-funktsioon uuringud. Olulisemateks teadustulemused: polüeenhapete metabolismi tsüklooksügenaasiraja tõestamine selgrootutes organismides, esimeste mitteselgroogsetest pärit tsüklooksügenaaside iseloomustamine ning uue 15R-spetsiifilise tsüklooksügenaasi avastamine. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant nr. 5639 “Uute tsüklooksügenaaside mehhanismiuuringud" (2003-2006). ETF grant nr. 6197 (grandihoidja K. Varvas, 2005-2008) Lisauurimistoetus (N.Samel) NIH (USA) grandile GM-53638 (P.I. A.R.Brash) "Novel Oxygenations of Arachidonic Acid" (2001-2005). |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kobzar G., Mardla V., Samel N. Effects of alpha-tocopherol, L-arginine, and quercetin on aggregation of human platelets. Nutrition Research, 2005, 25, 569-575. Mortimer M., Järving R., Brash A.R., Samel N., Järving I. Identification and characterization of an arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 2005, in press. Vallikivi I., Fransson L., Hult K., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N., Tõugu V., Villo L., Parve O. The modelling and kinetic investigation of the lipase-catalysed acetylation of stereoisomeric prostaglandins. J. Mol. Catal. B-Enzym., 2005, 35, 62-69. Järving R., Järving I., Kurg R., Brash A.R., Samel N. On the Evolutionary origin of Cyclooxygenase (COX) Isozymes: Characterization of Marine Invertebrate COX Genes Points to Independent duplication Events in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Lineages. J. Biol. Chem., 2004, 279, 13624-13633. Mardla V., Kobzar G., Samel N. Potentiation of antiaggregating effect of prostaglandins by a-tocopherol and quercetin. Platelets, 2004, 15, 319-324. Vallikivi I., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N., Tõugu V., Parve O. NMR Monitoring of lipase-catalyzed reactions of prostaglandins: Preliminary estimation of reaction velocities. J. Mol. Catal. B-Enzym., 2004, 32, 15-19. Valmsen K., Boeglin W.E., Järving I., Schneider C., Varvas K., Brash A.R., Samel N. Structural and Functional Comparison of 15S- and 15R-specific Cyclooxygenases from the Coral Plexaura homomalla. Eur. J. Biochem., 2004, 271, 3533-3538. Schneider C., Boeglin W.E., Prusakiewicz J.J., Rowlinson S.W., Marnett L.J., Samel N., Brash A.R. Control of Prostaglandin Stereochemistry at the 15-Carbon by Cyclooxygenases-1 and –2. A Critical Role for Serine 530 and Valine 349. J. Biol. Chem., 2002, 277, 478-485. Kobzar G, Mardla V, Järving I. and Samel N. Comparison of anti-aggregatory effects of PGI3, PGI2 and Iloprost on human and rabbit platelets. Cellular Physiol. Biochem., 2001, 11, 279-284. Koljak R., Järving I., Kurg R., Boeglin W.E., Varvas K., Valmsen K., Ustav M., Brash, A.R., Samel N. The Basis of Prostaglandin synthesis in Coral: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase from the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. J. Biol. Chem., 2001, 276, 7033-7040. Valmsen K., Järving I., Boeglin W.E., Varvas K., Koljak R., Brash A.R., Samel N. The origin of 15R-prostaglandins in the Caribbean Coral Plexaura homomalla: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a novel cyclooxygenase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2001, 98, 7700-7705. Kobzar G., Mardla V., Järving I. and Samel N. Blood plasma antiaggregatory potency of prostaglandins: effects of albumin. Inflammopharmacology, 1999, 7, 179-185. Parve O., Järving I., Martin I., Metsala A., Vallikivi I., Aidnik M., Pehk T., Samel N. Lipase–catalysed Acylation of Prostanoids. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 1999, 9, 1853-1858. Varvas K., Järving I., Valmsen K., Koljak R., Brash A.R., Samel N. Evidence of a Cyclooxygenase-related Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral: The Allene Oxide Pathway is not Involved in Prostaglandin Biosynthesis, J. Biol. Chem., 1999, 274, 9923-9929. Koljak R., Lopp A., Pehk T., Varvas K., Müürisepp A.-M., Järving I, Samel N. New Cytotoxic Sterols from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 179-186. Kobzar G., Mardla V., Järving I., Samel N., Lõhmus M. Modulatory effect of 8-iso PGE2 on platelets, General Pharmacology, 1997, 28, 317-321. Koljak R., Boutaud O., Sieh B.-H., Samel N., Brash A.R. Identification of a Naturally Occurring Peroxidase-Lipoxygenase Fusion Protein, Science, 1997, 277, 1994-1996. |
viimati muudetud: 28.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Nigulas |
2. | Surname | Samel |
3. | Institution | Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tallinn University of Technology(TUT) |
4. | Position | Professor and Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry |
5. | Date of birth | 03.09.1950 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Faculty of Chemistry, Tallinn University of Technology (TPI). Dipl. Engineer in Chemical Technology, 1974 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Since 1974 at the Institute of Chemistry, Estonian Academy of Sciences on positions of engineer, junior-, senior- and leading research scientist. 1997-2002 Head of the Dept. of Bioorganic Chemistry. Since 01.09.2001 Professor and Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry at TUT. |
8. | Academic degree | A Candidate of Science degree (Ph.D.) in organic chemistry |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
17.06.1983, Institute of Chemistry at the Estonian Academy of Sciences |
10. | Honours/awards | National Prize for Science and Technology in 1987, "Synthesis, investigation and use of prostaglandins" (member of the research team) National Prize for Chemistry and Molecular Biology in 2002, "Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins in Invertebrates" (head of the research team) |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Committee of National Prizes for Science and Technology, Member; Estonian Biochemical Society, Board member; Cancil Member of the Faculty of Science, TUT; Member of the Council of the Library of TUT |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Reet Koljak, PhD, 2001, superv. Nigulas Samel ja Ivar Järving. Uued rasvhappe dioksügenaasid korallidest Plexaura homomalla ja Gersemia fruticosa. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Külliki Varvas, PhD, 1999, superv. Nigulas Samel. Arahhidoonhappe ensümaatiline oksüdatsioon korallis Gersemia fruticosa. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Ivar Järving, cand, 1991, superv. Ülo Lille ja Nigulas Samel. Tromboksaan A2 metaboliitide ja E-prostaglandiinide süntees. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Keemia Instituut |
13. | Current research program | Search for new bioactive natural products, study their biosynthetic and metabolic pathways, and characterisation of enzymes involved in catalysis. Main scientific attainments - elaboration of preparative bio- or semisynthetic methods for production of all main natural prostaglandins. Establishment of prostaglandin synthesis pathway in marine invertebrates, cloning and characterisation of first non-vertebrate cyclooxygenases, and discovery of 15R-specific cyclooxygenases. |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF grant no. 5639 “Mechanistic studies of novel cyclooxygenases” (2003-2006). ESF grant No. 6197 (PI K.Varvas, 2005-2008) Supplementary grant (foreign P.I. N.Samel) to NIH grant GM-53638 (P.I. A.R.Brash) "Novel Oxygenations of fatty acids" (2001-2005). |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kobzar G., Mardla V., Samel N. Effects of alpha-tocopherol, L-arginine, and quercetin on aggregation of human platelets. Nutrition Research, 2005, 25, 569-575. Mortimer M., Järving R., Brash A.R., Samel N., Järving I. Identification and characterization of an arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 2005, in press. Vallikivi I., Fransson L., Hult K., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N., Tõugu V., Villo L., Parve O. The modelling and kinetic investigation of the lipase-catalysed acetylation of stereoisomeric prostaglandins. J. Mol. Catal. B-Enzym., 2005, 35, 62-69. Järving R., Järving I., Kurg R., Brash A.R., Samel N. On the Evolutionary origin of Cyclooxygenase (COX) Isozymes: Characterization of Marine Invertebrate COX Genes Points to Independent duplication Events in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Lineages. J. Biol. Chem., 2004, 279, 13624-13633. Mardla V., Kobzar G., Samel N. Potentiation of antiaggregating effect of prostaglandins by a-tocopherol and quercetin. Platelets, 2004, 15, 319-324. Vallikivi I., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N., Tõugu V., Parve O. NMR Monitoring of lipase-catalyzed reactions of prostaglandins: Preliminary estimation of reaction velocities. J. Mol. Catal. B-Enzym., 2004, 32, 15-19. Valmsen K., Boeglin W.E., Järving I., Schneider C., Varvas K., Brash A.R., Samel N. Structural and Functional Comparison of 15S- and 15R-specific Cyclooxygenases from the Coral Plexaura homomalla. Eur. J. Biochem., 2004, 271, 3533-3538. Schneider C., Boeglin W.E., Prusakiewicz J.J., Rowlinson S.W., Marnett L.J., Samel N., Brash A.R. Control of Prostaglandin Stereochemistry at the 15-Carbon by Cyclooxygenases-1 and –2. A Critical Role for Serine 530 and Valine 349. J. Biol. Chem., 2002, 277, 478-485. Kobzar G, Mardla V, Järving I. and Samel N. Comparison of anti-aggregatory effects of PGI3, PGI2 and Iloprost on human and rabbit platelets. Cellular Physiol. Biochem., 2001, 11, 279-284. Koljak R., Järving I., Kurg R., Boeglin W.E., Varvas K., Valmsen K., Ustav M., Brash, A.R., Samel N. The Basis of Prostaglandin synthesis in Coral: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase from the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. J. Biol. Chem., 2001, 276, 7033-7040. Valmsen K., Järving I., Boeglin W.E., Varvas K., Koljak R., Brash A.R., Samel N. The origin of 15R-prostaglandins in the Caribbean Coral Plexaura homomalla: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a novel cyclooxygenase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2001, 98, 7700-7705. Kobzar G., Mardla V., Järving I. and Samel N. Blood plasma antiaggregatory potency of prostaglandins: effects of albumin. Inflammopharmacology, 1999, 7, 179-185. Parve O., Järving I., Martin I., Metsala A., Vallikivi I., Aidnik M., Pehk T., Samel N. Lipase–catalysed Acylation of Prostanoids. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 1999, 9, 1853-1858. Varvas K., Järving I., Valmsen K., Koljak R., Brash A.R., Samel N. Evidence of a Cyclooxygenase-related Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral: The Allene Oxide Pathway is not Involved in Prostaglandin Biosynthesis, J. Biol. Chem., 1999, 274, 9923-9929. Koljak R., Lopp A., Pehk T., Varvas K., Müürisepp A.-M., Järving I, Samel N. New Cytotoxic Sterols from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 179-186. Kobzar G., Mardla V., Järving I., Samel N., Lõhmus M. Modulatory effect of 8-iso PGE2 on platelets, General Pharmacology, 1997, 28, 317-321. Koljak R., Boutaud O., Sieh B.-H., Samel N., Brash A.R. Identification of a Naturally Occurring Peroxidase-Lipoxygenase Fusion Protein, Science, 1997, 277, 1994-1996. |
last updated: 28.09.2005
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