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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Tatjana
2.Perekonnanimi Oja
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 21.04.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Voronezi riiklik Ülikool, 1979.a.
1994-1998 Tartu Ülikooli doktorantuur
7.Teenistuskäik 1979-1994 - TÜ insener/vanemlaborant; 1994-1998 - TÜ doktorant; 1998 - ZBI teadur; 1999 - ZBI vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad PhD botaanikas ja mükoloogias
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1998. a.
10.Tunnustused -
ja –administratiivne
Põhitäitjana ETF grandis 0370203s98 (1998-2002), grandihoidja ETF grandis 4082 (2000-2003)
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

V. Vislap, MSc, 2002, juh. T. Oja. "Genetic diversity, the breeding system and phylogenetic relationships in the Bromus arvensis-japonicus-squarrosus species complex on the basis of isozyme data". EPMÜ ZBI

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Taimede fülogeneetiline süstemaatika, evolutsioon ja fülogeograafia
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grandi 5739 "Luste (Bromus L., Poaceae) ja hiireherne (Vicia L., Fabaceae) liikide fülogeneetilised seosed, mikroevolutsioon ja fülogeograafia" (2004 -2007) grandihoidja.

Isozyme evidence on the genetic diversity, mating system and evolution of Bromus intermedius (Poaceae)PLANT SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTION 254: 199-208 2005

Oja, T; Jaaska, V; Vislap, V Breeding system, evolution and taxonomy of Bromus arvensis, B.japonicus and B.squarrosus (Poaceae) PLANT SYST EVOL, 242 (1-4): 101-117 NOV 2003

Oja, T Bromus fasciculatus Presl - a third diploid progenitor of Bromus section Genea allopolyploids (Poaceae) HEREDITAS, 137 (2): 113-118 2002

Oja, T Genetic divergence and interspecific differentiation in the Bromus madritensis complex (Poaceae) based on isozyme data BIOCHEM SYST ECOL, 30 (5): 433-449 MAY 2002

Oja, T; Laarmann, H Comparative study of the ploidy series Bromus sterilis, B. diandrus and B-rigidus (Poaceae) based on chromosome numbers, morphology and isozymes PLANT BIOLOGY, 4 (4): 484-491 JUL 2002

Oja, T Allozyme diversity and interspecific differentiation of the two diploid bromegrass species, Bromus tectorum L and B.sterilis L (Poaceae) PLANT BIOLOGY, 1 (6): 679-686 NOV 1999

Oja T. 1998. PhD thesis "Isoenzyme diversity and phylogenetic affinities among the Eurasian annual bromes (Bromus L., Poaceae)".

Oja, T Isoenzyme diversity and phylogenetic affinities in the section Bromus of the grass genus Bromus (Poaceae) BIOCHEM SYST ECOL, 26 (4): 403-413 JUN 1998

Oja, T; Jaaska, V Allozyme diversity and phylogenetic relationships among diploid annual bromes (Bromus, Poaceae) ANN BOT FENN, 35 (2): 123-130 1998

Oja, T, Jaaska, V. Isoenzyme data on the genetic divergence and allopolyploidy in the section Genea of the grass genus Bromus (Poaceae). HEREDITAS, 125(2-3): 249-255 1996.

viimati muudetud: 11.10.2004

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Tatjana
2.Surname Oja
3.Institution Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu
4.Position senior research scientist
5.Date of birth 21.04.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education Voronezi State University, 1979.
1994-1998 PhD student, University of Tartu
7.Research and
professional experience
1979 – 1994 Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu; 1994 - 1998 PhD student at the University of Tartu; 1998 Institute of Zoology and Botany/ research scientist; 1999 - senior research scientist.
8.Academic degree PhD in botany and micology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1998.
10.Honours/awards -
Basic researcher of ESF grant 0370203s98 (1998-2002),
grant holder of ESF grant 4082 during 2000-2003.
12.Supervised dissertations

V. Vislap, MSc, 2002, superv. T. Oja. "Genetic diversity, the breeding system and phylogenetic relationships in the Bromus arvensis-japonicus-squarrosus species complex on the basis of isozyme data". EPMÜ ZBI

13.Current research program Phylogenetic taxonomy, evolution and phylogeography of plants
14.Current grant funding “Phylogenetic affinities, microevolution and phylogeography of brome (Bromus L., Poaceae) and legume (Vicia L., Fabaceae) species” ESF grant 5739 holder
15.List of most important publications

Isozyme evidence on the genetic diversity, mating system and evolution of Bromus intermedius (Poaceae)PLANT SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTION 254: 199-208 2005

Oja, T; Jaaska, V; Vislap, V Breeding system, evolution and taxonomy of Bromus arvensis, B.japonicus and B.squarrosus (Poaceae) PLANT SYST EVOL, 242 (1-4): 101-117 NOV 2003

Oja, T Bromus fasciculatus Presl - a third diploid progenitor of Bromus section Genea allopolyploids (Poaceae) HEREDITAS, 137 (2): 113-118 2002

Oja, T Genetic divergence and interspecific differentiation in the Bromus madritensis complex (Poaceae) based on isozyme data BIOCHEM SYST ECOL, 30 (5): 433-449 MAY 2002

Oja, T; Laarmann, H Comparative study of the ploidy series Bromus sterilis, B. diandrus and B-rigidus (Poaceae) based on chromosome numbers, morphology and isozymes PLANT BIOLOGY, 4 (4): 484-491 JUL 2002

Oja, T Allozyme diversity and interspecific differentiation of the two diploid bromegrass species, Bromus tectorum L and B.sterilis L (Poaceae) PLANT BIOLOGY, 1 (6): 679-686 NOV 1999

Oja T. 1998. PhD thesis "Isoenzyme diversity and phylogenetic affinities among the Eurasian annual bromes (Bromus L., Poaceae)".

Oja, T Isoenzyme diversity and phylogenetic affinities in the section Bromus of the grass genus Bromus (Poaceae) BIOCHEM SYST ECOL, 26 (4): 403-413 JUN 1998

Oja, T; Jaaska, V Allozyme diversity and phylogenetic relationships among diploid annual bromes (Bromus, Poaceae) ANN BOT FENN, 35 (2): 123-130 1998

Oja, T, Jaaska, V. Isoenzyme data on the genetic divergence and allopolyploidy in the section Genea of the grass genus Bromus (Poaceae). HEREDITAS, 125(2-3): 249-255 1996.

last updated: 11.10.2004

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