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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Volli
2.Perekonnanimi Kalm
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Geoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht professor
5.Sünniaeg 10.02.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1971 - Vändra Keskkool
1976 - Tartu Ülikool, geoloogia eriala
1984 - Eesti TA Geoloogia Instituut, geoloogiakandidaat
1989 - Alberta Ülikooli Geoloogia osakond, järeldoktorant
7.Teenistuskäik alates 1992 - TÜ rakendusgeoloogia korraline professor
1988-1992 - TÜ Geoloogia Instituudi dotsent
1981-1988 - TÜ Geoloogia kateedri assistent ja vanemõpetaja
8.Teaduskraad geoloogia-mineraloogia kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut, 1984
10.Tunnustused Valgeristi 4. järgu medal
ja –administratiivne
alates 2004 - Eesti Kõrghariduse Hindamise Nõukogu esimees,
alates 2004 - TKN bio- ja geoteaduste ekspert,
alates 2003 - Quaternary Research Association - liige,
1998-2003 - Tartu Ülikooli õppeprorektor,
1995-1998 - TÜ Boloogia-geograafiateaduskonna dekaan,
alates 2004 - teadusajakirja "Boreas" toimetuskolleegiumi liige,
alates 2002 - teadusajakirja "Geological Quarterly"
alates 2002 - "Eesti TA Toimetised. Geoloogia"
toimetuskolleegiumi liige;
alates 2004 - INQUA Eesti Rahvusliku Komitee (ESTQUA) esimees,
alates 2003 - INQUA Subcommission on Glaciation - liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Kadastik, Ene, PhD, 2004, juh. Kalm, V.. Upper-Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Deglaciation History in Northwestern Estonia.. TÜ

Rattas, Maris, PhD, 2004, juh. Kalm, V.. Subglacial Environments in the Formation of Drumlins - The Case of the Saadärve Drumlin Field, Estonia.. TÜ

Rosentau, Alar, MSc, 2001, juh. Kalm, V.. Looduslike ehitusmaterjalide majanduslik ja keskkonnageoloogiline analüüs Võru maakonna näitel.. TÜ

Lewicki, Mick, MSc, 2000, juh. Aber, J. Kalm,V.. Landsat Imagery of Estonia.. Emporia University, USA

Teiter, Kristian, MSc, 2000, juh. Kalm, V. & Roosaare, J.. Pärast-jääaegsete rannajoonte modelleerimine nüüdisaegse kõrgusmudeli põhjal (Edela-Eesti näitel).. TÜ

Kirsimäe, Kalle, PhD, 1999, juh. Kalm, V. & Jorgensen, P.. Clay Mineral Diagenesis of the Lower Cambrian "Blue Clay" in the northern part of the Baltic Paleobasin.. TÜ

Jõeleht, Argo, PhD, 1998, juh. Kukkonen, I. & Kalm, V.. Geothermal Studies of the Precambrian Basement and Phanerozoic Sedimentary Cover in Estonia and Finland.. TÜ

Rattas, Maris, MSc, 1997, juh. Kalm, V.. Moreenide litoloogia ja stratigraafia Saadjärve voorestikus.. TÜ

Kadastik, Ene, MSc, 1996, juh. Kalm, V.. Moreenitüüpide võrdlev litoloogiline analüüs ja hilisglatsiaali paleogeograafia Lääne-Eesti saartel.. TÜ

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad mandri- ja mäestikujäätumiste kronoloogia, paleogeograafia;
lisutikusetete sedimentoloogia;
linnageoloogia (urban-geology);
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 5370: Hilisjääaja regionaalne sündmusstratigraafia Ida-Eestis ja korrelatsioonid naaberaladega, 2003-2007.

Dirszowsky, R.W., Mahaney, W.C., Hodder, K.R., Milner, M.W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Beukens, R.P., 2005. Lithostratigraphy of the Mérida (Wisconsinan) glaciation and Pedregal interstade, Mérida Andes, northwestern Venezuela, Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19, 525-536.

Kalm, V., 2005. Chronological data from Estonian Pleistocene. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 54, 1, 5-25.

Mahaney, W.C., Kalm, V., Jõeleht, A., Bezada, M. & Dirszowsky, R., 2005. Nye channels (flutings) on the Humboldt Massif, northern Venezuelan Andes. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 49, 2, 253-264.

Mahaney, W.C., Dirszowsky, R.W., Milner, M.W., Menzies, J., Stewart, A., Kalm, V. & Bezada, M., 2004. Quartz microtextures and microstructures owing to deformation of glaciolacustrine sediments in the northern Venezuelan Andes. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19, 1, 23-33.

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2004. Glaciotectonic deformation patterns in Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 48, 1, 15-22.

Raukas, A, Kalm, V., Karukäpp, R. & Rattas, M., 2004. Pleistocene Glaciations in Estonia. In: Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L. (Eds.) Quaternary Glaciations––Extent and Chronology, Part I: Europe. Elsevier, 83-91.

Soesoo, A., Kalda, J., Bons, P., Urtson, K. & Kalm, V., 2004. Fractality in geology: a possible use of fractals in the studies of partial melting processes. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 53, 1, 13-27.

Kadastik, E., Kalm, V., Liivrand, E., Mäemets, H. & Sakson, M. 2003. Stratigraphy of a site with Eemian interglacial deposits in north Estonia (Juminda Peninsula), GFF, 125, 4, 229-236.

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Bezada, M., Kalm, V. & Hancock, R.G.V., 2002. Paleosols and Andean uplift in Venezuela: assessing competing hypotheses of relict tropical soils versus paleohydrogeochemical variations. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15, 525-542.

Miettinen, A., Rinne, K., Haila, H., Hyvärinen, H., Eronen, M., Delusina, I., Kadastik, E., Kalm, V. & Gibbard, P.L., 2002. The marine Eemian of the Baltic: new pollen and diatom data from Peski, Russia, and Põhja-Uhtju, Estonia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17, 5/6, 445-458.

Aber, J., Kalm, V. & Lewicki, M., 2001. Geomorphic interpretation of Landsat imagery for Western Estonia. Slovak Geological Magazine, 7, 3, 237-242.

Aber, J. S. & Kalm, V., 2001. Remote sensing of eskers from Vormsi and Väinameri vicinity, northwestern Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 45, 4, 365-372. (Summary: http://www.pgi.waw.pl/en/public/kwart/kw01_xxxxxx).

Hang, T., Kalm, V., Kimmel, K. & Miidel, A. 2001. New data on distribution and stratigraphy of the Holocene deposits in the Peipsi Lake, eastern Estonia. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 50, 4, 233-253.

Kalm, V. & Kadastik, E., 2001. Waterline glacial diamicton along the Palivere ice-marginal zone on the West-Estonian Archipelago, Eastern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geology, 50, 2, 114-127. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s01-2-ge.htm)

Mahaney, W.C., Barendregt, R. & Kalm, V., 2001. Dating Methods. In: Encyclopedia of Global Change, Oxford University Press, Vol. I, 234-241.

Mahaney, W.C., Russell, S.E., Milner, M.W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Hancock, R.G.V. & Beukens, R.P., 2001. Paleopedology of Middle Wisconsin/Weichselian paleosols in the Merida Andes, Venezuela, Geoderma, 104, 3-4, 215-237. (abstract: http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/3/3/3/2/).

Mahaney, W.C., Stewart, A. & Kalm, V. 2001. Quantification of SEM microtextures useful in sedimentary environmental discrimination. Boreas, 30, 2, 165-171. (Abstract: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/frameloader.html?http://antonio.catchword.com/vl=3073555/cl=25/nw=1/rpsv/catchword/www/tandf/03009483/v30n2/contp1-1.htm)

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2001. Glaciotectonic deformation pattern in the hummocky moraine in the distal part of Saadjärv Drumlin Field, East-central Estonia. Slovak Geological Magazine, 7, 3, 243-246.

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2001. Lithostratigraphy and distribution of tills in the Saadjärve drumlin field, east-central Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geology, 50, 1, 24-42. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s01-geo.htm)

Kurvits, K., Mahaney, W.C. & Kalm, V., 2000. Grain micromorphology in the Rannamõisa section, Lower Cambrian, Estonia. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 49, 1, 17-27. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s00-geo.htm).

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Sanmugadas, K., Kalm, V., Bezada, M. & Hancock, R.G., 2000. Late Quaternary deglaciation and Neoglaciation of the Humboldt Massif, northern Venezuelan Andes. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 122, Holocene Geomorphology, 209-226. (Title: http://www.borntraeger-cramer.de/pubs/books/zeitsch-023012200-desc.html)

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Voros, J., Kalm, V., Hütt, G., Bezada, M., Hancock, R.G.V. & Aufreiter, S., 2000. Stratotype for the Merida Glaciation at Pueblo Llano in the northern Venezuelan Andes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 13, 761-774. (Abstract: http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/8/3/9/)

Mahaney, W. & Kalm, V., 2000. Comparative SEM study of oriented till blocks, glacial grains and Devonian sands in Estonia and Latvia. Boreas, 29, 1, 35-51. (Abstract: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/frameloader.html?http://clorinda.catchword.com/vl=2010804/cl=23/nw=1/rpsv/cw/www/tandf/03009483/v29n1/contp1-1.htm)

viimati muudetud: 08.12.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Volli
2.Surname Kalm
3.Institution Institute of Geology, University of Tartu
4.Position professor
5.Date of birth 10.02.1953 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1971 - Vändra Secondary School
1976 - diploma in geology, University of Tartu
1984 - candidate (PhD) in geology, Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences
1989 - postdoc, Dept. of Geology, University of Alberta
7.Research and
professional experience
since 1992 - professor of applied geology, University of Tartu
1988-1992 - docent (associate prof.), Institute of Geology, University of Tartu
1981-1988 - assistant and lecturer, dept. of geology, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree candidate of sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Geology, Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1984
10.Honours/awards 4th level medal of White Star
since 2004 - chairman of the Estonian Higher Education Quality Assesment Council,
since 2004 - expert for Estonian Csinece Competence Council,
since 2003 - Quaternary Research Association, member,
1998-2003 - vice-rector of academic affairs, University of Tartu,
1995-1998 - dean, Faculty of Biology and Geography, University of Tartu,
since 2004 - journal "Boreas", member of the board,
since 2002 - journal "Geological Quarterly",
since 2002 - Journal "Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. Geologt" - member of the board:
since 2004 - Estonian National Committee of INQUA (ESTQUA) - chairman;
since 2003 - INQUA Subcommission on Glaciation - member.
12.Supervised dissertations

Kadastik, Ene, PhD, 2004, superv. Kalm, V.. Upper-Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Deglaciation History in Northwestern Estonia.. TÜ

Rattas, Maris, PhD, 2004, superv. Kalm, V.. Subglacial Environments in the Formation of Drumlins - The Case of the Saadärve Drumlin Field, Estonia.. TÜ

Rosentau, Alar, MSc, 2001, superv. Kalm, V.. Looduslike ehitusmaterjalide majanduslik ja keskkonnageoloogiline analüüs Võru maakonna näitel.. TÜ

Lewicki, Mick, MSc, 2000, superv. Aber, J. Kalm,V.. Landsat Imagery of Estonia.. Emporia University, USA

Teiter, Kristian, MSc, 2000, superv. Kalm, V. & Roosaare, J.. Pärast-jääaegsete rannajoonte modelleerimine nüüdisaegse kõrgusmudeli põhjal (Edela-Eesti näitel).. TÜ

Kirsimäe, Kalle, PhD, 1999, superv. Kalm, V. & Jorgensen, P.. Clay Mineral Diagenesis of the Lower Cambrian "Blue Clay" in the northern part of the Baltic Paleobasin.. TÜ

Jõeleht, Argo, PhD, 1998, superv. Kukkonen, I. & Kalm, V.. Geothermal Studies of the Precambrian Basement and Phanerozoic Sedimentary Cover in Estonia and Finland.. TÜ

Rattas, Maris, MSc, 1997, superv. Kalm, V.. Moreenide litoloogia ja stratigraafia Saadjärve voorestikus.. TÜ

Kadastik, Ene, MSc, 1996, superv. Kalm, V.. Moreenitüüpide võrdlev litoloogiline analüüs ja hilisglatsiaali paleogeograafia Lääne-Eesti saartel.. TÜ

13.Current research program chronology and palaeogeography of glaciations;
sedimentology of glacigenic deposits;
14.Current grant funding Grant 5370 of Estonian Sci. Fnd.: Regional event stratigraphy for the last Termination in eastern Estonia and possible correlations with adjoining areas, 2003-2007.
15.List of most important publications

Dirszowsky, R.W., Mahaney, W.C., Hodder, K.R., Milner, M.W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Beukens, R.P., 2005. Lithostratigraphy of the Mérida (Wisconsinan) glaciation and Pedregal interstade, Mérida Andes, northwestern Venezuela, Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19, 525-536.

Kalm, V., 2005. Chronological data from Estonian Pleistocene. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 54, 1, 5-25.

Mahaney, W.C., Kalm, V., Jõeleht, A., Bezada, M. & Dirszowsky, R., 2005. Nye channels (flutings) on the Humboldt Massif, northern Venezuelan Andes. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 49, 2, 253-264.

Mahaney, W.C., Dirszowsky, R.W., Milner, M.W., Menzies, J., Stewart, A., Kalm, V. & Bezada, M., 2004. Quartz microtextures and microstructures owing to deformation of glaciolacustrine sediments in the northern Venezuelan Andes. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19, 1, 23-33.

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2004. Glaciotectonic deformation patterns in Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 48, 1, 15-22.

Raukas, A, Kalm, V., Karukäpp, R. & Rattas, M., 2004. Pleistocene Glaciations in Estonia. In: Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L. (Eds.) Quaternary Glaciations––Extent and Chronology, Part I: Europe. Elsevier, 83-91.

Soesoo, A., Kalda, J., Bons, P., Urtson, K. & Kalm, V., 2004. Fractality in geology: a possible use of fractals in the studies of partial melting processes. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 53, 1, 13-27.

Kadastik, E., Kalm, V., Liivrand, E., Mäemets, H. & Sakson, M. 2003. Stratigraphy of a site with Eemian interglacial deposits in north Estonia (Juminda Peninsula), GFF, 125, 4, 229-236.

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Bezada, M., Kalm, V. & Hancock, R.G.V., 2002. Paleosols and Andean uplift in Venezuela: assessing competing hypotheses of relict tropical soils versus paleohydrogeochemical variations. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15, 525-542.

Miettinen, A., Rinne, K., Haila, H., Hyvärinen, H., Eronen, M., Delusina, I., Kadastik, E., Kalm, V. & Gibbard, P.L., 2002. The marine Eemian of the Baltic: new pollen and diatom data from Peski, Russia, and Põhja-Uhtju, Estonia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17, 5/6, 445-458.

Aber, J., Kalm, V. & Lewicki, M., 2001. Geomorphic interpretation of Landsat imagery for Western Estonia. Slovak Geological Magazine, 7, 3, 237-242.

Aber, J. S. & Kalm, V., 2001. Remote sensing of eskers from Vormsi and Väinameri vicinity, northwestern Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 45, 4, 365-372. (Summary: http://www.pgi.waw.pl/en/public/kwart/kw01_xxxxxx).

Hang, T., Kalm, V., Kimmel, K. & Miidel, A. 2001. New data on distribution and stratigraphy of the Holocene deposits in the Peipsi Lake, eastern Estonia. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 50, 4, 233-253.

Kalm, V. & Kadastik, E., 2001. Waterline glacial diamicton along the Palivere ice-marginal zone on the West-Estonian Archipelago, Eastern Baltic Sea. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geology, 50, 2, 114-127. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s01-2-ge.htm)

Mahaney, W.C., Barendregt, R. & Kalm, V., 2001. Dating Methods. In: Encyclopedia of Global Change, Oxford University Press, Vol. I, 234-241.

Mahaney, W.C., Russell, S.E., Milner, M.W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Hancock, R.G.V. & Beukens, R.P., 2001. Paleopedology of Middle Wisconsin/Weichselian paleosols in the Merida Andes, Venezuela, Geoderma, 104, 3-4, 215-237. (abstract: http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/3/3/3/2/).

Mahaney, W.C., Stewart, A. & Kalm, V. 2001. Quantification of SEM microtextures useful in sedimentary environmental discrimination. Boreas, 30, 2, 165-171. (Abstract: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/frameloader.html?http://antonio.catchword.com/vl=3073555/cl=25/nw=1/rpsv/catchword/www/tandf/03009483/v30n2/contp1-1.htm)

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2001. Glaciotectonic deformation pattern in the hummocky moraine in the distal part of Saadjärv Drumlin Field, East-central Estonia. Slovak Geological Magazine, 7, 3, 243-246.

Rattas, M. & Kalm, V., 2001. Lithostratigraphy and distribution of tills in the Saadjärve drumlin field, east-central Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geology, 50, 1, 24-42. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s01-geo.htm)

Kurvits, K., Mahaney, W.C. & Kalm, V., 2000. Grain micromorphology in the Rannamõisa section, Lower Cambrian, Estonia. Proc. Estonian Aca. Sci. Geology, 49, 1, 17-27. (Abstract: http://www.kirj.ee/s00-geo.htm).

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Sanmugadas, K., Kalm, V., Bezada, M. & Hancock, R.G., 2000. Late Quaternary deglaciation and Neoglaciation of the Humboldt Massif, northern Venezuelan Andes. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 122, Holocene Geomorphology, 209-226. (Title: http://www.borntraeger-cramer.de/pubs/books/zeitsch-023012200-desc.html)

Mahaney, W.C., Milner, M.W., Voros, J., Kalm, V., Hütt, G., Bezada, M., Hancock, R.G.V. & Aufreiter, S., 2000. Stratotype for the Merida Glaciation at Pueblo Llano in the northern Venezuelan Andes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 13, 761-774. (Abstract: http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/8/3/9/)

Mahaney, W. & Kalm, V., 2000. Comparative SEM study of oriented till blocks, glacial grains and Devonian sands in Estonia and Latvia. Boreas, 29, 1, 35-51. (Abstract: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/frameloader.html?http://clorinda.catchword.com/vl=2010804/cl=23/nw=1/rpsv/cw/www/tandf/03009483/v29n1/contp1-1.htm)

last updated: 08.12.2005

[ sulge aken ]