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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Anatoli
2.Perekonnanimi Molodkov
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht Kvaternaari geokronoloogia uurimislaboratooriumi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 23.02.1945 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem, Kiievi Tsiviillennunduse Instituut, 1977.a., raadiotehnika erialal, 1987-1989 TA Geoloogia Instituudi aspirant
7.Teenistuskäik Töötanud Eesti TA Geoloogia Instituudis alates 1979.
2002 – tänaseni, laboratooriumi juhataja;
1993 – doktoriväitekirja kaitsmine Tartu Ülikoolis;
1989. aastast – vanemteadur;
1989 – geol.-mineraloogiateaduste kand. kraadi kaitsmine Eesti TA GI nõukogus paleontoloogia ja stratigraafia erialal;
1987-1989 – aspirantuur Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudi juures;
1986-1989 – teadur;
1979-1986 – vaneminsener.
8.Teaduskraad Geoloogiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Geoloogia-mineraloogia kandidaat, Eesti TA GI nõukogu paleontoloogia ja stratigraafia erialal, 1989; Geoloogiadoktor, Tartu Ülikool, 1993.
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise EPR-Ühingu tegevliige,
Kvaternaari geokronoloogia uurimislaboratooriumi juhataja
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Molluskite kodade EPR-paleodosimeetria, EPR-OSL dateerimismeetodite edasiarendamine; geokronoloogia; kvaternaarisetete EPR-kronostratigraafia; regioonidevaheline korrelatsioon, maismaa- ja meresetete korrelatsioon; globaalsed paleokliima- ja paleokeskkonnamuutused; Hilispleistotseen, viimane jääaeg; geokronoloogiline ajaskaala.
14.Jooksvad grandid Eesti Teaduse Sihtasutuse grandi No 6112 "Viimase jääaja loodusolude muutuste dünaamika Põhja-Eestis" hoidja (2005-2008)

Bolikhovskaya, N. S., Molodkov, A. N. 2005. Correlation of the climatic fluctuations over the last 200 ka reconstructed on palynological materials of loess-palaeosol sections and on the data of ESR-chronostratigraphy of Northern Eurasia marine deposits. In: Gozhik P. F. (ed.), Biostratigraphic criteria for dissection and correlation of the Ukraine's Phanerozoic sediments. Kiev, IGS UAS, 264-270 (in Russian).

Vasil’chenko, V., Molod’kov, A., Jaek, I., 2005. Tunneling processes and anomalous fading in natural feldspars extracted from Quaternary deposits. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 72 (2), 218-223.

Korsakova, O. P., Molod’kov, A. N. and Kol’ka, V. V., 2004. Geological-Stratigraphic Position of Upper Pleistocene Marine Sediments in the Southern Kola Peninsula: Evidence from Geochronological and Geological Data. Doklady Earth Sciences 398 (7), 908-912.

Molodkov, A. and Yevzerov, V. 2004. ESR/OSL ages of long-debated sub-till fossil-bearing marine deposits from the southern Kola Peninsula, Varzuga section: stratigraphic implications. Boreas 33, 123-131.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S. and Molodkov, A.N. 2002. Detailed pollen and climatostratigraphic records of the Pleistocene reference loess-palaeosoil sections of Eastern Europe and their correlation with ESR-dated marine deposits. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 41(4). 497-507.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S. and Molodkov, A.N. 2002. Dynamics of Pleistocene Paleoclimatic Events: A Reconstruction Based on Palynological and Electron Spin Resonance Studies in North Eurasia, Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 2, 2-21.

Gaigalas, A. and Molodkov, a. 2002. ESR Ages of Three Lithuanian Mid-Late Pleistocene Interglacials: Methodical and Stratigraphical Approach. Geochronometria, 21, 57-64.

Molodkov, A. and Bolikhovskaya, N., 2002. Eustatic sea-level and climate changes over the last 600 ka as derived from mollusc-based ESR-chronostratigraphy and pollen evidence in Northern Eurasia. Sedimentary Geology 150, 185-201.

Molodkov, A., Bolikhovskaya, N., Gaigalas, A., 2002. The last Middle Pleistocene interglacial in Lithuania: insights from ESR-dating of deposits at Valakampiai, and from stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental data. Geological Quarterly 46 (4), 363-374.

Molodkov, A. 2001. ESR dating evidence for early man at a Lower Palaeolithic cave-site in the Northern Caucasus as derived from terrestrial mollusc shells. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 1051-1055.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Molodkov, A.N. 2000. Correlation of the loess-palaeosoil formation and marine deposits of Northern Eurasia (by results of palynological and ERS analyses). In: Kaplin, P.A., Sudakova, N.G. (eds.). Problems of Pleistocene palaeogeography and stratigraphy. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 149-178.

Bolikhovskaya, N., Molodkov, A. 1999. On the correlation of the Quaternary continental and marine sediments of the Northern Eurasia by pollen data and ESR-dating results. In: Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Rovnina L.V. (eds.). Urgent problems of palynology on the boundary of the third millenium. Moscow, IGiRGI, 25-53.

Bolshiyanov, D., Molodkov, A., 1999. Marine Pleistocene Deposits of the Taymyr Peninsula and their Age from ESR Dating. In: Kassens, H., H.A. Bauch, I. Dmitrenko, H. Eicken, H.-W. Hubberten, M. Melles, J. Thiede and L. Timochov (Eds.), Land-Ocean Systems in the Siberian Arctic: Dynamics and History. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 469-475.

Nikonov, A. A. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Molodkov, A. N., Nakamura, T. 1999. Absolute Age of Karangat Sediments in Basin's of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Section, Moscow, MAIK, Nauka Interperiodica Publishing, 365, 2, 166-169.

Raukas, A. and Molodkov, A. 1999. Distribution of the Eemian Sea in North-Eastern Europe. Baltica, 12, 87-92.

Raukas A, Molodkov A. and Tavast E. 1999.Substantial Lowering of the Ancylus Lake Level as a Precondition for Human Settlement around the Baltic Sea. PACT 57, Rixenart, 89-104.

Molodkov A. and Raukas A. 1998. ESR age of the Late Pleistocene transgressions in the eastern part of the White Sea coast. Geologija, No. 25, 62-69.

Molodkov A., Dreimanis A., Aboltinš O. and Raukas A. 1998. The ESR age of Portlandia arctica shells from glacial deposits of Central Latvia: an answer to a controversy on the age and genesis of their enclosing sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 1077-1094.

Molodkov, A., Dreimanis, A., Āboltiņš, O., Raukas, A., 1998. The ESR age of Portlandia arctica shells from glacial deposits of Central Latvia: an answer to a controversy on the age and genesis of their enclosing sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 17, 1077-1094.

Molodkov, A., 1996. ESR Dating of Lymnaea baltica and Cerastoderma glaucum from Low Ancylus Level and Transgressive Litorina Sea Deposits. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 11/12, 1427-1432.

Molodkov A. 1993. ESR-dating of nonmarine mollusc shells. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 43, 145-148.

Molodkov A. 1989. The problem of long-term fading of absorbed palaeodose on ESR-dating of Quaternary mollusc shells. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 40, 1087-1093.

Molodkov A. 1988. ESR dating of Quaternary shells: recent advances. Quaternary Science Reviews 7, 477-484.

Molodkov A. and Raukas A. 1988. The age of Upper Pleistocene marine deposits of the Boreal transgression on the basis of electron-spin-resonance (ESR) dating of subfossil mollusc shells. Boreas 17, 267-272.

Molodkov A. 1986. Application of ESR to the dating of subfossil shells from marine deposits. Ancient TL 4(3), 49-54.

Hütt G., Molodkov A., Kessel H. and Raukas A. 1985. ESR dating of subfossil Holocene shells in Estonia. Nuclear Tracks, 10, 891-898.

Molodkov A. and Hütt G. 1985. ESR-dating of subfossil shells: some refinements. In ESR Dating and Dosimetry. (Eds Ikeya M. and Miki T.) pp. 145-155. IONICS, Tokyo.

Hütt, G., Molodkov, A., Punning J.-M., Pung, L. 1983. The first experience in ESR dating of fossil shells in Tallinn. PACT J. 9, 433-438.

Molodkov, A.N. 1981. The use of gamma spectrometry to estimate the annual dose. In: Kurvits, Ü., Ilves, E., Liiva, A., Simm, H. (eds.). Isotope-geochemical methods in biology, geochemistry and archaeology. Tartu, 77-80.

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Anatoli
2.Surname Molodkov
3.Institution Institute of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position Head of the Research Laboratory for Quaternary Geochronology
5.Date of birth 23.02.1945 (day.month.year)
6.Education Institute of Civil Aviation in Kiiev, Faculty of Radiotehnics; 1987-1989 - graduate work on speciality palaeontology and stratigraphy
7.Research and
professional experience
Sinse 1979 - Institute of Geology, Estonian Acad. of Sci., 1976-1989 - Senior Engineer, 1986-1989 - Research Scientist, since 1989 - Senior Research Scientist, since 2000 - Head of the Research Laboratory for Quaternary Geochronology; 1987-1989 - graduate work on speciality palaeontology and stratigraphy, 1989 - defence of a dissertation for the degree of Cand. Sc. (Geol.-Min.) on the topic of “Elaboration of electron spin resonance (ESR) method of subfossil mollusc shells dating for the aim of correlation and stratigraphic subdivision of Upper Cenozoic deposits”; 1993 - defence of a dissertation in Tartu University for the degree of Dr. Geol. on the the topic of “ESR-analysis of molluscan skeletal remains in Late Cenozoic chronostratigraphic research”
8.Academic degree Doctor of Geology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Cand.Sc. (Geol.-Min), Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1989
Dr. Geol., Tartu University, 1993
Full Member of the International EPR (ESR) Society,
Head of the Research Laboratory for Quaternary Geochronology
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program ESR palaeodosimetry, development of the ESR/OSL dating techniques; geochronology, chronostratigraphical investigation of Quaternary deposits, interregional correlation, construction of mollusc-based geochronological and chronostratigraphical framework in a global scale, Last Ice Age, Late Pleistocene
14.Current grant funding ESF grant No. 6112 "Palaeoenvironmental changes dynamics in Northern Estonia during the Last Ice Age" (2005-2008), Principal Investigator
15.List of most important publications

Bolikhovskaya, N. S., Molodkov, A. N. 2005. Correlation of the climatic fluctuations over the last 200 ka reconstructed on palynological materials of loess-palaeosol sections and on the data of ESR-chronostratigraphy of Northern Eurasia marine deposits. In: Gozhik P. F. (ed.), Biostratigraphic criteria for dissection and correlation of the Ukraine's Phanerozoic sediments. Kiev, IGS UAS, 264-270 (in Russian).

Vasil’chenko, V., Molod’kov, A., Jaek, I., 2005. Tunneling processes and anomalous fading in natural feldspars extracted from Quaternary deposits. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 72 (2), 218-223.

Korsakova, O. P., Molod’kov, A. N. and Kol’ka, V. V., 2004. Geological-Stratigraphic Position of Upper Pleistocene Marine Sediments in the Southern Kola Peninsula: Evidence from Geochronological and Geological Data. Doklady Earth Sciences 398 (7), 908-912.

Molodkov, A. and Yevzerov, V. 2004. ESR/OSL ages of long-debated sub-till fossil-bearing marine deposits from the southern Kola Peninsula, Varzuga section: stratigraphic implications. Boreas 33, 123-131.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S. and Molodkov, A.N. 2002. Detailed pollen and climatostratigraphic records of the Pleistocene reference loess-palaeosoil sections of Eastern Europe and their correlation with ESR-dated marine deposits. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 41(4). 497-507.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S. and Molodkov, A.N. 2002. Dynamics of Pleistocene Paleoclimatic Events: A Reconstruction Based on Palynological and Electron Spin Resonance Studies in North Eurasia, Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 2, 2-21.

Gaigalas, A. and Molodkov, a. 2002. ESR Ages of Three Lithuanian Mid-Late Pleistocene Interglacials: Methodical and Stratigraphical Approach. Geochronometria, 21, 57-64.

Molodkov, A. and Bolikhovskaya, N., 2002. Eustatic sea-level and climate changes over the last 600 ka as derived from mollusc-based ESR-chronostratigraphy and pollen evidence in Northern Eurasia. Sedimentary Geology 150, 185-201.

Molodkov, A., Bolikhovskaya, N., Gaigalas, A., 2002. The last Middle Pleistocene interglacial in Lithuania: insights from ESR-dating of deposits at Valakampiai, and from stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental data. Geological Quarterly 46 (4), 363-374.

Molodkov, A. 2001. ESR dating evidence for early man at a Lower Palaeolithic cave-site in the Northern Caucasus as derived from terrestrial mollusc shells. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 1051-1055.

Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Molodkov, A.N. 2000. Correlation of the loess-palaeosoil formation and marine deposits of Northern Eurasia (by results of palynological and ERS analyses). In: Kaplin, P.A., Sudakova, N.G. (eds.). Problems of Pleistocene palaeogeography and stratigraphy. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 149-178.

Bolikhovskaya, N., Molodkov, A. 1999. On the correlation of the Quaternary continental and marine sediments of the Northern Eurasia by pollen data and ESR-dating results. In: Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Rovnina L.V. (eds.). Urgent problems of palynology on the boundary of the third millenium. Moscow, IGiRGI, 25-53.

Bolshiyanov, D., Molodkov, A., 1999. Marine Pleistocene Deposits of the Taymyr Peninsula and their Age from ESR Dating. In: Kassens, H., H.A. Bauch, I. Dmitrenko, H. Eicken, H.-W. Hubberten, M. Melles, J. Thiede and L. Timochov (Eds.), Land-Ocean Systems in the Siberian Arctic: Dynamics and History. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 469-475.

Nikonov, A. A. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Molodkov, A. N., Nakamura, T. 1999. Absolute Age of Karangat Sediments in Basin's of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Section, Moscow, MAIK, Nauka Interperiodica Publishing, 365, 2, 166-169.

Raukas, A. and Molodkov, A. 1999. Distribution of the Eemian Sea in North-Eastern Europe. Baltica, 12, 87-92.

Raukas A, Molodkov A. and Tavast E. 1999.Substantial Lowering of the Ancylus Lake Level as a Precondition for Human Settlement around the Baltic Sea. PACT 57, Rixenart, 89-104.

Molodkov A. and Raukas A. 1998. ESR age of the Late Pleistocene transgressions in the eastern part of the White Sea coast. Geologija, No. 25, 62-69.

Molodkov A., Dreimanis A., Aboltinš O. and Raukas A. 1998. The ESR age of Portlandia arctica shells from glacial deposits of Central Latvia: an answer to a controversy on the age and genesis of their enclosing sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 1077-1094.

Molodkov, A., Dreimanis, A., Āboltiņš, O., Raukas, A., 1998. The ESR age of Portlandia arctica shells from glacial deposits of Central Latvia: an answer to a controversy on the age and genesis of their enclosing sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 17, 1077-1094.

Molodkov, A., 1996. ESR Dating of Lymnaea baltica and Cerastoderma glaucum from Low Ancylus Level and Transgressive Litorina Sea Deposits. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 11/12, 1427-1432.

Molodkov A. 1993. ESR-dating of nonmarine mollusc shells. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 43, 145-148.

Molodkov A. 1989. The problem of long-term fading of absorbed palaeodose on ESR-dating of Quaternary mollusc shells. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 40, 1087-1093.

Molodkov A. 1988. ESR dating of Quaternary shells: recent advances. Quaternary Science Reviews 7, 477-484.

Molodkov A. and Raukas A. 1988. The age of Upper Pleistocene marine deposits of the Boreal transgression on the basis of electron-spin-resonance (ESR) dating of subfossil mollusc shells. Boreas 17, 267-272.

Molodkov A. 1986. Application of ESR to the dating of subfossil shells from marine deposits. Ancient TL 4(3), 49-54.

Hütt G., Molodkov A., Kessel H. and Raukas A. 1985. ESR dating of subfossil Holocene shells in Estonia. Nuclear Tracks, 10, 891-898.

Molodkov A. and Hütt G. 1985. ESR-dating of subfossil shells: some refinements. In ESR Dating and Dosimetry. (Eds Ikeya M. and Miki T.) pp. 145-155. IONICS, Tokyo.

Hütt, G., Molodkov, A., Punning J.-M., Pung, L. 1983. The first experience in ESR dating of fossil shells in Tallinn. PACT J. 9, 433-438.

Molodkov, A.N. 1981. The use of gamma spectrometry to estimate the annual dose. In: Kurvits, Ü., Ilves, E., Liiva, A., Simm, H. (eds.). Isotope-geochemical methods in biology, geochemistry and archaeology. Tartu, 77-80.

last updated: 12.10.2005

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