[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Merilaid (Merileid)
2.Perekonnanimi Saava
3.Töökoht Eesti Kardioloogia Instituut(EKardI)
4.Ametikoht toitumise ja ainevahetuse osakonna juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 10.09.1941 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1965 Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond, ravi eriala (cum laude);
1965-67 Eksperimentaalse ja Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut (EKMI), biokeemia ordinatuur;
1967-70 EKMI aspirantuur biokeemia erialal;
Paljud täenduskursused, -koolitused, seminarid ja osavõtud/esinemised rahvusvahelistest kongressidest/konverentsidest biokeemia, toitumise, vitaminoloogia, preventiivse kardioloogia, epidemioloogia, ateroskleroosi, tervisepoliitika, meditsiinieetika jm. erialadel.
7.Teenistuskäik 1970-74 EKMI noorem teaduslik töötaja biokeemia laboratooriumis,
alates 1974 vanem teaduslik töötaja (teaduslik kutse 1977) toitumise ja ainevahetuse osakonnas;
1984-86 Kardioloogia TU Instituudi vanemteadur ja töörühma juht;
1986 kuni k.a. EKardI toitumise ja ainevahetuse osakonna juhataja;
1993-1996 Euroopa Ateroskleroosi teadusliku uurimisgrupi (EARS II)kohalik juht;
alates 1977 siht-teadus ja 90-datestgrandi-teemade juht ja põhitäitja
8.Teaduskraad meditsiinikandidaat
biokeemia erialal;
vanem teaduslik töötaja (=dotsendi kutse)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool 1971;
Moskva Kõrgema Atestatsiooni Komitee 1977
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia asrtiteaduste alal 1996
ja –administratiivne
Teadussekretär alates 1991 ja EKardI Teadusnõukogu liige (1984)ning sekretär;
Tallinna Meditsiinieetika Komitee liige alates 1993 ja Eesti Bioeetika Nõukogu liige 1998-2000;
Euroopa Ateroskleroosi Teadusliku Uurimise (EARS II) Grupi liige ja kohalik juht Eesti uuringu lõigus (1993-96).
Ekspert mitmetes toitumise ja tervisedenduse projektides;
vastutav täitja ja teadusprojektide ning grantide juht; üle 300 teaduspublikatsiooni.
Varematel aegadel Üleliidulise Gerontoloogia ja Geriaatria Seltsi juhatuse liige ja mitmete Moskva Toitumisinstituudi probleem-komisjonide liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Karin Lilienberg, MSc, 2002, juh. Merilaid Saava. Antropomeetrilised näitajad ja nende seosed vereplasma lipiidide ning arteriaalse vererõhuga Tallinna kooliõpilaste uuringute alusel aastatel 1984-86 ja 1998-99. Magistritöö rahvatervises.Tartu 2002,104 lk.. Tartu Ülikool

Inna Tur, cand, 1990, juh. Merilaid Saava (ametlik konsultant). Predvestniki ateroskleroza u schkolnikov Tallinna. Avtoreferat kand. med.nauk. 1990, 26 str. (Ateroskleroosi prekursorid Tallinna kooliõpilastel). Moskva

Virve Viikmäe (Juhannesovna), cand, 1975, juh. Merilaid Saava (ametlik konsultant). Pokazateli belkovogo obmena i silõ mõšz u sportsmenov skorostno-silovõh vidov na fone razlitšnogo pitanija. Avtoreferat na soiskanije utšenoi stepeni kandidata biologitšeskih hauk. Tartu, 1975, 35 str.. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Tervishoid (toitumine, eluviis, riskitegurid), populatsiooni uuringud, preventiivne kardioloogia, keskkonna ja pärilikud riskitegurid ateroskleroosi arengus , biokeemia (lipidoloogia, vitaminoloogia jm.); gerontoloogia (vananemine ja toitumine,riksitegurid); antropoloogia (vanuselised soolised ja rahvuselised erinevused)
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr.5720 "Riskitegurid, toitumine ja vananemine (epidemioloogiline 65-74-aastaste naiste uuring)", 2004-2006

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico L. Risk to malnutrition of the elderly population in Tallinn.(esitatud teadusartikkel). Papers of Anthropology XV , 2006

Shipilova T,., Pshenitchnokov I., Kaik, J., Abina, J., Solodkaya, E., Saava, M. Left ventricular Hypertrophy, hypertension and obesity in Tallinn population. Abstracts “EuroPrevent 2006, Athens, Greece 11-13 May. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 2006, vol. 13 (suppl.1):S14-S32, 035.

Tervisekäsiraamatu “Tervise ABC” koostamiseks käsikiri (M.Saava esitas mitmed pt.) esitatud OÜ Kirjastusele Valgus

Vaask, S., Liebert, T., Maser, M., Pappel, K., Pitsi, T., Saava, M., Sooba,. E., Vihalemm, T., Villa, I. Rohkem tähelepanu toitumisele (ülevaate artikkel), Eesti Arst 2006; 85(4): 313-317.

Abina, J., Volozh,O., Solodkaya,E., ::Saava, M.,.. Blood pressure trends in different social groups in Estonia. Journal of Hypertension 23:S295-S295. Suppl.2. Jun2005

Abina,J., Volozh, O., Solodkaya, E, Saavam M.,.... (2005) Ethnic differences in coronary heart disease in the male population of Tallinn (Estonia): 15 years trends. Journal of Hypertension 23:S186-S186. Suppl.2. Jun2005

Eesti toitumis- ja toidusoovitused,ETTS, 2005. (Koostajad:Vaask, S., Liebert, T., Maser, M., Pappel, K., Pitsi, T., Saava, M., Sooba,. E., Vihalemm, T., Villa, I.)

Murphy, M.J., Nicaud, V., Martin, B.C., O’Reilly, D.St.J.; European Atherosclerosis Research Study EARS Group (as corporate author M. Saava, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, recruitment centre) (2005). The glucose response to an oral fat tolerance test in young men with a parenteral history of premature myocardial infarction: possible early indication of insulin resistance. The EARS 2 study. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 42(5):382-386.

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico, L. (2005) Anthropometric assessment of elderly women in relation to risk of cardio-vascular diseases (epidemiological study of female population aged 65-74). Papers of Anthropology, 2005, 14, 295-307.(ISSN 1406-0140,international editorial board, indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER)

Saava, M. Dieetide võrdlus südamehaiguste riski ja kaalu vähendamise seisukohast, Lege Artis, 2005, nr. 3 (38), lk.24-25

Waterworth, D.M., Jansen, H., Nicaud, V., Humphries, S.E., Talmud, P.J; on behalf of the EARSII study group (as corporate author M. Saava, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, recruitment centre) (2005) Interaction between insulin (VNTR) and hepatic lipase (LIPC-514-T) variants on the response to an oral glucose tolerance test in the EARS II group of young healthy men. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2005 Jun 10; 1740 (3):375-381.

Jansen, H., Waterworth, D.M., Nicaud, V., Ehnholm, C., Talmud, P.J. (Estonia: M. Saava, K. Aasvee, Dept. of Nutrition and Metabolism, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, Tallinn, recruitment centre) (2004) Interaction of the common apolipoprotein C-III (APOC3 –482C > T) and hepatic lipase (LIPC –514C > T) promoter variants affects glucose tolerance in young adults. European Atherosclerosis Research Study II (EARS-II). Annals of Human Genetics, 2004, 65(Issue 3):237-243.

Putt. W., Palmen, J., Nicaud, V., Tahri-Daizadeh, N., Flavell, DM, Humphries,SE, Talmud, PJ on behalf of the EARS II Group s.h. EKARDI Saava, M. (2004) Variation in USF1 shows haplotype effects, gene:gene and gene:environment associations with glucose and lipid parameters in the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Human Molecular Genetics, 2004, 12 (15), 1587-1597.

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane P., Tchaico, L., Belova V. (2004) Nutritional status and main risk factors for cardiovascular sisease in various ethnic groups of the elderly male population in Tallinn. Papers on Anthropology, 2004, 13: 214-225. (ISSN 1406-0140; indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER)

Abina, J., Volozh, O., Solodkaya, E., & Saava, M. (2003). Blood Pressure and Contributing Factors in Inhabitants of Estonia: 15-Year Trends. Blood Pressure, 12(2), 111-121.

Saava, M., Laane, P., Abina, J., Villo N: (2003) Anthropometric assessment of elderly men aged 64-69 in relation to atherogenic metabolic indices (epidemiological study in Tallinn 2002-2003). Papers of Anthropology, 2003, 12:219-228.

Deakin, S., Leviev, I., Nicaud, V., Meynet, M. C. B., Tiret, L., James, R. W., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). Paraoxonase-1 L55M polymorphism is associated with an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test and differentiates high risk coronary disease families. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 87(3), 1268-1273.

K.Lilienbergi (Juhendaja M.Saava) teadusmagistri väitekiri rahvatervises teemal “Antropomeetrilised näitajad ja nende seosed vereplasma lipiidide ning arteriaalse vererõhuga Tallinna kooliõpilaste uuringute alusel aastatel 1084-86 ja 1998-99”, Tartu, 2002, 104 lk.

Nicaud, V., Raoux, S., Poirier, O., Cambien, F., O'reilly, D. S., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). The TNF alpha/G-308A polymorphism offspring of patients with influences insulin sensitivity in coronary heart disease The European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Atherosclerosis, 161(2), 317-325.

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R. (2002) Nutritional assessment of elderly people in nursing house and at home in Tallinn. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 6 (1), 93-95. (An INternational Journal, indexed in EXCERPTA MEDICA (EMBASE and BIOBASE), in Mental Kealth Abstracts, Abstracts in Social Gerontology:Current LIterature on Aging, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts) Cited by Scopus: 2 times)

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R.(2002) Nutrition of elderly people in Merivälja nursing home. Papers on Anthropology XI, Tartu 2002: 200-206.

Šipilova, t., Pšenitšnikov, i., Laane, P., Kaik, J., Saava, M., Abramova, L., Udras, A., Zolotarjova, N., Kalle I. (2002) Statiinravi: kliiniline kogemus atorvasvatatiiniga. Eesti Arst, 2002, 8:26-30.

Talmud, P. J., Palmen, J., Nicaud, V., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). Association of the hormone sensitive lipase -60C > G variant with fasting insulin levels in healthy young men. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 12(4), 173-177.

Volozh O., Abina J., Solodkaja E., Kaup R., Goldsteine G., Saava M.(2002) Tallinlaste südame- ja veresoonkonnahaiguste riskitegurid sajandivahetusel. 15 aasta trendid. Eesti Arst, 2002; 3:134-141.

Lilienberg, K., Saava M.(2001) Antropomeetriliste näitajate trendid Tallinna 14-aastastel kooliõpilastel /Trends in the anthropometrical data of 14-year-old Tallinn schoolchildren/ Eesti Antropomeetria Aastaraamat 2001 /Yearbook of the Estonian Anthropometric Register 2001/ Tartu, 2001,110-115.

Lilienberg,K., Saava M. (2001) Trends in dietary habits of families of schoolchildren in Tallinn over 10 year period (1988-89 and 1998-99). “Food and Nutrition IX” , Tallinn, 2001, Tallinn Technical University, TTÜ Kirjastus, 33-40.

Lilienberg, K., Saava M. (2000) The correlation of anthropometric characteristics of Tallinn schoolchildren with blood plasma lipids and arterial blood pressure. Yearbook of the Estonian Anthropometric Register2000. / Eesti Antropomeetria Aastaraamat 2000/, Tartu, 2000, 49-55.

Poirier, O., Nicaud, V., Cambien, F., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2000). The Pro12Ala polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 2 gene is not associated with postprandial responses to glucose or fat tolerance tests in young healthy subjects: the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Journal of Molecular Medicine-Jmm, 78(6), 346-351.

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R. (2000) Composition of the diet in Merivälja nursing home in 2000 and 1978. Food and Nutrition VIII. Tallinn 2000: 15-21.

Saava, M., Lilienberg, K. (2000) Anthropometric data, their correlation to plasma lipids and blood pressure in schoolchildren of Tallinn (1998-1999). Papers of Anthropology IX. Tartu 2000: 178-84.

Saava, M., Lilienberg, K. (2000) Dietary habits and some socio-economic factors in Estonian and Russian families. Food and Nutrition VIII. Tallinn 2000: 22-28.

Tiret, L., Gerdes, C., Murphy, M. J., Dallongeville, J., Nicaud, V., O'reilly, D. S. J., Beisiegel, U., De Backer, G., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2000). Postprandial response to a fat tolerance test in young adults with a paternal history of premature coronary heart disease - the EARS II study. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 30(7), 578-585.

Dallongeville, J., Tiret, L., Visvikis, S., O'reilly, D. S. J., Saava, M., Tsitouris, G., Rosseneu, M., Debacker, G., Humphries, S. E., & Beisiegel, U. (1999). Effect of Apo E Phenotype on Plasma Postprandial Triglyceride Levels in Young Male Adults With and Without a Familial History of Myocardial Infarction: the EARS II Study. Atherosclerosis, 145(2), 381-388. (Scopus:Cited 23 times)

Fisher, R. M., Burke, H., Nicaud, V., Ehnholm, C., Humphries, S. E., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Effect of variation in the apo A-IV gene on body mass index and fasting and postprandial lipids in the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Journal of Lipid Research, 40(2), 287-294.

Gudnason, V., Kakko, S., Nicaud, V., Savolainen, M. J., Kesaniemi, Y. A., Tahvanainen, E., Humphries, S., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene effect on CETP activity and plasma high-density lipoprotein in European populations. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 29(2), 116-128.

Jansen, H., Chu, G., Ehnholm, C., Dallongeville, J., Nicaud, V., Talmud, P. J., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). The T allele of the hepatic lipase promoter variant C-480T is associated with increased easting lipids and HDL and increased preprandial and postprandial LpCIII : B - European Atherosclerosis Research Study (EARS) II. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 19(2), 303-308.

Waterworth, D. M., Ribalta, J., Nicaud, V., Dallongeville, J., Humphries, S. E., Talmud, P., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, & Saava, M. (1999). ApoCIII gene variants modulate postprandial response to both glucose and fat tolerance tests. Circulation, 99(14), 1872-1877.

Dallongeville, J., Tiret, L., Visvikis, S.,... Saava,M., et al. Effect of apoEphenotype on postprandial triglycerides levels in young male with and without a familiar history of myocardial infarction:The EARS II study. Atherosclerosis 134 (1-2):85-85. Sp.Iss. SI oct.1997

Saava, M., Aasvee, K., Tchaiko, L. Atherosckerosis risk factors and nutrition of male students with the paternal premature myocardial infarction. Atherisclerosis 134 (1-2): 169-169. Sp.Iss. SI Oct 1997

Volozh, O., Saava, M., Tur, I., Solodkaya, E., Galperina, T., Abina, J., Olferiev, A., (1995)Ethnic differences in coronary heart disease risk factors in Estonia. Cardiovascular Risk Factors,1995, 5, 5, 305-310. (Cited 6 times)

Tubol , I.B., Saava, M.E., Kuzakhmedova, R.S., Bykova, I.S., Kondakova, L.D., Olfer*ev, A.M., Tut, I.P.,,(...), Gakova, E.I. (1993) The regional characteristics of the blood plasma lipid levels and uf the indices of arterial pressure and physical development in schoolchildren of Russian nationality living in different climato-geographic areas (based on the data from a single study in Ashgabad, Moscow, Oremburg, Tyumen and Tallinn) (1993).( in Russian language) Terapevtichesii arkhiv, 65, 1, 17-20.

Tellmann, A.Kh.,Saava, M.E., Aasvee, K.E.(1992) Effect of prophylactic vitamin administration to Tallinn's schoolchildren on their health and physical development (Russian). Vopr Pitan, 1992, May-Jun (3), 36-40.

Volozh, O.I., Saava, M.E., Tur, I.P., Solodkaya, E.S., Neilinn, K.I., Tagger, Yu,Kh., Galperina, T.N., (....), Burlutsky, G.I. (1991) Risk factors of doronary heart diseas4e and atherisclerosis in Tallinn inhabtants: relation to age, sex and ethnic origin (a population study). Kardiologiya, 31,7, 20-24.

Zhukovskii, G.S., Il'chenko, I.N., Tubol, I.B., Tur, I.P., Saava, M.E., Feisukhanova, D.V., Dorofeeva, T.G., Neilinn, K.U. (1990) The regional characterustics of the prevalence of elevated arterial pressure in the schoolchildren of MOscow, Tallinn and Novosibisrsk (a cooperative study) (in Russian). Terapevticheskii arkhiv, 62, 8, 60-64.

Oganov, R.G., Tubol, I.B., Zhukovskii, G.S., Perova, N.V., Ilchenko, I.N., Saava, M.E., Tur, I.P.,,(...), Dorofeeva, T.G. (1988) Epidemiological characteristics of dyslipopriteinaenia and certain other risk factors of atherisclerosis and ischaemic heart disease in 11- and 14-year children in different climatogeografic zones. Results of a cooperative study. Cor et Vasa 30, 4, 248-256.

Tubol, I.B., Feizukhanova, D.V., Saava, M.E., et al. Comparative assessment of blood-lipids, arterial blood-pressure and physical development of chuildren in different regions and climates of USSR. Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskih Nauk SSSR (10): 75-84, 1988. Cited :8

Saava, M.E.,Vagane, E.P., Niit, M.J. (1987) Metabolism and nutrition of young children in a children's home.(Russian) Vopr Pitan, 1987, (3), 35-38.

viimati muudetud: 13.06.2006

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Merilaid (Merileid)
2.Surname Saava
3.Institution Estonian Institute of Cardiology (EIC)
4.Position Head of the Department of Nutrition&Metabolism
5.Date of birth 10.09.1941 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1965 MD, Tartu University Medical Faculty (cum laude);
1965-67 Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, biochemistry-ordinature (IECM);
1967-70 IECM post-graduate student (medical biochemistry);
Various courses, seminars and participation in congresses/conferences on biochemistry, nutrition,vitaminology, preventive cardiology, epidemiology, atherosclerosis, health-policy, medical ethics a.o.
7.Research and
professional experience
1970-74 jun.researcher at the Institute of Experim&Clinical Medicine (IECM),
1974-83 sen. researcher and group leader of dept. of Nutrition&Metabolism,
1984-86 sen. researcher and group leader at the Estonian Institute of Cardiology, beginning from 1986 up to now the head of dept. of Nutrition and Metabolism;
local manager and leading investigaror of EARS II,
leader of basic-financed and grant-projects;
8.Academic degree PhD, MedSc in the field of biochemistry,
senior researcher (=Docent)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tartu University 1971, confirmed by Higher Certification Committee confirmed 1977 Moscow HCC
10.Honours/awards State science award (in medical sciences) of the Republic of Estonia, 1996
Learned secretary (since 1991) and member of Scientific Committee (1984) of the EIC; member of Tallinn Committee of Medical Ethics (since 1993), Estonian Bioethical Council (1998-2000), member of Baltic Commission on Atherosclerosis; Member of European Atherosclerosis Research Study Group (EARS II) and local manager in the part of Estonian research (1993-96). Expert in nutrition for some health development projects;
main researcher and project leader of a score of departments’ projects, grant-holder; more than 300 publications.
In former Soviet times a member of the Board of the All-Union Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics and member and expert of some programme-committees of Moscow Nutrition Institute.
12.Supervised dissertations

Karin Lilienberg, MSc, 2002, superv. Merilaid Saava. Antropomeetrilised näitajad ja nende seosed vereplasma lipiidide ning arteriaalse vererõhuga Tallinna kooliõpilaste uuringute alusel aastatel 1984-86 ja 1998-99. Magistritöö rahvatervises.Tartu 2002,104 lk.. Tartu Ülikool

Inna Tur, cand, 1990, superv. Merilaid Saava (ametlik konsultant). Predvestniki ateroskleroza u schkolnikov Tallinna. Avtoreferat kand. med.nauk. 1990, 26 str. (Ateroskleroosi prekursorid Tallinna kooliõpilastel). Moskva

Virve Viikmäe (Juhannesovna), cand, 1975, superv. Merilaid Saava (ametlik konsultant). Pokazateli belkovogo obmena i silõ mõšz u sportsmenov skorostno-silovõh vidov na fone razlitšnogo pitanija. Avtoreferat na soiskanije utšenoi stepeni kandidata biologitšeskih hauk. Tartu, 1975, 35 str.. Tartu

13.Current research program Public health (nutrition, life style, risk factors), population studies, preventive cardiology; environmental and genetic risk factors of atherosclerosis; biochemistry (lipidology, vitaminology a.o.); gerontology (nutrition and aging,risk factors); anthropology (age, gender and ethnic differences)
14.Current grant funding ECF grand no. 5720 "Risk factors and nutrition in aging (an epidemiological study of female population aged 64-75)", 2004-2006
15.List of most important publications

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico L. Risk to malnutrition of the elderly population in Tallinn.(esitatud teadusartikkel). Papers of Anthropology XV , 2006

Shipilova T,., Pshenitchnokov I., Kaik, J., Abina, J., Solodkaya, E., Saava, M. Left ventricular Hypertrophy, hypertension and obesity in Tallinn population. Abstracts “EuroPrevent 2006, Athens, Greece 11-13 May. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 2006, vol. 13 (suppl.1):S14-S32, 035.

Tervisekäsiraamatu “Tervise ABC” koostamiseks käsikiri (M.Saava esitas mitmed pt.) esitatud OÜ Kirjastusele Valgus

Vaask, S., Liebert, T., Maser, M., Pappel, K., Pitsi, T., Saava, M., Sooba,. E., Vihalemm, T., Villa, I. Rohkem tähelepanu toitumisele (ülevaate artikkel), Eesti Arst 2006; 85(4): 313-317.

Abina, J., Volozh,O., Solodkaya,E., ::Saava, M.,.. Blood pressure trends in different social groups in Estonia. Journal of Hypertension 23:S295-S295. Suppl.2. Jun2005

Abina,J., Volozh, O., Solodkaya, E, Saavam M.,.... (2005) Ethnic differences in coronary heart disease in the male population of Tallinn (Estonia): 15 years trends. Journal of Hypertension 23:S186-S186. Suppl.2. Jun2005

Eesti toitumis- ja toidusoovitused,ETTS, 2005. (Koostajad:Vaask, S., Liebert, T., Maser, M., Pappel, K., Pitsi, T., Saava, M., Sooba,. E., Vihalemm, T., Villa, I.)

Murphy, M.J., Nicaud, V., Martin, B.C., O’Reilly, D.St.J.; European Atherosclerosis Research Study EARS Group (as corporate author M. Saava, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, recruitment centre) (2005). The glucose response to an oral fat tolerance test in young men with a parenteral history of premature myocardial infarction: possible early indication of insulin resistance. The EARS 2 study. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 42(5):382-386.

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico, L. (2005) Anthropometric assessment of elderly women in relation to risk of cardio-vascular diseases (epidemiological study of female population aged 65-74). Papers of Anthropology, 2005, 14, 295-307.(ISSN 1406-0140,international editorial board, indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER)

Saava, M. Dieetide võrdlus südamehaiguste riski ja kaalu vähendamise seisukohast, Lege Artis, 2005, nr. 3 (38), lk.24-25

Waterworth, D.M., Jansen, H., Nicaud, V., Humphries, S.E., Talmud, P.J; on behalf of the EARSII study group (as corporate author M. Saava, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, recruitment centre) (2005) Interaction between insulin (VNTR) and hepatic lipase (LIPC-514-T) variants on the response to an oral glucose tolerance test in the EARS II group of young healthy men. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2005 Jun 10; 1740 (3):375-381.

Jansen, H., Waterworth, D.M., Nicaud, V., Ehnholm, C., Talmud, P.J. (Estonia: M. Saava, K. Aasvee, Dept. of Nutrition and Metabolism, Estonian Institute of Cardiology, Tallinn, recruitment centre) (2004) Interaction of the common apolipoprotein C-III (APOC3 –482C > T) and hepatic lipase (LIPC –514C > T) promoter variants affects glucose tolerance in young adults. European Atherosclerosis Research Study II (EARS-II). Annals of Human Genetics, 2004, 65(Issue 3):237-243.

Putt. W., Palmen, J., Nicaud, V., Tahri-Daizadeh, N., Flavell, DM, Humphries,SE, Talmud, PJ on behalf of the EARS II Group s.h. EKARDI Saava, M. (2004) Variation in USF1 shows haplotype effects, gene:gene and gene:environment associations with glucose and lipid parameters in the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Human Molecular Genetics, 2004, 12 (15), 1587-1597.

Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane P., Tchaico, L., Belova V. (2004) Nutritional status and main risk factors for cardiovascular sisease in various ethnic groups of the elderly male population in Tallinn. Papers on Anthropology, 2004, 13: 214-225. (ISSN 1406-0140; indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER)

Abina, J., Volozh, O., Solodkaya, E., & Saava, M. (2003). Blood Pressure and Contributing Factors in Inhabitants of Estonia: 15-Year Trends. Blood Pressure, 12(2), 111-121.

Saava, M., Laane, P., Abina, J., Villo N: (2003) Anthropometric assessment of elderly men aged 64-69 in relation to atherogenic metabolic indices (epidemiological study in Tallinn 2002-2003). Papers of Anthropology, 2003, 12:219-228.

Deakin, S., Leviev, I., Nicaud, V., Meynet, M. C. B., Tiret, L., James, R. W., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). Paraoxonase-1 L55M polymorphism is associated with an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test and differentiates high risk coronary disease families. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 87(3), 1268-1273.

K.Lilienbergi (Juhendaja M.Saava) teadusmagistri väitekiri rahvatervises teemal “Antropomeetrilised näitajad ja nende seosed vereplasma lipiidide ning arteriaalse vererõhuga Tallinna kooliõpilaste uuringute alusel aastatel 1084-86 ja 1998-99”, Tartu, 2002, 104 lk.

Nicaud, V., Raoux, S., Poirier, O., Cambien, F., O'reilly, D. S., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). The TNF alpha/G-308A polymorphism offspring of patients with influences insulin sensitivity in coronary heart disease The European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Atherosclerosis, 161(2), 317-325.

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R. (2002) Nutritional assessment of elderly people in nursing house and at home in Tallinn. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 6 (1), 93-95. (An INternational Journal, indexed in EXCERPTA MEDICA (EMBASE and BIOBASE), in Mental Kealth Abstracts, Abstracts in Social Gerontology:Current LIterature on Aging, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts) Cited by Scopus: 2 times)

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R.(2002) Nutrition of elderly people in Merivälja nursing home. Papers on Anthropology XI, Tartu 2002: 200-206.

Šipilova, t., Pšenitšnikov, i., Laane, P., Kaik, J., Saava, M., Abramova, L., Udras, A., Zolotarjova, N., Kalle I. (2002) Statiinravi: kliiniline kogemus atorvasvatatiiniga. Eesti Arst, 2002, 8:26-30.

Talmud, P. J., Palmen, J., Nicaud, V., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2002). Association of the hormone sensitive lipase -60C > G variant with fasting insulin levels in healthy young men. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 12(4), 173-177.

Volozh O., Abina J., Solodkaja E., Kaup R., Goldsteine G., Saava M.(2002) Tallinlaste südame- ja veresoonkonnahaiguste riskitegurid sajandivahetusel. 15 aasta trendid. Eesti Arst, 2002; 3:134-141.

Lilienberg, K., Saava M.(2001) Antropomeetriliste näitajate trendid Tallinna 14-aastastel kooliõpilastel /Trends in the anthropometrical data of 14-year-old Tallinn schoolchildren/ Eesti Antropomeetria Aastaraamat 2001 /Yearbook of the Estonian Anthropometric Register 2001/ Tartu, 2001,110-115.

Lilienberg,K., Saava M. (2001) Trends in dietary habits of families of schoolchildren in Tallinn over 10 year period (1988-89 and 1998-99). “Food and Nutrition IX” , Tallinn, 2001, Tallinn Technical University, TTÜ Kirjastus, 33-40.

Lilienberg, K., Saava M. (2000) The correlation of anthropometric characteristics of Tallinn schoolchildren with blood plasma lipids and arterial blood pressure. Yearbook of the Estonian Anthropometric Register2000. / Eesti Antropomeetria Aastaraamat 2000/, Tartu, 2000, 49-55.

Poirier, O., Nicaud, V., Cambien, F., Tiret, L., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2000). The Pro12Ala polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 2 gene is not associated with postprandial responses to glucose or fat tolerance tests in young healthy subjects: the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Journal of Molecular Medicine-Jmm, 78(6), 346-351.

Saava, M., Kisper-Hint, I.-R. (2000) Composition of the diet in Merivälja nursing home in 2000 and 1978. Food and Nutrition VIII. Tallinn 2000: 15-21.

Saava, M., Lilienberg, K. (2000) Anthropometric data, their correlation to plasma lipids and blood pressure in schoolchildren of Tallinn (1998-1999). Papers of Anthropology IX. Tartu 2000: 178-84.

Saava, M., Lilienberg, K. (2000) Dietary habits and some socio-economic factors in Estonian and Russian families. Food and Nutrition VIII. Tallinn 2000: 22-28.

Tiret, L., Gerdes, C., Murphy, M. J., Dallongeville, J., Nicaud, V., O'reilly, D. S. J., Beisiegel, U., De Backer, G., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (2000). Postprandial response to a fat tolerance test in young adults with a paternal history of premature coronary heart disease - the EARS II study. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 30(7), 578-585.

Dallongeville, J., Tiret, L., Visvikis, S., O'reilly, D. S. J., Saava, M., Tsitouris, G., Rosseneu, M., Debacker, G., Humphries, S. E., & Beisiegel, U. (1999). Effect of Apo E Phenotype on Plasma Postprandial Triglyceride Levels in Young Male Adults With and Without a Familial History of Myocardial Infarction: the EARS II Study. Atherosclerosis, 145(2), 381-388. (Scopus:Cited 23 times)

Fisher, R. M., Burke, H., Nicaud, V., Ehnholm, C., Humphries, S. E., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Effect of variation in the apo A-IV gene on body mass index and fasting and postprandial lipids in the European Atherosclerosis Research Study II. Journal of Lipid Research, 40(2), 287-294.

Gudnason, V., Kakko, S., Nicaud, V., Savolainen, M. J., Kesaniemi, Y. A., Tahvanainen, E., Humphries, S., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene effect on CETP activity and plasma high-density lipoprotein in European populations. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 29(2), 116-128.

Jansen, H., Chu, G., Ehnholm, C., Dallongeville, J., Nicaud, V., Talmud, P. J., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, Saava, M., & Aasvee, K. (1999). The T allele of the hepatic lipase promoter variant C-480T is associated with increased easting lipids and HDL and increased preprandial and postprandial LpCIII : B - European Atherosclerosis Research Study (EARS) II. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 19(2), 303-308.

Waterworth, D. M., Ribalta, J., Nicaud, V., Dallongeville, J., Humphries, S. E., Talmud, P., EARS group s.h. EKARDI, & Saava, M. (1999). ApoCIII gene variants modulate postprandial response to both glucose and fat tolerance tests. Circulation, 99(14), 1872-1877.

Dallongeville, J., Tiret, L., Visvikis, S.,... Saava,M., et al. Effect of apoEphenotype on postprandial triglycerides levels in young male with and without a familiar history of myocardial infarction:The EARS II study. Atherosclerosis 134 (1-2):85-85. Sp.Iss. SI oct.1997

Saava, M., Aasvee, K., Tchaiko, L. Atherosckerosis risk factors and nutrition of male students with the paternal premature myocardial infarction. Atherisclerosis 134 (1-2): 169-169. Sp.Iss. SI Oct 1997

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last updated: 13.06.2006

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