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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Toivo
2.Perekonnanimi Maimets
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht Rakubioloogia professor
5.Sünniaeg 29.12.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, 1991, Ph.D. (molekulaarbioloogia)
Moskva Ülikool, 1984, bioloogiakandidaat (molekulaarbioloogia)
Tartu Ülikool, 1980, diplom (bioloog, bioloogia ja keemia õpetaja)
7.Teenistuskäik 2001- Geeni- ja keskkonnatehnoloogia tippkeskus, juhataja
1992- Tartu Ülikool, rakubioloogia professor
2003-2005 Eesti Vabariigi Haridus- ja teadusminister
1999- 2003 Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituut, juhataja
1995-1998, Tartu Ülikool, teadus- ja arendusprorektor
1993-1995, Tartu Ülikool, bioloogia-geograafiateaduskonna dekaan
1986-1992, Eesti Biokeskus, teadussekretär
1978-1986, Tartu Ülikool, insener, teadur, vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. (molekulaarbioloogia)
bioloogiakandidaat (molekulaarbioloogia)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1991
Moskva Ülikool, 1984
10.Tunnustused Valgetähe orden, IV järk (2001)
Eesti Kaitseliidu teenetemedal (2002)
Püha Gediminase orden (Leedu Vabariik), II järk (2004)
ja –administratiivne
Academia Europea, liige
Euroopa Vähiuuringute Assotsiatsioon (EACR), liige
Ameerika Vähiuuringute Assotsiatsioon, liige
Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühing, liige
UNESCO Rahvusvaheline Bioeetika Komitee, liige
Tartu Ülikooli Eetikakeskus, abijuhataja
Tartu Ülikooli nõukogu, teaduskonna nõukogu ning instituudi nõukogu liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Arvi Jõers, PhD, 2004, juh. Toivo Maimets. Regulation of p53-dependent transcription.. Tartu Ülikool

Lilian Kadaja, PhD, 2004, juh. Toivo Maimets. Studies on modulation of the activity of tumor suppressor protein p53.. Tartu Ülikool

Viljar Jaks, PhD, 2003, juh. Toivo Maimets. p53- a switch in cellular circuit.. Tartu Ülikool

Arnold Kristjuhan, PhD, 1998, juh. Toivo Maimets. Studies on transcriptional activator properties of tumor suppressor protein p53. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Kasvajate supressorvalgu p53 roll rakutsükli, DNA transkriptsiooni ja replikatsiooni regulaatorina.
Rakusisesed signaaliülekanderajad ning nende kasvajaseoselised häiritused.
14.Jooksvad grandid *Eesti Teadusfond,grant "CD43- ja p53- vahendatud signaaliradade vahelise seose uurimine"
*EV Haridus- ja teadusministeerium, sihtfinantseerimine "Kasvajaseoselised muutused rakusisestes signaaliülekande radades".
*EV Haridus- ja teadusministeerium, Tippkeskuste programm "Geeni- ja keskkonnatehnoloogia Tippkeskus"

Pauklin S, Kristjuhan A, Maimets T, Jaks V. ARF and ATM/ATR cooperate in p53-mediated apoptosis upon oncogenic stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2005) 334(2), 386-394.

Joers A., Jaks V., Kase J., Maimets T. p53-dependent transcription can exhibit both on/off and graded response after genotoxic stress. Oncogene (2004) 23,6175-6185.

Kadaja L, Laos S, Maimets T. Overexpression of leukocyte marker CD43 causes activation of the tumor suppressor proteins p53 and ARF. Oncogene (2004) 23, 2523-2530.

Lepik D., Jaks V., Värv S., Kadaja L., Maimets T. Electroporation and carrier DNA cause p53 activation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Analytical Biochemistry (2003), 318, 52-59.

Jaks V., Jõers A., Kristjuhan A., Maimets T. p53 protein accumulation in addition to its transcriptional activation is required for p53-dependent cell cycle arrest after treatment of cells with camptothecin. Oncogene (2001) 20, 1212-1219.

Krinka D., Raid R., Pata I., Kärner J., Maimets T. In Situ hybridization of chick embryos with p53-specific probe and their immunostaining with anti-p53 antibodies. Anat. Embryol. (2001) 204, 207 – 215.

Maimets T. Valgu p53 kasutusvõimalused molekulaarse markerina erinevate kasvajate puhul. Eesti Arst (2000).

Kadaja L., Jesnowski R., Maimets T., Liebe S., Lohr M. Construction of recombinant retroviruses expressing mutated k-ras or mutated p53 genes. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1999) 880, 371-373.

Maimets T. Molekulaarne rakubioloogia. Ilmamaa 1999, 248 lk.

Jõers A., Kristjuhan A., Kadaja L., Maimets T. Tumour associated mutants of p53 can inhibit transcriptional activity of p53 without heterooligomerization. Oncogene (1998) 17, 2351-2358.

Kristjuhan A., Jaks V., Rimm I., Tooming T., Maimets T. Oligomerization of p53 is necessary to inhibit its transcriptional transactivation property at high protein concentration. Oncogene (1998) 16, 2413-2418.

Lepik D., Ilves I., Kristjuhan A., Maimets T., Ustav M. p53 protein is a suppressor of papillomavirus DNA amplificational replication. J. Virol. (1998) 72, 6822-6831.

Kristjuhan A., Maimets T. Protein P53 modulates transcription from a promoter containing its binding site in concentration-dependent manner. Eur. J. Biochem. (1995) 234, 827 - 831.

Wagner P., Simanis V., Maimets T., Keenan E., Addison C., Brain R., Grimaldi M., Sturzbecher H.-W., Jenkins J. A human tumour-derived mutant p53 protein induces a p34cdc2 reversible growth arrest in fission yeast. Oncogene (1991) 6, 1539-1547.

Stürzbecher H.-W., Maimets T., Chumakov P., Brain R., Addison C., Simanis V., Rudge K., Philp R., Grimaldi M., Court W., Jenkins J. p53 interacts with p34cdc2 in mammalian cells: implications for cell cycle control and oncogenesis. Oncogene (1990) 5, 795-801.

Jenkins J.R., Stürzbecher H.-W., Brain R., Grimaldi M., Maimets T., Rudge K., Court W., Addison C. Identification and analysis of human p53 mutants which are trans-dominant modulators of DNA replication in vivo. Cancer Cells (1989) 7, 127-135.

Maimets T.O. Bacterial expression of human p53 oncogene as a fusion protein. Proc. USSR Acad. Sci. (1988) 302, 1501-1503.

Sturzbecher H.-W., Brain R., Maimets T., Addison C., Rudge K., Jenkins J. Mouse p53 blocks SV40 DNA replication in vitro and downregulates T antigen DNA helicase activity. Oncogene (1988) 3, 101-109.

Maimets T.O., Jenkins J.R. Modified oncoprotein p53 in HT1080 tumor cell line. Proc. USSR Acad. Sci. (1987) 296, 757-759.

Saarma R.J., Maimets T.O., Anton R.G., Lind A.J. Studies on ras-family oncogenes in tumors of human brain. In: Actual problems of neurology and neurosurgery. Tartu University Press. (1986) 165-170.

Maimets T.O., Remme J.L., Villems R.L.-E. Stimulation of peptidyltransferase activity of 50S subunits with alcohols. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1985) 3, 617-622.

Remme J., Metspalu E., Maimets T., Villems R. The properties of the complex between ribosomal protein L2 and tRNA. FEBS Lett. (1985) 190, 275-278.

Maimets T.O., Ustav M. B., Remme J.L.,Villems R.L.-E. E.coli ribosomal protein L16: its possible role in protein biosynthesis. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1984) 18, 1597-1605.

Maimets T., Remme J., Villems R. Ribosomal protein L16 binds to the 3'-end of transfer RNA. FEBS Lett. (1984) 166, 53-56.

Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The role of protein L16 and its fragments in the peptidyltransferase activity of 50-S riboso¬mal subunits. Eur. J. Biochem. (1983) 135, 127-130.

Remme J., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The interaction of ribosomal protein L16 and its fragments with tRNA. FEBS Lett. (1983) 153, 267-269.

Metspalu E., Ustav M., Maimets T., Villems R. The composition and properties of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA-protein complex. Eur. J. Biochem. (1982) 121, 383-389.

Maimets T.O., Ustav M.B., Villems R.L.-E., Saarma M.J., Lind. A.J. Binding of Escherichia coli 50 S ribosomal subunit proteins with two large 5S RNA fragments. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1981) 6, 569-574.

Metspalu E., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. A quarternary complex consisting of two molecules of tRNA and ribosomal pro¬teins L2 and Ll7. FEBS Lett. (1981) 132, 105-108.

Sedman J., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The interaction of 5S RNA and its large fragments with ribosomal proteins. FEBS Lett. (1981) 136, 251-254.

Villems R., Koger A., Lind A., Maimets T., Metspalu E., Saarma M., Sarapuu T., Ustav M. Affinity chromatography of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein on the immobilized ribonucleic acids. Properties of the complexes. Biological implications of protein- nucleic acid interactions. (J.Augustyniak ed.) Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, N.Y., Oxford, Poznan. (1980) 91-99.

viimati muudetud: 22.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Toivo
2.Surname Maimets
3.Institution University of Tartu
4.Position Professor of Cell Biology
5.Date of birth 29.12.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu 1991, Ph.D. (molecular biology)
Moscow University 1984, kandidat nauk (molecular biology)
University of Tartu 1980, diploma (genetics and cytology)
7.Research and
professional experience
1992- Professor of Cell Biology, University of Tartu
2001- Director, National Centre of Excellence for Gene and Environmental Technologies
2003- 2005 Minister of Education and Research, Republic of Estonia
1999- 2003 Director, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu
1995-1998 Pro-rector for Research and Development, University of Tartu
1993-1995 Dean, Faculty of Biology and Geography, University of Tartu
1986-1992 Secretary for Science, Estonian Biocentre
8.Academic degree Ph.D. (molecular biology)
kandidat nauk (molecular biology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu 1991
Moscow University 1984
10.Honours/awards 4th Class Order of the White Star, from the Republic of Estonia
Estonian League of Defence, Medal of Merits
2nd Class Order of St. Gediminas, from the Republic of Lithuania
Academia Europea, Member
European Association for Cancer Research, Member
American Association for Cancer Research, Member
Estonian Genetics Association, Member
UNESCO International Bioethics Committee, member
Tartu University Centre of Ethics, co-director
12.Supervised dissertations

Arvi Jõers, PhD, 2004, superv. Toivo Maimets. Regulation of p53-dependent transcription.. Tartu Ülikool

Lilian Kadaja, PhD, 2004, superv. Toivo Maimets. Studies on modulation of the activity of tumor suppressor protein p53.. Tartu Ülikool

Viljar Jaks, PhD, 2003, superv. Toivo Maimets. p53- a switch in cellular circuit.. Tartu Ülikool

Arnold Kristjuhan, PhD, 1998, superv. Toivo Maimets. Studies on transcriptional activator properties of tumor suppressor protein p53. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Role of tumor suppressor protein p53 as a regulator of cell cycle, DNA replication and transcription.
Intracellular signal transduction pathways and their tumor-specific irregularities.
14.Current grant funding *Estonian Science Foundation, grant "Studies on interactions of CD43- and p53-mediated signal transduction pathways".
*Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, targeted financing "Tumor-associated changes of signal transduction pathways"
*Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Program of Centers of Excellence, "Center of Excellence for Gene and Environmental Technologies".
15.List of most important publications

Pauklin S, Kristjuhan A, Maimets T, Jaks V. ARF and ATM/ATR cooperate in p53-mediated apoptosis upon oncogenic stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2005) 334(2), 386-394.

Joers A., Jaks V., Kase J., Maimets T. p53-dependent transcription can exhibit both on/off and graded response after genotoxic stress. Oncogene (2004) 23,6175-6185.

Kadaja L, Laos S, Maimets T. Overexpression of leukocyte marker CD43 causes activation of the tumor suppressor proteins p53 and ARF. Oncogene (2004) 23, 2523-2530.

Lepik D., Jaks V., Värv S., Kadaja L., Maimets T. Electroporation and carrier DNA cause p53 activation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Analytical Biochemistry (2003), 318, 52-59.

Jaks V., Jõers A., Kristjuhan A., Maimets T. p53 protein accumulation in addition to its transcriptional activation is required for p53-dependent cell cycle arrest after treatment of cells with camptothecin. Oncogene (2001) 20, 1212-1219.

Krinka D., Raid R., Pata I., Kärner J., Maimets T. In Situ hybridization of chick embryos with p53-specific probe and their immunostaining with anti-p53 antibodies. Anat. Embryol. (2001) 204, 207 – 215.

Maimets T. Valgu p53 kasutusvõimalused molekulaarse markerina erinevate kasvajate puhul. Eesti Arst (2000).

Kadaja L., Jesnowski R., Maimets T., Liebe S., Lohr M. Construction of recombinant retroviruses expressing mutated k-ras or mutated p53 genes. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1999) 880, 371-373.

Maimets T. Molekulaarne rakubioloogia. Ilmamaa 1999, 248 lk.

Jõers A., Kristjuhan A., Kadaja L., Maimets T. Tumour associated mutants of p53 can inhibit transcriptional activity of p53 without heterooligomerization. Oncogene (1998) 17, 2351-2358.

Kristjuhan A., Jaks V., Rimm I., Tooming T., Maimets T. Oligomerization of p53 is necessary to inhibit its transcriptional transactivation property at high protein concentration. Oncogene (1998) 16, 2413-2418.

Lepik D., Ilves I., Kristjuhan A., Maimets T., Ustav M. p53 protein is a suppressor of papillomavirus DNA amplificational replication. J. Virol. (1998) 72, 6822-6831.

Kristjuhan A., Maimets T. Protein P53 modulates transcription from a promoter containing its binding site in concentration-dependent manner. Eur. J. Biochem. (1995) 234, 827 - 831.

Wagner P., Simanis V., Maimets T., Keenan E., Addison C., Brain R., Grimaldi M., Sturzbecher H.-W., Jenkins J. A human tumour-derived mutant p53 protein induces a p34cdc2 reversible growth arrest in fission yeast. Oncogene (1991) 6, 1539-1547.

Stürzbecher H.-W., Maimets T., Chumakov P., Brain R., Addison C., Simanis V., Rudge K., Philp R., Grimaldi M., Court W., Jenkins J. p53 interacts with p34cdc2 in mammalian cells: implications for cell cycle control and oncogenesis. Oncogene (1990) 5, 795-801.

Jenkins J.R., Stürzbecher H.-W., Brain R., Grimaldi M., Maimets T., Rudge K., Court W., Addison C. Identification and analysis of human p53 mutants which are trans-dominant modulators of DNA replication in vivo. Cancer Cells (1989) 7, 127-135.

Maimets T.O. Bacterial expression of human p53 oncogene as a fusion protein. Proc. USSR Acad. Sci. (1988) 302, 1501-1503.

Sturzbecher H.-W., Brain R., Maimets T., Addison C., Rudge K., Jenkins J. Mouse p53 blocks SV40 DNA replication in vitro and downregulates T antigen DNA helicase activity. Oncogene (1988) 3, 101-109.

Maimets T.O., Jenkins J.R. Modified oncoprotein p53 in HT1080 tumor cell line. Proc. USSR Acad. Sci. (1987) 296, 757-759.

Saarma R.J., Maimets T.O., Anton R.G., Lind A.J. Studies on ras-family oncogenes in tumors of human brain. In: Actual problems of neurology and neurosurgery. Tartu University Press. (1986) 165-170.

Maimets T.O., Remme J.L., Villems R.L.-E. Stimulation of peptidyltransferase activity of 50S subunits with alcohols. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1985) 3, 617-622.

Remme J., Metspalu E., Maimets T., Villems R. The properties of the complex between ribosomal protein L2 and tRNA. FEBS Lett. (1985) 190, 275-278.

Maimets T.O., Ustav M. B., Remme J.L.,Villems R.L.-E. E.coli ribosomal protein L16: its possible role in protein biosynthesis. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1984) 18, 1597-1605.

Maimets T., Remme J., Villems R. Ribosomal protein L16 binds to the 3'-end of transfer RNA. FEBS Lett. (1984) 166, 53-56.

Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The role of protein L16 and its fragments in the peptidyltransferase activity of 50-S riboso¬mal subunits. Eur. J. Biochem. (1983) 135, 127-130.

Remme J., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The interaction of ribosomal protein L16 and its fragments with tRNA. FEBS Lett. (1983) 153, 267-269.

Metspalu E., Ustav M., Maimets T., Villems R. The composition and properties of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA-protein complex. Eur. J. Biochem. (1982) 121, 383-389.

Maimets T.O., Ustav M.B., Villems R.L.-E., Saarma M.J., Lind. A.J. Binding of Escherichia coli 50 S ribosomal subunit proteins with two large 5S RNA fragments. Molecular Biology (USSR) (1981) 6, 569-574.

Metspalu E., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. A quarternary complex consisting of two molecules of tRNA and ribosomal pro¬teins L2 and Ll7. FEBS Lett. (1981) 132, 105-108.

Sedman J., Maimets T., Ustav M., Villems R. The interaction of 5S RNA and its large fragments with ribosomal proteins. FEBS Lett. (1981) 136, 251-254.

Villems R., Koger A., Lind A., Maimets T., Metspalu E., Saarma M., Sarapuu T., Ustav M. Affinity chromatography of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein on the immobilized ribonucleic acids. Properties of the complexes. Biological implications of protein- nucleic acid interactions. (J.Augustyniak ed.) Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, N.Y., Oxford, Poznan. (1980) 91-99.

last updated: 22.09.2005

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