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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Tiit
2.Perekonnanimi Hang
3.Töökoht TÜ geoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 25.03.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 2001-PhD kvaternaarigeoloogia erialal, Stockholmi Ülikool 1998-PhLic kvaternaarigeoloogia erialal, Stockholmi Ülikool
1994-MSc geoloogia erialal, Tartu Ülikool
1981-diplom, geograaf-geograafia õpetaja, Tartu Riiklik Ülikool
1976-keskkool,Tallinna Spordiinternaatkool
7.Teenistuskäik 2003-vanemteadur; TÜ Geoloogia instituut
2002-2003-teadur; TÜ Geoloogia instituut
1996-2002-lektor; TÜ Geograafia instituut
1993-1996-teadur, Eesti TA Geoloogia instituut
1991-1993-sektorijuhataja, Eesti TA Geoloogia instituut
1983-1991-nooremteadur, Eesti TA Geoloogia instituut
1981-1983-insener, Eesti TA Geoloogia instituut
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Stockholmi Ülikooli Füüsilise geograafia ja kvaternaarigeoloogia instituut, 2001
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Marko Kohv, MSc, 2005, juh. Tiit Hang; Peeter Talviste. Geological setting and mechanism of Audru landslide. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad hilisjääaja paleogeograafia; geomorfoloogia; Peipsi nõo geoloogiline ehitus ja järve arengulugu; jääjärveliste setete stratigraafia ja kronoloogia; keskkonnageoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid grandihoidja, ETF grant 5681 'Pärnu viirsavibasseini settimiskeskkonna seosed setete insenergeoloogiliste omaduste ning tänapäevaste keskkonnageoloogiliste protsessidega'
põhitäitja, ETF grant 5370 (Kalm,V.) 'Hilisjääaja regionaalne sündmusstratigraafia Ida-Eestis ja võimalikud korrelatsioonid naaberaladega'

Puura,I., Tuuling,I. & Hang,T. (eds). 2004. The Baltic: The eight marine geological conference. Abstracts. Excursion guide. Institute of Geology, University of Tartu. Tartu, 132 pp.

Rosentau,A., Hang,T. & Miidel,A. 2004. Simulation of the Late Weichselian Glacial Lake Peipsi shorelines in eastern Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 48 (4), 290-307

Hang,T., 2003: A Local clay-varve chronology and proglacial sedimentary environment in glacial Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. Boreas, Vol. 32, 2, 427-435.

Ringberg,B., Björck,J. & Hang,T. 2003: Correlation of stadial and interstadial events in the GRIP oxygen isotope record with south Swedish glacial varves. Boreas, Vol. 32, 2, 436-442.

Ringberg,B., Hang,T. & Kristiansson,J. 2002: Local clay-varve chronology in the Karlskrona-Hultsfred region, southeast Sweden. GFF, 124, pp. 77-84.

Hang,T., 2001: Proglacial sedimentary environment, varve chronology and Late Weichselian development of the Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. QUATERNARIA A, 11, 44 pp.

Hang, T, Miidel, A., Kalm, V. & Kimmel, K. 2001. New data on the distribution and stratigraphy of the bottom deposits of Lake Peipsi. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 50, 4, 233-253.

Miidel,A., Noormets,R., Hang,T., Flodén,T. & Bjerkéus,M. 2001. Bedrock geology and topography of the Lake Peipsi depression, eastern Estonia. GFF, Vol. 123, pp. 15-22

Hang,T., Subetto,D. & Krasnov,I. 2000. New varve chronological data from NW Russia. Proceedings of Russian Geographical Society, 132/6, p. 37-42 (in Russian).

Hang,T. & Kokovkin,T. 1999: Simulation of the postglacial Baltic Sea shorelines on the island of Hiiumaa, West Estonian Archipelago. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 48/2, pp. 99-109

Noormets,R., Hang,T., Miidel,A., Flodén,T. & Bjerkéus,M. 1998: Seismic stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits in Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. GFF, 120. pp.47-52

Hang,T. 1997: Clay-varve chronology in the Eastern Baltic area. GFF, 119. pp.295-300

Sandgren,P., Hang,T & Snowball,I. 1997: A Late Weichselian geomagnetic record from Lake Tamula, SE Estonia. GFF, 119, pp.279-284

viimati muudetud: 19.10.2004

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Tiit
2.Surname Hang
3.Institution Institute of Geology, Tartu University
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 25.03.1958 (day.month.year)
6.Education 2001-PhD in Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University
1998-PhLic in Quaternary geology, Stockholm University
1994-MSc degree in geology, Tartu University
1981-university diploma (bachelor degree) in geography (physical geography and geomorphology); University of Tartu;
7.Research and
professional experience
2003-senior researcher, Inst. of Geology, Tartu University
2002-2003 - researcher, Inst. of Geology, Tartu University
1997-2001- PhD student, Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University
1996-2002- lecturer, Institute of Geography Tartu University
1993-1996 researcher, Dept. of Quaternary Geology, Inst. of Geology, Tallinn, Estonia
1991-1993-head of the Dept. of Marine Geology and Geomorphology, Inst. of Geology, Tallinn, Estonia
1981-1991-researcher, Dept. of Quaternary Geology, Inst. of Geology, Tallinn, Estonia
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University; 2001
12.Supervised dissertations

Marko Kohv, MSc, 2005, superv. Tiit Hang; Peeter Talviste. Geological setting and mechanism of Audru landslide. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Late-Weichselian palaeogeography; geomorphology; geology and development of Lake Peipsi; stratigraphy and chronology of glaciolacustrine deposits; environmental geology
14.Current grant funding principal investigator, ESF grant 5681 'Sedimentary environment, geotechnical properties and environmental geology of the Pärnu basin of proglacial varved clays'
senior researcher, ESF grant 5370 (V.Kalm) 'Regional event stratigraphy for the last Termination in eastern Estonia and possible correlations with adjoining areas'
15.List of most important publications

Puura,I., Tuuling,I. & Hang,T. (eds). 2004. The Baltic: The eight marine geological conference. Abstracts. Excursion guide. Institute of Geology, University of Tartu. Tartu, 132 pp.

Rosentau,A., Hang,T. & Miidel,A. 2004. Simulation of the Late Weichselian Glacial Lake Peipsi shorelines in eastern Estonia. Geological Quarterly, 48 (4), 290-307

Hang,T., 2003: A Local clay-varve chronology and proglacial sedimentary environment in glacial Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. Boreas, Vol. 32, 2, 427-435.

Ringberg,B., Björck,J. & Hang,T. 2003: Correlation of stadial and interstadial events in the GRIP oxygen isotope record with south Swedish glacial varves. Boreas, Vol. 32, 2, 436-442.

Ringberg,B., Hang,T. & Kristiansson,J. 2002: Local clay-varve chronology in the Karlskrona-Hultsfred region, southeast Sweden. GFF, 124, pp. 77-84.

Hang,T., 2001: Proglacial sedimentary environment, varve chronology and Late Weichselian development of the Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. QUATERNARIA A, 11, 44 pp.

Hang, T, Miidel, A., Kalm, V. & Kimmel, K. 2001. New data on the distribution and stratigraphy of the bottom deposits of Lake Peipsi. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology, 50, 4, 233-253.

Miidel,A., Noormets,R., Hang,T., Flodén,T. & Bjerkéus,M. 2001. Bedrock geology and topography of the Lake Peipsi depression, eastern Estonia. GFF, Vol. 123, pp. 15-22

Hang,T., Subetto,D. & Krasnov,I. 2000. New varve chronological data from NW Russia. Proceedings of Russian Geographical Society, 132/6, p. 37-42 (in Russian).

Hang,T. & Kokovkin,T. 1999: Simulation of the postglacial Baltic Sea shorelines on the island of Hiiumaa, West Estonian Archipelago. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 48/2, pp. 99-109

Noormets,R., Hang,T., Miidel,A., Flodén,T. & Bjerkéus,M. 1998: Seismic stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits in Lake Peipsi, eastern Estonia. GFF, 120. pp.47-52

Hang,T. 1997: Clay-varve chronology in the Eastern Baltic area. GFF, 119. pp.295-300

Sandgren,P., Hang,T & Snowball,I. 1997: A Late Weichselian geomagnetic record from Lake Tamula, SE Estonia. GFF, 119, pp.279-284

last updated: 19.10.2004

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