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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Aleksander
2.Perekonnanimi Toompuu
3.Töökoht Meresüsteemide Instituut, TTÜ
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 05.08.1945 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, füüsika, 1972
7.Teenistuskäik 1972-1973 Termofüüsika ja Elektrofüüsika Instituudi Läänemere osakonna insener, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn.
1973-1985 Termofüüsika ja Elektrofüüsika Instituudi Läänemere osakonna teadur, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn.
1985-1989 Rakendusgeofüüsika Instituudi Läänemere osakonna Õhusaaste sektori juhataja, NSVL Hüdrometeoroloogia Komitee, Tallinn.
1990-1992 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Vetekaitse laboratooriumi juhataja, Tallinn.
1993-2002 Eesti Mereinstituudi Merefüüsika sektori juht- ja vanemteadur, Tallinn.
2002-2005 TTÜ Meresüsteemide instituudi vanemteadur, Tallinn
8.Teaduskraad f.-m.k.
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Okeanoloogia Instituut, NSVL TA , 1984
ja –administratiivne
1985. - 1989.a. on loodud ja rakendatud Rakendusgeofüüsika Instituudi (NSVL Hüdrometeoroloogia Komitee) Läänemere osakonna Õhusaaste sektor.
1990. - 1991.a. on juhatatud Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Vetekaitse laboratooriumit.
1996. -1998.a. on koordineeritud Läänemere uurimisrühma tööd UNEP projekti “Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations Assessments in the Republic of Estonia” raames.
Alates 2002 Meresüsteemide Instituudi nõukogu liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

E. Lode, cand, 1989, juh. L.Paal, A.Toompuu. Väikejõgede veekvaliteedi tõenäosuslikud mudelid. Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Mere skalaarsete väljade stohhastiline modelleerimine
Mere seisundi pikaajaline muutlikkus
Fütoplanktoni sisalduse sesoonne muutlikkus
Turbulentsist tingitud vee tsirkulatsiooni ja aine ülekande efektid meres
14.Jooksvad grandid

Heinloo J., Toompuu A. Antarctic Circumpolar Cuerrent as a density driven flow. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2004, 53(4), 252-265.

Toompuu A., Carstensen J., Müller-Karulis B. Seasonal variation of average phytoplankton concentration in the Kattegat – a periodical point model. J. Sea Res., 2003, V.49, 323– 335.

Carstensen J., Conley D., Lophaven S., Danielsson A., Rahm L., Toompuu A., Müller-Karulis B., Statistical analysis and modelling of phytoplankton dynamics, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2002.

Raudsepp U., A. Toompuu, T. Kouts. A stochastic model for the sea level in the Estonian coastal area. Journal of Marine Systems, 1999, V. 22, pp. 69 - 87.

Toompuu A., U. Raudsepp . A stochastic model for the sea level data analysis. In: 4th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, 13-17 September 1999, Roosta, Estonia, Estonian Marine Institute Report Series, 1999, No 10, 55-61.

Elken J., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.1. Introduction. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 97. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Elken J., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.2. General description. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 98-99. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Järvet A., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 7.4. Adaption in water resources and ecosystems. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 135-138. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Savchuk O., Conley D., Hakansson B., Toompuu A., Yurkovskis A. Seasonal Nutrient Dynamics in the Gulf of Riga. In The Gulf of Riga Project 1993-1998: Symposium in Jurmala, Latvia, May 10-14, 1998. Riga: 1998, 44.

Tarand A., Toompuu A. Estonian Climate: Reconstructions Based on Historical and Modern Data. In Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Climate and Water: Espoo, Finland 17-20 August 1998. Espoo: Helsinki University of Technology, 1998, 2, 849-862.

Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.6. Total amount of heat and salt in the Baltic Sea. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 110-115. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.8. Conclusions. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 127-128. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Toompuu A. Estimating the climatic variability of total amounts of heat and salt in the Baltic Sea. In Climate Change Studies in Estonia. Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Ministry of Environment Republic of Estonia, 1998, 65-78.

Toompuu A. Reconstruction of the Gulf of Riga Scalar Fields Based on a Stochastic Model. In The Gulf of Riga Project 1993-1998, Symposium in Jurmala, Latvia, May 10-14, 1998. Riga, 1998, 109.

Hakansson B., Toompuu A., Lips U., Astok V. A mass balance model of the Gulf of Riga, Abstracts of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Bornholm, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996.

Toompuu, A., A. Torn. A stochastic model of the Gulf of Riga hydrographic fields and its applications, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 14, lk. C420, EGS XXI General Assembly, Hague, 6.-10. May 1996.

Toompuu A., F. Wulff. Optimum spatial analysis of monitoring data on temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations in the Baltic Proper. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1996, V.43, pp. 283 - 308.

Toompuu, A., F. Wulff. Spatial distributions of temperature, salinity and nutrients in the Baltic Sea as random fields, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 13, lk. C250, EGS XX General Assembly, Hamburg, 3.-7. aprill 1995.

Toompuu A., F. Wulff. Spatial large-scale correlations for optimal interpolation of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations in the Gulf of Finland. Environmetrics,1995, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 55 - 72.

Toompuu A. Optimum three-dimensional spatial analysis of the Gulf of Riga hydrographic data and its applications. Hydrographic studies within the Gulf of Riga Project (editors A.Toompuu and J.Elken), Estonian Marine Institute, Report Series, 1995, No. 1, pp.83 - 119, Tallinn.

Paal, L., A. Toompuu, E. Lode. Probabilistic model for water quality prediction and estimation. In: H. Laikari (editor) River Basin Management - V. Pergamon Press PLC, 1989,pp. 125 - 132.

Toompuu, A., J. Heinloo, T. Soomere. Modeling the Gibraltar salinity anomaly. English edition of Oceanology of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1989, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 698 - 702.

viimati muudetud: 10.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Aleksander
2.Surname Toompuu
3.Institution Marine Systems Institute, TUT
4.Position senior scientist
5.Date of birth 05.08.1945 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University, physics, 1972
7.Research and
professional experience
1972-1973 Technician at the Baltic Sea Department, Institute of Thermophysics and Electrophysics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn.
1973-1985 Research scientist at the Baltic Sea Department, Institute of Thermophysics and Electrophysics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn.
1985-1989 Head of the Airborne Pollution Laboratory, the Baltic Department of the Institute of Applied Geophysics, Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR, Tallinn.
1990-1992 Head of the Water Protection Laboratory, the Tallinn Technical University, Tallinn.
1993- 2002 Senior research scientist, Marine Research Center, Estonian Marine Institute, Tallinn.
Since 2002 Senior research scientist, Marine Systems Institute, Tallinn Technical University.
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1984
1985 - 1989 Airborne Pollution Laboratory was organized and started at the Baltic Department of the Institute of Applied Geophysics, Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR, Tallinn
1990 - 1992 scientific management of the Water Protection Laboratory at the Tallinn Technical University
1996 -1998 co-ordinator of the Baltic Sea research team of the UNEP/GEF project Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia
Since 2002 member of the Council of the Marine Systems Institute
12.Supervised dissertations

E. Lode, cand, 1989, superv. L.Paal, A.Toompuu. Väikejõgede veekvaliteedi tõenäosuslikud mudelid. Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut

13.Current research program Long-term variability of the state of the sea
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton
Turbulence-generated marine circulation and matter transfer effects in the sea
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Heinloo J., Toompuu A. Antarctic Circumpolar Cuerrent as a density driven flow. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 2004, 53(4), 252-265.

Toompuu A., Carstensen J., Müller-Karulis B. Seasonal variation of average phytoplankton concentration in the Kattegat – a periodical point model. J. Sea Res., 2003, V.49, 323– 335.

Carstensen J., Conley D., Lophaven S., Danielsson A., Rahm L., Toompuu A., Müller-Karulis B., Statistical analysis and modelling of phytoplankton dynamics, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2002.

Raudsepp U., A. Toompuu, T. Kouts. A stochastic model for the sea level in the Estonian coastal area. Journal of Marine Systems, 1999, V. 22, pp. 69 - 87.

Toompuu A., U. Raudsepp . A stochastic model for the sea level data analysis. In: 4th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, 13-17 September 1999, Roosta, Estonia, Estonian Marine Institute Report Series, 1999, No 10, 55-61.

Elken J., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.1. Introduction. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 97. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Elken J., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.2. General description. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 98-99. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Järvet A., Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 7.4. Adaption in water resources and ecosystems. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 135-138. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Savchuk O., Conley D., Hakansson B., Toompuu A., Yurkovskis A. Seasonal Nutrient Dynamics in the Gulf of Riga. In The Gulf of Riga Project 1993-1998: Symposium in Jurmala, Latvia, May 10-14, 1998. Riga: 1998, 44.

Tarand A., Toompuu A. Estonian Climate: Reconstructions Based on Historical and Modern Data. In Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Climate and Water: Espoo, Finland 17-20 August 1998. Espoo: Helsinki University of Technology, 1998, 2, 849-862.

Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.6. Total amount of heat and salt in the Baltic Sea. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 110-115. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Toompuu A. Country Case Study on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessments in the Republic of Estonia: 6.8. Conclusions. - Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Facility, 1998, 127-128. (Report to the UNEP/GEF, Project No.: GF/2200-96-45)

Toompuu A. Estimating the climatic variability of total amounts of heat and salt in the Baltic Sea. In Climate Change Studies in Estonia. Tallinn: Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Ministry of Environment Republic of Estonia, 1998, 65-78.

Toompuu A. Reconstruction of the Gulf of Riga Scalar Fields Based on a Stochastic Model. In The Gulf of Riga Project 1993-1998, Symposium in Jurmala, Latvia, May 10-14, 1998. Riga, 1998, 109.

Hakansson B., Toompuu A., Lips U., Astok V. A mass balance model of the Gulf of Riga, Abstracts of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Bornholm, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996.

Toompuu, A., A. Torn. A stochastic model of the Gulf of Riga hydrographic fields and its applications, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 14, lk. C420, EGS XXI General Assembly, Hague, 6.-10. May 1996.

Toompuu A., F. Wulff. Optimum spatial analysis of monitoring data on temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations in the Baltic Proper. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1996, V.43, pp. 283 - 308.

Toompuu, A., F. Wulff. Spatial distributions of temperature, salinity and nutrients in the Baltic Sea as random fields, Annales Geophysicae, Supplement II to Vol. 13, lk. C250, EGS XX General Assembly, Hamburg, 3.-7. aprill 1995.

Toompuu A., F. Wulff. Spatial large-scale correlations for optimal interpolation of temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations in the Gulf of Finland. Environmetrics,1995, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 55 - 72.

Toompuu A. Optimum three-dimensional spatial analysis of the Gulf of Riga hydrographic data and its applications. Hydrographic studies within the Gulf of Riga Project (editors A.Toompuu and J.Elken), Estonian Marine Institute, Report Series, 1995, No. 1, pp.83 - 119, Tallinn.

Paal, L., A. Toompuu, E. Lode. Probabilistic model for water quality prediction and estimation. In: H. Laikari (editor) River Basin Management - V. Pergamon Press PLC, 1989,pp. 125 - 132.

Toompuu, A., J. Heinloo, T. Soomere. Modeling the Gibraltar salinity anomaly. English edition of Oceanology of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1989, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 698 - 702.

last updated: 10.08.2005

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