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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Leho
2.Perekonnanimi Luigujõe
3.Töökoht EPMÜ Põllumajanduse ja Keskkonnauuringute Instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 19.10.1963 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool (1982-1989)
7.Teenistuskäik 1989.a. TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut, vanem laborant
1998.a. EPMÜ Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut, teadur/doktorant
8.Teaduskraad bacalaureus
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1989.a.
ja –administratiivne
1. Wetland International Luikede Uurimisrühma rahvuslik koordinaator
2. Wetland International Veelindude Uurimisrühma rahvuslik koordinaator
3. Wetland International Jahilindude Uurimisrühma rahvuslik koordinaator
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Lindude rändestrateegia ja asurkonna käitumuslikud ja geneetilised iseärasused diskreetse ja kahaneva ressursiga elupaigas: arktiliste veelindude ja rohunepi uurimine
14.Jooksvad grandid

Pehlak H., Lõhmus A., Kuresoo A., Luigujõe L. 2006. Land-based census of wintering waterfowl: reliability and conservation implications. Waterbirds 29: 76-80.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Ots, M., Leito, A. (2004), - Birds of Lake Võrtsjärv – Lake Võrtsjärv., J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (eds.), Estonian Encyclopedia Publishers, Tallinn, p. 297-315.

Elts, J., Kuresoo, A., Leibak, E., Leito, A., Lilleleht, L., Luigujõe , L., Lõhmus, A., Mägi, E., Ots, M. (2003). - Eesti Lindude Staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine. Hirundo. 2, 2003: 58-83.

Kuresoo, A., Kaisel, K., Luigujõe L. (2003). Tegevuskava niidurüdi Calidris alpina schinzii kaitse korraldamiseks. Eesti Keskkonnaministeerium. 48 lk.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (2003) Rohunepp Gallinago media. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto, 2003, 12 lk.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (2003). Rohunepp ja tema kaitse Eestis. Hirundo. Supplementum 7. 56 p.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Mägi, E. (2003) - Population of garganey and Shoveler in Estonia., Special Publ. OMPO, 21- 42

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Ots, M., Leito, A. (2003), - Linnud - Võrtsjärv., J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (toim) Eesti Entsuklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, 2003, 355-373.

Luigujõe L. (2003) - Veelindude tiivad. Haned, Lagled, Luiged. Tartu, Eesti Loodusfoto, 2003

Luigujõe L. 2002. - Kogutud veelinnutiibade analüüsi tulemusi. Eesti Jahimees 9, 20-21.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Leivits A. (2002) - Numbers and Distribution of Whooper Swans Breeding, Wintering and on Migration in Estonia, 1990-2000. Waterbirds 25, Special Publication 1: 61-66.

Kuresoo A., Luigujõe L., Tamm A. (2001). - Population and habitat studies of the Great Snipe (Gallinago media) - flag species of floodplain meadows (Estonia). - Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic 23: 27-41

Luigujõe L. 2001. - Kogutud veelinnutiibade analüüsi tulemusi. Eesti Jahimees 7/8, 48-50.

Luigujõe, L., Kuresoo, A. Birds - Lake Peipsi - flora and fauna. Eds. Pihu, E., Haberman, J. Tartu, 2001, 112-118.

Lõhmus A., Kalamees A., Kuus, A., Kuresoo K., Leito A., Leivits A., Luigujõe L., Ojaste I., Volke V. (2001) - Kaitsekorralduslikult olulised linnuliigid Eesti kaitsealadel ja tähtsatel linnualadel. -Eesti lindude kaitsestaatus, Hirundo Suppl. 4, 37-167.

Pehlak H., Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. 2001. Kesktalvised veelindude loendused Eesti rannavetes 1994-1999. Hirundo 14: 11-26.

Kuresoo, A. & Luigujõe, L. (2000). Great Snipe (Gallinago media) project in Estonia: survey and preliminary results. Newsletter of O.M.P.O. (Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic), 21: 33-38.

Skov H., Vaitkus G., Flensted K.N., Grishanov G., Kalamees A., Kondratyev A., Leivo M., Luigujõe L., Mayr C., Rasmussen J.F., Raudonikis L., Scheller W., Sidlo P.O., Stipniece A., Struwe-Juhl B., Welander B. (2000) - Inventory of coastal and marine Important Bird Areas in the Baltic Sea. BirdLife International, Cambridge: 287 pp.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. & Leito, A. 1999. Autumn migration and important staging sites of waterfowl in Lake Peipsi. Migratory birds of the western Palearctic (OMPO Newsletter) 20, p. 19-25.

Luigujõe L. (1999). - Linnud. Peipsi. E.Pihu, A.Raukas (toim.) : 165-171.

Ojaste I., Luigujõe L., Leito A, Leito T, Kuresoo A., Pehlak H. (1999). - Midwinter waterfowl count in West-Estonia, January 1999. Linnurada., 1: 44-48.

Luigujõe L. (1998). Arctic bird migration and stop-over on lake Peipsi and Lake Pihkva, E Estonia. In: Studies on Arctic Bird Migration in the region of the northern Baltic and White Sea, Helsinki, Finland, 2-4th April 1998, Mauri Leivo ed., Finnish Environmental Institute, 15.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1998). - Saaremaa Island - a winter paradise for waterfowl. Eesti Loodus. 1, 1998: 33-34.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Ader A. & Ots M. (1998). - Birds of the Ropka-Ihaste floodplain meadow in 1992. Hirundo. 1, 1998: 44-49.

Lõhmus A., Kuresoo K., Leibak E., Leito A., Lilleleht V., Kose M., Leivuts A., Luigujõe L., Sellis U. (1998). - Eesti lindude staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine arvukus. Hirundo. 2, 1998: 63-83.

Kålås, J. A., Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. & Svartaas, S. (1997). - Morphometrical comparison between Estonian and Norwegian Great Snipes. In: Proceedings Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Biology, Ecology., 46: 115-122.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1997). - Estonian duck wing studies. In: Wings in Waterfowl Research and Management, Proceedings of the second meeting of the IWRB Hunting Research (Wing Studies) Group, Saarbrücken, Germany, 9-10th April 1992, J.HARRADINE ed., Wetlands International, 22-24.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A, Kullapere A, Volke V. (1997). - Midwinter waterfowl count on the Saaremaa, 1994-1997. Linnurada., 1: 17-22.

Atlas of Anatidae Populations in Africa and Western Eurasia (1996). - Marc W.J.van Roomen, Gerard C.Boere (Eds.), Wetlamd International Publication No 41, 336 pp.

Beekman J.H, van Eerden M.R., Mineyev Y.N., Luigujõe.L., Den Hollander H.J. (1996). - Landsat satellite images for detection of submerged macrophytes: In search of potential stop-over feeding sites for Bewick’s Swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) along their migratory route., M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 421-450.

Kuresoo A., Leito A., Luigujõe L. (1996). - Internationally important staging and wintering areas for Anatidae in Estonian coastal and off-shore waters., M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 1331 - 1332.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (1996).- Internationally important coastal and marine waterfowl staging areas in Estonia and their conservation status. In: Waterbirds of the Baltic Region: Strategies for Conservation and Utilization. Proceedings of the First and the Second International Conference of Baltic Sea States, Germany, May 1993, May 1995. H.KALCHREUTER ed., Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 1996, 50-57.

Kuresoo A, Luigujõe L. (1996). - Wetland conservation in Estonia: present situation and future plans. - International Meeting “From research to action plans. Conservation and management of migratory birds in the western palearctic by the year 2000. Bologna, march 15-17, 1996.

Luigujõe L. (1996). - Anseriformes. Identification tables for birdwatchers and hunters., Tartu, Eesti Loodusfoto.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1996). - Waterfowl Hunting in Estonia: Status of Population and Hunting Statistics. In: Waterbirds of the Baltic Region: Strategies for Conservation and Utilization. Proceedings of the First and Second International Conference of Baltic Sea States, Germany, May 1993, May 1995. H.KALCHREUTER ed., Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 58-64.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Keskpaik J., Ader A., Leito L. (1996). - Migration and staging of the Bewick’s Swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the Anatidae 2000 Conference, Strasbourg, France, 5-9 December 1994, M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 451-461.

Leito A., Luigujõe L., Ader A., Ots M. (1995). - Bird Fauna of Osmussaar. Year-book of the Estonian Naturalists Society., Vol.76: 80-105.

Luigujõe L., Keskpaik J. (1995). - Summer assemblies and summer movements of the Common Crane in Estonia. In: Crane Research and Protection in Europe. Proceedings of the Palearctic Crane Workshop in Tallinn, Estonia, September 1989, H.PRANGE ed., Halle-Wittenberg: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 149-155.

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Leho
2.Surname Luigujõe
3.Institution EAU Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4.Position research associate
5.Date of birth 19.10.1963 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu (1982-1989)
7.Research and
professional experience
1989-1998, Institute of Zoology and Botany, Lab. assistant
1998, EAU Institute of Zoology and Botany, Res. Assosiate/PhD student
8.Academic degree bacalaureus
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1989
1. Wetland International Swan Specialist Group- national coordinator
2. Wetland International Seaduck Specialist Group- national coordinator
3. Wetland International Duck Wing Survey- national coordinator
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Pehlak H., Lõhmus A., Kuresoo A., Luigujõe L. 2006. Land-based census of wintering waterfowl: reliability and conservation implications. Waterbirds 29: 76-80.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Ots, M., Leito, A. (2004), - Birds of Lake Võrtsjärv – Lake Võrtsjärv., J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (eds.), Estonian Encyclopedia Publishers, Tallinn, p. 297-315.

Elts, J., Kuresoo, A., Leibak, E., Leito, A., Lilleleht, L., Luigujõe , L., Lõhmus, A., Mägi, E., Ots, M. (2003). - Eesti Lindude Staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine. Hirundo. 2, 2003: 58-83.

Kuresoo, A., Kaisel, K., Luigujõe L. (2003). Tegevuskava niidurüdi Calidris alpina schinzii kaitse korraldamiseks. Eesti Keskkonnaministeerium. 48 lk.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (2003) Rohunepp Gallinago media. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto, 2003, 12 lk.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (2003). Rohunepp ja tema kaitse Eestis. Hirundo. Supplementum 7. 56 p.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Mägi, E. (2003) - Population of garganey and Shoveler in Estonia., Special Publ. OMPO, 21- 42

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L., Ots, M., Leito, A. (2003), - Linnud - Võrtsjärv., J.Haberman, E.Pihu, A.Raukas (toim) Eesti Entsuklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, 2003, 355-373.

Luigujõe L. (2003) - Veelindude tiivad. Haned, Lagled, Luiged. Tartu, Eesti Loodusfoto, 2003

Luigujõe L. 2002. - Kogutud veelinnutiibade analüüsi tulemusi. Eesti Jahimees 9, 20-21.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Leivits A. (2002) - Numbers and Distribution of Whooper Swans Breeding, Wintering and on Migration in Estonia, 1990-2000. Waterbirds 25, Special Publication 1: 61-66.

Kuresoo A., Luigujõe L., Tamm A. (2001). - Population and habitat studies of the Great Snipe (Gallinago media) - flag species of floodplain meadows (Estonia). - Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic 23: 27-41

Luigujõe L. 2001. - Kogutud veelinnutiibade analüüsi tulemusi. Eesti Jahimees 7/8, 48-50.

Luigujõe, L., Kuresoo, A. Birds - Lake Peipsi - flora and fauna. Eds. Pihu, E., Haberman, J. Tartu, 2001, 112-118.

Lõhmus A., Kalamees A., Kuus, A., Kuresoo K., Leito A., Leivits A., Luigujõe L., Ojaste I., Volke V. (2001) - Kaitsekorralduslikult olulised linnuliigid Eesti kaitsealadel ja tähtsatel linnualadel. -Eesti lindude kaitsestaatus, Hirundo Suppl. 4, 37-167.

Pehlak H., Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. 2001. Kesktalvised veelindude loendused Eesti rannavetes 1994-1999. Hirundo 14: 11-26.

Kuresoo, A. & Luigujõe, L. (2000). Great Snipe (Gallinago media) project in Estonia: survey and preliminary results. Newsletter of O.M.P.O. (Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic), 21: 33-38.

Skov H., Vaitkus G., Flensted K.N., Grishanov G., Kalamees A., Kondratyev A., Leivo M., Luigujõe L., Mayr C., Rasmussen J.F., Raudonikis L., Scheller W., Sidlo P.O., Stipniece A., Struwe-Juhl B., Welander B. (2000) - Inventory of coastal and marine Important Bird Areas in the Baltic Sea. BirdLife International, Cambridge: 287 pp.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. & Leito, A. 1999. Autumn migration and important staging sites of waterfowl in Lake Peipsi. Migratory birds of the western Palearctic (OMPO Newsletter) 20, p. 19-25.

Luigujõe L. (1999). - Linnud. Peipsi. E.Pihu, A.Raukas (toim.) : 165-171.

Ojaste I., Luigujõe L., Leito A, Leito T, Kuresoo A., Pehlak H. (1999). - Midwinter waterfowl count in West-Estonia, January 1999. Linnurada., 1: 44-48.

Luigujõe L. (1998). Arctic bird migration and stop-over on lake Peipsi and Lake Pihkva, E Estonia. In: Studies on Arctic Bird Migration in the region of the northern Baltic and White Sea, Helsinki, Finland, 2-4th April 1998, Mauri Leivo ed., Finnish Environmental Institute, 15.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1998). - Saaremaa Island - a winter paradise for waterfowl. Eesti Loodus. 1, 1998: 33-34.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Ader A. & Ots M. (1998). - Birds of the Ropka-Ihaste floodplain meadow in 1992. Hirundo. 1, 1998: 44-49.

Lõhmus A., Kuresoo K., Leibak E., Leito A., Lilleleht V., Kose M., Leivuts A., Luigujõe L., Sellis U. (1998). - Eesti lindude staatus, pesitsusaegne ja talvine arvukus. Hirundo. 2, 1998: 63-83.

Kålås, J. A., Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. & Svartaas, S. (1997). - Morphometrical comparison between Estonian and Norwegian Great Snipes. In: Proceedings Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Biology, Ecology., 46: 115-122.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1997). - Estonian duck wing studies. In: Wings in Waterfowl Research and Management, Proceedings of the second meeting of the IWRB Hunting Research (Wing Studies) Group, Saarbrücken, Germany, 9-10th April 1992, J.HARRADINE ed., Wetlands International, 22-24.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A, Kullapere A, Volke V. (1997). - Midwinter waterfowl count on the Saaremaa, 1994-1997. Linnurada., 1: 17-22.

Atlas of Anatidae Populations in Africa and Western Eurasia (1996). - Marc W.J.van Roomen, Gerard C.Boere (Eds.), Wetlamd International Publication No 41, 336 pp.

Beekman J.H, van Eerden M.R., Mineyev Y.N., Luigujõe.L., Den Hollander H.J. (1996). - Landsat satellite images for detection of submerged macrophytes: In search of potential stop-over feeding sites for Bewick’s Swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) along their migratory route., M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 421-450.

Kuresoo A., Leito A., Luigujõe L. (1996). - Internationally important staging and wintering areas for Anatidae in Estonian coastal and off-shore waters., M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 1331 - 1332.

Kuresoo, A., Luigujõe, L. (1996).- Internationally important coastal and marine waterfowl staging areas in Estonia and their conservation status. In: Waterbirds of the Baltic Region: Strategies for Conservation and Utilization. Proceedings of the First and the Second International Conference of Baltic Sea States, Germany, May 1993, May 1995. H.KALCHREUTER ed., Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 1996, 50-57.

Kuresoo A, Luigujõe L. (1996). - Wetland conservation in Estonia: present situation and future plans. - International Meeting “From research to action plans. Conservation and management of migratory birds in the western palearctic by the year 2000. Bologna, march 15-17, 1996.

Luigujõe L. (1996). - Anseriformes. Identification tables for birdwatchers and hunters., Tartu, Eesti Loodusfoto.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A. (1996). - Waterfowl Hunting in Estonia: Status of Population and Hunting Statistics. In: Waterbirds of the Baltic Region: Strategies for Conservation and Utilization. Proceedings of the First and Second International Conference of Baltic Sea States, Germany, May 1993, May 1995. H.KALCHREUTER ed., Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 58-64.

Luigujõe L., Kuresoo A., Keskpaik J., Ader A., Leito L. (1996). - Migration and staging of the Bewick’s Swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) in Estonia. In: Proceedings of the Anatidae 2000 Conference, Strasbourg, France, 5-9 December 1994, M.BIRKAN, J.van VESSEM, P.HAVET, J.MADSEN, B.TROLLIET & M.MOSER eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, Game Wildl., 13: 451-461.

Leito A., Luigujõe L., Ader A., Ots M. (1995). - Bird Fauna of Osmussaar. Year-book of the Estonian Naturalists Society., Vol.76: 80-105.

Luigujõe L., Keskpaik J. (1995). - Summer assemblies and summer movements of the Common Crane in Estonia. In: Crane Research and Protection in Europe. Proceedings of the Palearctic Crane Workshop in Tallinn, Estonia, September 1989, H.PRANGE ed., Halle-Wittenberg: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 149-155.

last updated: 12.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]