[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Riho |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Gross |
3. | Töökoht | EPMÜ Loomakasvatusinstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 04.05.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1981, bioloogia-ihtüoloogia |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1981 kuni käesoleva ajani - EPMÜ Loomakasvatusinstituut (endine ELVI) kalakasvatuse osakond: 1981-1983, vanem-zootehnik 1983-1988, nooremteadur 1988-1992, teadur 1992 kuni käesoleva ajani vanemteadur Stipendiumid ja uurimistöö välismaal: 1993/1994 - 6 kuud Rootsi Instituudi stipendiaat Rootsi Põllumajandusteaduste Ülikooli akvakultuuri osakonnas; 1994 - 3 kuud DAAD/NATO stipendiaat Müncheni Tehnikaülikooli loomakasvatuse õppetooli juures; 1995 - 3 kuud Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu stipendiaat Rootsi PMÜ akvakultuuri osakonnas; 1996 - 2 kuud külalisteadlasena Berliini Sisevete Ökoloogia ja Kalanduse Instituudis (BSÖKI); 1998 - 2 kuud külalisteadlasena BSÖKIs; 3 kuud Müncheni Ülikooli ulukite bioloogia õppetooli juures; 1999 - 1 kuu BSÖKIs; 2000 - 1.5 kuud Soome Kalandusinstituudis; 2001 - 3 kuud Müncheni TÜs ja 2 kuud BSÖKIs; 2003 - 5 kuud Müncheni TÜs |
8. | Teaduskraad | põllumajandusteaduste kandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Eesti Loomakasvatuse ja Veterinaaria Teadusliku Uurimise Instituut, 1991 |
10. | Tunnustused | Eesti Riigi Teaduspreemia 2003 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
ETF bio-geoteaduste ekspertkomisjoni liige alates 2003.a., TKN põllumajandusteaduste ekspertkomisjoni liige alates 2004. a. EPMÜ reformikomisjoni liige 2004. a. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Anti Vasemägi, PhD, 2004, juh. Riho Gross, Tiit Paaver, Jan Nilsson, Lars-Ove Eriksson. Evolutionary Genetics of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) - Molecular Markers and Applications. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea Anti Vasemägi, MSc, 1998, juh. Tiit Paaver, Riho Gross. Lõhe, Salmo salar L. Eesti populatsioonide geneetiline iseloomustus DNA markerite alusel. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | kalade populatsiooni- ja fülogeneetika, fülogeograafia, molekulaarökoloogia, geneetiliste ressursside kaitse, geeniekspressioon |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF5729 "Kalade liigisisese mitmekesisuse molekulaargeneetilised uuringud kaitse ja säästliku kasutamise huvides" 01.01.04-31.12.07; ETF4826 "Vikerforelli ja karpkala tõugude võrdlev hindamine ning Eesti tingimuste jaoks sobivate vormide valik" 01.01.01-31.12.04 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Gross, R., Kohlmann, K., Kersten, P., Murakaeva, A. (2005). Phylogenetic relationships of wild and farmed common carp (Cyprinus carpio) stocks based on the mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms: implications for taxonomy and conservation. Aquaculture, 247, 16-17 Gum, B., Gross, R., Kühn, R. (2005). Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA phylogeography of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus): evidence for secondary contact zones in Central Europe. Molecular Ecology, 14, 1707-1725. Säisä, M., Koljonen, M.-L., Gross, R., Nilsson, J., Tähtinen, J., Koskiniemi, J., Vasemägi, A. (2005). Population genetic structure and postglacial colonisation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Baltic Sea area based on microsatellite DNA variation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62, 1887-1904. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Koljonen, M.-L., Nilsson, J. (2005). Extensive immigration from compensatory hatchery releases into wild Atlantic salmon population in the Baltic Sea: spatio-temporal analysis over 18 years. Heredity, 95, 76−83. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Koljonen, M.-L., Säisä, M., Nilsson, J. (2005). Analysis of gene associated tandem repeat markers in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations: implications for restoration and conservation in the Baltic Sea. Conservation Genetics, 6, 385-397. Gross, R., Gum, B., Reiter, R., Kühn, R. (2004). Genetic introgression between Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Bavarian hatchery stocks inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers. Aquaculture International, 12, 19-32. Paaver, T., Gross, R., Ilves, P. (2004). Growth rate, maturation level and flesh quality of three strains of large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in Estonia. Aquaculture International, 12, 33-45. Gross, R., Nilsson, J., Kohlmann, K., Lumme, J., Titov, S., Veselov, A. (2003). Distribution of growth hormone 1 gene haplotypes among Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. populations in Europe. In: Atlantic Salmon: Biology, Conservation and Restoration (eds. A.Je. Veselov, E.P. Ieshko, N.N. Nemova, O.P. Sterligova, Yu.A. Shustov). Petrozavodsk: Pakoni. pp. 32-37. Gross, R., Pihu, E., Saat, T. (2003). Tench, Tinca tinca L. – In: Fishes of Estonia (eds. E. Ojaveer, E. Pihu, T. Saat). Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences Publishers. pp. 194-198. ISBN 9985-50-357-0 Gum, B., Gross, R., Rottmann, O., Schröder, W., Kühn, R. (2003). Microsatellite variation in Bavarian populations of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus): implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics, 4, 659-672. Kohlmann, K., Gross, R., Murakaeva, A., Kersten, P. (2003). Genetic variability and structure of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) populations throughout the distribution range inferred from allozyme, microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Aquatic Living Resources, 16, 421-431. Gross, R., Kohlmann, K., Kersten, P. (2002). PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial ND-3/4 and ND-5/6 gene polymorphisms in the European and East Asian subspecies of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture, 204, 507-516. Paaver T., Kuusik S., Gross R., Mõttus E., Tohvert T. (2002). Eesti kalakasvanduste karpkala rasvhappeline koostis. Agraarteadus, 13, 350–357. Gross, R., Kühn, R., Baars, M., Schröder, W., Stein, H., Rottmann, O. (2001). Genetic differentiation of European grayling populations across the Main, Danube and Elbe drainages in Bavaria. Journal of Fish Biology, 58, 264-280. Nilsson, J., Gross, R., Asplund, T., Dove, O., Jansson, H., Kelloniemi, J., Kohlmann, K., Löytynoja, A., Nielsen, E.E., Paaver, T., Primmer, C.R., Titov, S., Vasemägi, A., Veselov, A., Öst, T., Lumme, J. (2001). Matrilinear phylogeography of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Europe and postglacial colonization of the Baltic Sea area. Molecular Ecology, 10, 89-102. Paaver T., Gross R., Vasemägi A. (2001). Genetic characterization of Estonian salmon populations. – In: Present and Potential Production of Wild Salmon in Estonia (eds. M. Kangur, B. Wahlberg). Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences Publishers. pp. 77-85. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Kangur, M., Nilsson. J., Eriksson, L.-O. (2001). Identification of the origin of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population in a recently recolonized river in the Baltic Sea. Molecular Ecology, 10, 2877-2882. Gross, R. & Nilsson, J. (1999). Restriction fragment length polymorphism at the growth hormone 1 gene in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and its association with weight among the offspring of a hatchery stock. Aquaculture, 173, 73-80. Fuchs, H., Gross, R., Rottmann, O., Stein, H. (1998). Application of molecular genetic markers for differentiation of bream (Abramis brama L.) populations from the rivers Main and Danube. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 14, 49-55. Gross, R., Nilsson, J. and Schmitz, M. (1996). A new species-specific nuclear DNA marker for identification of hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Journal of Fish Biology, 49, 537-540. Gross, R., Schlee, P., Stein, H. and Rottmann, O. (1996). Detection of allelic variation within the growth hormone gene in common bream using heteroduplex analysis. Journal of Fish Biology, 48, 1283-1287. Gross, R. & Nilsson, J. (1995). Application of heteroduplex analysis for detecting variation within the growth hormone 2 gene in Salmo trutta L. (brown trout). Heredity, 74, 286-295. Gross, R. & Wohlfarth, G. (1994). Use of genetic markers in growth testing of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., carried out over 2 or 3 year cycles. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 25, 585-599. |
viimati muudetud: 01.03.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Riho |
2. | Surname | Gross |
3. | Institution | Institute of Animal Science, Estonian Agricultural University |
4. | Position | senior research scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 04.05.1958 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu State University, 1981, biology-ichthyology |
7. | Research and professional experience |
from 1981 to date - junior and senior research scientist at the Department of Fish Farming, Institute of Animal Husbandry, Estonian Agricultural University; Scholarships and research abroad: 1993/1994 - 6 months at Dept. of Aquaculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (scholarship from Swedish Institute); 1994 - 3 months at Institute of Animal Sciences, Munich Technical University (scholarship from DAAD/NATO); 1995 - 3 months at Dept. of Aquaculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (scholarship from the Nordic Council of Ministers); 1996 - 2 months at Institute of Inland Fisheries and Ecology in Berlin, Germany (invited guest scientist); 1998 - 2 months at Institute of Inland Fisheries and Ecology in Berlin, Germany (invited guest scientist), 3 months at the Dept. Wildlife Biology, Univeristy of Munich; 1999 - 1 month at Institute of Inland Fisheries and Ecology in Berlin, Germany (invited guest scientist); 2000 – 1.5 months at Finnish Fisheries and Wildlife Research Institute; 2001 – 3 months at Dept. Wildlife Biology, Munich Technical Univ., Germany; 2 months at Institute of Inland Fisheries and Ecology in Berlin, Germany; 2003 - 5 months at Dept. Wildlife Biology, Munich Technical Univ., Germany (invited guest scientist) |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1991, Estonian Research Institute of Animal Breeding and Veterinary Science |
10. | Honours/awards | Estonian Science Prize 2003 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
member of the expert panel in biological and geological sciences of the Estonian Science Foundation (since 2003), member of the expert panel in agricultural sciences of the Estonian Scientific Competence Council |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Anti Vasemägi, PhD, 2004, superv. Riho Gross, Tiit Paaver, Jan Nilsson, Lars-Ove Eriksson. Evolutionary Genetics of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) - Molecular Markers and Applications. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea Anti Vasemägi, MSc, 1998, superv. Tiit Paaver, Riho Gross. Lõhe, Salmo salar L. Eesti populatsioonide geneetiline iseloomustus DNA markerite alusel. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | population genetics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, molecular ecology, conservation genetics, gene expression in fish |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF5729 "Molecular genetic studies of intraspecies diversity in fish: implications for conservation and sustainable management" 01.01.04-31.12.07; ESF4826 "Comparative Performance Testing of Introduced and Local Strains of Rainbow Trout and Commaon Carp in Estonia" 01.01.01-31.12.04 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Gross, R., Kohlmann, K., Kersten, P., Murakaeva, A. (2005). Phylogenetic relationships of wild and farmed common carp (Cyprinus carpio) stocks based on the mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms: implications for taxonomy and conservation. Aquaculture, 247, 16-17 Gum, B., Gross, R., Kühn, R. (2005). Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA phylogeography of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus): evidence for secondary contact zones in Central Europe. Molecular Ecology, 14, 1707-1725. Säisä, M., Koljonen, M.-L., Gross, R., Nilsson, J., Tähtinen, J., Koskiniemi, J., Vasemägi, A. (2005). Population genetic structure and postglacial colonisation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Baltic Sea area based on microsatellite DNA variation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62, 1887-1904. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Koljonen, M.-L., Nilsson, J. (2005). Extensive immigration from compensatory hatchery releases into wild Atlantic salmon population in the Baltic Sea: spatio-temporal analysis over 18 years. Heredity, 95, 76−83. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Koljonen, M.-L., Säisä, M., Nilsson, J. (2005). Analysis of gene associated tandem repeat markers in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations: implications for restoration and conservation in the Baltic Sea. Conservation Genetics, 6, 385-397. Gross, R., Gum, B., Reiter, R., Kühn, R. (2004). Genetic introgression between Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Bavarian hatchery stocks inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers. Aquaculture International, 12, 19-32. Paaver, T., Gross, R., Ilves, P. (2004). Growth rate, maturation level and flesh quality of three strains of large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in Estonia. Aquaculture International, 12, 33-45. Gross, R., Nilsson, J., Kohlmann, K., Lumme, J., Titov, S., Veselov, A. (2003). Distribution of growth hormone 1 gene haplotypes among Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. populations in Europe. In: Atlantic Salmon: Biology, Conservation and Restoration (eds. A.Je. Veselov, E.P. Ieshko, N.N. Nemova, O.P. Sterligova, Yu.A. Shustov). Petrozavodsk: Pakoni. pp. 32-37. Gross, R., Pihu, E., Saat, T. (2003). Tench, Tinca tinca L. – In: Fishes of Estonia (eds. E. Ojaveer, E. Pihu, T. Saat). Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences Publishers. pp. 194-198. ISBN 9985-50-357-0 Gum, B., Gross, R., Rottmann, O., Schröder, W., Kühn, R. (2003). Microsatellite variation in Bavarian populations of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus): implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics, 4, 659-672. Kohlmann, K., Gross, R., Murakaeva, A., Kersten, P. (2003). Genetic variability and structure of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) populations throughout the distribution range inferred from allozyme, microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Aquatic Living Resources, 16, 421-431. Gross, R., Kohlmann, K., Kersten, P. (2002). PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial ND-3/4 and ND-5/6 gene polymorphisms in the European and East Asian subspecies of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture, 204, 507-516. Paaver T., Kuusik S., Gross R., Mõttus E., Tohvert T. (2002). Eesti kalakasvanduste karpkala rasvhappeline koostis. Agraarteadus, 13, 350–357. Gross, R., Kühn, R., Baars, M., Schröder, W., Stein, H., Rottmann, O. (2001). Genetic differentiation of European grayling populations across the Main, Danube and Elbe drainages in Bavaria. Journal of Fish Biology, 58, 264-280. Nilsson, J., Gross, R., Asplund, T., Dove, O., Jansson, H., Kelloniemi, J., Kohlmann, K., Löytynoja, A., Nielsen, E.E., Paaver, T., Primmer, C.R., Titov, S., Vasemägi, A., Veselov, A., Öst, T., Lumme, J. (2001). Matrilinear phylogeography of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Europe and postglacial colonization of the Baltic Sea area. Molecular Ecology, 10, 89-102. Paaver T., Gross R., Vasemägi A. (2001). Genetic characterization of Estonian salmon populations. – In: Present and Potential Production of Wild Salmon in Estonia (eds. M. Kangur, B. Wahlberg). Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences Publishers. pp. 77-85. Vasemägi, A., Gross, R., Paaver, T., Kangur, M., Nilsson. J., Eriksson, L.-O. (2001). Identification of the origin of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population in a recently recolonized river in the Baltic Sea. Molecular Ecology, 10, 2877-2882. Gross, R. & Nilsson, J. (1999). Restriction fragment length polymorphism at the growth hormone 1 gene in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and its association with weight among the offspring of a hatchery stock. Aquaculture, 173, 73-80. Fuchs, H., Gross, R., Rottmann, O., Stein, H. (1998). Application of molecular genetic markers for differentiation of bream (Abramis brama L.) populations from the rivers Main and Danube. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 14, 49-55. Gross, R., Nilsson, J. and Schmitz, M. (1996). A new species-specific nuclear DNA marker for identification of hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Journal of Fish Biology, 49, 537-540. Gross, R., Schlee, P., Stein, H. and Rottmann, O. (1996). Detection of allelic variation within the growth hormone gene in common bream using heteroduplex analysis. Journal of Fish Biology, 48, 1283-1287. Gross, R. & Nilsson, J. (1995). Application of heteroduplex analysis for detecting variation within the growth hormone 2 gene in Salmo trutta L. (brown trout). Heredity, 74, 286-295. Gross, R. & Wohlfarth, G. (1994). Use of genetic markers in growth testing of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., carried out over 2 or 3 year cycles. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 25, 585-599. |
last updated: 01.03.2005
[ sulge aken ]