[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Raivo |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Mänd |
3. | Töökoht | Zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | korraline professor, instituudi juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 02.12.1954 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool 1978, diplom (bioloog-zooloog) |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1970-73 - lamba- ja lehmakarjus Lenini-nim. kolhoosis Saaremaal (perioodiliselt), 1976-77 Matsalu RL tehnik, 1977-79 Eesti TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudi (ZBI) vanemlaborant, 1979-86 ZBI nooremteadur, 1986-87 A ZBI teadur, 1987-91 ZBI laborijuhataja, 1991-92 ZBI juhtivteadur, 1992-97 Tartu Ülikooli (TÜ) korraline professor ja ZBI osakonnajuhataja, 1997-1998 ZBI osakonnajuhataja ja TÜ külalisprofessor, alates 1998-TÜ korraline professor, alates 2005 – TÜ Zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituudi juhataja, professor. |
8. | Teaduskraad | bioloogiakandidaat (ökoloogia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool 1986 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1973 - vabariikliku bioloogiaolümpiaadi võitja, 1976-1977 - Baeri nim. stipendium, 1978 - TÜ diplom cum laude, 1987 - riikliku noorte teadlaste konkursi võitja bioloogias, 1996 - Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu tänukiri, 2000 - 5. preemia Saksa Ornitoloogiaühingu 133. aastapäevale pühendatud rahvusvahelise konverentsi stendettekannete seas, 2002 - riiklik teaduspreemia geo-bioteadustes, 2004 - Tartu Ülikooli tänukiri |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Administratiivsed ametikohad (vt. pkt. 7) Konverentside korraldamine: 2006 Põhja-Euraasia ornitoloogiakonverents, Stavropol, Venemaa (korralduskomitee liige) 2005 Soome-Rootsi-Eesti doktorikool “Evolutionary Conservation Biology”, Lepanina (korralduskomitee liige) 2003 IX Eesti Ökoloogiakonverents, Tartu (korralduskomitee liige) 2002 Konverents ‘Zooloogia arengusuunad II’, Tartu (korralduskomitee liige) 1995 Rahvusvaheline konverents "Bird Numbers 1995", Pärnu (korralduskomitee liige) 1992 Konverents ‘Zooloogia arengusuunad’, Tartu (korralduskomitee liige) 1991 VIII Estonian-Finnish Ornithological Congress, Tartu (korralduskomitee esimees) 1989 Rahvusvaheline konverents ‘Palearctic Crane Workshop’, Tallinn (korralduskomitee liige) Peale selle olen 1980. aastail olnud mitmete üleriiklike ornitoloogiakonverentside, noorte teadlaste ettekannete päevade jne peakorraldajaks ja korralduskomitee liikmeks. Osavõtt toimetuskolleegiumide tööst: 2001- tänaseni ajakirja "Eesti TA Toimetised. Bioloogia. Ökoloogia" toimetuskolleegiumi liige 2002-2005 Eesti ornitoloogilise ajakirja "Hirundo" toimetuskolleegiumi liige 1995-2001 populaarteadusliku ajakirja "Eesti Loodus" toimetuskolleegiumi liige 1987-1997 Eesti ornitoloogilise ajakirja "Hirundo" asutaja ja toimetuskolleegiumi esimees Osalemine erinevates nõukogudes ja erialastes seltsides: 2005 – tänaseni TÜ Bio-geoteaduskonna valitsuse liige 2005 – tänaseni Ökoloogia ja Keskkonnateaduste doktorikooli nõukogu liige 2002 – tänaseni Alus- ja Rakendusökoloogia Tippkeskuse nõukogu liige 2001 – tänaseni Põhja-Euraasia Ornitoloogiakomitee liige 2000 Rahvusvahelise Käitumisökoloogia Ühingu liige 1997-1998 Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu juhatuse liige 1996 Eesti Malakoloogiaühingu asutajaliige (juhatuse liige 1996) 1995-1998 Uppsala Ülikooli Zooloogia Instituudi välisnõunik 1995-2004 EPMÜ Keskkonnakaitse Instituudi nõukogu liige 1992 – tänaseni TÜ Bio-geoteaduskonna nõukogu liige 1991-1994 Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi asepresident 1991-1994 Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu juhatuse esimees 1988-2001 EPMÜ (varem Eesti TA) Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudi nõukogu liige 1985-1987 Eesti Õpilaste Teadusliku Ühingu zooloogiasektsiooni teaduslik juhendaja 1985-1988 ELUSi ornitoloogiasektsiooni juhatuse liige 1983-1984 Eesti TA ZBI noorte teadlaste nõukogu esimees Osalemine ekspertkomisjonide töös: 2005-tänaseni Euroopa Teadusfondi ekspert 2004-tänaseni Eesti Teaduskompetentsi nõukogu geo- ja bioteaduste ekspertkomisjoni liige 2002 – tänaseni Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu teaduskomisjoni liige 2002-tänaseni Ökoloogia ja biodiversiteedi kaitse õppekava komisjoni liige 2002-2005 Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli loodusteaduste doktorinõukogu liige 1997-2003 Eesti Teadusfondi geo-bioteaduste ekspertkomisjoni liige 1997-1999 üliõpilaste teadustööde riikliku konkursi komisjoni liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Asko Lõhmus, PhD, 2003, juh. Raivo Mänd. Habitat preferences and quality for birds of prey: from principles to applications. Tartu Ülikool Priit Kilgas, MSc, 2003, juh. Raivo Mänd. Rasvatihase (Parus major) tervisenäitajate pesitsusaegne varieeruvus pesakohtade liiaga heterogeenses elupaigakompleksis. Tartu Ülikool Tatjana Krama, MSc, 2003, juh. Indrikis Krams, Raivo Mänd. Mobbing behaviour in birds. Tartu Ülikool Marko Mägi, MSc, 2002, juh. Raivo Mänd. Korduvpesitsus rasvatihasel kahes erikvaliteedilises elupaigas. Tartu Ülikool Vallo Tilgar, PhD, 2002, juh. Raivo Mänd. Effect of calcium supplementation on reproductive performance of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the Great Tit Parus major, breeding in northern temperate forests. Tartu Ülikool Piret Kiristaja, MSc, 2001, juh. Raivo Mänd. Eesti metsade maismaateod: liigirikkus ja arvukus. Tartu Ülikool Marika Mänd, PhD, 2000, juh. Anne Luik, Raivo Mänd. Bumblebees in agricultural landscapes in Estonia. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool Asko Lõhmus, MSc, 1999, juh. Raivo Mänd. Regular fluctuations in Estonian raptor and owl populations, and voles. Tartu Ülikool Mati Kose, MSc, 1999, juh. Anders Pape Moller, Raivo Mänd. Sexual selection for white tail spots in the Barn Swallow: Relationships with reproductive traits and importance of parasitism of the feather eating lice. Tartu Ülikool Maano Aunapuu, MSc, 1998, juh. Lauri Oksanen, Raivo Mänd. Predators in low arctic tundra ecosystem. Tartu Ülikool Vallo Tilgar, MSc, 1997, juh. Raivo Mänd. Kaltsiumipuudus kui ökoloogiline tegur metsavärvulistel. Tartu Ülikool Peeter Hõrak, PhD, 1995, juh. Raivo Mänd. Pathways of selection in avian reproduction: a functional framework and its application in a population study of the Great Tit. Tartu Ülikool Lauri Lutsar, MSc, 1994, juh. Matti Masing, Raivo Mänd. Piusa koobastes talvituvate veelendlaste (Myotis daubentoni) ja põhja-nahkhiirte (Eptesicus nilssoni) ellujäämuse hinnangud aastatel 1976-1988. Tartu Ülikool Üllar Rammul, MSc, 1994, juh. Madis Peil, Raivo Mänd. Mittelendavate maismaaimetajate levikut mõjustavatest teguritest Eesti meresaartel. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | A. Lindude käitumuslikud kohastumused pesitsemiseks ajalis-ruumiliselt heterogeenses elupaigas ja ökoloogilised lõksud (Physiol Biochem Zool 2006, in press, Biodivers Conserv 2005, 14: 1823-1840, Ecoscience 2004, 11: 361-369). B. Kaltsiumipuudus kui looduslik limiteeriv tegur metsade haudelinnustikule (Physiol Biochem Zool 2005, 78: 590-598, J Zool 2004, 263: 269-274, Ibis 2004, 146: 601-614, Physiol Biochem Zool 2004,77: 530-535, Ibis 2003, 145: 67-77, J Avian Biol 2002, 33: 407-413, Can J Zool 2000, 78: 689-695, J Avian Biol 1999, 30: 383-391, Biol Cons Fauna 1998, 102: 345). C. Loodusliku ja sugulise valiku mehhanismide uurimine lindude sigimiskäitumise ja sootunnuste kujundajatena (Evol Ecol Res 2005, in press, Animal Behaviour 1999, 58: 1201-1205, Oikos 1997, 78: 592-600). D. Maismaatigude levik, liigirikkus ja arvukus Eestis ja nende tähtsus loodusliku kaltsiumiallikana lindudele (Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 2002, 51: 204-216, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 2001, 50: 15-19, Web Ecology 2000, 1: 63-69, Acta Ornithologica 1999, 34/2: 215-218). E. Kimalaste liigirikkus ja arvukus Eestis ja nende tähtsus põllukultuuride tolmeldajana (Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2002, 89: 69-76, Proceedings of the XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology. Tartu, University of Tartu & Estonian Naturalists' Society, 1999, pp. 83-86, Journal of Apicultural Research 35: 79-81). F. Linnumunade evolutsiooniline ja ökoloogiline morfoloogia (Ornis Fennica 1996, 73: 131-136, Ornis Fennica 1995, 72: 97-114, Auk 1986, 103: 613-617, Intrapopulation variability of avian eggs. Tallinn, Valgus. 1988. 194 pp., Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1988, 34: 34-44, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1984, 33, 2: 117-125, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1984, 33, 1: 7-14, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1980, 29, 4: 301-305, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1980, 29, 1: 11-19). |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | - Haridusministeeriumi sihtfinantseerimisteema # 0182645s04 (2004-2008) "Loomade käitumise evolutsioonilis-ökoloogilised aspektid: teooria ja rakendused”. - Eesti Teadusfondi grant # 5489 (2003-2006) “Ökoloogiline lõks või sigimisvõimaluste parandamine? (Looduskaitseline) inimtegevus ja lindude elupaigavaliku adekvaatsus ruumiliselt heterogeenses elupaigasüsteemis”. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Lõhmus, A., Leivits, A. 2005. Providing nest boxes for hole-nesting birds – does habitat matter? – Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1823-1840. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Møller, A.P. 2005. Negative relationship between plumage color and breeding output in female great tits Parus major. – Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: in press. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Kilgas, P. & Reynolds, S.J. 2005. Chick development in free-living great tits Parus major in relation to calcium availability and egg composition. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78: 590-598. Mägi, M. & Mänd, R. 2004. Habitat differences in allocation of eggs between successive breeding attempts in great tits (Parus major). – Ecoscience 11: 361-369. Reynolds, S.J., Mänd, R. & Tilgar, V. 2004. Calcium supplementation of breeding birds: directions for future research. – Ibis 146: 601-614. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Ots, I., Mägi, M., Kilgas, P., Reynolds, S. J. 2004. Calcium availability affects bone growth in nestlings of free-living great tits Parus major, as detected by plasma alkaline phosphatase. – Journal of Zoology 263: 269-274. Tilgar, V., Ots, I., Mänd, R. 2004. Bone alkaline phosphatase as a sensitive indicator of skeletal development in birds: a study of the Great Tit nestlings. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 530-535. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. 2003. Does supplementary calcium reduce the cost of reproduction in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca? - Ibis 145: 67-77. Mänd, M., Mänd, R., Williams, I.H. 2002. Bumblebees in the agricultural landscape of Estonia. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 89: 69-76. Mänd, R., Talvi, T., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2002. Land snails in Estonian forests: numbers and species richness. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 51: 204-216. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Mägi, M. 2002. Calcium shortage as a constraint on reproduction in Great Tits Parus major: a field experiment. – Journal of Avian Biology 33: 407-413. Mänd, R., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2001. Land snails in an afforested oil-shale mining area. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 50, 1: 15-19. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 2000. Calcium, snails, and birds: a case study. - Web Ecology 1: 63-69. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 2000. Reproductive response of Great Tits, Parus major, in a naturally base-poor forest habitat to calcium supplementation. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 689-695. Kose, M., Mänd, R., Møller, A.-P. 1999. Sexual selection for white tail spots in the barn swallow in relation to habitat choice by feather lice. - Animal Behaviour 58: 1201-1205. Mänd, M., Kaaviste, H., Kase, K., Mänd, R. 1999. Cultivated land as habitat for bumble bees in Estonia. - In (Elberg, K., ed.) Proceedings of the XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology. Tartu, University of Tartu & Estonian Naturalists' Society, pp. 83-86. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. and Leivits, A. 1999. Effect of calcium availability and habitat quality on reproduction in Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and Great Tit Parus major. – Journal of Avian Biology 30: 383-391. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. 1999. Breeding in calcium-poor habitats: are there some extra costs? - Acta Ornithologica 34/2: 215-218. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 1998. Calcium deficiency as an ecological constraint for Passerines in oligotrophic forests of Estonia. - Biol. Cons. Fauna 102: 345. Hõrak, P., Mänd, R., Ots, I. 1997. Identifying the targets of selection: a multivariate analysis of reproductive traits in the Great Tit. - Oikos, 78: 592-600. Mänd, M., Maavara, V., Martin, A.-J., Mänd, R. 1996. The density of Bombus lucorum (L.) required to effect maximum pollination of alfalfa in Estonia. - J. Apicultural Research, 35 (2): 79-81. Mänd, R. 1996. Increased eggshell porosity in replacement clutches of the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. - Ornis Fennica, 73: 131-136. Hõrak, P., Mänd, R., Ots, I., Leivits, A. 1995. Egg size in the Great Tit Parus major: individual, habitat and geographic differences. - Ornis Fennica, 72: 97-114. Birds of Estonia. Status, distribution, numbers /R. Mänd, co-author/ (Leibak, E., Lilleleht, V., Veromann, H., Eds.). 1994. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers. Ökoloogialeksikon [Lexicon of Ecology] /R. Mänd, kaasautor/ (Masing, V., toim.) 1992. Tallinn, Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Mänd, R. 1988. [Intrapopulation variability of avian eggs]. Tallinn, Valgus. 194 pp. (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R., Nigul, A., Sein, E. 1986. Oomorphology: a new method. - The Auk, 103: 613-617. Mänd, R. 1985. [On the relationship of the egg size with the growth rate and survival of the young in some Laridae species]. – Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 34: 34-44 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1984. [Natural elimination of normal and incompletely pigmentized eggs in Arctic Tern]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 33, 1: 7-14 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1984. [Non-selective elimination of eggs and laying of replacement clutches by the Black-headed Gull]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 33, 2: 117-125 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1983. On the migration of Common and Arctic Terns in Northern Europe. - Ornis Fennica, 3: 59-60. Mänd, R. 1980. [On the effect of natural elimination on the size and shape of Common Gull’s eggs]. – Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 29, 1: 11-19 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1980. [The relation between nesting conservatism and ecological and morphological parameters in terns]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 29, 4: 301-305 (in Russian, with English summary). |
viimati muudetud: 27.09.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Raivo |
2. | Surname | Mänd |
3. | Institution | Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | professor, head of institute |
5. | Date of birth | 02.12.1954 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu, 1978, MSc cum laude in biology-zoology |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Since 2005 Professor, Head of the Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Tartu (UT); since 1998 Professor, University of Tartu; 1997-98 head of department, Institute of Zoology and Botany (IZB) and visiting professor, UT; 1992-97 professor, UT and head of department, IZB; 1991-92 leading researcher, IZB; 1987-91 head of laboratory, IZB; 1986-87 researcher, IZB; 1979-86 junior researcher, IZB; 1977-79 senior assistant, IZB; 1976-77 Matsalu Nature Reserve, assistant; 1970-73 Lenin collective farm in Saaremaa, herdsman and shepherd (periodically). |
8. | Academic degree | PhD (ecology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu 1986 |
10. | Honours/awards | 2004 Letter of thanks of the University of Tartu; 2002 National award in geo-biosciences; 2000 5th price among poster presentations in the 133. International Annual Meeting of the German Ornithological Society; 1996 Letter of thanks from Estonian Ornithological Society; 1987 National award in biology among junior scientists; 1978 Diploma cum laude from Tartu University; 1976-77 K. E. von Baer scholarship in Tartu University; 1973 Winner of national students' contest in biology |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Administrative positions (see point 7) Conference organizer: 2006 North-Eurasian Ornithological Conference, Stavropol, Russia (member of organizing committee) 2005 Finnish-Swedish-Estonian graduate school on Evolutionary Conservation Biology, Lepanina, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 2003 IX Estonian Ecological Conference, Tartu, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 2002 II Estonian Zoological Conference, Tartu, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 1995 International Conference "Bird Numbers 1995", Pärnu, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 1992 I Estonian Zoological Conference, Tartu, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 1991 VIII Estonian-Finnish Ornithological Congress, Tartu, Estonia (member of organizing committee) 1989 Palearctic Crane Workshop, Tallinn, Estonia (member of organizing committee) etc. Editorial jobs: Editorial board of the journal “Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology/Ecology” (member since 2001) Editorial board of Estonian ornithological journal "Hirundo" (member since 2002) Editorial board of the journal “Estonian Nature” (member 1995-2001) Editorial board of Estonian ornithological journal "Hirundo" (founder and chairman 1987-1998) Professional councils, committees, societies: Leadership in professional societies: Estonian Naturalists' Society (vice-president 1991-1994); Estonian Ornithological Union (president 1991-1994, member of board 1985-1988, 1997-1998); Estonian Malacological Society (founder, member of board 1996); Professional councils and committees: Council of the Estonian Graduate School for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (member since 2005); Council of the Estonian Center of Scientific Excellence on Basic and Applied Ecology (member since 2002); North-Eurasian Ornithological Committee (member since 2001); Council of the Faculty of Biology and Geography, University of Tartu (member since 1992); Council of the Institute of Zoology and Botany (member 1988-2001); Council of the Institute of Environmental Protection, Estonian Agricultural University (member since 1995); External adviser of the Department of Zoology, Uppsala University (1995-1998); Council of Young Scientists, Institute of Zoology and Botany, Estonian Academy of Sciences (member 1983, chairman 1984-1987) Peer reviewer: European Science Foundation (expert on ecology, animal behaviour, zoology); Estonian Council of Scientific Competence (expert on geo-biosciences); Estonian Science Foundation (expert on zoology 1997-2003); National commission for evaluation of students' scientific research (expert on natural sciences 1997-1999) |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Asko Lõhmus, PhD, 2003, superv. Raivo Mänd. Habitat preferences and quality for birds of prey: from principles to applications. Tartu Ülikool Priit Kilgas, MSc, 2003, superv. Raivo Mänd. Rasvatihase (Parus major) tervisenäitajate pesitsusaegne varieeruvus pesakohtade liiaga heterogeenses elupaigakompleksis. Tartu Ülikool Tatjana Krama, MSc, 2003, superv. Indrikis Krams, Raivo Mänd. Mobbing behaviour in birds. Tartu Ülikool Marko Mägi, MSc, 2002, superv. Raivo Mänd. Korduvpesitsus rasvatihasel kahes erikvaliteedilises elupaigas. Tartu Ülikool Vallo Tilgar, PhD, 2002, superv. Raivo Mänd. Effect of calcium supplementation on reproductive performance of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the Great Tit Parus major, breeding in northern temperate forests. Tartu Ülikool Piret Kiristaja, MSc, 2001, superv. Raivo Mänd. Eesti metsade maismaateod: liigirikkus ja arvukus. Tartu Ülikool Marika Mänd, PhD, 2000, superv. Anne Luik, Raivo Mänd. Bumblebees in agricultural landscapes in Estonia. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool Asko Lõhmus, MSc, 1999, superv. Raivo Mänd. Regular fluctuations in Estonian raptor and owl populations, and voles. Tartu Ülikool Mati Kose, MSc, 1999, superv. Anders Pape Moller, Raivo Mänd. Sexual selection for white tail spots in the Barn Swallow: Relationships with reproductive traits and importance of parasitism of the feather eating lice. Tartu Ülikool Maano Aunapuu, MSc, 1998, superv. Lauri Oksanen, Raivo Mänd. Predators in low arctic tundra ecosystem. Tartu Ülikool Vallo Tilgar, MSc, 1997, superv. Raivo Mänd. Kaltsiumipuudus kui ökoloogiline tegur metsavärvulistel. Tartu Ülikool Peeter Hõrak, PhD, 1995, superv. Raivo Mänd. Pathways of selection in avian reproduction: a functional framework and its application in a population study of the Great Tit. Tartu Ülikool Lauri Lutsar, MSc, 1994, superv. Matti Masing, Raivo Mänd. Piusa koobastes talvituvate veelendlaste (Myotis daubentoni) ja põhja-nahkhiirte (Eptesicus nilssoni) ellujäämuse hinnangud aastatel 1976-1988. Tartu Ülikool Üllar Rammul, MSc, 1994, superv. Madis Peil, Raivo Mänd. Mittelendavate maismaaimetajate levikut mõjustavatest teguritest Eesti meresaartel. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | A. Behavioural adaptations of birds for breeding in spatio-temporally heterogeneous environments and ecological traps (Physiol Biochem Zool 2006, in press, Biodivers Conserv 2005, 14: 1823-1840, Ecoscience 2004, 11: 361-369). B. Calcium limitation in birds breeding in forest habitats (Physiol Biochem Zool 2005, 78: 590-598, J Zool 2004, 263: 269-274, Ibis 2004, 146: 601-614, Physiol Biochem Zool 2004,77: 530-535, Ibis 2003, 145: 67-77, J Avian Biol 2002, 33: 407-413, Can J Zool 2000, 78: 689-695, J Avian Biol 1999, 30: 383-391, Biol Cons Fauna 1998, 102: 345). C. Role of natural and sexual selection in evolution of reproductive behaviour and sexual characters in birds (Evol Ecol Res 2005, in press, Animal Behaviour 1999, 58: 1201-1205, Oikos 1997, 78: 592-600). D. Land snails in Estonia: their abundance, distribution and species richness and importance as natural calcium source for birds (Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 2002, 51: 204-216, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 2001, 50: 15-19, Web Ecology 2000, 1: 63-69, Acta Ornithologica 1999, 34/2: 215-218). E. Species richness and abundance of bumble-bees and their importance as pollinators of crops in Estonia (Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2002, 89: 69-76, Proceedings of the XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology. Tartu, University of Tartu & Estonian Naturalists' Society, 1999, pp. 83-86, Journal of Apicultural Research 35: 79-81). F. Evolutionary and ecological morphology of avian eggs (Ornis Fennica 1996, 73: 131-136, Ornis Fennica 1995, 72: 97-114, Auk 1986, 103: 613-617, Intrapopulation variability of avian eggs. Tallinn, Valgus. 1988. 194 pp., Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1988, 34: 34-44, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1984, 33, 2: 117-125, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1984, 33, 1: 7-14, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1980, 29, 4: 301-305, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 1980, 29, 1: 11-19). |
14. | Current grant funding | - Ministry of Education, grant # 0182645s04 (2004-2008) for the study of evolutionary and ecological aspects of animal behaviour. - Estonian Science Foundation, grant # 5489 (2003-2006) for the study of the risk of formation of ecological traps due to some human conservational activities in heterogeneous environment. |
15. | List of most important publications |
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Lõhmus, A., Leivits, A. 2005. Providing nest boxes for hole-nesting birds – does habitat matter? – Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1823-1840. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Møller, A.P. 2005. Negative relationship between plumage color and breeding output in female great tits Parus major. – Evolutionary Ecology Research 7: in press. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Kilgas, P. & Reynolds, S.J. 2005. Chick development in free-living great tits Parus major in relation to calcium availability and egg composition. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78: 590-598. Mägi, M. & Mänd, R. 2004. Habitat differences in allocation of eggs between successive breeding attempts in great tits (Parus major). – Ecoscience 11: 361-369. Reynolds, S.J., Mänd, R. & Tilgar, V. 2004. Calcium supplementation of breeding birds: directions for future research. – Ibis 146: 601-614. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Ots, I., Mägi, M., Kilgas, P., Reynolds, S. J. 2004. Calcium availability affects bone growth in nestlings of free-living great tits Parus major, as detected by plasma alkaline phosphatase. – Journal of Zoology 263: 269-274. Tilgar, V., Ots, I., Mänd, R. 2004. Bone alkaline phosphatase as a sensitive indicator of skeletal development in birds: a study of the Great Tit nestlings. - Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 530-535. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. 2003. Does supplementary calcium reduce the cost of reproduction in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca? - Ibis 145: 67-77. Mänd, M., Mänd, R., Williams, I.H. 2002. Bumblebees in the agricultural landscape of Estonia. - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 89: 69-76. Mänd, R., Talvi, T., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2002. Land snails in Estonian forests: numbers and species richness. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 51: 204-216. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Mägi, M. 2002. Calcium shortage as a constraint on reproduction in Great Tits Parus major: a field experiment. – Journal of Avian Biology 33: 407-413. Mänd, R., Ehlvest, A., Kiristaja, P. 2001. Land snails in an afforested oil-shale mining area. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 50, 1: 15-19. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 2000. Calcium, snails, and birds: a case study. - Web Ecology 1: 63-69. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 2000. Reproductive response of Great Tits, Parus major, in a naturally base-poor forest habitat to calcium supplementation. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 689-695. Kose, M., Mänd, R., Møller, A.-P. 1999. Sexual selection for white tail spots in the barn swallow in relation to habitat choice by feather lice. - Animal Behaviour 58: 1201-1205. Mänd, M., Kaaviste, H., Kase, K., Mänd, R. 1999. Cultivated land as habitat for bumble bees in Estonia. - In (Elberg, K., ed.) Proceedings of the XXIV Nordic Congress of Entomology. Tartu, University of Tartu & Estonian Naturalists' Society, pp. 83-86. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. and Leivits, A. 1999. Effect of calcium availability and habitat quality on reproduction in Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and Great Tit Parus major. – Journal of Avian Biology 30: 383-391. Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. 1999. Breeding in calcium-poor habitats: are there some extra costs? - Acta Ornithologica 34/2: 215-218. Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Leivits, A. 1998. Calcium deficiency as an ecological constraint for Passerines in oligotrophic forests of Estonia. - Biol. Cons. Fauna 102: 345. Hõrak, P., Mänd, R., Ots, I. 1997. Identifying the targets of selection: a multivariate analysis of reproductive traits in the Great Tit. - Oikos, 78: 592-600. Mänd, M., Maavara, V., Martin, A.-J., Mänd, R. 1996. The density of Bombus lucorum (L.) required to effect maximum pollination of alfalfa in Estonia. - J. Apicultural Research, 35 (2): 79-81. Mänd, R. 1996. Increased eggshell porosity in replacement clutches of the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. - Ornis Fennica, 73: 131-136. Hõrak, P., Mänd, R., Ots, I., Leivits, A. 1995. Egg size in the Great Tit Parus major: individual, habitat and geographic differences. - Ornis Fennica, 72: 97-114. Birds of Estonia. Status, distribution, numbers /R. Mänd, co-author/ (Leibak, E., Lilleleht, V., Veromann, H., Eds.). 1994. Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers. Ökoloogialeksikon [Lexicon of Ecology] /R. Mänd, kaasautor/ (Masing, V., toim.) 1992. Tallinn, Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus. Mänd, R. 1988. [Intrapopulation variability of avian eggs]. Tallinn, Valgus. 194 pp. (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R., Nigul, A., Sein, E. 1986. Oomorphology: a new method. - The Auk, 103: 613-617. Mänd, R. 1985. [On the relationship of the egg size with the growth rate and survival of the young in some Laridae species]. – Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 34: 34-44 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1984. [Natural elimination of normal and incompletely pigmentized eggs in Arctic Tern]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 33, 1: 7-14 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1984. [Non-selective elimination of eggs and laying of replacement clutches by the Black-headed Gull]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 33, 2: 117-125 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1983. On the migration of Common and Arctic Terns in Northern Europe. - Ornis Fennica, 3: 59-60. Mänd, R. 1980. [On the effect of natural elimination on the size and shape of Common Gull’s eggs]. – Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 29, 1: 11-19 (in Russian, with English summary). Mänd, R. 1980. [The relation between nesting conservatism and ecological and morphological parameters in terns]. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci.Biology 29, 4: 301-305 (in Russian, with English summary). |
last updated: 27.09.2005
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