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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Reet |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Laugaste |
3. | Töökoht | EPMÜ Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 23.10.1939 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Riiklik Ülikool 1963, matemaatilka-loodusteaduskond, bioloog-botaanik |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1958-1963 TRÜ üliõpilane 1963-1964 õpetaja Lauka 8-kl. koolis 1964-1967 ZBI aspirant 1967-1974 ZBI nooremteadur 1974 -2004 ZBI vanemteadur alates 2005 PKI vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | bioloogiakandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, 1968 |
10. | Tunnustused | ZBI aukiri 1987 ja 1999 |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Helle Mäemets, DSc, 2005, juh. REET LAUGASTE, Klaus Schmieder, Peeter Nõges. Relationships of the macrophyte vegetation of Estonian lakes with environmental conditions and changes in the course of anthropogenic eutrophication. EPMÜ Helle Mäemets, MSc, 2000, juh. R. Laugaste. Suurtaimestiku muutustest Peipsi järves antropogeense eutrofeerumise erinevail etappidel. EPMÜ ZBI nõukogu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Peipsi järve fütoplankton ja perifüüton, sette ränivetikad; Eesti väikejärvede tüpoloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF4986 Bentilise toiduvõrgustiku ja bentaali-pelagiaali seotuse mõju Peipsi järve ökosüsteemi seisundile (EPMÜ ZBI vanemteadur) 01.01.02-31.12.05 |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Laugaste, R. & Haberman, J. 2005. Seasonality of zoo- and phytoplankton in L. Peipsi (Estonia) as a function of weather conditions. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 54, 1: 18-39 Laugaste, R. & Reunanen, M. 2005. The composition and density of epiphyton on some macrophyte species in a the partly meromictic Lake Verevi. Limnologica, 34. Milius,A., Laugaste,R.,Möls,T.,Haldna,M.,Kangur, K. 2005. Water level and water temperature as factors determining the phytoplankton biomass and nutrient content in Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 54, 1: 5-17. Laugaste, R. & Lessok, K. 2004. Planktonic algae and epiphyton of the littoral in Lake Peipsi, Estonia. Limnologica 34: 90-97. Laugaste, R. & Nõges, P. 2004. Nuisance Alga Gonyostomum Semen: Implications for Its Global Expansion. In: Ramachandra, T.V., Ahalya, N. Rajasekara, C.(eds), Aquatic Ecosystems. Conservation, Restoration and Management. New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore:77-87. Nõges, P., Laugaste, R. & Nõges, T. 2004. Phytoplankton. In: Haberman, J., Pihu, E. & Raukas, A. (eds), Lake Võrtsjärv. Estonian Encyclopaedia Publishers, Tallinn: 217-231. Nõges, T., Tõnno, I., Laugaste, R., Loigu, E. & Skakalski, B. 2004. The impact of changes in nutrient loading on cyanobacterial dominance in Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia). Arch. Hydrobiol. 160, 2: 261-279. Haberman, J.& Laugaste, R. 2003. On the characteristics reflecting the trophic state of large and shallow Estonian lakes (L. Peipsi, L. Võrtsjärv). Hydrobiologia 506/509: 737-744. Kangur, K., Möls, T., Milius, A. & Laugaste, R. 2003. Phytoplankton response to changed nutrient level in Lake Peipsi (Estonia) in 1992-2001. Hydrobiologia 506/509: 265-272. Nõges, T., Nõges, P. & Laugaste, R. 2003. Water level as the mediator between climate change and phytoplankton composition in a large shallow temperate lake. Hydrobiologia 506/509: 257-263. Kangur, K., Milius, A., Möls, T., Laugaste, R. & Haberman, J. 2002. Lake Peipsi: Changes in nutrient elements and plankton communities in the last decade. – Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 5, 3: 363-377. Laugaste, R., Nõges, T., Nõges, P., Jastremskij, V.V., Milius, A. & Ott, I. 2001. Algae. In: Pihu, E. & Haberman, J (eds), Lake Peipsi. Flora and Fauna. Sulemees Publishers, Tartu: 31-49. Laugaste, R. & Yastremskij, V.V. 2000. Role of inflows in the phytoplankton composition of Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 49, 1: 19-33. Ott, I. , Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 1999. Investigations of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems in Estonia. Hydrobiological Research in the Baltic Countries. Part I. Rivers and Lakes. Vilnius: 325-363. Nõges, P., R. Laugaste 1998. Seasonal and long-term changes in phytoplankton of Lake Võrtsjärv. Limnologica, 28, 1: 21-28. Laugaste, R.,Jastremskij, V.V. & Ott, I. 1996. Phytoplankton of Lake Peipsi-Pihkva: species composition, biomass and seasonal dynamics. Hydrobiologia 338: 49-62. Laugaste, R.& Pork, M. 1996. Diatoms of Lake Peipsi-Pihkva: a floristic and ecological review. Hydrobiologia 338: 63-76. Laugaste, R., Ott, I. 1993. Phytoplankton of Lake Yaskhan. Limnologica, 23, 3: 195-214. |
viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Reet |
2. | Surname | Laugaste |
3. | Institution | Estonian Agricultural University, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences |
4. | Position | senior research associate |
5. | Date of birth | 23.10.1939 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu State University in 1963, faculty of mathematics and nature sciences, biologist-botanist |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1958-1963 student in Tartu State University 1963-1964 teacher in Lauka scool, Hiiumaa 1964-1967 IZB, master student 1967-1974 IZB junior research associate 1974 -2004 IZB senior research associate since 2005 senior research associate at EAU |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Estonian Academy of Sciences 1968 |
10. | Honours/awards | Honour certificate of IZB, 1987 and 1999 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Helle Mäemets, DSc, 2005, superv. REET LAUGASTE, Klaus Schmieder, Peeter Nõges. Relationships of the macrophyte vegetation of Estonian lakes with environmental conditions and changes in the course of anthropogenic eutrophication. EPMÜ Helle Mäemets, MSc, 2000, superv. R. Laugaste. Suurtaimestiku muutustest Peipsi järves antropogeense eutrofeerumise erinevail etappidel. EPMÜ ZBI nõukogu |
13. | Current research program | Lake Peipsi, phytoplankton, periphyton and diatoms of sediments; typology of Estonian small lakes |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF4986 The effect of benthic food web and bentic -pelagic coupling on the state of the ecosystem in L. Peipsi ( EAU IZB sen. researcher ) 01.01.02-31.12.05 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Laugaste, R. & Haberman, J. 2005. Seasonality of zoo- and phytoplankton in L. Peipsi (Estonia) as a function of weather conditions. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 54, 1: 18-39 Laugaste, R. & Reunanen, M. 2005. The composition and density of epiphyton on some macrophyte species in a the partly meromictic Lake Verevi. Limnologica, 34. Milius,A., Laugaste,R.,Möls,T.,Haldna,M.,Kangur, K. 2005. Water level and water temperature as factors determining the phytoplankton biomass and nutrient content in Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 54, 1: 5-17. Laugaste, R. & Lessok, K. 2004. Planktonic algae and epiphyton of the littoral in Lake Peipsi, Estonia. Limnologica 34: 90-97. Laugaste, R. & Nõges, P. 2004. Nuisance Alga Gonyostomum Semen: Implications for Its Global Expansion. In: Ramachandra, T.V., Ahalya, N. Rajasekara, C.(eds), Aquatic Ecosystems. Conservation, Restoration and Management. New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore:77-87. Nõges, P., Laugaste, R. & Nõges, T. 2004. Phytoplankton. In: Haberman, J., Pihu, E. & Raukas, A. (eds), Lake Võrtsjärv. Estonian Encyclopaedia Publishers, Tallinn: 217-231. Nõges, T., Tõnno, I., Laugaste, R., Loigu, E. & Skakalski, B. 2004. The impact of changes in nutrient loading on cyanobacterial dominance in Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia). Arch. Hydrobiol. 160, 2: 261-279. Haberman, J.& Laugaste, R. 2003. On the characteristics reflecting the trophic state of large and shallow Estonian lakes (L. Peipsi, L. Võrtsjärv). Hydrobiologia 506/509: 737-744. Kangur, K., Möls, T., Milius, A. & Laugaste, R. 2003. Phytoplankton response to changed nutrient level in Lake Peipsi (Estonia) in 1992-2001. Hydrobiologia 506/509: 265-272. Nõges, T., Nõges, P. & Laugaste, R. 2003. Water level as the mediator between climate change and phytoplankton composition in a large shallow temperate lake. Hydrobiologia 506/509: 257-263. Kangur, K., Milius, A., Möls, T., Laugaste, R. & Haberman, J. 2002. Lake Peipsi: Changes in nutrient elements and plankton communities in the last decade. – Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 5, 3: 363-377. Laugaste, R., Nõges, T., Nõges, P., Jastremskij, V.V., Milius, A. & Ott, I. 2001. Algae. In: Pihu, E. & Haberman, J (eds), Lake Peipsi. Flora and Fauna. Sulemees Publishers, Tartu: 31-49. Laugaste, R. & Yastremskij, V.V. 2000. Role of inflows in the phytoplankton composition of Lake Peipsi. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 49, 1: 19-33. Ott, I. , Laugaste, R., Kõiv, T. 1999. Investigations of biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems in Estonia. Hydrobiological Research in the Baltic Countries. Part I. Rivers and Lakes. Vilnius: 325-363. Nõges, P., R. Laugaste 1998. Seasonal and long-term changes in phytoplankton of Lake Võrtsjärv. Limnologica, 28, 1: 21-28. Laugaste, R.,Jastremskij, V.V. & Ott, I. 1996. Phytoplankton of Lake Peipsi-Pihkva: species composition, biomass and seasonal dynamics. Hydrobiologia 338: 49-62. Laugaste, R.& Pork, M. 1996. Diatoms of Lake Peipsi-Pihkva: a floristic and ecological review. Hydrobiologia 338: 63-76. Laugaste, R., Ott, I. 1993. Phytoplankton of Lake Yaskhan. Limnologica, 23, 3: 195-214. |
last updated: 11.10.2005
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