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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Vallo
2.Perekonnanimi Volke
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Astiteaduskond, füsioloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 30.04.1971 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskond, ravi eriala 1995 a.
7.Teenistuskäik 2003 vanemteadur, füsioloogia instituut
alates 1999 teadur, füsioloogia instituut
8.Teaduskraad meditsiinidoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1999
10.Tunnustused EV riiklik teaduspreemia meditsiiniteadustes 2004
ja –administratiivne
Bioloogilise Psühhiaatria sektsiooni juhatuse liige, Eesti Füsioloogia Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Sirli Raud, PhD, 2005, juh. Eero Vasar, Vallo Volke. Cholecystokinin-2 receptor deficient mice: changes in function of GABA-ergic system. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad NO, neuropeptiidide ja serotoniini roll kesknärvisüsteemis
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6081 L-arginiini rajad ajus ja antidepressantide toime
NATO collaborative linkage grant LST.CGL.980462 (2004-2005)

Wegener, G., Bandpey, Z., Heiberg, I. L., Volke, V., Trabace, L., Rosenberg, R., & Harvey, B. H. (2004). Combined chronic treatment with citalopram and lithium does not modify the regional neurochemistry of nitric oxide in rat brain. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 55(3), 575-586.

Raud, S., Rünkorg, K., Veraksits, A., Reimets, A., Nelovkov, A., Abramov, U., Matsui, T., Bourin, M., Volke, V., Kõks, S., & Vasar, E. (2003). Targeted Mutation of Cck2 Receptor Gene Modifies the Behavioural Effects of Diazepam in Female Mice. Psychopharmacology, 168(4), 417-425.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., Bourin, M., & Vasar, E. (2003). Antidepressant- and Anxiolytic-Like Effects of Selective Neuronal Nos Inhibitor 1-(2-Trifluoromethylphenyl)-Imidazole in Mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 140(1-2), 141-147.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., & Vasar, E. (2003). Augmentation of the No-Cgmp Cascade Induces Anxiogenic-Like Effect in Mice. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 54(4), 653-660.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., Harvey, B. H., & Rosenberg, R. (2003). Local, but Not Systemic, Administration of Serotonergic Antidepressants Decreases Hippocampal Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity. Brain Research, 959(1), 128-134.

Kõks, S., Volke, V., Veraksits, A., Rünkorg, K., Sillat, T., Abramov, U., Bourin, M., Huotari, M., Mannisto, P. T., Matsui, T., & Vasar, E. (2001). Cholecystokinin(2) Receptor-Deficient Mice Display Altered Function of Brain Dopaminergic System. Psychopharmacology, 158(2), 198-204.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., Bandpey, Z., & Rosenberg, R. (2001). Nitric Oxide Modulates Lithium-Induced Conditioned Taste Aversion. Behavioural Brain Research, 118(2), 195-200.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., & Rosenberg, R. (2000). Endogenous Nitric Oxide Decreases Hippocampal Levels of Serotonin and Dopamine in Vivo. British Journal of Pharmacology, 130(3), 575-580.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., Vasar, E., & Rosenberg, R. (1999). Methylene Blue Inhibits Hippocampal Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Vivo. Brain Research, 826(2), 303-305.

Võikar, V., Soosaar, A., Volke, V., Kõks, S., Bourin, M., Mannisto, P. T., & Vasar, E. (1999). Apomorphine-Induced Behavioural Sensitization in Rats: Individual Differences, Role of Dopamine and Nmda Receptors. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 9(6), 507-514.

Kõks, S., Soosaar, A., Võikar, V., Volke, V., Ustav, M., Mannisto, P. T., Bourin, M., & Vasar, E. (1998). Opioid Antagonist Naloxone Potentiates Anxiogenic-Like Action of Cholecystokinin Agonists in Elevated Plus-Maze. Neuropeptides, 32(3), 235-240.

Volke, V., Soosaar, A., Kõks, S., Vasar, E., & Mannisto, P. T. (1998). L-Arginine Abolishes the Anxiolytic-Like Effect of Diazepam in the Elevated Plus-Maze Test in Rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 351(3), 287-290.

Kõks, S., Vasar, E., Soosaar, A., Lang, A., Volke, V., Võikar, V., Bourin, M., & Mannisto, P. T. (1997). Relation of Exploratory Behavior of Rats in Elevated Plus-Maze to Brain Receptor Binding Properties and Serum Growth Hormone Levels. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 7(4), 289-294.

Volke, V., Soosaar, A., Kõks, S., Bourin, M., Mannisto, P. T., & Vasar, E. (1997). 7-Nitroindazole, a Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor, Has Anxiolytic Like Properties in Exploratory Models of Anxiety. Psychopharmacology, 131(4), 399-405.

viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Vallo
2.Surname Volke
3.Institution Department of Physiology, Taru University
4.Position senior research fellow
5.Date of birth 30.04.1971 (day.month.year)
6.Education MD 1995, University of Tartu
7.Research and
professional experience
Since 2002 senior researcher, Department of Physiology, University of Tartu
Since 1995 researcher, Department of Physiology
8.Academic degree Doctor of Philosophy
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tartu University, 1999
10.Honours/awards State Award of Research 2004
12.Supervised dissertations

Sirli Raud, PhD, 2005, superv. Eero Vasar, Vallo Volke. Cholecystokinin-2 receptor deficient mice: changes in function of GABA-ergic system. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Role of nitric oxide synthase in anxiety and depression
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation 6081 L-arginine pathways and antidepressants
NATO collaborative linkage grant LST.CGL.980462 (2004-2005)
15.List of most important publications

Wegener, G., Bandpey, Z., Heiberg, I. L., Volke, V., Trabace, L., Rosenberg, R., & Harvey, B. H. (2004). Combined chronic treatment with citalopram and lithium does not modify the regional neurochemistry of nitric oxide in rat brain. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 55(3), 575-586.

Raud, S., Rünkorg, K., Veraksits, A., Reimets, A., Nelovkov, A., Abramov, U., Matsui, T., Bourin, M., Volke, V., Kõks, S., & Vasar, E. (2003). Targeted Mutation of Cck2 Receptor Gene Modifies the Behavioural Effects of Diazepam in Female Mice. Psychopharmacology, 168(4), 417-425.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., Bourin, M., & Vasar, E. (2003). Antidepressant- and Anxiolytic-Like Effects of Selective Neuronal Nos Inhibitor 1-(2-Trifluoromethylphenyl)-Imidazole in Mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 140(1-2), 141-147.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., & Vasar, E. (2003). Augmentation of the No-Cgmp Cascade Induces Anxiogenic-Like Effect in Mice. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 54(4), 653-660.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., Harvey, B. H., & Rosenberg, R. (2003). Local, but Not Systemic, Administration of Serotonergic Antidepressants Decreases Hippocampal Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity. Brain Research, 959(1), 128-134.

Kõks, S., Volke, V., Veraksits, A., Rünkorg, K., Sillat, T., Abramov, U., Bourin, M., Huotari, M., Mannisto, P. T., Matsui, T., & Vasar, E. (2001). Cholecystokinin(2) Receptor-Deficient Mice Display Altered Function of Brain Dopaminergic System. Psychopharmacology, 158(2), 198-204.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., Bandpey, Z., & Rosenberg, R. (2001). Nitric Oxide Modulates Lithium-Induced Conditioned Taste Aversion. Behavioural Brain Research, 118(2), 195-200.

Wegener, G., Volke, V., & Rosenberg, R. (2000). Endogenous Nitric Oxide Decreases Hippocampal Levels of Serotonin and Dopamine in Vivo. British Journal of Pharmacology, 130(3), 575-580.

Volke, V., Wegener, G., Vasar, E., & Rosenberg, R. (1999). Methylene Blue Inhibits Hippocampal Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Vivo. Brain Research, 826(2), 303-305.

Võikar, V., Soosaar, A., Volke, V., Kõks, S., Bourin, M., Mannisto, P. T., & Vasar, E. (1999). Apomorphine-Induced Behavioural Sensitization in Rats: Individual Differences, Role of Dopamine and Nmda Receptors. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 9(6), 507-514.

Kõks, S., Soosaar, A., Võikar, V., Volke, V., Ustav, M., Mannisto, P. T., Bourin, M., & Vasar, E. (1998). Opioid Antagonist Naloxone Potentiates Anxiogenic-Like Action of Cholecystokinin Agonists in Elevated Plus-Maze. Neuropeptides, 32(3), 235-240.

Volke, V., Soosaar, A., Kõks, S., Vasar, E., & Mannisto, P. T. (1998). L-Arginine Abolishes the Anxiolytic-Like Effect of Diazepam in the Elevated Plus-Maze Test in Rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 351(3), 287-290.

Kõks, S., Vasar, E., Soosaar, A., Lang, A., Volke, V., Võikar, V., Bourin, M., & Mannisto, P. T. (1997). Relation of Exploratory Behavior of Rats in Elevated Plus-Maze to Brain Receptor Binding Properties and Serum Growth Hormone Levels. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 7(4), 289-294.

Volke, V., Soosaar, A., Kõks, S., Bourin, M., Mannisto, P. T., & Vasar, E. (1997). 7-Nitroindazole, a Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor, Has Anxiolytic Like Properties in Exploratory Models of Anxiety. Psychopharmacology, 131(4), 399-405.

last updated: 05.10.2005

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