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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Nele
2.Perekonnanimi Ingerpuu
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 29.03.1954 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, bioloog-botaanik, 1977
7.Teenistuskäik 1977-1978 Tallinna Botaanikaaed
1979-2002 Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituuut
2002- TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut
8.Teaduskraad filosoofiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2002
ja –administratiivne
"Folia Cryptogamica Estonica" toimetuskolleegium
Eesti Punase Raamatu ekspertgrupp
Bryophyte Population and Landscape Analysis Network liige
International Associacion of Bryologists liige
Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Eesti brüofloora koosseis, sammaltaimede mitmekesisuse seosed ökoloogiliste tingimuste ja soontaimedega, majanduse mõju sammalde liigirikkusele, haruldaste samblaliikide levik ja bioloogia.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Ingerpuu, N., Liira,J. & Pärtel, M. (2005). Vascular plants facilitated bryophytes in a grassland experiment. Plant Ecology 180: 69-75

Vellak, K. & Ingerpuu, N. (2005). Management effects on bryophytes in Estonian forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 14(13): 3255-3263

Pärtel, M., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. & Tuvi, E:-L. (2004). Conservation of Northern European plant diversity: the correspondence with soil pH. Biological Conservation 120, 525-531.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J., & Pärtel, M. (2003). Relationships Between Species Richness Patterns in Deciduous Forests at the North Estonian Limestone Escarpment. Journal of Vegetation Science, 14(5), 773-780.

Pesur, T. & Ingerpuu, N. (2003). Sammaltaimede levistest ja nende soikeolekust. Schola biotheoretica XXIX: 31-38.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T., & Pärtel, M. (2001). Bryophyte and Vascular Plant Species Richness in Boreo-Nemoral Moist Forests and Mires. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10(12), 2153-2166.

Vellak, K., Kannukene, L. Ingerpuu, N. & Leis, M. (2001). Additions to the list of Estonian bryophytes, 1997-2001. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 71-78.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Bryologically important sites in Estonia. Lindbergia 25: 106-110.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Kivisamblad. Eesti Maaparandajate Seltsi Toimetised, 4: 40-43.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Species of the Red Data Book of European bryophytes in Estonia. Lindbergia 25: 111-115.

Trass, H., Vellak, K., & Ingerpuu, N. (1999). Floristical and Ecological Properties for Identifying of Primeval Forests in Estonia. Annales Botanici Fennici, 36(1), 67-80.

Ingerpuu, N.(ed.), Kalda, A., Kannukene, L., Krall, H., Leis, M., Vellak, K. (ed.) (1998). Eesti sammlade määraja. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu.

Ingerpuu, N., Kull, K., & Vellak, K. (1998). Bryophyte Vegetation in a Wooded Meadow: Relationships With Phanerogam Diversity and Responses to Fertilisation. Plant Ecology, 134(2), 163-171.

viimati muudetud: 30.06.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Nele
2.Surname Ingerpuu
3.Institution Univerity of Tartu, Institute of Botany and Ecology
4.Position scientific reseacher
5.Date of birth 29.03.1954 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, biologist-botanist, 1977
7.Research and
professional experience
1977-1978 Tallinn Botanical Garden
1979-2002 Institute of Zoology and Botany
2002- University of tartu, Institute of botany and ecology
8.Academic degree Ph.D.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2002
Editorial board of "Folia Cryptogamica Estonica"
Expert group of Estonian Red Data Book
Bryophyte Population and Landscape Analysis Network member
International Associacion of Bryologists member
Estonian Naturalists Society' member
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Estonian bryoflora, influence of ecological conditions and vascular plants on the diversity of bryophytes, management effects on the species richness of bryophytes, the dispersal and biology of rare bryophyte species
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Ingerpuu, N., Liira,J. & Pärtel, M. (2005). Vascular plants facilitated bryophytes in a grassland experiment. Plant Ecology 180: 69-75

Vellak, K. & Ingerpuu, N. (2005). Management effects on bryophytes in Estonian forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 14(13): 3255-3263

Pärtel, M., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. & Tuvi, E:-L. (2004). Conservation of Northern European plant diversity: the correspondence with soil pH. Biological Conservation 120, 525-531.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J., & Pärtel, M. (2003). Relationships Between Species Richness Patterns in Deciduous Forests at the North Estonian Limestone Escarpment. Journal of Vegetation Science, 14(5), 773-780.

Pesur, T. & Ingerpuu, N. (2003). Sammaltaimede levistest ja nende soikeolekust. Schola biotheoretica XXIX: 31-38.

Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T., & Pärtel, M. (2001). Bryophyte and Vascular Plant Species Richness in Boreo-Nemoral Moist Forests and Mires. Biodiversity and Conservation, 10(12), 2153-2166.

Vellak, K., Kannukene, L. Ingerpuu, N. & Leis, M. (2001). Additions to the list of Estonian bryophytes, 1997-2001. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 71-78.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Bryologically important sites in Estonia. Lindbergia 25: 106-110.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Kivisamblad. Eesti Maaparandajate Seltsi Toimetised, 4: 40-43.

Ingerpuu, N. & Vellak, K. (2000). Species of the Red Data Book of European bryophytes in Estonia. Lindbergia 25: 111-115.

Trass, H., Vellak, K., & Ingerpuu, N. (1999). Floristical and Ecological Properties for Identifying of Primeval Forests in Estonia. Annales Botanici Fennici, 36(1), 67-80.

Ingerpuu, N.(ed.), Kalda, A., Kannukene, L., Krall, H., Leis, M., Vellak, K. (ed.) (1998). Eesti sammlade määraja. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu.

Ingerpuu, N., Kull, K., & Vellak, K. (1998). Bryophyte Vegetation in a Wooded Meadow: Relationships With Phanerogam Diversity and Responses to Fertilisation. Plant Ecology, 134(2), 163-171.

last updated: 30.06.2006

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