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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ellu
2.Perekonnanimi Saar
3.Töökoht Rahvusvaheliste ja Sotsiaaluuringute Instituut, Tallinna Ülikool
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 08.10.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool rakendusmatemaatika 1978
7.Teenistuskäik ETA Ajaloo Instituut, nooremteadur 1978-1984;
ETA Ajaloo Instituut, vanemteadur 1984-1988;
ETA Filosoofia, Sotsioloogia ja Õiguse Instituut, juhtivteadur 1989-1994;
Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berliin, külalisteadur 1991-1992;
Rahvusvahelite ja Sotissaluuringute Instituut, vanemteadur 1994-1997;
TPÜ Rahvusvaheliste ja Sotsiaaluuringute Instituut, vanemteadur 1998-
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Valgevene Riiklik Ülikool 1983
ja –administratiivne
ajakirja "European Sociological Review" toimetuskolleegiumi liige
TLÜ RASI teadusnõukogu liige
EL 6. raamprogrammi integreeritud projekti LLL2010 koordinaator
Rahvusvahelise Sotsioloogia Assotsiatsiooni uurimisgrupi RC28 liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Margarita Kazjulja, MSc, 2005, juh. Ellu Saar. Haridus ja sotsiaalsed sidemed: mitte-eestlaste edukuse tegurid tööturul. Tallinna Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad sotsiaalne stratifikatsioon ja mobiilsus, eluteeuuringud; haridus; tööalane liikumine
14.Jooksvad grandid EL 6. raamprogrammi integreeritud projekt "Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System", september 2005-august 2010

Helemäe, J. and Saar, E. (2005). Women’s Employment in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty, and Women's Careers in International Comparison. [eds. H.-P. Blossfeld and H. Hofmeister]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (in print).

Kazjulja, M. and Saar, E. (2005). Non-Estonians on a way from socialism to capitalism: desires and opportunities (Неэстонцы Эстонии на пути от социализма к капитализму: желания и возможности). Социологические исследования (in print).

Saar, E. (2005). New Entrants on the Estonian Labour Market: A Comparison with the EU Countries. European Societies, 7: 481-514.

Saar, E. (2005). Unemployment and education: Estonian labour market entry pattern compared to the EU countries. Trames, 9(1), 25-48.

Saar, E. and Helemäe, J. (2005). Employment Careers of Men in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty and Men's Careers: An International Comparison [eds. Blossfeld, H-P., M. Mills and F. Bernardi]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (in print).

Saar, E. and Täht, K. 2005. Men's late careers and career exits in Estonia. Trames, 9: 228-258.

Täht, K. and Saar, E. (2005). Late careers and career exits in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society [eds. H.-P.Blossfeld, S. Buchholz & D. Hofäcker]. London: Routledge Advances in Sociology Series (in print).

Saar, E. and Kazjulja, M. (2002). Problems of putting education to best use. The Baltic Review, 21, 30-32.

Saar, E. [ed.] (2002). Trepist alla ja üles: edukad ja ebaedukad postsotsialistlikus Eestis. Tallinn: TA Kirjastus. 304 p.

Hallik, K., Saar, E. and Helemäe, J. (2001). Etnicheskaya segmentatsya na rynke truda: chto dayet neestontsam znanie estonskogo yacyka I nalichie estonskogo grazhstanstva / Ethnic Segmentation of Estonian Labour Market: Command of Estonian and Estonian Citizenship. In: Nestontsy na pynke truda v novoi Estonii / Non-Estonians in the Estonian Labour Market [eds. L.M. Drobizheva, M.S. Kashuba, J.M. Kuznetsov], 14-93. Moscow: Institute of Sociology, Institute of Ethnology and Antrophology.

Helemäe, J. and Saar, E. (2001). From School to Work: Linkages Between the Education System and Labour Market in Estonia. In: IT Century: Young People and Social Changes [eds. I. Trapanciere et al], 94-114. Riga.

Saar, E. and Kazjulja, M. (2001). Utilizing educational potential on the Estonian labour market. In: Estonian Human Development Report 2001 [ed. R. Vetik], 54-60. Tallinn: IISS TPU.

Helemäe, J., Saar, E. and Vöörmann, R. (2000). Kas haridusse tasus investeerida? Hariduse selekteerivast ja stratifitseerivast rollist kahe põlvkonna kogemuse alusel / Returns to Education. Tallinn: TA Kirjastus. 302 p.

Helemäe, J., Saar, E. and Vöörmann, R. (1999). Occupational Mobility in Estonia: What is Changed in 1989-1994? In: Estonian Labour Market and Labour Market Policy [ed. R. Eamets], 56-71. Tallinn: Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia.

Helemäe, Y. and Saar, E. (1998). Intragenerational Mobility and Middle Class Formation in Estonia. In: Kalamari Union. Middle Class in East and West [ed. M. Kivinen], 149-175. Aldershot, Brookfield, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate.

21. Helemäe, J., E. Saar and R. Vöörmann(1997) Winners of Transition? Young Adults in the Baltic Countries according to Data of Longitudinal and NORBALT Surveys". In: Aasland, A., et al (eds.), The Baltic Countries Revisited: Living Conditions and Comparative Challenges. The NORBALT Living Conditions Project. Oslo: Fafo, 147-164.

Saar, E. (1997) Transitions to Tertiary Education in Belarus and the Baltic Countries. European Sociological Review, 13(2), 139-158.

Titma, M. and Saar, E. (1997). Die Wahl des Zeitpunktes von Heirat and Geburt von Kindern in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion / Timing of Marriage and Birth in Former Soviet Union). In Familien in verschiedenen Kulturen (The Family in Different Cultures) [eds. B. Nauck, U. Schönpflug], 217-247. Stuttgart: Ferinand Enke Verlag.

Saar, E. and Titma, M. (1996). Educational Careers in Estonia. International Journal of Sociology, 26(3) Estonia's Transition from State Socialism: Nationalities and Society on the Eve of Independence, Part 3: Social and Economic Life [eds. M.Titma, B.D. Silver, B.A. Anderson], 3-30.

Helemäe, E. and Saar, E. (1995). National Reconstruction and Social Re-Stratification. Nationalities Papers, 23(1), 127-140.

Titma, M. and Saar, E. (1995). Regional Differences in the Secondary Education of the Former Soviet Union. European Sociological Review, 11(1), 37-58.

Saar, E., Titma, M. and Kenkmann, P. (1994). Estonian Sociology: The Emergence of an Empirical Tradition. In: Eastern Europe in Transformation. The Impact on Sociology [eds. M.F. Keen, J. Mucha], 157-162. Westport Connecticut, London: Greenwood Press.

Kenkmann, P., Saar, E. and Titma, M. (1986). Generations and Social Self-Determination: A Study of Cohorts from 1948 to 1979 in Estonian SSR. In: The Social Structure of the USSR: Recent Soviet Studies (Soviet Sociology, Vol. 24. N 1-2-3) [ed. M. Yanowitch], 180-214. New York: Sharpe.

Kirkh, A. and Saar, E. (1986). A Causal Model of Youth Mobility. In: The Social Structure of the USSR: Recent Soviet Studies (Soviet Sociology, Vol. 24. N 1-2-3) [ed. M. Yanowitch], 173-179. New York: Sharpe.

viimati muudetud: 09.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ellu
2.Surname Saar
3.Institution Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn Univeristy
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 08.10.1955 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University applied mathematics 1978
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of History, Estonian Academy of Sciences, junior researcher 1978-1984;
Institute of History, estonian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher 1984-1988;
Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Estonian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher 1989-1994;
Institute for International and Social Studies, senior researcher 1994-1997;
Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn Pedagogical Institute, senior researcher 1998-present
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Byelorussian Univeristy 1983
Member of Editorial Board, "European Sociological Review"
TU IISS Member of the Scientific Board
EU 6th framework programme integrated project "Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System", coordinator
member of International Sociological Association, RC28
12.Supervised dissertations

Margarita Kazjulja, MSc, 2005, superv. Ellu Saar. Haridus ja sotsiaalsed sidemed: mitte-eestlaste edukuse tegurid tööturul. Tallinna Ülikool

13.Current research program social stratification and mobility, life paths, education, labour market mobility
14.Current grant funding EU 6th framework programme integrated project "Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System", September 2005-August 2010
15.List of most important publications

Helemäe, J. and Saar, E. (2005). Women’s Employment in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty, and Women's Careers in International Comparison. [eds. H.-P. Blossfeld and H. Hofmeister]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (in print).

Kazjulja, M. and Saar, E. (2005). Non-Estonians on a way from socialism to capitalism: desires and opportunities (Неэстонцы Эстонии на пути от социализма к капитализму: желания и возможности). Социологические исследования (in print).

Saar, E. (2005). New Entrants on the Estonian Labour Market: A Comparison with the EU Countries. European Societies, 7: 481-514.

Saar, E. (2005). Unemployment and education: Estonian labour market entry pattern compared to the EU countries. Trames, 9(1), 25-48.

Saar, E. and Helemäe, J. (2005). Employment Careers of Men in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty and Men's Careers: An International Comparison [eds. Blossfeld, H-P., M. Mills and F. Bernardi]. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (in print).

Saar, E. and Täht, K. 2005. Men's late careers and career exits in Estonia. Trames, 9: 228-258.

Täht, K. and Saar, E. (2005). Late careers and career exits in Estonia. In: Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society [eds. H.-P.Blossfeld, S. Buchholz & D. Hofäcker]. London: Routledge Advances in Sociology Series (in print).

Saar, E. and Kazjulja, M. (2002). Problems of putting education to best use. The Baltic Review, 21, 30-32.

Saar, E. [ed.] (2002). Trepist alla ja üles: edukad ja ebaedukad postsotsialistlikus Eestis. Tallinn: TA Kirjastus. 304 p.

Hallik, K., Saar, E. and Helemäe, J. (2001). Etnicheskaya segmentatsya na rynke truda: chto dayet neestontsam znanie estonskogo yacyka I nalichie estonskogo grazhstanstva / Ethnic Segmentation of Estonian Labour Market: Command of Estonian and Estonian Citizenship. In: Nestontsy na pynke truda v novoi Estonii / Non-Estonians in the Estonian Labour Market [eds. L.M. Drobizheva, M.S. Kashuba, J.M. Kuznetsov], 14-93. Moscow: Institute of Sociology, Institute of Ethnology and Antrophology.

Helemäe, J. and Saar, E. (2001). From School to Work: Linkages Between the Education System and Labour Market in Estonia. In: IT Century: Young People and Social Changes [eds. I. Trapanciere et al], 94-114. Riga.

Saar, E. and Kazjulja, M. (2001). Utilizing educational potential on the Estonian labour market. In: Estonian Human Development Report 2001 [ed. R. Vetik], 54-60. Tallinn: IISS TPU.

Helemäe, J., Saar, E. and Vöörmann, R. (2000). Kas haridusse tasus investeerida? Hariduse selekteerivast ja stratifitseerivast rollist kahe põlvkonna kogemuse alusel / Returns to Education. Tallinn: TA Kirjastus. 302 p.

Helemäe, J., Saar, E. and Vöörmann, R. (1999). Occupational Mobility in Estonia: What is Changed in 1989-1994? In: Estonian Labour Market and Labour Market Policy [ed. R. Eamets], 56-71. Tallinn: Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia.

Helemäe, Y. and Saar, E. (1998). Intragenerational Mobility and Middle Class Formation in Estonia. In: Kalamari Union. Middle Class in East and West [ed. M. Kivinen], 149-175. Aldershot, Brookfield, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate.

21. Helemäe, J., E. Saar and R. Vöörmann(1997) Winners of Transition? Young Adults in the Baltic Countries according to Data of Longitudinal and NORBALT Surveys". In: Aasland, A., et al (eds.), The Baltic Countries Revisited: Living Conditions and Comparative Challenges. The NORBALT Living Conditions Project. Oslo: Fafo, 147-164.

Saar, E. (1997) Transitions to Tertiary Education in Belarus and the Baltic Countries. European Sociological Review, 13(2), 139-158.

Titma, M. and Saar, E. (1997). Die Wahl des Zeitpunktes von Heirat and Geburt von Kindern in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion / Timing of Marriage and Birth in Former Soviet Union). In Familien in verschiedenen Kulturen (The Family in Different Cultures) [eds. B. Nauck, U. Schönpflug], 217-247. Stuttgart: Ferinand Enke Verlag.

Saar, E. and Titma, M. (1996). Educational Careers in Estonia. International Journal of Sociology, 26(3) Estonia's Transition from State Socialism: Nationalities and Society on the Eve of Independence, Part 3: Social and Economic Life [eds. M.Titma, B.D. Silver, B.A. Anderson], 3-30.

Helemäe, E. and Saar, E. (1995). National Reconstruction and Social Re-Stratification. Nationalities Papers, 23(1), 127-140.

Titma, M. and Saar, E. (1995). Regional Differences in the Secondary Education of the Former Soviet Union. European Sociological Review, 11(1), 37-58.

Saar, E., Titma, M. and Kenkmann, P. (1994). Estonian Sociology: The Emergence of an Empirical Tradition. In: Eastern Europe in Transformation. The Impact on Sociology [eds. M.F. Keen, J. Mucha], 157-162. Westport Connecticut, London: Greenwood Press.

Kenkmann, P., Saar, E. and Titma, M. (1986). Generations and Social Self-Determination: A Study of Cohorts from 1948 to 1979 in Estonian SSR. In: The Social Structure of the USSR: Recent Soviet Studies (Soviet Sociology, Vol. 24. N 1-2-3) [ed. M. Yanowitch], 180-214. New York: Sharpe.

Kirkh, A. and Saar, E. (1986). A Causal Model of Youth Mobility. In: The Social Structure of the USSR: Recent Soviet Studies (Soviet Sociology, Vol. 24. N 1-2-3) [ed. M. Yanowitch], 173-179. New York: Sharpe.

last updated: 09.08.2005

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