[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Meelis |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Pärtel |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | professor, botaanika õppetooli juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 03.11.1969 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1999-2001 järeldoktor Kanadas Regina Ülikoolis. 1997 doktorikraad Tartu Ülikoolis. 1994 filosoofialitsentsiaadi kraad Uppsala Ülikoolist. 1993 magistrikraad Tartu Ülikoolis. 1992 lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli bioloogia erialal. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Alates 2002 botaanika professor Tartu Ülikoolis; 1998 - 2002 vanemteadur TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudis; 1994 - 1998 vanemlaborant TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudis; 1988 - 1993 laborant Zooloogia ja botaanika instituudis, Ökoloogiainstituudis ja TÜ botaanika ja ökoloogia instituudis. |
8. | Teaduskraad | Ph.D. |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1997 |
10. | Tunnustused | NATO Science Postdoctoral Fellowship 1999. Eesti riiklik teaduspreemia (Martin Zobeli töörühmas) 1998. ETF grandid alates 1996. Teadustoetus Eesti Teaduste Akadeemialt 1997. Academia Europaea auhind Eesti, Läti ja Leedu noortele teadlastele 1996. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Journal of Vegetation Science toimetaja; Eesti Teadusfondi ekspert; Tartu Ülikooli botaanikaia ja Tallinna botaanikaia teadusnõukogu liige; Rahvusvahelise Taimkatteteaduse Assotsiatsiooni (IAVS) liige, Rootsi Taimegeograafia Seltsi liige, Ameerika Ökoloogiaühingu liige, Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi ja Eesti Pärandkoosluste Kaitse Ühingu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Aveliina Helm, MSc, 2003, juh. Meelis Pärtel. Saaremaa ja Muhu lookoosluste ajalis-ruumiline dünaamika. Tartu Nele Ingerpuu, PhD, 2002, juh. Meelis Pärtel. Bryophyte diversity and vascular plants. Tartu Kadriann Saar, MSc, 1996, juh. Meelis Pärtel. Vilsandi loopealsete liigiline mitmekesisus ja biomass. Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Taimeliikide tunnuste evolutsioon, taimeliikide seos mulla heterogeensusega. Taimekoosluste liigirikkuse evolutsioonils-ajaloolised määratlejad. Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse kaitse planeerimine. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Sihtfinantseeritav teema 0182551s03 "Taimede evolutsioon, mitmekesisus ja levik ning funktsioon ökosüsteemides"; ETF Grant 5503 "Mulla heterogeensus ja liigiline mitmekesisus niidul ja metsa alustaimestikus"; Riikliku programmi "Humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslikud kogud" projekt "TÜ soontaimede herbaariumi taasavamine rahvusvahelisele teadusele"; EU Projekt ALARM: "Assessing Large-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods"; Rootsi Instituudi projekt koostöös Lundi Ülikooliga "Species rich grasslands in the Baltic region: biodiversity, land-use and history". |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Helm, A., Hanski, I. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Slow response of plant species richness to habitat loss and fragmentation. - Ecol. Lett. ##: ###-###. Ingerpuu, N., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Vascular plants facilitated bryophytes in a grassland experiment. - Plant Ecol. 180: 71-77. Puidet, E., Liira, J., Paal, J., Pärtel, M. and Pihu, S. 2005. Morphological variation in eight taxa of Anthyllis vulneraria s. lato (Fabaceae). - Ann. Bot. Fen. 42: 293-304. Pärtel, M., Bruun, H. H. and Sammul, M. 2005. Biodiversity in temperate European grasslands: origin and conservation. - In: Lillak, R., Viiralt, R., Linke, A. and Geherman, V. (eds.), Integrating efficient grassland farming and biodiversity. Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Estonian Grassland Society, pp. 1-14. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Reier, Ü., Tuvi, E.-L., Roosaluste, E., Vellak, A. and Zobel, M. 2005. Grouping and prioritization of vascular plant species for conservation: combining natural rarity and management need. - Biol. Conserv. 123: 271-278. Reier, Ü., Tuvi, E.-L., Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R. and Zobel, M. 2005. Threatened herbaceous species dependent on moderate forest disturbances: a neglected target for ecosystem-based silviculture. - Scand. J. For. Res. ###: ###. Znamenskiy, S., Helm, A. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Threatened alvar grasslands in NW Russia and their relationship to alvars in Estonia. - Biodiv. Conserv. ##: ###. Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. and Pärtel, M. 2004. Maailma liigirikkuse keskmes Kesk-Ameerikas. - Eesti Loodus 55: 204-209. Pärtel, M., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. and Tuvi, E.-L. 2004. Conservation of Northern European plant diversity: the correspondence with soil pH. - Biol. Conserv. 120: 525-531. Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Relationships between species richness patterns in deciduous forests at the northern Estonian limestone escarpment. - J. Veg. Sci. 1 4: 773-780. James, S. E., Pärtel, M., Wilson, S. D. and Peltzer, D. A. 2003. Temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture in grassland and forest. - J. Ecol. 91: 234-239. Pärtel, M. 2003. Liigifondi kontseptsioon ökoloogilistes kooslustes. - In: Frey, T. (ed.), Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. Eesti IX Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid. Eesti Ökoloogiakogu, pp. 255-263. Pärtel, M. and Ingerpuu, N. 2003. Sammalde mitmekesisuse saladused. - In: Kurss, H. and Martinson, H. (eds.), Eesti Teadusfondi Aastraamat 2002 / 2003. Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusfond, pp. 21. Pärtel, M., Püssa, K., Kalamees, R. and Ingerpuu, N. 2003. Pampa rohumaadel, Patagoonia poolkõrbes ja Andide metsades. - Eesti Loodus 54: 114-118. Wilson, S. D. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Extirpation or coexistence? Management goals of a persistent introduced grass in a prairie restoration. - Restoration Ecology 11: 410-416. Helm, A. and Pärtel, M. 2002. Ingerimaa loopealsetel. - Eesti Loodus 53: 108-111. Pärtel, M. 2002. Asjalik raamat Rootsi loopealsetest. - Eesti Loodus 53: 612. Pärtel, M. 2002. Local plant diversity patterns and evolutionary history at the regional scale. - Ecology 83: 2361-2366. Pärtel, M. and Wilson, S. D. 2002. Root dynamics and spatial pattern in prairie and forest. - Ecology 83: 1199-1203. Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T. and Pärtel, M. 2001. Bryophyte and vascular plant species richness in boreo-nemoral moist forests and mires. - Biodiv. Conserv. 10: 2153-2166. Pärtel, M. and Wilson, S. D. 2001. Root and leaf production, mortality and longevity in response to soil heterogeneity. - Funct. Ecol. 15: 748-753. Pärtel, M., Moora, M. and Zobel, M. 2001. Variation in species richness within and between calcareous (alvar) grassland stands: the role of core and satellite species. - Plant Ecol. 157: 203-211. Pärtel, M., Zobel, M., Liira, J. and Zobel, K. 2000. Species richness limitations in productive and oligotrophic plant communities. - Oikos 90: 191-193. Cantero, J. J., Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1999. Is species richness dependent on the neighbouring stands? An analysis of the community patterns in mountain grasslands of central Argentina. - Oikos 87: 346-354. Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1999. Small-scale plant species richness in calcareous grasslands determined by the species pool, community age and shoot density. - Ecography 22: 153-159. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Zobel, M. and Rosén, E. 1999. Alvar grasslands in Estonia: variation in species composition and community structure. - J. Veg. Sci. 10: 561-570. Pärtel, M., Mändla, R. and Zobel, M. 1999. Landscape history of a calcareous (alvar) grassland in Hanila, western Estonia, during the last three hundred years. - Landsc. Ecol. 14: 187-196. Zobel, M., Pilt, I., Moora, M., Pärtel, M. and Liira, J. 1999. Small-scale dynamics of plant communities in an experimentally polluted and fungicide-treated subarctic birch-pine forest. - Acta Oecol. 20: 29-37. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Zobel, M. and Rosén, E. 1998. Restoration of species-rich limestone grassland communities from overgrown land: the importance of propagule availability. - Ecol. Eng. 10: 275-286. Zobel, M., Zobel, K., Pärtel, M., Moora, M. and Liira, J. 1998. Taimede kooselu - miks liigline mitmekesisus looduses varieerub? - In: Engelbrecht, J. (ed.), Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 1998. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, pp. 48-53. Pärtel, M. 1997. Species diversity and community dynamics in calcareous grassland communities in Western Estonia. Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 26. - Tartu University Press. Kont, A., Ratas, U., Puurmann, E., Ainsaar, M., Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1996. Eustatic fluctuations of the World Ocean and their impact on the environment and social life of Estonia. - In: Punning, J. M. (ed.), Estonia in the system of global climate change. Institute of Ecology, pp. 104-122. Pärtel, M., Zobel, M., Zobel, K. and van der Maarel, E. 1996. The species pool and its relation to species richness: evidence from Estonian plant communities. - Oikos 75: 111-117. Zobel, M., Suurkask, M., Rosén, E. and Pärtel, M. 1996. The dynamics of species richness in an experimentally restored calcareous grassland. - J. Veg. Sci. 7: 203-210. Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1995. Small-scale dynamics and species richness in successional alvar plant communities. - Ecography 18: 83-90. Pärtel, M. 1993. Meetod taimekoosluse liigifondi genereerimiseks. - Schola Biotheoretica 19: 35-38. Pärtel, M. and Püttsepp, J. 1993. Alvarite lummuses. - Eesti Loodus 36: 240-241. Pärtel, M. 1990. Suurliblikate faunast Matsalu roostikus ja rannakarjamaal 1987. aastal. - Lepidopteroloogiline informatsioon 5: 11-12. |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Meelis |
2. | Surname | Pärtel |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu |
4. | Position | professor of botany |
5. | Date of birth | 03.11.1969 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Post-doc University of Regina, Canada 1999-2001, Ph.D. University of Tartu, 1997; Fil.lic. Uppsala University 1994; Mag.biol. University of Tartu 1993, Graduating University of Tartu as biologist 1992. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
From 2002 professor of botany at the University of Tartu, 1998 - 2002 senior researcher at the University of Tartu, Institute of Botany and Ecology; 1994 - 1998 senior research assistant at University of Tartu, Institute of Botany and Ecology; 1988 - 1993 research assistant at the Institute of Zoology and Botany, Institute of Ecology and University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1997 |
10. | Honours/awards | NATO Science Postdoctoral Fellowship 1999. Estonian National Prize in Science (work-group of Martin Zobel) 1998. Grants from Estonian Science Foundation from 1996. Research support from the Estonian Academy of Sciences 1997. Academia Europaea prize for young scientist from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1996. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Editor of Journal of Vegetation Science; expert of Estonian Science Foundation; Member of the scientific commitees of botanical gardens in Tartu and Tallinn; Member of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Swedish Phytogeographical Society, Ecological Society of America, Estonian Naturalists' Society, Estonian Semi-natural Community Conservation Association |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Aveliina Helm, MSc, 2003, superv. Meelis Pärtel. Saaremaa ja Muhu lookoosluste ajalis-ruumiline dünaamika. Tartu Nele Ingerpuu, PhD, 2002, superv. Meelis Pärtel. Bryophyte diversity and vascular plants. Tartu Kadriann Saar, MSc, 1996, superv. Meelis Pärtel. Vilsandi loopealsete liigiline mitmekesisus ja biomass. Tartu |
13. | Current research program | Evolution of plant traits, plant species relations to soil heterogeneity. Evolutionary-historical aspects of plant species richness. Planning of biodiversity conservation. |
14. | Current grant funding | Basic research grant 0182551s03 "Plant evolution, diversity and distribution, and function in ecosystems"; ESF grant 5503 "Soil heterogeneity and species diversity in grassland and forest floor plant communities"; National program "Humanitary and natural collections" project "Reopening of the herbarium of UT for international science"; EU Project ALARM: "Assessing Large-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods"; Swedish Institute cooperation project with Lund University "Species rich grasslands in the Baltic region: biodiversity, land-use and history". |
15. | List of most important publications |
Helm, A., Hanski, I. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Slow response of plant species richness to habitat loss and fragmentation. - Ecol. Lett. ##: ###-###. Ingerpuu, N., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Vascular plants facilitated bryophytes in a grassland experiment. - Plant Ecol. 180: 71-77. Puidet, E., Liira, J., Paal, J., Pärtel, M. and Pihu, S. 2005. Morphological variation in eight taxa of Anthyllis vulneraria s. lato (Fabaceae). - Ann. Bot. Fen. 42: 293-304. Pärtel, M., Bruun, H. H. and Sammul, M. 2005. Biodiversity in temperate European grasslands: origin and conservation. - In: Lillak, R., Viiralt, R., Linke, A. and Geherman, V. (eds.), Integrating efficient grassland farming and biodiversity. Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Estonian Grassland Society, pp. 1-14. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Reier, Ü., Tuvi, E.-L., Roosaluste, E., Vellak, A. and Zobel, M. 2005. Grouping and prioritization of vascular plant species for conservation: combining natural rarity and management need. - Biol. Conserv. 123: 271-278. Reier, Ü., Tuvi, E.-L., Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R. and Zobel, M. 2005. Threatened herbaceous species dependent on moderate forest disturbances: a neglected target for ecosystem-based silviculture. - Scand. J. For. Res. ###: ###. Znamenskiy, S., Helm, A. and Pärtel, M. 2005. Threatened alvar grasslands in NW Russia and their relationship to alvars in Estonia. - Biodiv. Conserv. ##: ###. Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. and Pärtel, M. 2004. Maailma liigirikkuse keskmes Kesk-Ameerikas. - Eesti Loodus 55: 204-209. Pärtel, M., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Reier, Ü. and Tuvi, E.-L. 2004. Conservation of Northern European plant diversity: the correspondence with soil pH. - Biol. Conserv. 120: 525-531. Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Relationships between species richness patterns in deciduous forests at the northern Estonian limestone escarpment. - J. Veg. Sci. 1 4: 773-780. James, S. E., Pärtel, M., Wilson, S. D. and Peltzer, D. A. 2003. Temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture in grassland and forest. - J. Ecol. 91: 234-239. Pärtel, M. 2003. Liigifondi kontseptsioon ökoloogilistes kooslustes. - In: Frey, T. (ed.), Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Eesti ökoloogia globaliseeruvas maailmas. Eesti IX Ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid. Eesti Ökoloogiakogu, pp. 255-263. Pärtel, M. and Ingerpuu, N. 2003. Sammalde mitmekesisuse saladused. - In: Kurss, H. and Martinson, H. (eds.), Eesti Teadusfondi Aastraamat 2002 / 2003. Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusfond, pp. 21. Pärtel, M., Püssa, K., Kalamees, R. and Ingerpuu, N. 2003. Pampa rohumaadel, Patagoonia poolkõrbes ja Andide metsades. - Eesti Loodus 54: 114-118. Wilson, S. D. and Pärtel, M. 2003. Extirpation or coexistence? Management goals of a persistent introduced grass in a prairie restoration. - Restoration Ecology 11: 410-416. Helm, A. and Pärtel, M. 2002. Ingerimaa loopealsetel. - Eesti Loodus 53: 108-111. Pärtel, M. 2002. Asjalik raamat Rootsi loopealsetest. - Eesti Loodus 53: 612. Pärtel, M. 2002. Local plant diversity patterns and evolutionary history at the regional scale. - Ecology 83: 2361-2366. Pärtel, M. and Wilson, S. D. 2002. Root dynamics and spatial pattern in prairie and forest. - Ecology 83: 1199-1203. Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T. and Pärtel, M. 2001. Bryophyte and vascular plant species richness in boreo-nemoral moist forests and mires. - Biodiv. Conserv. 10: 2153-2166. Pärtel, M. and Wilson, S. D. 2001. Root and leaf production, mortality and longevity in response to soil heterogeneity. - Funct. Ecol. 15: 748-753. Pärtel, M., Moora, M. and Zobel, M. 2001. Variation in species richness within and between calcareous (alvar) grassland stands: the role of core and satellite species. - Plant Ecol. 157: 203-211. Pärtel, M., Zobel, M., Liira, J. and Zobel, K. 2000. Species richness limitations in productive and oligotrophic plant communities. - Oikos 90: 191-193. Cantero, J. J., Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1999. Is species richness dependent on the neighbouring stands? An analysis of the community patterns in mountain grasslands of central Argentina. - Oikos 87: 346-354. Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1999. Small-scale plant species richness in calcareous grasslands determined by the species pool, community age and shoot density. - Ecography 22: 153-159. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Zobel, M. and Rosén, E. 1999. Alvar grasslands in Estonia: variation in species composition and community structure. - J. Veg. Sci. 10: 561-570. Pärtel, M., Mändla, R. and Zobel, M. 1999. Landscape history of a calcareous (alvar) grassland in Hanila, western Estonia, during the last three hundred years. - Landsc. Ecol. 14: 187-196. Zobel, M., Pilt, I., Moora, M., Pärtel, M. and Liira, J. 1999. Small-scale dynamics of plant communities in an experimentally polluted and fungicide-treated subarctic birch-pine forest. - Acta Oecol. 20: 29-37. Pärtel, M., Kalamees, R., Zobel, M. and Rosén, E. 1998. Restoration of species-rich limestone grassland communities from overgrown land: the importance of propagule availability. - Ecol. Eng. 10: 275-286. Zobel, M., Zobel, K., Pärtel, M., Moora, M. and Liira, J. 1998. Taimede kooselu - miks liigline mitmekesisus looduses varieerub? - In: Engelbrecht, J. (ed.), Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 1998. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, pp. 48-53. Pärtel, M. 1997. Species diversity and community dynamics in calcareous grassland communities in Western Estonia. Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 26. - Tartu University Press. Kont, A., Ratas, U., Puurmann, E., Ainsaar, M., Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1996. Eustatic fluctuations of the World Ocean and their impact on the environment and social life of Estonia. - In: Punning, J. M. (ed.), Estonia in the system of global climate change. Institute of Ecology, pp. 104-122. Pärtel, M., Zobel, M., Zobel, K. and van der Maarel, E. 1996. The species pool and its relation to species richness: evidence from Estonian plant communities. - Oikos 75: 111-117. Zobel, M., Suurkask, M., Rosén, E. and Pärtel, M. 1996. The dynamics of species richness in an experimentally restored calcareous grassland. - J. Veg. Sci. 7: 203-210. Pärtel, M. and Zobel, M. 1995. Small-scale dynamics and species richness in successional alvar plant communities. - Ecography 18: 83-90. Pärtel, M. 1993. Meetod taimekoosluse liigifondi genereerimiseks. - Schola Biotheoretica 19: 35-38. Pärtel, M. and Püttsepp, J. 1993. Alvarite lummuses. - Eesti Loodus 36: 240-241. Pärtel, M. 1990. Suurliblikate faunast Matsalu roostikus ja rannakarjamaal 1987. aastal. - Lepidopteroloogiline informatsioon 5: 11-12. |
last updated: 05.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]