[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ülo
2.Perekonnanimi Suursaar
3.Töökoht Eesti Mereinstituut, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 18.07.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1993 Ph.D. geograafias, Tartu Ülikool
1980 Tartu Ülikool, diplom cum laude geogr.-hüdroloogia erialal
7.Teenistuskäik 1985-1988 Insener, Rakendusgeofüüsika Instituudi Läänemere osak.
1988-1990 Nooremteadur, aspirant, TA Termofüüsika ja Elektrofüüsika Instituudi Läänemere osak.
1990-1992 Nooremteadur, aspirant, teadur, Ökoloogia ja Mereuuuringute Instituut
1993-Teadur, vanemteadur, Eesti Mereinstituut
8.Teaduskraad Filosoofiadoktor geograafias
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1993
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Mereinstituudi teadusnõukogu liige, Eesti Mereteaduste Rahvusliku Komitee liige, Eesti Geograafia Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Viimastel aastatel olen vastavalt sihtfinantseeritavatele (0182589s03, 794s98) ja ETF grandi (4057, 5929, 5763) teemadele tegelenud madalmere (Eesti rannikumere) hüdrodünaamiliste protsesside uurimisega nii välitöödel kui mudelarvutustes saadud andmestikke kasutades. Uurimisvaldkondadeks on hoovused ja veevahetus väinades, vee biogeenidesisalduse dünaamika sõltuvus hüdrodünaamilistest protsessidest, hüdroloogilised frondid, vahetusprotsessid vee ja põhjasette vahel, mere hüdrodünaamika 2-mõõtmelised numbrilised mudelid, mudelite rakendused hoovuste ja veetasemete uurimises, resuspensioon, ekstremaalsed veetasemed, kõrgetest veeseisudest, rannahoovustest ja tormilainetusest põhjustatud rannapurustused ning sette transport. Omaette publikatsioonide-tsüklid moodustuvad teemadel: (I) Hoovuste ja veetasemete mõõtmine ning modelleerimine Liivi lahes ja Väinamerel, ning (II) hüdrodünaamiliste protsesside mõju vee biogeenidesisaldusele, vertikaalsele vahetusele, põhjasetetele ning rannikuprotsessidele. (III) On ka koostööartikleid meretoksikoloogia ja kalauuringute vallas ning Läänemere ökosüsteemi kui terviku võimalike muutuste kohta.
14.Jooksvad grandid Eesti Teadusfondi granti nr.5929 (2004-2007) hoidja,
nr.5763 (2004-2007) põhitäitja (hoidja Are Kont).

Suursaar, Ü., Jaagus, J., Kullas, T. 2006. Past and future changes in sea level near the Estonian coast in relation to changes in wind climate. Boreal Environment Research, 11, 2, 123-142.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 2006. Influence of wind climate changes on the mean sea level and current regime in the coastal waters of west Estonia, Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 48 (3), in press (available in Sept.)

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Saaremäe, I., Kuik, J., Merilain, M. 2006. Cyclone Gudrun in January 2005 and modelling its hydrodynamic consequences in the Estonian coastal waters. Boreal Environment Research, 11, 2, 143-159.

Suursaar, Ü., Sooäär, J. 2006. Storm surge induced by extratropical cyclone Gudrun: hydrodynamic reconstruction of the event, assessment of mitigation actions and analysis of future flood risks in Pärnu, Estonia. In: Risk Analysis V. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 91 (C.A. Brebbia & V.Popov, eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 241-250.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Monitoring and assessment of the Estonian coastal sea in 1945-2003. In: Water protection of the Gulf of Finland and Estonian waterbodies (1945-2003). H.-A. Velner (editor), TUT Press, Tallinn, p.129-144.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2005. Vertical structure of horizontal currents and vertical velocities observed off the Estonian coast using a Recording Doppler Current Profiler. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol., 54, 3, 190-209.

Suursaar, Ü., Tõnisson, H., Kullas, T., Orviku, K., Kont, A., Rivis, R., Otsmann, M. 2005. A study of hydrodynamic and coastal geomorphic processes in Küdema Bay, the Baltic Sea. In: Coastal Engineering VII (C.A. Brebbia, C.Cunha, eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p.187-196.

Kont, A., Jaagus, J., Orviku, K., Ratas, U., Rivis, R., Tõnisson, H., Suursaar, Ü. 2004. Climate Changes in Estonia During the Second Half of the 20th Century and their Impacts on Increasing Activity of Coastal Processes. In: D.R.Green et al. (eds.) Littoral 2004, 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th-22th September 2004. Proceedings, vol. 2, p. 652-653.

Ojaveer, E., Raid, T., Suursaar, Ü. 2004. On the managment of localherring stocks in the Baltic. In: Managment of shared fish stocks. Payne, A.I.L., O`Brien, C.M. and Rogers, S.I. (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford; 240-250.

Suursaar, Ü., Kont, A., Jaagus, J., Orviku, K., Ratas, U., Rivis, R., Kullas, T. 2004. Sea level rise scenarios induced by climate change, and their consequences for the Estonian seacoast. In: Risk Analysis IV (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 333-343.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2004. Hoovused ja veetaseme kõikumised Lääne-Eesti rannikumeres. - Estonia Maritima 6, 5-26. (in Estonian, English summary).

Ojaveer, E., Simm, M., Balode, M., Purina, I., Suursaar, Ü. 2003. Experiments on the effect of Microcystis aeruginosa and Nodularia spumigena upon the survival of Eurytremora affinis and fertilization, embryonic and larval development of Baltic herring Clupea harengus membras. - Environmental Toxicology, 18, 4, 236-242.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Suursaar, Ü. 2003. Two-channel model for water exchange (the Gulf of Riga case).- ICES Cooperative Research Reports, 257. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, 225-231.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2003. Water and nutrient exchange through the Suur Strait (Väinameri) in 1993-1995.- ICES Cooperative Research Reports., 257. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, 267-273.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2003. Modelling of flows, sea level variations and bottom stresses in the coastal waters of West Estonia. In: Coastal Engineering VI (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 43-52.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. Kõuts, T. 2003. Extreme sea level events in the coastal waters of West Estonia. Journal of Sea Research, 49, 4, 295-303.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2002. A model study of the sea level variations in the Gulf of Riga and the Väinameri Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 22, (14), 2001-2019.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2002. Flow modelling in the Pärnu Bay and the Kihnu Strait. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Eng., 8, 3, 189-203.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. Kõuts, T. 2002. A model for storm surge forecasts in the Eastern Baltic Sea. In: Risk Analysis III. Computer simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 509-519.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 2001. The oscillatory nature of the flows in the system of straits and small semienclosed basins of the Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 21, (15), 1577-1603.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2001. Hydrodynamical modelling of sea levels in the Väinameri and Pärnu Bay. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Eng., 7, 3, 222-234.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2001. The influence of currents and waves on ecological conditions of the Väinameri. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol., 50, 4, 231-247.

Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 2000. Comparative calculations of flows in the straits of the Gulf of Riga and the Väinameri. Proc. Estonian. Acad. Sci. Eng., 6, 4, 284-294.

Suursaar, Ü. 2000. Viron rannikkomeren kunto muutosten pyörteissä. Suomen lähialueet 2. Ympäriston tila ja kehityssuunat. Tilastokeskus/International Business Statistics, Helsinki, 35-39. (in Finnish).

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T. 2000. Exchange processes in the Väike Strait (the Baltic Sea): present, past, future. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 3, 235-252.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T. 2000. Possible influence of bridges and dams on the water exchange processes through the straits of the Väinameri. In: Estonia. Geographical studies (J.-M. Punning, editor), Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn, 89-101.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T., Tamsalu, R., Ennet, P. 2000. Ecological risks of the hydrotechnical buildings in the region of the straits of Estonia, the Baltic Sea: two case studies. In: Risk analysis II, (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 487-498.

Astok V., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1999. Water exchange as the main physical process in semi-enclosed marine systems: the Gulf of Riga case. Hydrobiologia, 393, 11-18.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1999. Modelling currents along the western coast of Estonia as superposition of Helmholtz oscillators. In: Coastal Engineering and Marina Developments (C.A. Brebbia and P. Anagnostopoulos, editors), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 99-108.

Ennet, P. and Suursaar Ü. 1998. River runoff and nutrients load. In: R.Tamsalu (ed.), The coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecosystem model FinEst. Meri – Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, No. 35, 50.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. and Astok, V. 1998. Helmholtz response to the system of two semi-enclosed basins and four straits In: EMI Report Series, 9, 34-60.

Suursaar, Ü. and Astok, V. (Eds.) 1998. More studies on the water exchange and the nutrients of the Gulf of Riga. EMI Report Series, 9, 119 p.

Suursaar, Ü. and Tenson, J. 1998. Hydrochemical regime and productivity of the Pärnu Bay in 1968-1996. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 91-117.

Suursaar Ü. and Tenson, J. 1998. Observed ecosystem cycles in the Gulf of Riga. In: R.Tamsalu (ed.), The coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecosystem model FinEst. Meri – Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research. No. 35, 67-71.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Alenius, P., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1998. Thermohaline regime and currents in the Suur Strait and the Hari Strait in 1996-1997. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 6-22.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Otsmann, M. 1998. The front of Väinameri In: EMI Report Series, 9, 23-33.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Kullas, T. 1998. Modelling the water exchange in the Irben, Suur, Soela and Hari Straits in 1995-1996. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 61-90.

Tamsalu, R., Ennet, P., Kullas, T., Keto, K., Tenson, J., Suursaar, Ü. 1998. The influence of loading reduction on the aquatic ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga. In: Nordic Hydrological Conference, NHP Report No. 44, Vol. 1, 47-53.

Kankaanpää, H., Lauren, M., Saares, R., Heitto, L., Suursaar, Ü. 1997. Distribution of halogenated organic material in sediments from anthropogenic and natural sources in the Gulf of Finland catchment area. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.31, No.1, 96-104.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1997. A model for water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. Nordic Hydrology, 28, (4/5), 351-364.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1997. Muutused Liivi lahe ökoloogilises seisundis ja veevahetus.- Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti VII Ökoloogiakonv. lühiartiklid, 8.-9. mai 1997, Tartu, 210-214.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1996. A model for water exchange between a large and a small water body: The case of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. In: Nordic Hydrological Conference 1996, Akureyri, Iceland. NHP Report No. 40 Vol 2, 496-505.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1996. Water exchange model for the Gulf of Riga. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 81-94.

Suursaar, Ü. and Astok, V. (Eds.) 1996. Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. EMI Report Series, 3, 109 p.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1996. New estimation of the water and nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 95-108.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Alenius, P. 1996. Thermohaline regime and currents in the Suur Strait in 1993-1995. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 7-58.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Nõmm, A., 1996. Variability of nutrient concentrations in the Väinameri in 1993-1995. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 59-80.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Nõmm, A., 1996. Väinameri - the buffer zone in the water and nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. In: Estonia. Geographical Studies. Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn, 5-28.

Suursaar, Ü. 1995. Nutrients in the Gulf of Riga. In: Ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga between 1920 and 1990. (Ed. by E.Ojaveer), Academia 5, 41-50.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M. 1995. Currents in the Suur Strait and their role in the nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 5, 3/4, 103-123.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Alenius, P., Nõmm, A., 1995. Variability of currents in the Suur Strait, Gulf of Riga. - XVII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 11.-12.5.1995, 99-104.

Astok, V., Hannus, M., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Mis toimub Suures väinas? - Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti VI Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, 164-167. (in Estonian)

Astok, V., Hannus, M., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Suur Strait - Big Enough? In: Proc. 19th CBO, 29 August - 1 September, 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol. I, 382-390.

Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Estonian marine monitoring 1968-1991: Results and evaluation. Finnish Marine Research, 262, 123-134.

Suursaar, Ü. 1994. The state of the Gulf of Finland and the coastal waters of Estonia: An agnostic view on the water quality data. In: Proc. 18th CBO, St.Petersburg, 1992, 277-285.

Suursaar, Ü. and Kukk, H. 1994. Mereuuringud/Marine research. In: Keskkond 1993/Estonian Environment, Tallinn, 41-43.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1994. Viire Kurk Strait, hibernatus. In: Proc. 19th CBO, 29 August - 1 September, 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol. II, 802-806.

Suursaar, Ü. 1993. The analysis of the water quality in the open part of the Gulf of Finland and coastal waters of Estonia. Dissertationes Geographicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 3. 28 p.

Alhonen, P., Suursaar, Ü., Tamsalu, R. 1992. Anthropogenic pollution and its prediction. (Chapter XIV) In: Geology of the Gulf of Finland (Ed. by A.Raukas and H.Hyvärinen), Tallinn, 355-366. (in Russian).

Suursaar, Ü. 1992. On the water quality of the open part of the Gulf of Finland and coastal waters of Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 2, 3, 93-102.

Suursaar, Ü. 1992. The state of the Estonian coastal waters in 1979-1990: seasonal, vertical and horizontal variations. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 2, 4, 129-136.

Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1991. The state of the Estonian coastal waters in the 1980s: General conclusions. In: Balt. Sea Environ. Proc., 40, 75-83.

Suursaar, Ü. 1991. On the water quality of the Gulf of Finland on the ground of data obtained from different sources. In: Proc. 17th CBO, Norrköping, 1990, 576-584.

Suursaar, Ü. 1991. Tallinna lahe vee kvaliteedist. In: Inimmõju Tallinna keskkonnale, II. Tallinn, 57- 61. (in Estonian).

Astok, V., Matthäus,W., Berzins,V., Carlberg,S., Cyberska,B., Elken,J, Lange,W., Launiainen,J., Nõmm, A., Suursaar, Ü., Tamsalu, R., Vihma, T. 1990. Hydrography. Ambio, Sp.Rep. 7, 2-3.

Astok, V., Tamsalu, R., Nõmm, A., Suursaar, Ü. 1990. Hydrography. The Gulf of Finland. In: Second periodic assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1988; Background Document. Balt. Sea Environ. Proc., 35B, 54-58.

viimati muudetud: 18.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ülo
2.Surname Suursaar
3.Institution Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
4.Position senior research fellow
5.Date of birth 18.07.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1993 Ph.D in Geography, University of Tartu
1980 diploma cum laude (Geography-Hydrology), University of Tartu
7.Research and
professional experience
1985-1988 Engineer, Inst. of Applied Geophysics, Baltic Branch
1988-1990 Junior res. fellow, postgraduate, Institute of Thermophysics and Electrophysics, Dep. of the Baltic Sea
1990-1992 Junior res. fellow, postgraduate, Institute of Ecology and Marine Research
1993-Res. fellow, sen. res. fellow, Estonian Marine Institute
8.Academic degree Ph.D. (Geography)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1993
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Measuring and modelling of the hydrodynamic processes of the shallow sea (coastal sea of Estonia), currents in the straits, 2D models, extreme sea level events, storm surges, hydrodynamical fronts, influence of hydrodynamics on hydrochemical and -biological parameters, vertical fluxes, coastal erosion events, manifestations of the climate change.
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation, leader of the grant project No.5929 (2004-2007), member of the project No.5763 (2004-2007) by Dr.Are Kont.
15.List of most important publications

Suursaar, Ü., Jaagus, J., Kullas, T. 2006. Past and future changes in sea level near the Estonian coast in relation to changes in wind climate. Boreal Environment Research, 11, 2, 123-142.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 2006. Influence of wind climate changes on the mean sea level and current regime in the coastal waters of west Estonia, Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 48 (3), in press (available in Sept.)

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Saaremäe, I., Kuik, J., Merilain, M. 2006. Cyclone Gudrun in January 2005 and modelling its hydrodynamic consequences in the Estonian coastal waters. Boreal Environment Research, 11, 2, 143-159.

Suursaar, Ü., Sooäär, J. 2006. Storm surge induced by extratropical cyclone Gudrun: hydrodynamic reconstruction of the event, assessment of mitigation actions and analysis of future flood risks in Pärnu, Estonia. In: Risk Analysis V. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 91 (C.A. Brebbia & V.Popov, eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 241-250.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kotta, J. 2005. Monitoring and assessment of the Estonian coastal sea in 1945-2003. In: Water protection of the Gulf of Finland and Estonian waterbodies (1945-2003). H.-A. Velner (editor), TUT Press, Tallinn, p.129-144.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2005. Vertical structure of horizontal currents and vertical velocities observed off the Estonian coast using a Recording Doppler Current Profiler. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol., 54, 3, 190-209.

Suursaar, Ü., Tõnisson, H., Kullas, T., Orviku, K., Kont, A., Rivis, R., Otsmann, M. 2005. A study of hydrodynamic and coastal geomorphic processes in Küdema Bay, the Baltic Sea. In: Coastal Engineering VII (C.A. Brebbia, C.Cunha, eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p.187-196.

Kont, A., Jaagus, J., Orviku, K., Ratas, U., Rivis, R., Tõnisson, H., Suursaar, Ü. 2004. Climate Changes in Estonia During the Second Half of the 20th Century and their Impacts on Increasing Activity of Coastal Processes. In: D.R.Green et al. (eds.) Littoral 2004, 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th-22th September 2004. Proceedings, vol. 2, p. 652-653.

Ojaveer, E., Raid, T., Suursaar, Ü. 2004. On the managment of localherring stocks in the Baltic. In: Managment of shared fish stocks. Payne, A.I.L., O`Brien, C.M. and Rogers, S.I. (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford; 240-250.

Suursaar, Ü., Kont, A., Jaagus, J., Orviku, K., Ratas, U., Rivis, R., Kullas, T. 2004. Sea level rise scenarios induced by climate change, and their consequences for the Estonian seacoast. In: Risk Analysis IV (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 333-343.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2004. Hoovused ja veetaseme kõikumised Lääne-Eesti rannikumeres. - Estonia Maritima 6, 5-26. (in Estonian, English summary).

Ojaveer, E., Simm, M., Balode, M., Purina, I., Suursaar, Ü. 2003. Experiments on the effect of Microcystis aeruginosa and Nodularia spumigena upon the survival of Eurytremora affinis and fertilization, embryonic and larval development of Baltic herring Clupea harengus membras. - Environmental Toxicology, 18, 4, 236-242.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Suursaar, Ü. 2003. Two-channel model for water exchange (the Gulf of Riga case).- ICES Cooperative Research Reports, 257. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, 225-231.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2003. Water and nutrient exchange through the Suur Strait (Väinameri) in 1993-1995.- ICES Cooperative Research Reports., 257. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, 267-273.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2003. Modelling of flows, sea level variations and bottom stresses in the coastal waters of West Estonia. In: Coastal Engineering VI (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, p. 43-52.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. Kõuts, T. 2003. Extreme sea level events in the coastal waters of West Estonia. Journal of Sea Research, 49, 4, 295-303.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2002. A model study of the sea level variations in the Gulf of Riga and the Väinameri Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 22, (14), 2001-2019.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2002. Flow modelling in the Pärnu Bay and the Kihnu Strait. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Eng., 8, 3, 189-203.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. Kõuts, T. 2002. A model for storm surge forecasts in the Eastern Baltic Sea. In: Risk Analysis III. Computer simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 509-519.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 2001. The oscillatory nature of the flows in the system of straits and small semienclosed basins of the Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 21, (15), 1577-1603.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2001. Hydrodynamical modelling of sea levels in the Väinameri and Pärnu Bay. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Eng., 7, 3, 222-234.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 2001. The influence of currents and waves on ecological conditions of the Väinameri. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol., 50, 4, 231-247.

Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 2000. Comparative calculations of flows in the straits of the Gulf of Riga and the Väinameri. Proc. Estonian. Acad. Sci. Eng., 6, 4, 284-294.

Suursaar, Ü. 2000. Viron rannikkomeren kunto muutosten pyörteissä. Suomen lähialueet 2. Ympäriston tila ja kehityssuunat. Tilastokeskus/International Business Statistics, Helsinki, 35-39. (in Finnish).

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T. 2000. Exchange processes in the Väike Strait (the Baltic Sea): present, past, future. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol., 49, 3, 235-252.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T. 2000. Possible influence of bridges and dams on the water exchange processes through the straits of the Väinameri. In: Estonia. Geographical studies (J.-M. Punning, editor), Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn, 89-101.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Kullas, T., Tamsalu, R., Ennet, P. 2000. Ecological risks of the hydrotechnical buildings in the region of the straits of Estonia, the Baltic Sea: two case studies. In: Risk analysis II, (C.A. Brebbia, editor), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 487-498.

Astok V., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1999. Water exchange as the main physical process in semi-enclosed marine systems: the Gulf of Riga case. Hydrobiologia, 393, 11-18.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1999. Modelling currents along the western coast of Estonia as superposition of Helmholtz oscillators. In: Coastal Engineering and Marina Developments (C.A. Brebbia and P. Anagnostopoulos, editors), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 99-108.

Ennet, P. and Suursaar Ü. 1998. River runoff and nutrients load. In: R.Tamsalu (ed.), The coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecosystem model FinEst. Meri – Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, No. 35, 50.

Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. and Astok, V. 1998. Helmholtz response to the system of two semi-enclosed basins and four straits In: EMI Report Series, 9, 34-60.

Suursaar, Ü. and Astok, V. (Eds.) 1998. More studies on the water exchange and the nutrients of the Gulf of Riga. EMI Report Series, 9, 119 p.

Suursaar, Ü. and Tenson, J. 1998. Hydrochemical regime and productivity of the Pärnu Bay in 1968-1996. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 91-117.

Suursaar Ü. and Tenson, J. 1998. Observed ecosystem cycles in the Gulf of Riga. In: R.Tamsalu (ed.), The coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecosystem model FinEst. Meri – Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research. No. 35, 67-71.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Alenius, P., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1998. Thermohaline regime and currents in the Suur Strait and the Hari Strait in 1996-1997. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 6-22.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Otsmann, M. 1998. The front of Väinameri In: EMI Report Series, 9, 23-33.

Suursaar, Ü., Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Kullas, T. 1998. Modelling the water exchange in the Irben, Suur, Soela and Hari Straits in 1995-1996. In: EMI Report Series, 9, 61-90.

Tamsalu, R., Ennet, P., Kullas, T., Keto, K., Tenson, J., Suursaar, Ü. 1998. The influence of loading reduction on the aquatic ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga. In: Nordic Hydrological Conference, NHP Report No. 44, Vol. 1, 47-53.

Kankaanpää, H., Lauren, M., Saares, R., Heitto, L., Suursaar, Ü. 1997. Distribution of halogenated organic material in sediments from anthropogenic and natural sources in the Gulf of Finland catchment area. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.31, No.1, 96-104.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1997. A model for water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. Nordic Hydrology, 28, (4/5), 351-364.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1997. Muutused Liivi lahe ökoloogilises seisundis ja veevahetus.- Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti VII Ökoloogiakonv. lühiartiklid, 8.-9. mai 1997, Tartu, 210-214.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1996. A model for water exchange between a large and a small water body: The case of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. In: Nordic Hydrological Conference 1996, Akureyri, Iceland. NHP Report No. 40 Vol 2, 496-505.

Otsmann, M., Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1996. Water exchange model for the Gulf of Riga. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 81-94.

Suursaar, Ü. and Astok, V. (Eds.) 1996. Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. EMI Report Series, 3, 109 p.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M. 1996. New estimation of the water and nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 95-108.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Alenius, P. 1996. Thermohaline regime and currents in the Suur Strait in 1993-1995. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 7-58.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Nõmm, A., 1996. Variability of nutrient concentrations in the Väinameri in 1993-1995. In: Studies on measuring and modelling the water and nutrient exchange of the Gulf of Riga. (Ed. by Ü. Suursaar and V. Astok). EMI Report Series, 3, 59-80.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Nõmm, A., 1996. Väinameri - the buffer zone in the water and nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. In: Estonia. Geographical Studies. Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn, 5-28.

Suursaar, Ü. 1995. Nutrients in the Gulf of Riga. In: Ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga between 1920 and 1990. (Ed. by E.Ojaveer), Academia 5, 41-50.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M. 1995. Currents in the Suur Strait and their role in the nutrient exchange between the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 5, 3/4, 103-123.

Suursaar, Ü., Astok, V., Kullas, T., Otsmann, M., Alenius, P., Nõmm, A., 1995. Variability of currents in the Suur Strait, Gulf of Riga. - XVII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 11.-12.5.1995, 99-104.

Astok, V., Hannus, M., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Mis toimub Suures väinas? - Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti VI Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, 164-167. (in Estonian)

Astok, V., Hannus, M., Kullas, T., Nõmm, A., Otsmann, M., Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Suur Strait - Big Enough? In: Proc. 19th CBO, 29 August - 1 September, 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol. I, 382-390.

Suursaar, Ü. 1994. Estonian marine monitoring 1968-1991: Results and evaluation. Finnish Marine Research, 262, 123-134.

Suursaar, Ü. 1994. The state of the Gulf of Finland and the coastal waters of Estonia: An agnostic view on the water quality data. In: Proc. 18th CBO, St.Petersburg, 1992, 277-285.

Suursaar, Ü. and Kukk, H. 1994. Mereuuringud/Marine research. In: Keskkond 1993/Estonian Environment, Tallinn, 41-43.

Suursaar, Ü., Kullas, T. 1994. Viire Kurk Strait, hibernatus. In: Proc. 19th CBO, 29 August - 1 September, 1994, Sopot, Poland, Vol. II, 802-806.

Suursaar, Ü. 1993. The analysis of the water quality in the open part of the Gulf of Finland and coastal waters of Estonia. Dissertationes Geographicae Universitatis Tartuensis, 3. 28 p.

Alhonen, P., Suursaar, Ü., Tamsalu, R. 1992. Anthropogenic pollution and its prediction. (Chapter XIV) In: Geology of the Gulf of Finland (Ed. by A.Raukas and H.Hyvärinen), Tallinn, 355-366. (in Russian).

Suursaar, Ü. 1992. On the water quality of the open part of the Gulf of Finland and coastal waters of Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 2, 3, 93-102.

Suursaar, Ü. 1992. The state of the Estonian coastal waters in 1979-1990: seasonal, vertical and horizontal variations. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Ecol., 2, 4, 129-136.

Astok, V., Suursaar, Ü. 1991. The state of the Estonian coastal waters in the 1980s: General conclusions. In: Balt. Sea Environ. Proc., 40, 75-83.

Suursaar, Ü. 1991. On the water quality of the Gulf of Finland on the ground of data obtained from different sources. In: Proc. 17th CBO, Norrköping, 1990, 576-584.

Suursaar, Ü. 1991. Tallinna lahe vee kvaliteedist. In: Inimmõju Tallinna keskkonnale, II. Tallinn, 57- 61. (in Estonian).

Astok, V., Matthäus,W., Berzins,V., Carlberg,S., Cyberska,B., Elken,J, Lange,W., Launiainen,J., Nõmm, A., Suursaar, Ü., Tamsalu, R., Vihma, T. 1990. Hydrography. Ambio, Sp.Rep. 7, 2-3.

Astok, V., Tamsalu, R., Nõmm, A., Suursaar, Ü. 1990. Hydrography. The Gulf of Finland. In: Second periodic assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1988; Background Document. Balt. Sea Environ. Proc., 35B, 54-58.

last updated: 18.10.2005

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