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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Kadri
2.Perekonnanimi Põldmaa
3.Töökoht EPMÜ Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut
4.Ametikoht erakorraline teadur
5.Sünniaeg 28.04.1970 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, 1992, Tartu Ülikool, botaanik-mükoloog
7.Teenistuskäik 1990-1996 ZBI mükoloogia osakonna laborant, alates 1998 samas teadur, 1999-2000 järeldoktorant Pennsylvania Ülikoolis, 2002-2003 järeldoktorant Eesti Biokeskuses, 2004 EPMÜ ZBI teadur, alates 2005 EPMÜ PKI teadur
8.Teaduskraad Ph. D.
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1998
ja –administratiivne
EPMÜ PKI mükoloogia osakonna juhataja
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Perekonna Hypomyces ja lähiperekondade (Hypocreales, Ascomycota) taksonoomia, fülogenees ja levik maailmas; seentel viljakehadel kasvavad kottseened Eestis
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 4994 "Liikide piiritlemine ja fülogeneetilised suhted seeneperekondades Hypomyces ja Cladobotryum (Hypocreales, Ascomycota)"

Gams, W., Diederich, P. & K. Põldmaa. 2004. Fungicolous fungi. Toim.: Mueller, G. M., G. F. Bills ja M. S. Foster. Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods. Elsevier Academic Press. lk 343-392.

Põldmaa, K., & Samuels, G. J. (2004). Fungicolous Hypocreaceae (Ascomycota : Hypocreales) from Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Sydowia, 56(1), 79-130

Põldmaa, K. (2003). Three Species of Hypomyces Growing on Basidiomata of Stereaceae. Mycologia, 95(5), 921-933

Põldmaa, K. (2000). Generic Delimitation of the Fungicolous Hypocreaceae. Studies in Mycology, (45), 83-94.

Põldmaa, K. 1999. The genus Hypomyces and allied fungicolous fungi in Estonia. I. Species growing on aphyllophoralean basidiomycetes. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 34: 15-31.

Põldmaa, K., Larsson, E., & Kõljalg, U. (1999). Phylogenetic Relationships in Hypomyces and Allied Genera, With Emphasis on Species Growing on Wood-Decaying Homobasidiomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 77(12), 1756-1768.

Põldmaa, K., & Samuels, G. J. (1999). Aphyllophoricolous Species of Hypomyces With KOH-Negative Perithecia. Mycologia, 91(1), 177-199

Põldmaa, K. 1997. Explosion of Melampsoridium sp. on Alnus incana. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 31: 48-50.

Põldmaa, K., Samuels, G. J. & Lodge, D. J. 1997. Three new polyporicolous species of Hypomyces and their Cladobotryum anamorphs. Sydowia 49: 80-93.

viimati muudetud: 08.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Kadri
2.Surname Põldmaa
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4.Position reasearcher
5.Date of birth 28.04.1970 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher, 1992, University of Tartu, botanist-mycologist
7.Research and
professional experience
1990-1996 assistant at the Department of Mycology at the Institute of Zooloogy and Botany; 1998-1999 researcher at the same institute, 1999 - 2000 postdoctoral research associate at The Pennsylvania State University, 2002-2003 postdoctoral research associate at Estonian Biocentre, 2004 researcher at the Institute of Zooloogy and Botany, Estonian Agricultural University, since 2005 researcher at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University
8.Academic degree Ph. D.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1998
head of the department of mycology at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Taxonomy, phylogeny and distribution of Hypomyces and allied genera (Hypocreales, Ascomycota); fungicolous ascomycetes in Estonia.
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation grant no 4994: "Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships in the fungal genera of Hypomyces and Cladobotryum (Hypocreales, Ascomycota)"
15.List of most important publications

Gams, W., Diederich, P. & K. Põldmaa. 2004. Fungicolous fungi. Toim.: Mueller, G. M., G. F. Bills ja M. S. Foster. Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods. Elsevier Academic Press. lk 343-392.

Põldmaa, K., & Samuels, G. J. (2004). Fungicolous Hypocreaceae (Ascomycota : Hypocreales) from Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Sydowia, 56(1), 79-130

Põldmaa, K. (2003). Three Species of Hypomyces Growing on Basidiomata of Stereaceae. Mycologia, 95(5), 921-933

Põldmaa, K. (2000). Generic Delimitation of the Fungicolous Hypocreaceae. Studies in Mycology, (45), 83-94.

Põldmaa, K. 1999. The genus Hypomyces and allied fungicolous fungi in Estonia. I. Species growing on aphyllophoralean basidiomycetes. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 34: 15-31.

Põldmaa, K., Larsson, E., & Kõljalg, U. (1999). Phylogenetic Relationships in Hypomyces and Allied Genera, With Emphasis on Species Growing on Wood-Decaying Homobasidiomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 77(12), 1756-1768.

Põldmaa, K., & Samuels, G. J. (1999). Aphyllophoricolous Species of Hypomyces With KOH-Negative Perithecia. Mycologia, 91(1), 177-199

Põldmaa, K. 1997. Explosion of Melampsoridium sp. on Alnus incana. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 31: 48-50.

Põldmaa, K., Samuels, G. J. & Lodge, D. J. 1997. Three new polyporicolous species of Hypomyces and their Cladobotryum anamorphs. Sydowia 49: 80-93.

last updated: 08.10.2005

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