[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ergo |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Nõmmiste |
3. | Töökoht | Füüsika Instituut Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | Direktor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 27.06.1956 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Nõo Keskkool 1974; TÜ FK teaduskond Füüsika Osakond (FO) 1974-1979, eriala: tahke keha füüsika; PhD. Tartu Ülikoolist 1991 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 10/1979 ETA Füüsika Instituudi röntgenspektroskoopia laboratooriumi insener 11/1982 valiti nooremteaduriks samas instituudis 10/1986 valiti teaduriks samas instituudis 06/1991 kaitsesin Tartu Ülikoolis filosoofiadoktori (PhD.) kraadi füüsika erialal 08/1992 järeldoktor Oulu Ülikooli füüsika osakonnas elektron-spektroskoopia töörühmas 01/1994 soome kiirekanali teadlane (beamline scientist) MAX-laboratooriumis Lundi Ülikoolis Rootsis 08/1995 uurija-insener Oulu Ülikooli füüsika osakonnas 04/1996 nimetati Oulu Ülikooli dotsendiks 01/1997 vanemassistent (yliassistentti) Oulu Ülikoolis 06/1998 PHARE HESR ekspert TÜ Füüsika Instituudis 02/1999 TÜ Füüsika Instituudi teadusala asedirektor 05/2003 TÜ Füüsika Instituudi direktori ülesannetes 01/2004 TÜ Füüsika Instituudi direktor |
8. | Teaduskraad | Filosoofiadoktor (PhD.) füüsikas |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool 1991 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Olen TÜ FI nõukogu esimees, TÜ nõukogu liige, TÜ FO nõukogu liige, SA Tartu Teaduspark nõukogu liige, AS Nanotehnoloogiate Arenduskeskuse nõukogu liige, Eesti füüsika seltsi asutajaliige Soome füüsika seltsi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Auger- ja fotoelektronspektroskoopia gaasidest, molekulidest ja tahkistest kiiritades sünkrotronkiirgusega; Ioonide lennuajaspektroskoopia molekulidest ja tahkise aurudest; Eksperimendisüsteemide arvutijuhtimine; Elektron- ja ioonspektromeetrid. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Euroopa Komisjoni tippkeskus (700 000 EUR, tippkeskuse kaasjuhataja ja juhataja ning ühe tööpaketi PI); Eesti teaduse tippkeskus (teadusaparatuuri muretsemiseks: 2001. a.- 667 kEEK, 2002. a.- 667 kEEK, 2003. a.– 2150 kEEK, 2004. a.- 3140 kEEK, 2005.a.-1261 kEEK; tippkeskuse kaasjuhataja ja juhataja) Hasselbladi fondi (Rootsi) grant (3 MSEK-i teaduaparatuuri uuendamiseks); Tryggeri fondi (Rootsi) grant (200 kSEK) ALE seadme ehitamiseks; Euroopa Komisjoni ARI programmi reisigrandid MAX-labi (kaks-kolm granti aastas, igaüks umbes 15 kSEKi; Olen ETF grandi ETF6536 ja Sihtfinantseeritava teema SF0382148s02 põhitäitja. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
A. Kikas, T. Käämbre, V. Kisand, A. Saar, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, I. Martinson, Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the K edge of oxygen and fluorine in insulators, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144-147, pp 845-848 (2005). A. Kikas, V. Kisand, T. Käämbre, R. Ruus, E. Nõmmiste, M. Hirsimäki, M. Valden, E. Kukk, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, Insulating Properties of Ultrathin KF Layers on Cu(100): Resonant Auger Spectroscopy, Surface Science, 584, pp. 49-54 (2005). R. Ruus, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, A. Saar, I. Martinson, and A. Kikas, Cs 3d absorption and resonant photoemission study of caesium halogenides, Physica Scripta Vol. T115, pp. 396–398, (2005). V. Kisand, E. Nõmmiste, E. Kukk, A. Caló, H. Aksela, and S. Aksela, Photoexcitation, photoionization and photofragmentation of molecular rubidium halides, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144-147 pp. 175-178 (2005). A. Kikas, T. Käämbre, A. Saar, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, I. Martinson, V. Kimberg, S. Polyutov, and F. Gel’mukhanov, Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the F 1s photoabsorption edge in LiF. Interplay of excitonic and conduction states, and Stokes’ doubling, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 085102 (2004). R. Ruus, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, A. Saar, I. Martinson, and A. Kikas, Potential barrier effects in Cs 3d resonance photoemission of CsF, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 137-140, pp 377-381 (2004). V. Kisand, E. Kukk, M. Huttula, A. Koivukangas, H. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, and S. Aksela, Corrigendum: Fragmentation and electronic decay of vacuum ultraviolet-excited resonant states of molecular CsCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 3011, (2004) E. Kukk, M. Huttula, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, A. Kikas. Limitations of the ionic model in describing core-hole decay—molecular versus crystalline KCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, L85–L91 (2003). S-M.Huttula, S. Alitalo, H. Aksela, S. Heinäsmäki, A. Kivimäki, J. Tulkki, M. Jurvansuu, E. Nõmmiste, S. Aksela. Evolution of angular anistropy of Auger emission across krypton 3d and xenon 4d thresholds, Chem. Phys., 289, 81-91 (2003). V. Kisand, E. Kukk, M. Huttula, A. Koivukangas, H. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, S. Aksela. Fragmentation and electronic decay of vacuum-ultraviolet-excited resonant states of molecular CsCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, 3909–3921 (2003). A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar, and I.Martinson. Na K photoabsorbtion and resonant KLL spectra in NaF and NaCl. Surf. Rev. and Letters, 9, (2), 1303, (2002). R.Püttner, Y.-F.Hu, E.Nõmmiste, G.M.Bancroft, and S.Aksela. Angular Resolved Photoabsorption Spectra of HBr below the Br 3d ionization thresholds, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 032513 (2002). A. Kikas, E. Nõmmiste, R. Ruus, A. Saar, I. Martinson, “Core excitons in Na K photoabsorption of NaF: Resonant Auger Spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 64, No. 23, pp. 5235120, 2001. Kivimäki, A., S. Heinäsmäki, M. Jurvansuu, S. Alitalo, E. Nõmmiste, H. Aksela, and S. Aksela. Auger decay at the 1s-1np (n=3-5) resonances of Ne, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 114-116, 49-53 (2001). M.Huttula, M.Harkoma, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. A multipurposeelectron-ion spectrometer for measurements with synchrotron radiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 467-468, 1514-1518, (2001). V.Pennanen, M.Huttula, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. The Fragmentation of Vapour-phase KCl Molecule Induced by 8 to 30 eV Photons, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 114-116, 169-174 (2001). A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar, and I.Martinson. Multi-atom resonant photoemission in transition metal chlorides, Solid State Communications, 115, 275-279, (2000). A.Kikas, R.Ruus, A.Saar, E.Nõmmiste, T.Käämbre, and S.Sundin. Resonant Photoemission of CoCl2, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 101-103, 745 (1999). A.Kivimäki, L.Pfeiffer, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Intensities of the Xenon N4,5OO Auger Electron Spectrum Revisited, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 101-103, 43 (1999). H.Aksela, S.Alitalo, J.Jauhiainen, A.Kivimäki, T.Matila, T.Kylli, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Ionization Through the Auger Decay of Doubly Excited 4d95p5nln'l' States in Xe, Phys. Rev. A, 59, R2563 (1999). R.Püttner, Y.F.Hu, G.M.Bancroft, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Karvonen, A.Kivimäki, and S.Aksela. Deatiled Analysis of the 3d-1-->4pPi-2 Normal Auger Spectra in HBr and DBr, Phys. Rev. A, 59, 4438, (1999). A.Kivimäki, E.Kukk, J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of electronic decay following molecular and Rydberg excitations at the Cl 2p edge of HCl, Phys. Rev. A, 57(4), 2724 (1998). Kivimäki, H. Aksela, J. Jauhiainen, E. Nõmmiste, and S. Aksela. Interpretation of the N2,3N4,5O2,3 Coster-Kronig spectrum of xenon, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 93, 89, (1998). A.Naves de Brito, S.Svensson, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, and L.J.Saethre. Auger decay of the molecular field split S 2p core excited states in HS radical, J. Chem. Phys., 106 (1), 18, (1997). Ar.Naves de Brito, Al.Naves de Brito, O.Björneholm, J.S.Neto, A.B.Machado, S.Svensson, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, L.J.Saethre, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Fast dissociation of resonantly core excited H2S studied by vibrational and temporal analysis of the Auger spectra, J. of Molecular Structure (Theochem), 394, 135, (1997). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Electronic state lifetime interference in the resonant Auger decay of krypton, Phys. Rev. A., 56 (2) 1481 (1997). H.Aksela, J.Mursu, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, J.Karvonen, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of emitted electrons in the decay of Ar 2p-14s states studed by high resolution experiment, Phys. Rev. A, 55 (5), 3532, (1997). H.Aksela, M.Kivilompo, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Evolution of the Post-Collision-Interaction Profile from the Resonant Auger Shakeup/Shakedown Lines at the Ionization Threshold, Phys. Rev. Lett., 79 (25), 4970, (1997). J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. Photoion spectra of C60 molecules at resonance excitation and ionization energies near the C 1s edge, J. Chem. Phys., 106 (9),3466, (1997). R.Ruus, A.Kikas, A.Saar, A.Ausmees, E.Nõmmiste, J.Aarik, A.Aidla, T.Uustare, and I.Martinson. Ti 2p and O 1s X-Ray Absorbtion of TiO2 polymorphs. Solid State Communication, 104 (4), 199, (1997). Y.F.Hu, G.M.Bancroft, J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, A.Kivimäki, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, and Z.F.Liu. Assignment of fine structure in the HBr absorptium spectrum at the Br 3d-->Rydberg resonances using the Auger resonant Raman effect (ARRE). Phys. Rev. A, 56, R3342, (1997). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees, and S.Svensson. Core-to-Rydberg excitations and their Auger decay in the HCl and DCl molecules, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (3), 2121, (1996). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, S.J.Osborne and S.Svensson. Auger decay of the dissociating core-excited states in the HCl and DCl molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 104 (12), 4475, (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Kukk, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela and J.Tulkki. Electron correlation in the decay of resonantly excited 3d-13/2,5/25p states of krypton, Phys. Rev. A, 53 (1), 290 (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, O-P.Sairanen, J.Karvonen, E.Kukk, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of Auger electrons in the decay of resonantly excited 4d-13/2,5/26p states in Xe, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (4), 2874, (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela, S.Sundin, A.Ausmees, and S.Svensson. Angular anisotropy of the Kr 3d-1 3/2,5/25p-->4p-25p resonant Auger decay studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (1), 605, (1996). J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Auger decay of resonantly excited Kr 3d-15/2,3/2np (n=5,6,7,8 and 9) states, J. Phys. B, 29, 3385, (1996). J.Mursu, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, S.Svensson, and S.Aksela. Decay of the 2p54s, 2p53d and 2p54d states of Ar studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, J. Phys. B, 29, 4387, (1996). O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. High resolution pre-edge structure in the inner-shell ionisation threshold region of rare gases Xe, Kr and Ar, Phys. Rev. A , 54 (4), 2834, (1996). S.Svensson, J.-O.Forsell, H.Siegbahn, A.Ausmees, G.Bray, S.Södergren, S.Sundin, S.J.Osborne, S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, M.Jurvansuu, J.Karvonen, P.Barta, W.R.Salaneck, A.Evaldsson, M.Lögdlund, and A.Fahlman. New end station for the study of gases, liquids, and solid films at the MAX laboratory, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 67 (6), 2149, (1996). A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, R.Moberg, S.Svensson, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela. High-resolution study of the Xe 4d5/2:4d3/2 branching ratio, Phys. Rev. A, 51 (1), 855, (1995). A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson, A.Naves de Brito, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, S.Aksela. Observation of anomalous behaviour of the Xe 4d photoelectron satellites, Phys.Rev. A, 52 (4), 2943, (1995). A.Saar, A.Ausmees, T.Fonden, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, M.Elango, A.Borissenko, I.Martinson. 2p-3d resonant Auger scattering by K+ ions of KMnF3 without the influence of the cristal-field splitting, Phys. Rev. B, 51 (5), 3202, (1995). H.Aksela, E.Kukk, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson. Partial Auger decay rates of core-ionized molecular states in HCl and DCl. J. Phys. B, 28, 4259, (1995). H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Tulkki, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson. Correlation effects in the resonant Auger decay of the Xe 4d-1 3/2,5/26p states studied by high resolution experiment and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock theory, Phys. Rev. A, 51 (2), 1291, (1995). J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, J.Vegh. Correlation satellites in the N4,5-OO and Kr M4,5-NN Auger spectra., J. Phys., B 28, 3831, (1995). J.Jauhiainen, S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste. Fligth Time Distribution and Collection Efficiency Studies for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, Physica Scripta, 51, 549, (1995). M.Elango, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar. Auger and photoelectron spectra of K+ in solids at resonant 2p6 to 2p53d exitation. J. Electron Spectrosc. and related Phenom., 72, 127, (1995). O.-P.Sairanen, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, J.Mursu, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees and S.Svensson. The resonance Auger decay of the Xe 4d3/2,5/2 -1np, n=7,8 states studied by high-resolution experiment, J. Phys. B, 28, 4509, (1995). S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, S.Svensson. Finnish beamline at MAX-laboratory: Progress in the photon energy resolution, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 66 (2), 1621, (1995). S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, E.Kukk, J.Karvonen, H.G.Berry, S.L.Sorensen, H.Aksela. Photofragmentation of C60 molecules following resonance exitation and ionization near the C 1s edge., Phys. Rev. Lett., 75 (11), 2112, (1995). S.Svensson, A.Kikas A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Aksela, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste. High-resolution photoelectron satellite spectrum of He excited by syncrotron radiation at 96.5 eV photon energy, J. Phys. B, 28, L293, (1995). S.Svensson, H.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, G.Bray, S.Aksela. Fast dissociation of neutral double excited states above the S 2p ionization thresold in H2S, J Phys. B, 28, L325, (1995). A.Kikas, A.Ausmees, M.Elango, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar. Autoionization phenomena involving the 2p53d configuration of argon-like ions in ionic solids, J. Electron Spectrosc. and Related Phenom., 68, 287, (1994). . E.Kukk, S.Aksela, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, A.Kikas, A.Ausmees, M.Elango. K+ LMM Resonant Auger Spectra of Solid KF, Phys. Rev. B, 50 (13), 9079, (1994). H.Aksela, E.Kukk, S.Aksela, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, M.Elango. Character of F core exitons in alkali fluorides studied by resonant Auger spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 49 (5), 3116, (1994). H.Aksela, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Tulkki, S.Svensson, A.Ausmees, S.Osborne. Electron correlation in Xe 4d5/2-16p->5p-26p resonant Auger transitions studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, Phys. Rev. A., Rapid Comm. 49 (6), R4269, (1994). 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Secondary photoelectron spectra of NaCl and KBr excited by XUV radiation: experiments and computer simulations, Solid State Comm.,76 (12), 1383, (1990). A.Ausmees, V.Kostyutchenko, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, A.Tõnisoo, M.Elango. Electron emission of cesium halides under irradiation by ultrasoft X-rays, Sov. J. Phys.-Tech. Phys., 35 (9), 1063, (1990) (in russian). E.Nõmmiste, V.Kostyuchenko, J.Pruulmann, A.Eensaar. The local computer network for automatisation of physical experiments, Sov. PTE, 2, 87, (1989) (in russian). M.Elango, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, J.Pruulmann, A.Saar. The quantum yield spectra of electron emission of solids in XUV region; alkali chlorides at 100-250 eV, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 114 (2), 487, (1982). J.Pruulmann, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, M.Elango. Determination of physical parameters of solids from quantum yield spectra of electron emission in XUV region, Sov. Sol. State Phys., 22 (10), 3124, (1980) (in russian). |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ergo |
2. | Surname | Nõmmiste |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Director |
5. | Date of birth | 27.06.1956 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Nõo Secondary School in 1974; Department of Physics, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry in UT 1974-1979, speciality: solid state physics; PhD in physics from UT 1991 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
10/1979 Engineer in Laboratory of X-ray Spectroscopy in Institute of Physics (IP) 11/1982 Young research scientist in IP 10/1986 Research scientist in IP 06/1991 Defended the PhD thesis at University of Tartu (UT) 08/1992 Postdoc in the group of Electron Spectroscopy, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu 01/1994 Beamline scientist at beamline 51 in MAX-lab , University of Lund, Sweden 08/1995 Engineer-investigator in Department of Physical Sciences , University of Oulu 04/1996 Docent in University of Oulu 01/1997 Senior Assistant in University of Oulu 06/1998 PHARE HESR expert in IP 02/1999 Research Director of IP 05/2003 Acting Director of IP 01/2004 Director of IP |
8. | Academic degree | PhD. in Physics |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1991 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Chairman of Scientific Council of IP, Member of Council UT, Member of Council of Department of Physics UT, Member of Council of Tartu Science Park, Member of Council of Estonian Nanotchnology Competence Centre, Member of Estonian Physical Society, Member of Finnish Physical Society. |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Auger- and Photoelectron Spectroscopy of gases, molecules and solids excited by synchrotron radiation; Time of Flight Spectroscopy of atoms, molecules and vapors of solids; The computer control of experimental equipment; Electron- and ion spectrometers. |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF6536 SF0382148s02 |
15. | List of most important publications |
A. Kikas, T. Käämbre, V. Kisand, A. Saar, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, I. Martinson, Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the K edge of oxygen and fluorine in insulators, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144-147, pp 845-848 (2005). A. Kikas, V. Kisand, T. Käämbre, R. Ruus, E. Nõmmiste, M. Hirsimäki, M. Valden, E. Kukk, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, Insulating Properties of Ultrathin KF Layers on Cu(100): Resonant Auger Spectroscopy, Surface Science, 584, pp. 49-54 (2005). R. Ruus, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, A. Saar, I. Martinson, and A. Kikas, Cs 3d absorption and resonant photoemission study of caesium halogenides, Physica Scripta Vol. T115, pp. 396–398, (2005). V. Kisand, E. Nõmmiste, E. Kukk, A. Caló, H. Aksela, and S. Aksela, Photoexcitation, photoionization and photofragmentation of molecular rubidium halides, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144-147 pp. 175-178 (2005). A. Kikas, T. Käämbre, A. Saar, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, I. Martinson, V. Kimberg, S. Polyutov, and F. Gel’mukhanov, Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the F 1s photoabsorption edge in LiF. Interplay of excitonic and conduction states, and Stokes’ doubling, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 085102 (2004). R. Ruus, K. Kooser, E. Nõmmiste, A. Saar, I. Martinson, and A. Kikas, Potential barrier effects in Cs 3d resonance photoemission of CsF, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 137-140, pp 377-381 (2004). V. Kisand, E. Kukk, M. Huttula, A. Koivukangas, H. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, and S. Aksela, Corrigendum: Fragmentation and electronic decay of vacuum ultraviolet-excited resonant states of molecular CsCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 3011, (2004) E. Kukk, M. Huttula, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, A. Kikas. Limitations of the ionic model in describing core-hole decay—molecular versus crystalline KCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, L85–L91 (2003). S-M.Huttula, S. Alitalo, H. Aksela, S. Heinäsmäki, A. Kivimäki, J. Tulkki, M. Jurvansuu, E. Nõmmiste, S. Aksela. Evolution of angular anistropy of Auger emission across krypton 3d and xenon 4d thresholds, Chem. Phys., 289, 81-91 (2003). V. Kisand, E. Kukk, M. Huttula, A. Koivukangas, H. Aksela, E. Nõmmiste, S. Aksela. Fragmentation and electronic decay of vacuum-ultraviolet-excited resonant states of molecular CsCl, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 36, 3909–3921 (2003). A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar, and I.Martinson. Na K photoabsorbtion and resonant KLL spectra in NaF and NaCl. Surf. Rev. and Letters, 9, (2), 1303, (2002). R.Püttner, Y.-F.Hu, E.Nõmmiste, G.M.Bancroft, and S.Aksela. Angular Resolved Photoabsorption Spectra of HBr below the Br 3d ionization thresholds, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 032513 (2002). A. Kikas, E. Nõmmiste, R. Ruus, A. Saar, I. Martinson, “Core excitons in Na K photoabsorption of NaF: Resonant Auger Spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 64, No. 23, pp. 5235120, 2001. Kivimäki, A., S. Heinäsmäki, M. Jurvansuu, S. Alitalo, E. Nõmmiste, H. Aksela, and S. Aksela. Auger decay at the 1s-1np (n=3-5) resonances of Ne, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 114-116, 49-53 (2001). M.Huttula, M.Harkoma, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. A multipurposeelectron-ion spectrometer for measurements with synchrotron radiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 467-468, 1514-1518, (2001). V.Pennanen, M.Huttula, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. The Fragmentation of Vapour-phase KCl Molecule Induced by 8 to 30 eV Photons, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 114-116, 169-174 (2001). A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar, and I.Martinson. Multi-atom resonant photoemission in transition metal chlorides, Solid State Communications, 115, 275-279, (2000). A.Kikas, R.Ruus, A.Saar, E.Nõmmiste, T.Käämbre, and S.Sundin. Resonant Photoemission of CoCl2, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 101-103, 745 (1999). A.Kivimäki, L.Pfeiffer, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Intensities of the Xenon N4,5OO Auger Electron Spectrum Revisited, J. Electron Spectr. Relat. Phenom., 101-103, 43 (1999). H.Aksela, S.Alitalo, J.Jauhiainen, A.Kivimäki, T.Matila, T.Kylli, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Ionization Through the Auger Decay of Doubly Excited 4d95p5nln'l' States in Xe, Phys. Rev. A, 59, R2563 (1999). R.Püttner, Y.F.Hu, G.M.Bancroft, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Karvonen, A.Kivimäki, and S.Aksela. Deatiled Analysis of the 3d-1-->4pPi-2 Normal Auger Spectra in HBr and DBr, Phys. Rev. A, 59, 4438, (1999). A.Kivimäki, E.Kukk, J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of electronic decay following molecular and Rydberg excitations at the Cl 2p edge of HCl, Phys. Rev. A, 57(4), 2724 (1998). Kivimäki, H. Aksela, J. Jauhiainen, E. Nõmmiste, and S. Aksela. Interpretation of the N2,3N4,5O2,3 Coster-Kronig spectrum of xenon, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 93, 89, (1998). A.Naves de Brito, S.Svensson, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, and L.J.Saethre. Auger decay of the molecular field split S 2p core excited states in HS radical, J. Chem. Phys., 106 (1), 18, (1997). Ar.Naves de Brito, Al.Naves de Brito, O.Björneholm, J.S.Neto, A.B.Machado, S.Svensson, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, L.J.Saethre, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Fast dissociation of resonantly core excited H2S studied by vibrational and temporal analysis of the Auger spectra, J. of Molecular Structure (Theochem), 394, 135, (1997). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Electronic state lifetime interference in the resonant Auger decay of krypton, Phys. Rev. A., 56 (2) 1481 (1997). H.Aksela, J.Mursu, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, J.Karvonen, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of emitted electrons in the decay of Ar 2p-14s states studed by high resolution experiment, Phys. Rev. A, 55 (5), 3532, (1997). H.Aksela, M.Kivilompo, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Evolution of the Post-Collision-Interaction Profile from the Resonant Auger Shakeup/Shakedown Lines at the Ionization Threshold, Phys. Rev. Lett., 79 (25), 4970, (1997). J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. Photoion spectra of C60 molecules at resonance excitation and ionization energies near the C 1s edge, J. Chem. Phys., 106 (9),3466, (1997). R.Ruus, A.Kikas, A.Saar, A.Ausmees, E.Nõmmiste, J.Aarik, A.Aidla, T.Uustare, and I.Martinson. Ti 2p and O 1s X-Ray Absorbtion of TiO2 polymorphs. Solid State Communication, 104 (4), 199, (1997). Y.F.Hu, G.M.Bancroft, J.Karvonen, E.Nõmmiste, A.Kivimäki, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, and Z.F.Liu. Assignment of fine structure in the HBr absorptium spectrum at the Br 3d-->Rydberg resonances using the Auger resonant Raman effect (ARRE). Phys. Rev. A, 56, R3342, (1997). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees, and S.Svensson. Core-to-Rydberg excitations and their Auger decay in the HCl and DCl molecules, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (3), 2121, (1996). E.Kukk, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, S.J.Osborne and S.Svensson. Auger decay of the dissociating core-excited states in the HCl and DCl molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 104 (12), 4475, (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Kukk, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela and J.Tulkki. Electron correlation in the decay of resonantly excited 3d-13/2,5/25p states of krypton, Phys. Rev. A, 53 (1), 290 (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, O-P.Sairanen, J.Karvonen, E.Kukk, and S.Aksela. Angular distribution of Auger electrons in the decay of resonantly excited 4d-13/2,5/26p states in Xe, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (4), 2874, (1996). H.Aksela, J.Jauhiainen, E.Nõmmiste, S.Aksela, S.Sundin, A.Ausmees, and S.Svensson. Angular anisotropy of the Kr 3d-1 3/2,5/25p-->4p-25p resonant Auger decay studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, Phys. Rev. A, 54 (1), 605, (1996). J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, and S.Aksela. Auger decay of resonantly excited Kr 3d-15/2,3/2np (n=5,6,7,8 and 9) states, J. Phys. B, 29, 3385, (1996). J.Mursu, H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, S.Svensson, and S.Aksela. Decay of the 2p54s, 2p53d and 2p54d states of Ar studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, J. Phys. B, 29, 4387, (1996). O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, and S.Aksela. High resolution pre-edge structure in the inner-shell ionisation threshold region of rare gases Xe, Kr and Ar, Phys. Rev. A , 54 (4), 2834, (1996). S.Svensson, J.-O.Forsell, H.Siegbahn, A.Ausmees, G.Bray, S.Södergren, S.Sundin, S.J.Osborne, S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, M.Jurvansuu, J.Karvonen, P.Barta, W.R.Salaneck, A.Evaldsson, M.Lögdlund, and A.Fahlman. New end station for the study of gases, liquids, and solid films at the MAX laboratory, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 67 (6), 2149, (1996). A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, R.Moberg, S.Svensson, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela. High-resolution study of the Xe 4d5/2:4d3/2 branching ratio, Phys. Rev. A, 51 (1), 855, (1995). A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson, A.Naves de Brito, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, S.Aksela. Observation of anomalous behaviour of the Xe 4d photoelectron satellites, Phys.Rev. A, 52 (4), 2943, (1995). A.Saar, A.Ausmees, T.Fonden, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, M.Elango, A.Borissenko, I.Martinson. 2p-3d resonant Auger scattering by K+ ions of KMnF3 without the influence of the cristal-field splitting, Phys. Rev. B, 51 (5), 3202, (1995). H.Aksela, E.Kukk, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson. Partial Auger decay rates of core-ionized molecular states in HCl and DCl. J. Phys. B, 28, 4259, (1995). H.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Tulkki, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Svensson. Correlation effects in the resonant Auger decay of the Xe 4d-1 3/2,5/26p states studied by high resolution experiment and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock theory, Phys. Rev. A, 51 (2), 1291, (1995). J.Jauhiainen, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, E.Nõmmiste, J.Vegh. Correlation satellites in the N4,5-OO and Kr M4,5-NN Auger spectra., J. Phys., B 28, 3831, (1995). J.Jauhiainen, S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste. Fligth Time Distribution and Collection Efficiency Studies for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, Physica Scripta, 51, 549, (1995). M.Elango, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar. Auger and photoelectron spectra of K+ in solids at resonant 2p6 to 2p53d exitation. J. Electron Spectrosc. and related Phenom., 72, 127, (1995). O.-P.Sairanen, H.Aksela, S.Aksela, J.Mursu, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, S.J.Osborne, A.Ausmees and S.Svensson. The resonance Auger decay of the Xe 4d3/2,5/2 -1np, n=7,8 states studied by high-resolution experiment, J. Phys. B, 28, 4509, (1995). S.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, S.Svensson. Finnish beamline at MAX-laboratory: Progress in the photon energy resolution, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 66 (2), 1621, (1995). S.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, J.Jauhiainen, E.Kukk, J.Karvonen, H.G.Berry, S.L.Sorensen, H.Aksela. Photofragmentation of C60 molecules following resonance exitation and ionization near the C 1s edge., Phys. Rev. Lett., 75 (11), 2112, (1995). S.Svensson, A.Kikas A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, S.Aksela, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste. High-resolution photoelectron satellite spectrum of He excited by syncrotron radiation at 96.5 eV photon energy, J. Phys. B, 28, L293, (1995). S.Svensson, H.Aksela, A.Kivimäki, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Ausmees, S.J.Osborne, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, G.Bray, S.Aksela. Fast dissociation of neutral double excited states above the S 2p ionization thresold in H2S, J Phys. B, 28, L325, (1995). A.Kikas, A.Ausmees, M.Elango, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar. Autoionization phenomena involving the 2p53d configuration of argon-like ions in ionic solids, J. Electron Spectrosc. and Related Phenom., 68, 287, (1994). . E.Kukk, S.Aksela, H.Aksela, E.Nõmmiste, A.Kikas, A.Ausmees, M.Elango. K+ LMM Resonant Auger Spectra of Solid KF, Phys. Rev. B, 50 (13), 9079, (1994). H.Aksela, E.Kukk, S.Aksela, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, A.Ausmees, M.Elango. Character of F core exitons in alkali fluorides studied by resonant Auger spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 49 (5), 3116, (1994). H.Aksela, S.Aksela, O.-P.Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, A.Naves de Brito, E.Nõmmiste, J.Tulkki, S.Svensson, A.Ausmees, S.Osborne. Electron correlation in Xe 4d5/2-16p->5p-26p resonant Auger transitions studied by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect, Phys. Rev. A., Rapid Comm. 49 (6), R4269, (1994). R.Ruus, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, M.Elango, Auger decay processes of resonantly excited 3d-14f configuration of xenon-like ions in solids, J. Electron Spectrosc. and Related Phenom., 68, 277, (1994). R.Ruus, A.Kikas, A.Maiste, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, M.Elango, J.F.van Acker, M.Qvarford, J.N.Andersen, R.Nyholm, I.Martinson. M4,5N4,5N4,5 Auger decay processes of resonantly excited 3d94f configuration of xenon-like ions in solids, Phys. Rev. B, 49 (21), 14836,(1994). S.Svensson, A.Ausmees, S.Osborne, G.Bray, F.Gelmuchanov, H.Ågren, A.Naves de Britto, O-P. Sairanen, A.Kivimäki, E.Nõmmiste, H.Aksela, S.Aksela. Observation of an anomalous decay ratio between the molecular field split levels in the S 2p core photoelectron and LVV Auger spectrum of H2S, Phys. Rev.Lett., 72 (19), 3021, (1994). M.Elango, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus, A.Saar, J.F.van Acker, J.N.Andersen, R.Nyholm, I.Martinson. Autoionization phenomena involving the 2p53d configuration of argonlike ions in ionic solids, Phys. Rev. B, 47 (18), 11736, (1993). R.Vedrinskii, A.Novakovich, A.Bermus, M.Elango, A.Ausmees, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar. Resonant Photoemission from a KCl Crystals: Theory and Experiment, Fiz. Tv. Tela, 35 (7), 881, (1993) (in russian). A.Ausmees, M.Elango, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar. Probing of electron-phonon scattering in ionic solids by XUV-induced electron emission spectroscopy, Surface Science, 269/270, 583, (1992). A.Kikas, A.Ausmees, M.Elango, E.Nõmmiste, R.Ruus. Auger decay of K+ L23 exitations in potassium halides, Physica Scripta, T41, 237, (1992). A.Ausmees, M.Elango, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, J.N.Andersen, R.Nyholm, I.Martinson. Secondary photoelectron spectra of ionic solids as a function of the incident photon energy, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 308, 219 (1991). A.Ausmees, M.Elango, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, J.N.Andersen, R.Nyholm, I.Martinson. Secondary photoelectron spectra of NaCl and KBr excited by XUV radiation: experiments and computer simulations, Solid State Comm.,76 (12), 1383, (1990). A.Ausmees, V.Kostyutchenko, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, A.Tõnisoo, M.Elango. Electron emission of cesium halides under irradiation by ultrasoft X-rays, Sov. J. Phys.-Tech. Phys., 35 (9), 1063, (1990) (in russian). E.Nõmmiste, V.Kostyuchenko, J.Pruulmann, A.Eensaar. The local computer network for automatisation of physical experiments, Sov. PTE, 2, 87, (1989) (in russian). M.Elango, A.Kikas, E.Nõmmiste, J.Pruulmann, A.Saar. The quantum yield spectra of electron emission of solids in XUV region; alkali chlorides at 100-250 eV, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 114 (2), 487, (1982). J.Pruulmann, E.Nõmmiste, A.Saar, M.Elango. Determination of physical parameters of solids from quantum yield spectra of electron emission in XUV region, Sov. Sol. State Phys., 22 (10), 3124, (1980) (in russian). |
last updated: 05.10.2005
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