[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Mati |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Rahu |
3. | Töökoht | Tervise Arengu Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | osakonnajuhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 30.01.1942 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool, meditsiinigeograafia 1968 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut (EKMI), Tallinn nooremteadur 1968–1977 Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut, Tallinn vanemteadur 1977–1990 Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut, Tallinn juhtivteadur 1990–1991 Tartu Ülikool, Tervishoiu Instituut. Samaaegselt tööl EKMIs külalislektor 1991–1993 Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut, Tallinn osakonnajuhataja 1991–2003 Tartu Ülikool, Tervishoiu Instituut. Samaaegselt tööl EKMIs/TAIs (külalis)professor 1993– Tervise Arengu Instituut, Tallinn osakonnajuhataja 2003– |
8. | Teaduskraad | cand, bioloogia (onkoloogia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
NSVL MA Eksperim ja Kliinilise Onkoloogia Inst (Moskva) 1976 |
10. | Tunnustused | I auhind TRÜ üliõpilaste võistlustööde konkursil (1968); diplom vabariiklikul üliõpilaste võistlustööde konkursil (1968); NSVL Tervishoiu Ministeeriumi preemia (1969, 1990); ENSV Tervishoiu Ministeeriumi aukiri (1986); ajakirja "Nõukogude Eesti Tervishoid" aukiri (1986, 1987); Poster Award, IACR 30th Annual Meeting, Edinburgh (1996); EKMI teaduspreemia (1996, 1997); Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia (1997); EKMI tänukiri (2002); TAI teaduspreemia (2003) |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
1968– Eesti Geograafia Selts, liige 1980–1985 NSVL Geograafia Seltsi meditsiinigeograafia teadus-konsulta tiivnõukogu, liige 1988–1991 NSVL MTA Vähi Epidemioloogia ja Profülaktika Probleem komisjon, liige 1988– Eesti Demograafia Assotsiatsioon, liige 1989– European Association for Population Studies, liige 1991– EKMI/TAI teadusnõukogu, liige 1991–1996 Eesti meditsiiniregistrite nõukogu, Tervishoiuministeerium, liige 1992– Eesti Statistikaselts, liige 1992–2002 Ajakirja "Epidemiology" (USA) toimetusnõukogu, liige 1997–1999 Eesti Teadusfondi arstiteaduste ekspertkomisjon, liige 1998–2000 Registrite Nõukogu, Sotsiaalministeerium, liige 1998– Tallinna Ülikooli (Pedagoogikaülikooli) demograafia instituudi teadusnõukogu, liige/esimees 1998– Tallinna Ülikooli (Pedagoogikaülikooli) rahvastikuteaduse doktori- ja magistrinõukogu, liige 2000– Tartu Ülikooli rahvatervise/rahvatervishoiu kraadinõukogu, liige/aseesimees 2001– Eesti Käitumis- ja Terviseteaduste Keskuse (Eesti tippkeskus)nõukogu,liige 2001– Eesti Müokardiinfarktiregistri teadusnõukogu, liige 2003– SA Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla registrite nõukogu, liige 2003– Tallinna Meditsiiniuuringute Eetikakomitee, liige 2005– Eesti Teadusfondi arstiteaduste ekspertkomisjon, liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Sigrid Vorobjov, MSc, 2005, juh. Mati Rahu. Ravijärgimus juhuslikustatud hormoonasendusravi uuringus. Tartu Ülikool Kaire Innos, PhD, 2000, juh. Mati Rahu. Epidemiological resources in Estonia: data sources, their quality and the feasibility of cohort studies. Tartu Ülikool Helle Karro, PhD, 1999, juh. Kadri Gross, Mati Rahu. Reproductive health and pregnancy outcome in Estonia: association with different factors. Tartu Ülikool Katrin Kuus, MSc, 1996, juh. Keith Tolley, Mati Rahu. The economic impact of cancer in Estonia. University of Nottingham, UK Mall Leinsalu, MSc, 1996, juh. Göran Pershagen, Mati Rahu. Time-trends in cause-specific mortality in Estonia 1965–1989. Karolinska Institute (Stockholm) Aleksei Baburin, MSc, 1995, juh. Jan-Willem W. Coeberg, Mati Rahu. Striking increase of cancers of oral cavity and pharynx in Estonia during 1968–1992. Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Tiiu Aareleid, cand, 1988, juh. Viktor Dvoirin, Mati Rahu. Haigete elulemus mao-, rinna-, kopsu- ja emakakaelavähi korral Eesti NSV-s (Eesti Vähiregistri andmete põhjal, 1968-1981). NSVL Onkoloogiakeskus (Moskva) |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Haiguste registreerimine, nosogeograafia, vähistatistika, moodne epidemioloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Ainla T, Baburin A, Teesalu R, Rahu M. The association between hyperglycaemia on admission and 180-day mortality in acute myocardial infarction patients with and without diabetes. Diabet Med 2005;22:1321–1325. Haldre K, Karro H, Rahu M, Tellmann A. Impact of rapid socio-economic changes on teenage pregnancies in Estonia during 1992-2001. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2005;84:425–431. Hovi SL, Hakama M, Veerus P, Rahu M, Hemminki E. Who wants to join preventive trials? – Experience from the Estonian Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Trial [ISRCTN35338757]. BMC Med Res Methodol 2005;5:12. Pehme L, Hollo V, Rahu M, Altraja A. Tuberculosis during fundamental societal changes in Estonia with special reference to extrapulmonary manifestations. Chest 2005;127:1289–1295. Pärna K, Rahu K, Rahu M. Smoking habits and attitudes towards smoking among Estonian physicians. Public Health 2005;119:390–399. Svensson E, Moller B, Tretli S, Barlow L, Engholm G, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Tryggvadottir L. Early life events and later risk of colorectal cancer: age-period-cohort modelling in the Nordic countries and Estonia. Cancer Causes Control 2005;16:215–223. Vorobjov S, Hovi SL, Veerus P, Pisarev H, Rahu M, Hemminki E. Treatment adherence in the Estonian postmenopausal hormone therapy (EPHT) trial [ISRCTN35338757]. Maturitas 2005 May 27; [Epub ahead of print] Augood C, Fletcher A, Bentham G, Chakravarthy U, de Jong PT, Rahu M, Seland J, Soubrane G, Tomazzoli L, Topouzis F, Vioque J, Young I. Methods for a population-based study of the prevalence of and risk factors for age-related maculopathy and macular degeneration in elderly European populations: the EUREYE study. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2004;11:117–129. Bakler T, Baburin A, Teesalu R, Rahu M. Comparison of management and 30-day mortality of acute myocardial infarction in men versus women in Estonia. Acta Cardiol 2004;59:275–281. Hemminki E, Hovi SL, Veerus P, Sevon T, Tuimala R, Rahu M, Hakama M. Blinding decreased recruitment in a prevention trial of postmenopausal hormone therapy. J Clin Epidemiol 2004;57:1237–1243. Richiardi L, Bellocco R, Adami HO, Torrang A, Barlow L, Hakulinen T, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Storm H, Tretli S, Kurtinaitis J, Tyczynski JE, Akre O. Testicular cancer incidence in eight northern European countries: secular and recent trends. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004;13:2157–2166. Haldre K, Karro H, Rahu M. Reproduktiivtervise näitajaid Eesti naistel 1992–2001. Eesti Arst 2003;82:166–171. Innos K, Rahu K, Rahu M, Baburin A. Suicides among cancer patients in Estonia: a population-based study. Eur J Cancer 2003;39:2223–2228. Kiuru A, Auvinen A, Luokkamaki M, Makkonen K, Veidebaum T, Tekkel M, Rahu M, Hakulinen T, Servomaa K, Rytomaa T, Mustonen R. Hereditary minisatellite mutations among the offspring of Estonian Chernobyl cleanup workers. Radiat Res 2003;159:651–655. Pehme L, Altraja A, Hollo V, Rahu M. Kopsuväline tuberkuloos Eestis. Eesti Arst 2003;82:686–692. Pärna K, Rahu K, Fischer K, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Zhuravleva I, Umbleja T, Rahu M. Smoking and associated factors among adolescents in Tallinn, Helsinki and Moscow: a multilevel analysis. Sc J Public Health 2003;31:350–358. Quinn MJ, d’Onofrio A, Møller B, Black R, Martinez-Garcia C, Møller H, Rahu M, Robertson C, Schouten LJ, La Vecchia C, Boyle P. Cancer mortality trends in the EU and acceding countries up to 2015. Ann Oncol 2003;14:1148–1152. Rahu M. Health effects of the Chernobyl accident: fears, rumours and the truth. Eur J Cancer 2003;39:295–299. Rahu M, Rahu K, Baburin A, Leon D. Alkoholisõltuva suremuse hariduserinevused Eestis – kas meil on vaja seda teada? Eesti Arst 2003;82:85–92. Rohtmets A, Karro H, Baburin A, Gissler M, Rahu M. Eesti sünnitusabi suundumused 1992–2001. Eesti Arst 2003;82:234–238. Tadjalli-Mehr K, Becker N, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Kurtinaitis J, Hakama M. Randomized trial with fruits and vegetables in prevention of cancer. Acta Oncol 2003;42:287–293. Innos K, Rahu K, Baburin A, Rahu M. Cancer incidence and cause-specific mortality in male and female physicians: a cohort study in Estonia. Scand J Public Health 2002;30:133–140. Pärna K, Rahu K, Rahu M. Patterns of smoking in Estonia. Addiction 2002;97:871–876. Tekkel M, Rahu M, Loit H-M, Baburin A. Risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in Estonia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002;6:887–894. Bakler T, Rahu M, Teesalu R. Kvaliteetsete kliiniliste andmebaaside pealetung. Eesti Arst 2001:80;586–590. Rahu M, Baburin A. Epidemioloogia II. Interneti ressursid. Eesti Arst 2001:80;255–262. Innos K, Rahu M, Rahu K, Lang I, Leon DA. Wood dust exposure and cancer incidence: A retrospective cohort study of furniture workers in Estonia. Am J Ind Med 2000;37:501–511. Innos K, Rahu M, Rahu K. Feasibility of cohort studies in Estonia. Occup Environm Med 1999;56:499–502. Alexander FE, Boyle P, Carli PM, Coebergh JW, Draper GJ, Ekbom A, Levi F, McKinney PA, McWhirter W, Michaelis J, Peris-Bonet R, Petridou E, Pompe-Kirn V, Plesko I, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Storm H, Terracini B, Vatten L, Wray N. Spatial clustering of childhood leukemia: Summary results from the EUROCLUS project. Br J Cancer 1998;77:818–824. Rahu M, Tekkel M, Veidebaum T, Pukkala E, Hakulinen T, Auvinen A, Rytömaa T, Inskip PD, Boice JD, Jr. The Estonian Study of Chernobyl Cleanup Workers: II. Incidence of cancer and mortality. Radiation Research 1997;147:653–657 Bigbee WL, Jensen RH, Veidebaum T, Tekkel M, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Kesminiene A, Kurtinaitis J, Auvinen A, Hakulinen T, Servomaa K, Rytömaa T, Obrams GI, Boice J. Glycophorin A biodosimetry in Chernobyl cleanup workers from the Baltic countries. BMJ 1996;312:1078–1079. Rahu M, Hakulinen T. Descriptive epidemiology of cancer around the Baltic Sea. Acta Oncologica 1994;33:849–858. Leinsalu M, Rahu M. Time trends in cancer mortality in Estonia, 1965–1989. Int J Cancer 1993;53:914–918. Rahu M. Cancer epidemiology in the former Soviet Union. Epidemiology 1992;3:464–470. Aareleid T, Rahu M. Cancer survival in Estonia from 1978 to 1987. Cancer 1991;68:2088–2092. Aareleid T, Staneczek W, Rahu M, Mohner M. On the background of differences in survival of female breast cancer patients in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR. Neoplasma 1990;37:587–594. Rahu M. Graphical representation of cancer incidence data: Chernoff faces. Int J Epidemiol 1989;18:763–767. Pawlega J, Staneczek W, Rahu M, Plesko I, Mehnert WH, Dimitrova E, Witek J, Somogyi J. Trends and patterns in lung cancer incidence in four cities of Eastern Europe, 1971–1980. Neoplasma 1988;35:635–641. Karjalainen S, Aareleid T, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Tekkel M. Rintasyöpäpotilaiden eloonjääminen Suomessa ja Virossa. Duodecim 1987;103:476–483. Haas JF, Rahu M, Staneczek W. Time trends in cancer incidence in the German Democratic Republic 1968–1981. Neoplasma 1986;33:129–139. Aareleid T, Staneczek W, Haas J, Rahu M. Comparison of epidemiologic features of female breast cancer in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR, 1968–1980. Arch Geschwulstforsch 1985;55:139–146. Raudsepp J, Rahu M. Smoking among schoolteachers in Estonia 1980. Scand J Soc Med 1984;12:49–53. Hakulinen T, Rahu M, Aareleid T, Pukkala E, Teppo L, Vanaselja T. Syöpä Suomessa ja Virossa. Duodecim 1983;99:1741–1751. Staneczek W, Rahu M, Beckmann L, Vyhandu L, Haas J, Aareleid T, Mehnert WH. A comparative study of cancer registries in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR. Arch Geschwulstforsch 1982;52:575–583. Purde M, Rahu M. Cancer patterns in the oil shale area of the Estonian S.S.R. Environ Health Perspect 1979;30:209–210. Veldre I, Rahu M, Il'nitskiy A. Benso(a)püreeni sisaldusest Eesti kahe piirkonna vetes, muldades ja kartulites. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Keemia-Geoloogia 1975;24:237–240 (vene k). |
viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Mati |
2. | Surname | Rahu |
3. | Institution | National Institute for Health Development |
4. | Position | Head of Department |
5. | Date of birth | 30.01.1942 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, medical geography 1968 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (IECM), Tallinn Junior Researcher 1968–1977 IECM, Tallinn Senior Researcher 1977–1990 IECM, Tallinn Leading Researcher 1990–1991 University of Tartu, Institute of Public Health. Simultaneously affiliated with the IECM Visiting Lecturer 1991–1993 IECM, Tallinn Head of Dept. 1991–2003 University of Tartu, Institute of Public Health. Simultaneously affiliated with the IECM/NIHD Joint/Visiting Professor 1993– National Institute for Health Development (NIHD), Tallinn Head of Dept. 2003– |
8. | Academic degree | PhD, biology (oncology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology (Moscow) 1976 |
10. | Honours/awards | I Prize, Studental Research Competition, University of Tartu (1968); Diploma, Studental Research Competition of Estonia (1968); Award, USSR Ministry of Health (1969, 1990); Honour Certificate, ESSR Ministry of Health (1986); Best Paper Prize, journal "Nõukogude Eesti Tervishoid" (1986, 1987); IECM Annual Research Award (1996, 1997); Annual National Science Award in Medicine (1997); IECM Letter of Thanks (2002); NIHD Annual Research Award (2003) |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
1968– Member, Estonian Geographical Society 1980–1985 Member, Research and Advisory Council of Medical Geography, USSR Geographical Society 1988–1991 Member, Advisory Commission on Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences 1988– Member, Estonian Demographic Association 1989– Member, European Association for Population Studies 1991– Member, Scientific Board, IECM/NIHD 1991–1996 Member, Estonian Council of Medical Registries, Estonian Ministry of Health 1992– Member, Estonian Statistical Society 1992–2002 Member of the Editorial Board, journal "Epidemiology" (USA) 1997–1999 Mamber, Estonian Science Foundation, Grant Expert Commission (Medicine) 1998–2000 Member, Council of Registries, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs 1998– Member/Head, Scientific Board, Institute of Demography, Tallinn (Pedagogical) University 1998– Member, Doctoral and Master Committee on Population Science, Tallinn (Pedagogical) University 2000– Member / Deputy Chairman, Master Committee on Public Health, University of Tartu 2001– Member, Council, Estonian Centre of Excellence in Behavioural and Health Sciences 2001– Member, Scientific Board, Estonian Myocardial Infarction Registry 2003– Member, Council of Registries, North-Estonian Regional Hospital Foundation 2003– Member, Tallinn Medical Research Ethics Committee 2005– Member, Estonian Science Foundation, Grant Expert Commission (Medicine) |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Sigrid Vorobjov, MSc, 2005, superv. Mati Rahu. Ravijärgimus juhuslikustatud hormoonasendusravi uuringus. Tartu Ülikool Kaire Innos, PhD, 2000, superv. Mati Rahu. Epidemiological resources in Estonia: data sources, their quality and the feasibility of cohort studies. Tartu Ülikool Helle Karro, PhD, 1999, superv. Kadri Gross, Mati Rahu. Reproductive health and pregnancy outcome in Estonia: association with different factors. Tartu Ülikool Katrin Kuus, MSc, 1996, superv. Keith Tolley, Mati Rahu. The economic impact of cancer in Estonia. University of Nottingham, UK Mall Leinsalu, MSc, 1996, superv. Göran Pershagen, Mati Rahu. Time-trends in cause-specific mortality in Estonia 1965–1989. Karolinska Institute (Stockholm) Aleksei Baburin, MSc, 1995, superv. Jan-Willem W. Coeberg, Mati Rahu. Striking increase of cancers of oral cavity and pharynx in Estonia during 1968–1992. Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands Tiiu Aareleid, cand, 1988, superv. Viktor Dvoirin, Mati Rahu. Haigete elulemus mao-, rinna-, kopsu- ja emakakaelavähi korral Eesti NSV-s (Eesti Vähiregistri andmete põhjal, 1968-1981). NSVL Onkoloogiakeskus (Moskva) |
13. | Current research program | Disease registration, nosogeography, cancer statistics, modern epidemiology |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Ainla T, Baburin A, Teesalu R, Rahu M. The association between hyperglycaemia on admission and 180-day mortality in acute myocardial infarction patients with and without diabetes. Diabet Med 2005;22:1321–1325. Haldre K, Karro H, Rahu M, Tellmann A. Impact of rapid socio-economic changes on teenage pregnancies in Estonia during 1992-2001. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2005;84:425–431. Hovi SL, Hakama M, Veerus P, Rahu M, Hemminki E. Who wants to join preventive trials? – Experience from the Estonian Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Trial [ISRCTN35338757]. BMC Med Res Methodol 2005;5:12. Pehme L, Hollo V, Rahu M, Altraja A. Tuberculosis during fundamental societal changes in Estonia with special reference to extrapulmonary manifestations. Chest 2005;127:1289–1295. Pärna K, Rahu K, Rahu M. Smoking habits and attitudes towards smoking among Estonian physicians. Public Health 2005;119:390–399. Svensson E, Moller B, Tretli S, Barlow L, Engholm G, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Tryggvadottir L. Early life events and later risk of colorectal cancer: age-period-cohort modelling in the Nordic countries and Estonia. Cancer Causes Control 2005;16:215–223. Vorobjov S, Hovi SL, Veerus P, Pisarev H, Rahu M, Hemminki E. Treatment adherence in the Estonian postmenopausal hormone therapy (EPHT) trial [ISRCTN35338757]. Maturitas 2005 May 27; [Epub ahead of print] Augood C, Fletcher A, Bentham G, Chakravarthy U, de Jong PT, Rahu M, Seland J, Soubrane G, Tomazzoli L, Topouzis F, Vioque J, Young I. Methods for a population-based study of the prevalence of and risk factors for age-related maculopathy and macular degeneration in elderly European populations: the EUREYE study. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2004;11:117–129. Bakler T, Baburin A, Teesalu R, Rahu M. Comparison of management and 30-day mortality of acute myocardial infarction in men versus women in Estonia. Acta Cardiol 2004;59:275–281. Hemminki E, Hovi SL, Veerus P, Sevon T, Tuimala R, Rahu M, Hakama M. Blinding decreased recruitment in a prevention trial of postmenopausal hormone therapy. J Clin Epidemiol 2004;57:1237–1243. Richiardi L, Bellocco R, Adami HO, Torrang A, Barlow L, Hakulinen T, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Storm H, Tretli S, Kurtinaitis J, Tyczynski JE, Akre O. Testicular cancer incidence in eight northern European countries: secular and recent trends. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004;13:2157–2166. Haldre K, Karro H, Rahu M. Reproduktiivtervise näitajaid Eesti naistel 1992–2001. Eesti Arst 2003;82:166–171. Innos K, Rahu K, Rahu M, Baburin A. Suicides among cancer patients in Estonia: a population-based study. Eur J Cancer 2003;39:2223–2228. Kiuru A, Auvinen A, Luokkamaki M, Makkonen K, Veidebaum T, Tekkel M, Rahu M, Hakulinen T, Servomaa K, Rytomaa T, Mustonen R. Hereditary minisatellite mutations among the offspring of Estonian Chernobyl cleanup workers. Radiat Res 2003;159:651–655. Pehme L, Altraja A, Hollo V, Rahu M. Kopsuväline tuberkuloos Eestis. Eesti Arst 2003;82:686–692. Pärna K, Rahu K, Fischer K, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Zhuravleva I, Umbleja T, Rahu M. Smoking and associated factors among adolescents in Tallinn, Helsinki and Moscow: a multilevel analysis. Sc J Public Health 2003;31:350–358. Quinn MJ, d’Onofrio A, Møller B, Black R, Martinez-Garcia C, Møller H, Rahu M, Robertson C, Schouten LJ, La Vecchia C, Boyle P. Cancer mortality trends in the EU and acceding countries up to 2015. Ann Oncol 2003;14:1148–1152. Rahu M. Health effects of the Chernobyl accident: fears, rumours and the truth. Eur J Cancer 2003;39:295–299. Rahu M, Rahu K, Baburin A, Leon D. Alkoholisõltuva suremuse hariduserinevused Eestis – kas meil on vaja seda teada? Eesti Arst 2003;82:85–92. Rohtmets A, Karro H, Baburin A, Gissler M, Rahu M. Eesti sünnitusabi suundumused 1992–2001. Eesti Arst 2003;82:234–238. Tadjalli-Mehr K, Becker N, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Kurtinaitis J, Hakama M. Randomized trial with fruits and vegetables in prevention of cancer. Acta Oncol 2003;42:287–293. Innos K, Rahu K, Baburin A, Rahu M. Cancer incidence and cause-specific mortality in male and female physicians: a cohort study in Estonia. Scand J Public Health 2002;30:133–140. Pärna K, Rahu K, Rahu M. Patterns of smoking in Estonia. Addiction 2002;97:871–876. Tekkel M, Rahu M, Loit H-M, Baburin A. Risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in Estonia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002;6:887–894. Bakler T, Rahu M, Teesalu R. Kvaliteetsete kliiniliste andmebaaside pealetung. Eesti Arst 2001:80;586–590. Rahu M, Baburin A. Epidemioloogia II. Interneti ressursid. Eesti Arst 2001:80;255–262. Innos K, Rahu M, Rahu K, Lang I, Leon DA. Wood dust exposure and cancer incidence: A retrospective cohort study of furniture workers in Estonia. Am J Ind Med 2000;37:501–511. Innos K, Rahu M, Rahu K. Feasibility of cohort studies in Estonia. Occup Environm Med 1999;56:499–502. Alexander FE, Boyle P, Carli PM, Coebergh JW, Draper GJ, Ekbom A, Levi F, McKinney PA, McWhirter W, Michaelis J, Peris-Bonet R, Petridou E, Pompe-Kirn V, Plesko I, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Storm H, Terracini B, Vatten L, Wray N. Spatial clustering of childhood leukemia: Summary results from the EUROCLUS project. Br J Cancer 1998;77:818–824. Rahu M, Tekkel M, Veidebaum T, Pukkala E, Hakulinen T, Auvinen A, Rytömaa T, Inskip PD, Boice JD, Jr. The Estonian Study of Chernobyl Cleanup Workers: II. Incidence of cancer and mortality. Radiation Research 1997;147:653–657 Bigbee WL, Jensen RH, Veidebaum T, Tekkel M, Rahu M, Stengrevics A, Kesminiene A, Kurtinaitis J, Auvinen A, Hakulinen T, Servomaa K, Rytömaa T, Obrams GI, Boice J. Glycophorin A biodosimetry in Chernobyl cleanup workers from the Baltic countries. BMJ 1996;312:1078–1079. Rahu M, Hakulinen T. Descriptive epidemiology of cancer around the Baltic Sea. Acta Oncologica 1994;33:849–858. Leinsalu M, Rahu M. Time trends in cancer mortality in Estonia, 1965–1989. Int J Cancer 1993;53:914–918. Rahu M. Cancer epidemiology in the former Soviet Union. Epidemiology 1992;3:464–470. Aareleid T, Rahu M. Cancer survival in Estonia from 1978 to 1987. Cancer 1991;68:2088–2092. Aareleid T, Staneczek W, Rahu M, Mohner M. On the background of differences in survival of female breast cancer patients in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR. Neoplasma 1990;37:587–594. Rahu M. Graphical representation of cancer incidence data: Chernoff faces. Int J Epidemiol 1989;18:763–767. Pawlega J, Staneczek W, Rahu M, Plesko I, Mehnert WH, Dimitrova E, Witek J, Somogyi J. Trends and patterns in lung cancer incidence in four cities of Eastern Europe, 1971–1980. Neoplasma 1988;35:635–641. Karjalainen S, Aareleid T, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Tekkel M. Rintasyöpäpotilaiden eloonjääminen Suomessa ja Virossa. Duodecim 1987;103:476–483. Haas JF, Rahu M, Staneczek W. Time trends in cancer incidence in the German Democratic Republic 1968–1981. Neoplasma 1986;33:129–139. Aareleid T, Staneczek W, Haas J, Rahu M. Comparison of epidemiologic features of female breast cancer in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR, 1968–1980. Arch Geschwulstforsch 1985;55:139–146. Raudsepp J, Rahu M. Smoking among schoolteachers in Estonia 1980. Scand J Soc Med 1984;12:49–53. Hakulinen T, Rahu M, Aareleid T, Pukkala E, Teppo L, Vanaselja T. Syöpä Suomessa ja Virossa. Duodecim 1983;99:1741–1751. Staneczek W, Rahu M, Beckmann L, Vyhandu L, Haas J, Aareleid T, Mehnert WH. A comparative study of cancer registries in the German Democratic Republic and the Estonian SSR. Arch Geschwulstforsch 1982;52:575–583. Purde M, Rahu M. Cancer patterns in the oil shale area of the Estonian S.S.R. Environ Health Perspect 1979;30:209–210. Veldre I, Rahu M, Il'nitskiy A. Benso(a)püreeni sisaldusest Eesti kahe piirkonna vetes, muldades ja kartulites. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Keemia-Geoloogia 1975;24:237–240 (vene k). |
last updated: 03.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]