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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Elvira
2.Perekonnanimi Kurvinen
3.Töökoht Tervise Arengu Instituut
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 04.08.1952 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna 1977. a.
7.Teenistuskäik 1977-1978 - internatuur Tallinna Keskhaiglas
1978-1980 - Kuressaare Haigla, arst
1980-1986 - kliiniline ordinatuur ja aspirantuur MTA Meditsiinilise Geneetika Instituudis Moskvas
1986-2004 Eesti Kardioloogia Instituut, vanemteadur
2004, sept. k.a.-ni Tervise Arengu Instituut, vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad Meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
MTA Meditsiinilise Geneetika Instituut, Moskva, Venemaa, 1987 a.
ja –administratiivne
Sihtfinantseeritava teema "Spetsiifiliste SVH riskitegurite avastamine noortes peredes" juht (1995-1997); ETF grandide hoidja:
1. Mittenakkuslike haiguste riskitegurid noortes peredes ja meetmed nende profülaktikaks (1994-1996), nr. 134;
2. Monogeensete lipiidmarkerite osa varajase SVH riskitegurina (1997-1999), nr. 2641;
3. Ateroskleroosi üldiste ja lipiidide ainevahetusega seotud riskitegurite dünaamika Tallinna noortes peredes (2000-2002), nr.4061.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ateroskleroosi riskitegurid kõrge riski gruppides; genealoogia; pereuuring; II tüüpi diabeet;
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grand nr. 5956: "Seosed kroonilise põletiku markerite ja lipoproteiinide parameetrite vahel II tüüpi diabeedi haigetel" 2004-2007, põhitäitja

Aasvee K, Jauhiainen M, Kurvinen E, Tur I, Sundvall J, Roovere T, Baburin A.(2006). Determinants of risk factors of atherosclerosis in the postinfarction period: The Tallinn MI Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 66(3):191-199.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Roovere T, Tupits H, Hedman A, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2005). Cardiovascular risk factors in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without cardiovascular complications. Atherosclerosis, Suppl. 6(1):152.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zordania R, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2005) Serum lipid and apolipoprotein profiles in newborns and 6-year-old children. Tallinn Young Family Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 65(7):541-550.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Jordania R, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2004). Lipoprotein parameters in relation to other risk factors of atherosclerosis in adults and newborns: Tallinn Young Family Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 64(3):245-254

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Roovere T, Tupits H, Hedman A, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J. General characteristics of glucose and lipid metabolism in Tallinn Study of coronary risk factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2004; Suppl. 5(4):1.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zhordania R. Serum lipid and apolipoproteins in newborns and 6-year-old children in relation to apolipoprotein E phenotype. The Tallinn Young Family Study. Atherosclerosis 2004; Suppl. 5(4): 5.

Tur I, Kurvinen E, Solodkaja E, Suurorg L. Changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors in the offspring of parents with premature myocardial infarction during childhood and adolescence. Seminars in Cardiology, 2004, 10, (2): 91-94.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Tur I, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J. Physical activity and biological risk factors of coronary heart disease: the study of premature myocardial infarction. Papers on Anthropology XII, 2003, 11-20.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zordania R. Cardiovascular Disease risk factors in preschool children. Papers on Anthropology, XII, 2003, pp. 113-123.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Tur I. Obesity as a risk factor for early myocardial infarction in men. Papers on Anthropology XI, 2002, 19-26.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Jordania R. Association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents. Papers on Anthropology XI, 2002,125-134.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K. Lipoprotein(a)- its physiology and role on cardiovascular diseases risk (review). The Baltic Atherosclerosis Journal (ISSN 1406-4871; Riga) 2001;(2):13-17.

Aasvee K., Jauhiainen, M., Kurvinen, E., Zordania, R., Sundvall, J., & Ehnholm, C. (1999). Lipoprotein(a), Apolipoprotein A-I and B serum levels in young families from Tallinn, Estonia. Relationships with other cardiovascular risk factors and nationality. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, 59(3), 179-189.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism as a risk factor of coronary hear disease (review). The Baltic Atherosclerosis Journal (ISSN 1406 – 4871, Tallinn, Riia, Vilnius), 1999; (1): 7-11.

Kurvinen, E., Zordania, R., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Families. Relation to the Course of Pregnancy and the State of Health of the Newborn. Kardiologiya, 39(10), 52-56.

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Elvira
2.Surname Kurvinen
3.Institution National Institute for Health Development
4.Position Senior Researcher
5.Date of birth 04.08.1952 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, Medical Faculty, 1977
7.Research and
professional experience
1977-1978 - practising in Central Hospital of Tallinn
1978-1980 - Central Hospital in Kuressaare, physician
1980-1986 - Postgraduated School at the Institute of Medical Genetics in Moscow, Russia
1986-2004 - Estonian Institute of Cardiology, Senior Researcher
2004-till now - National Institute For Health Development, Senior Researcher
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Medical Genetics, Moscow, Russia; 1987,
Leader of the Target financed project "Specific CVD risk factors in young families" (1995-1997)
Leader of the ESF grants:
1. Risk factors of noncommunicable diseases in young families and their prevention (1994-1996)
2. Monogenic lipid markers as a possible risk factor for early cardiovascular diseases (1997-1999)
3. Changes in lipropotein parameters and common risk factors of atherosclerosis in young families in Tallinn (6 year follow-up study) (2000-2002)
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Risk factors of atherosclerosis in high-risk groups; genealogy; type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;
14.Current grant funding Grant of Estonian Science Foundation No 5956: "Associations between markers of chronic inflammation and lipoprotein parameters in patients of type II Diabetes Mellitus" 2004-2007, Senior personnel
15.List of most important publications

Aasvee K, Jauhiainen M, Kurvinen E, Tur I, Sundvall J, Roovere T, Baburin A.(2006). Determinants of risk factors of atherosclerosis in the postinfarction period: The Tallinn MI Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 66(3):191-199.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Roovere T, Tupits H, Hedman A, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2005). Cardiovascular risk factors in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without cardiovascular complications. Atherosclerosis, Suppl. 6(1):152.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zordania R, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2005) Serum lipid and apolipoprotein profiles in newborns and 6-year-old children. Tallinn Young Family Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 65(7):541-550.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Jordania R, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J.(2004). Lipoprotein parameters in relation to other risk factors of atherosclerosis in adults and newborns: Tallinn Young Family Study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 64(3):245-254

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Roovere T, Tupits H, Hedman A, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J. General characteristics of glucose and lipid metabolism in Tallinn Study of coronary risk factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2004; Suppl. 5(4):1.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zhordania R. Serum lipid and apolipoproteins in newborns and 6-year-old children in relation to apolipoprotein E phenotype. The Tallinn Young Family Study. Atherosclerosis 2004; Suppl. 5(4): 5.

Tur I, Kurvinen E, Solodkaja E, Suurorg L. Changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors in the offspring of parents with premature myocardial infarction during childhood and adolescence. Seminars in Cardiology, 2004, 10, (2): 91-94.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Tur I, Jauhiainen M, Sundvall J. Physical activity and biological risk factors of coronary heart disease: the study of premature myocardial infarction. Papers on Anthropology XII, 2003, 11-20.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Zordania R. Cardiovascular Disease risk factors in preschool children. Papers on Anthropology, XII, 2003, pp. 113-123.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E, Tur I. Obesity as a risk factor for early myocardial infarction in men. Papers on Anthropology XI, 2002, 19-26.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K, Jordania R. Association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents. Papers on Anthropology XI, 2002,125-134.

Kurvinen E, Aasvee K. Lipoprotein(a)- its physiology and role on cardiovascular diseases risk (review). The Baltic Atherosclerosis Journal (ISSN 1406-4871; Riga) 2001;(2):13-17.

Aasvee K., Jauhiainen, M., Kurvinen, E., Zordania, R., Sundvall, J., & Ehnholm, C. (1999). Lipoprotein(a), Apolipoprotein A-I and B serum levels in young families from Tallinn, Estonia. Relationships with other cardiovascular risk factors and nationality. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, 59(3), 179-189.

Aasvee K, Kurvinen E. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism as a risk factor of coronary hear disease (review). The Baltic Atherosclerosis Journal (ISSN 1406 – 4871, Tallinn, Riia, Vilnius), 1999; (1): 7-11.

Kurvinen, E., Zordania, R., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Families. Relation to the Course of Pregnancy and the State of Health of the Newborn. Kardiologiya, 39(10), 52-56.

last updated: 06.10.2005

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