[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Bellis |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kullman |
3. | Töökoht | EPMÜ Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 12.05.1947 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1965-1970 Tartu Ülikooli Bioloogia-Geograafiateaduskond bioloog-geneetiku diplom 1972-1976 Aspirantuur Eesti TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudi juures |
7. | Teenistuskäik | alates 1970 Zooloogia ja Botaanika Istituut mükoloogia osakond vaneminsener, 1970 1972 vanemlaborant 1976 1980 vaneminsener 1980 1986 nooremteadur 1986-2001 teadur 2001-2004 vanemteadur ZBI alates 2005 vanemteadur EMU PKI |
8. | Teaduskraad | biol. kand Botaanika |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1983 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Teadlaste Liit |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Heidi Tamm, MSc, 2006, juh. Bellis Kullman. Perekond Geopora (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) fülogeneetiline analüüs rDNA ITS regiooni alusel. Eesti Maaülikool Maarja Öpik, MSc, 1998, juh. Bellis Kullman. Pure cultures character in the systematics of the order Pezizales. Tartu Ülikool Aivo Jakobson, MSc, 1995, juh. Bellis Kullman. Studies of the genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Estonia and Finland. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Kottseente (Pezizales) taksonoomia, biosüstemaatika, liigiteke, genoomika |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Kand- ja kottseente (s.h. samblike), molekulaarne fülogenees, nende taksonoomia ning põllumajanduslikult oluliste seenerühmade autökoloogia. (EMÜ PKI, v.teadur) |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kullman, B. 2006. Hübridisatsioon ja heteroploidsus kui bioloogilise mitmekesisuse allikad hüüfe moodustavatel seentel. In: I. Tulva, M. Öpik & P. Mänd (toim), Pärandumise teaooria. Schola Biotheoretica 32: 82-90. (ISBN-10:9985-959-8-3ISSN:1736-4167 ISBN-13: 978-9985-9591-8-3) Kullman, B. and Teterin, W. 2006. Estimation of fungal genome size: comparison of image cytometry and photometric cytometry. Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 42: 43-56. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. ja Tamm, H. 2006. New Estonian records: Pezizales (Ascomycota). Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 42: 103. (ISSN 1406-2070) Богачева А.В. & Куллман Б.Б. 2006. Виды рода Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) в России. (Bogacheva A.V., Kullman B.В. The species of genus Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) in Russia.) Микология и фитопатология. Т. 40 (4): 00-00. B. Kullman. 2005. Kagu-Eesti – limatünniku varjupaik. In: I. Puura ja S. Pihu (eds.). XXVIII Eesti Loodusuurijate Päev. Setomaa loodus: 77-79. Tartu. 94 P. ( ISBN 9985-9591-2-4) B. Kullman, B. Greve and E. Severin. 2005. Diversity in the spore print of the hybrid of Lentinula and Pleurotus on the basis of nuclear DNA content. In: Proceedings of the XVI Symposium of Mycologists and Lychenologists of Baltic State. 21 – 25 September, 2005 Cesis, Latvia. 119-123.(ISBN 9984 784 00 2) Kullman, B. 2004. Seksiv seen. Eesti loodus, 11: 6-13. http://www.loodusajakiri.ee/eesti_loodus/artikkel_893 Kullman, B. 2003. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 40: 63-64. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. 2002. Horisontaalsest geeniülekandest seeneriigis. In: I. Puura & T. Teder (toim), Võrkude teooria. Schola Biotheoretica 28: 21-33. Tartu, Sulemees. 88 lk. (ISBN 9989-9278-6-9) Kullman. B. 2002. New Estonian records: Pezizales (Ascomycetes). Folia Cryptog. Estonica 39: 61-63.(ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. 2002. Nuclear DNA content, life cycle and ploidy in two Neottiella species (Pezizales, Ascomycota). Persoonia 18: 103-115.ISSN 0031-5850 Kullman. B. 2001. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 38: 85-86. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kalamees K. (ed.). 2000. Eesti seenestik Mycobiota of Estonia. Tartu, ZBI, (CD - in Acrobat Reader). (Kullman, B. - üks paljudest kaasautoritest) Kullman, B. 2000. Application of flow cytometry for measurement of nuclear DNA content in fungi. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36 : 31-46. http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman. B. 2000. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 37: 119-120. (ISSN 1406-2070) Saar, I. & Kullman, B. 2000. Nuclear DNA content and spore dimensions in some species of the genus Cystoderma. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36: 87-94. ISSN 1406-2070 http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html Öpik, M., Kullman. B. & Kollom, A. 2000. Sarcoscypha austriaca (Pezizales) in Estonia. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36: 107-112. http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html Järva, L., Kalamees, K., Kullman, B., Parmasto, E., Raitviir, A., Saar, I. & Vaasma, M. 1999. Distribution maps of Estonian fungi - Eesti seente levikuatlas 2. Protectid species and species of Estonian Red Data Book - Kaitsealused ja Eesti Punase raamatu liigid. Red List of Estonian Fungi. Tartu. Kullman, B., Öpik, M. & Jakobson, A. 1999. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonia 34: 81-85. Jakobson, A., Kullman, B. & Huhtinen, S. 1998. Genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Estonia and Finland. Karstenia 38: 1-25. (ISSN 0453-3402) Kullman, B. (1998). Miks on vaja uurida pisikesi seeni? Eesti Loodus, Aprill: 180-181. Summary: Why is it necessary to investigate tiny fungi? (192). Kullman, B. (1998). Two sibling species of the genus Byssonectria (Pezizales). Suppression of spore development under environmental stress. Mycotaxon, 69: 197-207. (ISSN 0093-4666) Kullman, B., Jakobson, A & Rahi, M. (1998). The dependence of ascospore measurements on different preparation methods. Agarica, 16(25): 246-254. (ISSN 0800-1820) Paal, J., Kullman, B. & Huijser, H. (1998). Multivariate analysis of the Scutellinia umbrorum complex (Pezizales, Ascomycetes) from five ecotopes in the Netherlands. Persoonia 16 (4) 491-521. (ISSN 0031-5850) Kullman, B. (1997). A very rare discomycete, Octospora maireana, found in Finland. Karstenia 37: 27-31. (ISSN 0453-3402) Kullman, B. (1995). Muutlik liudik -meie kodude niiskustarmastav külaline. Eesti Loodus, 8: 215-217. Summary: Peziza varia - a moisture loving guest in our homes. Eesti. Kullman, B., Brummelen, J. van. (1992). Studies on the character variability in the Ramsbottomia crec'hqueraultii complex (Pezizales). Persoonia, 15: 93-99, 1992. (ISSN 0031-5850) Kullman, B. (1991). Octospora tetraspora as a four-spored O. leucoloma? Crypt. Bot. 2 (2/3): 115-117. ISSN 0935-2147 Kullman, B. & Rahi, M. (1988a). Evolution of Discomycetes on adaptive landscape. In: T. Sutt (ed.), Actual problems of evolutionary biology: 46-58. Tartu (in Russian). Kullman, B. & Rahi, M. (1988b). Use of adaptive landscape for analysis of evolutionary pathways of Humariaceae. In: A.S. Severtsov (ed.), Aspects of macroevolution: 15-16. Moscow (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1986). Revealing group structures in Pezizales. A hypothesis on an evolutionary species, embracing the genus Scutellinia. In: E. Parmasto (ed.), Problems of species and genus in fungi. Scripta Mycologica 15: 91-100. Tallinn (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1985). Sowerbyella imperialis (Peck) Korf in Estonia. Mycotaxon 22: 265-268. (ISSN 0093-4666) Kullman, B. (1984). Kuld-soverbiell Muhumaal. Eesti Loodus 27 (8):526-527. Summary: Sowerbiella imperialis on Muhumaa island (543). Kullman, B. (1984). Ripsikud - näide kriitiliste seeneperekondade uurimisest. Eesti Loodus 12: 802-807. Summary: The Scutellinia (Pezizales) - a case of the revision of a genus of fungi (823). Kullman, B. (1983). A revision of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales) in Soviet Union. Abstract of thesis. Tartu. 18 P. (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1982). A revision of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales) in Soviet Union. Scripta Mycologica 10: 1-158. (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1982). The species of genus Scutellinia for Tadjikistan fungal flora. Proc. of the Tadjikistan Ac. Sci. Biol. 4: 55-60 (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1979). Interdependence of characters and the trend of morfological evolution of the genus Scutellinia. In: T. Oja (ed.), Accommodation and adaptation in living nature: 42-47. Tartu (in Estonian). Kullman, B. & Raitviir, A. (1978). The new species - Scutellinia caucasica. Folia Crypog. Estonica 10: 5-7 (in Russian). Kullman, B. & Raitviir, A. (1977). The new species in the genus Scutellinia. Folia Crypog. Estonica 7: 3-6 (in Russian). |
viimati muudetud: 13.06.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Bellis |
2. | Surname | Kullman |
3. | Institution | Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University |
4. | Position | senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 12.05.1947 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1965-1970 The University of Tartu, Diploma of higher education (biologist-genetician) 1972-1976 Postgraduate course at the Inst. of Zool. & Bot. of the Est. Acad. of Sc. (IZB) |
7. | Research and professional experience |
from 1970 at IZB Dept. of Mycology senior engineer 1970-1972 sen. Lab.ass. 1972-1976 postgrad. st. 1976-1980 sen. Engineer 1980-1986 jun. researcher 1986-2001 researcher 2001-2004 sen. Researcher from 2005 sen. Researcher at Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences |
8. | Academic degree | Cand. Biol. in Botany |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
the University of Tartu, 1983 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Estonian Union of Scientists |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Heidi Tamm, MSc, 2006, superv. Bellis Kullman. Perekond Geopora (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) fülogeneetiline analüüs rDNA ITS regiooni alusel. Eesti Maaülikool Maarja Öpik, MSc, 1998, superv. Bellis Kullman. Pure cultures character in the systematics of the order Pezizales. Tartu Ülikool Aivo Jakobson, MSc, 1995, superv. Bellis Kullman. Studies of the genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Estonia and Finland. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Ascomycetes, Pezizales, taxonomy, biosystematics, speciation, genomics, |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kullman, B. 2006. Hübridisatsioon ja heteroploidsus kui bioloogilise mitmekesisuse allikad hüüfe moodustavatel seentel. In: I. Tulva, M. Öpik & P. Mänd (toim), Pärandumise teaooria. Schola Biotheoretica 32: 82-90. (ISBN-10:9985-959-8-3ISSN:1736-4167 ISBN-13: 978-9985-9591-8-3) Kullman, B. and Teterin, W. 2006. Estimation of fungal genome size: comparison of image cytometry and photometric cytometry. Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 42: 43-56. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. ja Tamm, H. 2006. New Estonian records: Pezizales (Ascomycota). Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 42: 103. (ISSN 1406-2070) Богачева А.В. & Куллман Б.Б. 2006. Виды рода Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) в России. (Bogacheva A.V., Kullman B.В. The species of genus Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) in Russia.) Микология и фитопатология. Т. 40 (4): 00-00. B. Kullman. 2005. Kagu-Eesti – limatünniku varjupaik. In: I. Puura ja S. Pihu (eds.). XXVIII Eesti Loodusuurijate Päev. Setomaa loodus: 77-79. Tartu. 94 P. ( ISBN 9985-9591-2-4) B. Kullman, B. Greve and E. Severin. 2005. Diversity in the spore print of the hybrid of Lentinula and Pleurotus on the basis of nuclear DNA content. In: Proceedings of the XVI Symposium of Mycologists and Lychenologists of Baltic State. 21 – 25 September, 2005 Cesis, Latvia. 119-123.(ISBN 9984 784 00 2) Kullman, B. 2004. Seksiv seen. Eesti loodus, 11: 6-13. http://www.loodusajakiri.ee/eesti_loodus/artikkel_893 Kullman, B. 2003. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Fol. Cruptog. Estonica 40: 63-64. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. 2002. Horisontaalsest geeniülekandest seeneriigis. In: I. Puura & T. Teder (toim), Võrkude teooria. Schola Biotheoretica 28: 21-33. Tartu, Sulemees. 88 lk. (ISBN 9989-9278-6-9) Kullman. B. 2002. New Estonian records: Pezizales (Ascomycetes). Folia Cryptog. Estonica 39: 61-63.(ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman, B. 2002. Nuclear DNA content, life cycle and ploidy in two Neottiella species (Pezizales, Ascomycota). Persoonia 18: 103-115.ISSN 0031-5850 Kullman. B. 2001. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 38: 85-86. (ISSN 1406-2070) Kalamees K. (ed.). 2000. Eesti seenestik Mycobiota of Estonia. Tartu, ZBI, (CD - in Acrobat Reader). (Kullman, B. - üks paljudest kaasautoritest) Kullman, B. 2000. Application of flow cytometry for measurement of nuclear DNA content in fungi. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36 : 31-46. http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html (ISSN 1406-2070) Kullman. B. 2000. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 37: 119-120. (ISSN 1406-2070) Saar, I. & Kullman, B. 2000. Nuclear DNA content and spore dimensions in some species of the genus Cystoderma. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36: 87-94. ISSN 1406-2070 http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html Öpik, M., Kullman. B. & Kollom, A. 2000. Sarcoscypha austriaca (Pezizales) in Estonia. Folia Cryptog. Estonica 36: 107-112. http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/folia.html Järva, L., Kalamees, K., Kullman, B., Parmasto, E., Raitviir, A., Saar, I. & Vaasma, M. 1999. Distribution maps of Estonian fungi - Eesti seente levikuatlas 2. Protectid species and species of Estonian Red Data Book - Kaitsealused ja Eesti Punase raamatu liigid. Red List of Estonian Fungi. Tartu. Kullman, B., Öpik, M. & Jakobson, A. 1999. New Estonian records: Fungi. Pezizales. Folia Cryptog. Estonia 34: 81-85. Jakobson, A., Kullman, B. & Huhtinen, S. 1998. Genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Estonia and Finland. Karstenia 38: 1-25. (ISSN 0453-3402) Kullman, B. (1998). Miks on vaja uurida pisikesi seeni? Eesti Loodus, Aprill: 180-181. Summary: Why is it necessary to investigate tiny fungi? (192). Kullman, B. (1998). Two sibling species of the genus Byssonectria (Pezizales). Suppression of spore development under environmental stress. Mycotaxon, 69: 197-207. (ISSN 0093-4666) Kullman, B., Jakobson, A & Rahi, M. (1998). The dependence of ascospore measurements on different preparation methods. Agarica, 16(25): 246-254. (ISSN 0800-1820) Paal, J., Kullman, B. & Huijser, H. (1998). Multivariate analysis of the Scutellinia umbrorum complex (Pezizales, Ascomycetes) from five ecotopes in the Netherlands. Persoonia 16 (4) 491-521. (ISSN 0031-5850) Kullman, B. (1997). A very rare discomycete, Octospora maireana, found in Finland. Karstenia 37: 27-31. (ISSN 0453-3402) Kullman, B. (1995). Muutlik liudik -meie kodude niiskustarmastav külaline. Eesti Loodus, 8: 215-217. Summary: Peziza varia - a moisture loving guest in our homes. Eesti. Kullman, B., Brummelen, J. van. (1992). Studies on the character variability in the Ramsbottomia crec'hqueraultii complex (Pezizales). Persoonia, 15: 93-99, 1992. (ISSN 0031-5850) Kullman, B. (1991). Octospora tetraspora as a four-spored O. leucoloma? Crypt. Bot. 2 (2/3): 115-117. ISSN 0935-2147 Kullman, B. & Rahi, M. (1988a). Evolution of Discomycetes on adaptive landscape. In: T. Sutt (ed.), Actual problems of evolutionary biology: 46-58. Tartu (in Russian). Kullman, B. & Rahi, M. (1988b). Use of adaptive landscape for analysis of evolutionary pathways of Humariaceae. In: A.S. Severtsov (ed.), Aspects of macroevolution: 15-16. Moscow (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1986). Revealing group structures in Pezizales. A hypothesis on an evolutionary species, embracing the genus Scutellinia. In: E. Parmasto (ed.), Problems of species and genus in fungi. Scripta Mycologica 15: 91-100. Tallinn (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1985). Sowerbyella imperialis (Peck) Korf in Estonia. Mycotaxon 22: 265-268. (ISSN 0093-4666) Kullman, B. (1984). Kuld-soverbiell Muhumaal. Eesti Loodus 27 (8):526-527. Summary: Sowerbiella imperialis on Muhumaa island (543). Kullman, B. (1984). Ripsikud - näide kriitiliste seeneperekondade uurimisest. Eesti Loodus 12: 802-807. Summary: The Scutellinia (Pezizales) - a case of the revision of a genus of fungi (823). Kullman, B. (1983). A revision of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales) in Soviet Union. Abstract of thesis. Tartu. 18 P. (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1982). A revision of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales) in Soviet Union. Scripta Mycologica 10: 1-158. (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1982). The species of genus Scutellinia for Tadjikistan fungal flora. Proc. of the Tadjikistan Ac. Sci. Biol. 4: 55-60 (in Russian). Kullman, B. (1979). Interdependence of characters and the trend of morfological evolution of the genus Scutellinia. In: T. Oja (ed.), Accommodation and adaptation in living nature: 42-47. Tartu (in Estonian). Kullman, B. & Raitviir, A. (1978). The new species - Scutellinia caucasica. Folia Crypog. Estonica 10: 5-7 (in Russian). Kullman, B. & Raitviir, A. (1977). The new species in the genus Scutellinia. Folia Crypog. Estonica 7: 3-6 (in Russian). |
last updated: 13.06.2006
[ sulge aken ]