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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Kai
2.Perekonnanimi Vellak
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 24.02.1963 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Rakvere I Keskkool, 1981
Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, bioloogiaosakond, botaanika eriala, 1987
7.Teenistuskäik 1987-1995 TA Zoologia ja botaanika inst. botaanika osakond, laborant
1995-2000 TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia inst., doktorant
2000-2004 EPMÜ Zooloogia ja botaanika inst., teadur
alates 2004, TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia inst., teadur
8.Teaduskraad filosoofiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2000
10.Tunnustused -
ja –administratiivne
LUS botaanikasektsiooni liige, 1986
Rahvusvahelise Brüoloogide Assotsiatsiooni (IAB) liige, 1994
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Eesti metsakoosluste samblastik ja seda kujundavad keskkonnatingimused, haruldaste metsakoosluste sammalde mitmekesisus;
Sambaliikide levik ja harulduse põhjused
14.Jooksvad grandid -

Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P., Remm, J., Vellak, K. 2005. Old-growth structural elements in a strict reserve and commercial forest landscape in Estonia. - Forest Ecology and management 216: 201-215

Vellak, K., Ingerpuu, N. 2005. Management effects on bryophytes in Estonian forests. - Biodiversity and Conservation: 14: 3255-3263

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Relationships between species richness patterns in deciduous forests at the north Estonian limestone escarpment. - Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 773-780.

Vellak, K. 2003. Bryological collection in the herbarium of the Institute of Zoology and Botany. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 40: 51-55.

Vellak, K., Paal, J. and Liira, J. 2003. Diversity and distribution pattern of bryophytes and vascular plants in a boreal spruce forest. - Silva Fennica 37(1): 3-13.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T. & Pärtel, M. 2001. Bryophyte and vascular plant species richness in boreo-nemoral moist forests and mires. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10 (12): 2153-2166.

Vellak, K., Kannukene, L., Ingerpuu, N. and Leis, M. 2001. Additions to the list of the Estonian bryophytes, 1997-2001. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 71-78.

Ingerpuu, N. and Vellak, K. 2000. Bryologically important sites in Estonia. - Lindbergia 25 (2/3): 106-111.

Ingerpuu, N. and Vellak, K. 2000. Species of the Red Data Book of European bryophytes in Estonia. - Lindbergia 25 (2/3): 111-116.

Vellak, K. 2000. Influence of different factors on the diversity of the bryophyte vegetation in forest and wooded meadow communities. - Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 62: 5-122.

Trass, H., Vellak, K. and Ingerpuu, N. 1999. Floristical and ecological properties for identifying of primeval forests in Estonia. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 36: 67-80

Vellak, K. and Paal, J. 1999. Diversity of bryophyte vegetation in some forest types in Estonia: a comparison of old unmanaged and managed forests. - Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 1595-1620.

Ingerpuu, N. (koost.), Kalda, A., Kannukene, L., Krall, H., Leis, M. and Vellak, K. (koost.) 1998. Eesti sammlade määraja. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu, 239 lk.

Ingerpuu, N. Kull, K. and Vellak, K. 1998. Bryophyte vegetation in a wooded meadow: relationships with phanoerogam diversity and responses to fertilisation. - Plant Ecolgy 134: 163-171.

viimati muudetud: 28.07.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Kai
2.Surname Vellak
3.Institution Institute of botany and ecology, University of Tartu
4.Position scientific researcher
5.Date of birth 24.02.1963 (day.month.year)
6.Education I Secondary School of Rakvere, 1981
University of Tartu, faculty of biology, 1987
7.Research and
professional experience
1987-1995 Institute of Zoology and Botany, reasearch assistant in botanical department
1995-2000 University of Tartu, PhD student
2000-2004 Instiute of Zoology and Botany, EAU, scientific researcher
since 2004 Institute of Botany and Ecology, UT, scientific researcher
8.Academic degree Doctor philosophiae
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2000
10.Honours/awards -
Estonian Naturalists' Society, 1986
International Association of bryologists, 1994
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Bryophyte vegetation in Estonian forest communities and environmental factors influencing on it, diversity of bryophytes in rare forest communities
distribution and biology of bryophyte species
14.Current grant funding -
15.List of most important publications

Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, P., Remm, J., Vellak, K. 2005. Old-growth structural elements in a strict reserve and commercial forest landscape in Estonia. - Forest Ecology and management 216: 201-215

Vellak, K., Ingerpuu, N. 2005. Management effects on bryophytes in Estonian forests. - Biodiversity and Conservation: 14: 3255-3263

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Relationships between species richness patterns in deciduous forests at the north Estonian limestone escarpment. - Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 773-780.

Vellak, K. 2003. Bryological collection in the herbarium of the Institute of Zoology and Botany. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 40: 51-55.

Vellak, K., Paal, J. and Liira, J. 2003. Diversity and distribution pattern of bryophytes and vascular plants in a boreal spruce forest. - Silva Fennica 37(1): 3-13.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T. & Pärtel, M. 2001. Bryophyte and vascular plant species richness in boreo-nemoral moist forests and mires. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10 (12): 2153-2166.

Vellak, K., Kannukene, L., Ingerpuu, N. and Leis, M. 2001. Additions to the list of the Estonian bryophytes, 1997-2001. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 71-78.

Ingerpuu, N. and Vellak, K. 2000. Bryologically important sites in Estonia. - Lindbergia 25 (2/3): 106-111.

Ingerpuu, N. and Vellak, K. 2000. Species of the Red Data Book of European bryophytes in Estonia. - Lindbergia 25 (2/3): 111-116.

Vellak, K. 2000. Influence of different factors on the diversity of the bryophyte vegetation in forest and wooded meadow communities. - Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 62: 5-122.

Trass, H., Vellak, K. and Ingerpuu, N. 1999. Floristical and ecological properties for identifying of primeval forests in Estonia. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 36: 67-80

Vellak, K. and Paal, J. 1999. Diversity of bryophyte vegetation in some forest types in Estonia: a comparison of old unmanaged and managed forests. - Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 1595-1620.

Ingerpuu, N. (koost.), Kalda, A., Kannukene, L., Krall, H., Leis, M. and Vellak, K. (koost.) 1998. Eesti sammlade määraja. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu, 239 lk.

Ingerpuu, N. Kull, K. and Vellak, K. 1998. Bryophyte vegetation in a wooded meadow: relationships with phanoerogam diversity and responses to fertilisation. - Plant Ecolgy 134: 163-171.

last updated: 28.07.2005

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