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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Sergei |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Bogovski |
3. | Töökoht | Tervise Arengu Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | Keskkonnatervise Osakonna (KTO) juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 31.03.1946 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool, bioloogia-geograafia teaduskond 1963-1968, bioloogia |
7. | Teenistuskäik | NL Meditsiini Akadeemia Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Onkoloogia Instituut, Moskva – aspirantuur 1969-1971EKMI – nooremteadur 1972-1979 EKMI – vanemteadur 1979-1988 EKMI – VKL juhataja 1988 – käesoleva ajani (alates 1.05.2003 - TAI) |
8. | Teaduskraad | Bioloogiakandidaat (PhD), Bioloogiadoktor (ScD) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
ENSV TA Bioloogianõukogu, 1972; Leningradi Onkoloogia Instituut, 1988 |
10. | Tunnustused | ENSV Tervishoiu Ministeeriumi aukiri – 1989 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
NSVL Kalamajandusministeeriumi Ihtüoloogilise Komisjoni Teadusnõukogu liige 1990-1991-USSR Section of the European Institute of Ecology and Cancer liige 1990-1991-Läänemere Bioloogide Organisatsiooni (Baltic Marine Biologists) töörühma 25 “Kala haigused ja parasiidid Läänemeres” asutajaliige 1989-Katseloomadealase Balti Assotsiatsiooni (BaltLASA) asepresident 1993-ajakirja “Laboratornye Zhivotnye” (Riia) toimetuse nõukogu liige 1995.-Eesti Toksikoloogia Seltsi liige 1997. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
ei ole, DSc, 2005, juh. Sergei Bogovski. ei ole. ei ole |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Väliskeskkonna kantserogeenide toime uurimine kaladel histopatoloogiliste ja biokeemiliste meetoditega. Kantserogeense ja toksilise mõju biomarkerite uurimine inimestel. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Muzyka V, Scheepers P T J, Bogovski S, Lang I, Shmidt N, Rjazanov V, Veidebaum T. Porphyrin metabolism in lymphocytes of miners exposed to diesel exhaust at oil shale mine. Sci. Total Environ., 2004, 322: 41-50. Muzyka V, Bogovski S, Scheepers P, Volf J, Kusova J. Effects of occupational exposure to diesel exhaust on porphyrin metabolism in lymphocytes of workers employed at black coal and oil-shale mines. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2003, 44: 70-74. Tarasov V, Bogovski S, Muzyka V. Biochemical characteristics of alga-bacterial mats and invertebrates from shallow-water hydrothermal fields of the West Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Sciences, 2003, 65(1): 73-80. Bogovski S, Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Karlova S. Biomarkers of carcinogenic contaminants in Baltic flounder (Platichthys flesus) Temporal changes in urban and non-urban sites in Tallinn Bay. Environ Sci & Pollut Res, 2002, Special Issue 1: 15-18. Bogovski S, Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Karlova S. Changes in the cytochrome P450 system of Baltic flounder from coastal waters of the Tallinn area in 1994-99. Proc Estonian Acad Sci, Biol. 2002, 51(4): 294-302. Muzyka V, Bogovski S, Viitak A, Veidebaum T. Alterations of heme metabolism in lymphocytes and metal content in blood plasma as markers of diesel fuels effects on human organism. Sci Total Environ, 2002; 286: 73-81. Scheepers P T J, Coggon D, Knudsen L E, Anzion R, Autrup H, Bogovski S, Bos R P, Dahmann D, Farmer P, Martin E A, Micka V, Muzyka V, Neumann H G, Poole J, Schmidt-Ott A, Seiler F, Volf J, Zwirner-Baier I. BIOMarkers for Occupational Diesel exhaust Exposure Monitoring (BIOMODEM) - a study in underground mining. Toxicology Letters, 2002; 134: 305-317. Bogovski S, Lang T, Mellergaard S. Histopathological examinations of liver nodules in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from the Baltic Sea. ICES J. Marine Sci., 1999, 56: 148-151. Bogovski S, Sergeyev B, Muzyka V, Karlova S. Correlations between cytochrome P450, haem synthesis enzymes, and aromatic compounds in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the Baltic Sea. ICES J. Marine Sci., 1999, 56: 152-156. Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Bogovski S. Evaluation of diesel fuel toxic effect by heme synthesis indices in oil terminal workers. Eesti Arst, 1999, (5): 419-422. (in Estonian, summary in English). |
viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Sergei |
2. | Surname | Bogovski |
3. | Institution | National Institute for Health Development |
4. | Position | Head of Environmental Health Department |
5. | Date of birth | 31.03.1946 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, Faculty of Biology and Geography 1963-1968, biologist |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, USSR Medical Academy, Moscow – postgraduate student 1969-1971Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Tallinn (IECM) - junior researcher 1972-1979 IECM - senior researcher 1979-1988 IECM - Head of Laboratory of Environmental Carcinogens 1988 - onwards (since 1 May 2003 - National Institute for Health Development) |
8. | Academic degree | Candidate of Biology (PhD), Doctor of Biology (ScD) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Estonian Academy of Sciences Biological Council, 1972; Institute of Oncology, Leningrad, 1988. |
10. | Honours/awards | Public Health Ministry of Estonian SSR award – 1989 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Scientific Council on Fish Diseases, USSR Ministry of Fisheries Ichthyological Commission, member 1990-1991-USSR Section of the European Institute of Ecology and Cancer, member 1990-1991-Baltic Marine Biologists Working Group 25 “Fish Diseases and Fish Parasites in the Baltic”, member 1989 –-Baltic Laboratory Animal Science Association (BaltLASA), vice-president 1993 –-Journal “Laboratornye Zhivotnye” (Riga), member of Editorial Board 1995 –-Estonian Hygienic Society, member 1997 - |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
ei ole, DSc, 2005, superv. Sergei Bogovski. ei ole. ei ole |
13. | Current research program | Investigation of environmental carcinogens’ effects in fish by histopathological and biochemical methods. Investigation of biomarkers of carcinogenic and toxic action in humans. |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Muzyka V, Scheepers P T J, Bogovski S, Lang I, Shmidt N, Rjazanov V, Veidebaum T. Porphyrin metabolism in lymphocytes of miners exposed to diesel exhaust at oil shale mine. Sci. Total Environ., 2004, 322: 41-50. Muzyka V, Bogovski S, Scheepers P, Volf J, Kusova J. Effects of occupational exposure to diesel exhaust on porphyrin metabolism in lymphocytes of workers employed at black coal and oil-shale mines. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2003, 44: 70-74. Tarasov V, Bogovski S, Muzyka V. Biochemical characteristics of alga-bacterial mats and invertebrates from shallow-water hydrothermal fields of the West Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Sciences, 2003, 65(1): 73-80. Bogovski S, Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Karlova S. Biomarkers of carcinogenic contaminants in Baltic flounder (Platichthys flesus) Temporal changes in urban and non-urban sites in Tallinn Bay. Environ Sci & Pollut Res, 2002, Special Issue 1: 15-18. Bogovski S, Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Karlova S. Changes in the cytochrome P450 system of Baltic flounder from coastal waters of the Tallinn area in 1994-99. Proc Estonian Acad Sci, Biol. 2002, 51(4): 294-302. Muzyka V, Bogovski S, Viitak A, Veidebaum T. Alterations of heme metabolism in lymphocytes and metal content in blood plasma as markers of diesel fuels effects on human organism. Sci Total Environ, 2002; 286: 73-81. Scheepers P T J, Coggon D, Knudsen L E, Anzion R, Autrup H, Bogovski S, Bos R P, Dahmann D, Farmer P, Martin E A, Micka V, Muzyka V, Neumann H G, Poole J, Schmidt-Ott A, Seiler F, Volf J, Zwirner-Baier I. BIOMarkers for Occupational Diesel exhaust Exposure Monitoring (BIOMODEM) - a study in underground mining. Toxicology Letters, 2002; 134: 305-317. Bogovski S, Lang T, Mellergaard S. Histopathological examinations of liver nodules in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from the Baltic Sea. ICES J. Marine Sci., 1999, 56: 148-151. Bogovski S, Sergeyev B, Muzyka V, Karlova S. Correlations between cytochrome P450, haem synthesis enzymes, and aromatic compounds in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the Baltic Sea. ICES J. Marine Sci., 1999, 56: 152-156. Muzyka V, Sergeyev B, Bogovski S. Evaluation of diesel fuel toxic effect by heme synthesis indices in oil terminal workers. Eesti Arst, 1999, (5): 419-422. (in Estonian, summary in English). |
last updated: 11.10.2005
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