[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Alar |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Karis |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 26.03.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia, 1981 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | alates 2004 - erakorraline professor, Tartu Ülikool, zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituut alates 2003 - Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli rektor 1999-2004 - korraline professor, Tartu Ülikool, zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituut 1998-1999 - erakorraline vanemteadur, Tartu Ülikool, Tehnoloogiakeskus, 1996-1998 - erakorraline vanemteadur, Tartu Ülikool, Molekulaar-ja rakubioloogia instituut, 1993-1998 - teadur/projektijuht, Erasmuse Ülikool Rotterdamis, Holland, 1992-1993 teadur/post-doc , Rahvuslik Meditsiiniinstituut, London, Suurbritannia 1991 – külalisteadur, Hamburgi Ülikool, Saksamaa 1990- 1992 - vanemteadur, TA Eesti Biokeskus 1987-1990 - teadur ,TA Eesti Biokeskus, 1981-1987 - teadur Eesti Loomakasvatuse ja Veterinaaria Instituut |
8. | Teaduskraad | veterinaariateaduste kandidaat (parasitoloogia) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Valgevene TA Eksperimentaalveterinaaria Instituut,1987 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Vabariigi Presidendi Akadeemilise Nõukogu liige EAS ettevõtlus- ja elukeskkonna arendusdivisjoni nõukoja liige Eesti Biokeskuse nõukogu liige TÜ Molekulaar-ja rakubioloogia instituudi nõukogu liige Geeni- ja Keskkonnatehnoloogia Tippkeskuse nõukogu liige Geenivaramu eetikakomitee liige TA “Toimetised” nõuandva kogu liige EL 6 raamprogrammi ekspert Sihtasutus "Archimedes" nõukogu liige Riikliku Arengukava seirekomisjoni liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Hendrik Luuk, DSc, 2004, juh. Alar Karis, Sulev Kõks. Wolframini ja karboksüpeptidaas E ekspressiooni koregulatsioon roti mandelkehas vastusena hirmureaktsioonile ja interaktsioon rakukultuuris. Tartu Ülikool Tambet Tõnissoo, MSc, 2003, juh. Alar Karis, Riho Meier. Nukleotiidivahetusfaktor Ric-8 arenevas ja täiskasvanud hiire närvisüsteemis. Tartu Ülikool Erki Õumap, MSc, 2002, juh. Alar Karis, Urmas Saarma. Timandra griseata-grupi (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)süstemaatika Euroopas. Tartu Ülikool Kaja Reisner, MSc, 2002, juh. Alar Karis. A novel method for the molecular analysis of the C.elegans dauer larva formation. Tartu Ülikool Madis Jakobson, MSc, 2001, juh. Alar Karis. Specification of metanephric mesenchyme during mouse embryogenesis. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | arengubioloogia, molekulaargeneetika, transgeenne tehnoloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant 6232 " Nukleotiidifaktor Ric-8 funktsioon hiire närvisüsteemis" |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Tõnissoo T, Kõks S, Meier R, Raud S, Plaas M, Vasar E, Karis A. Heterozygous mice with Ric-8 mutation exhibit impaired spatial memory and decreased anxiety. Behav Brain Res. (2006),15;167(1):42-8. Epub 2005 Oct 10. Airik R, Karner M, Karis A, Karner J. Gene expression analysis of Gata3-/- mice by using cDNA microarray technology. Life Sci. (2005),15;76(22):2559-68. Areda T, Koks S, Philips MA, Vasar E, Karis A, Asser T. Alterations in opioid system of the rat brain after cat odor exposure. Neurosci Lett (2005),29;377(2):136-9 Lilleväli,K., Matilainen, T., Karis,A., Salminen,M. Partially overlapping expression and function of Gata2 and Gata3 during inner ear development. Developmental Dynamics (2004),231(4):775-81 van der Wees J, van Looij MA, de Ruiter MM, Elias H, van der Burg H, Liem SS, Kurek D, Engel JD, Karis A, van Zanten BG, de Zeeuw CI, Grosveld FG, van Doorninck JH. Hearing loss following Gata3 haploinsufficiency is caused by cochlear disorder. Neurobiol Dis (2004),16(1):169-78. Lindeboom F, Gillemans N, Karis A, Jaegle M, Meijer D, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. A tissue-specific knockout reveals that Gata1 is not essential for Sertoli cell function in the mouse.Nucleic Acids Res (2003),15;31(18):5405-12. Tonissoo T, Meier R, Talts K, Plaas M, Karis A. Expression of ric-8 (synembryn) gene in the nervous system of developing and adult mouse. Gene Expr Patterns (2003),3(5):591-4. Gollner H, Bouwman P, Mangold M, Karis A, Braun H, Rohner I, Del Rey A, Besedovsky HO, Meinhardt A, van den Broek M, Cutforth T, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Complex phenotype of mice homozygous for a null mutation in the Sp4 transcription factor gene. Genes Cells (2001),6(8):689-97 Karis A, Pata I, van Doorninck JH, Grosveld F, de Zeeuw CI, de Caprona D, Fritzsch B. Transcription factor GATA-3 alters pathway selection of olivocochlear neurons and affects morphogenesis of the ear. J Comp Neurol (2001),22;429(4):615-30 Nawijn MC, Dingjan GM, Ferreira R, Lambrecht BN, Karis A, Grosveld F, Savelkoul H, Hendriks RW. Enforced expression of GATA-3 in transgenic mice inhibits Th1 differentiation and induces the formation of a T1/ST2-expressing Th2-committed T cell compartment in vivo.J Immunol (2001),15;167(2):724-32 Nawijn MC, Ferreira R, Dingjan GM, Kahre O, Drabek D, Karis A, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. Enforced expression of GATA-3 during T cell development inhibits maturation of CD8 single-positive cells and induces thymic lymphoma in transgenic mice. J Immunol (2001),15;167(2):715-23. Valdmann H, Saarma U, Karis A. 2001. The brown bear population in Estonia: current status and requirements for management. Ursus 12: 31-36 Bouwman P, Gollner H, Elsasser HP, Eckhoff G, Karis A, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Transcription factor Sp3 is essential for post-natal survival and late tooth development. EMBO J (2000),15;19(4):655-61. Lakshmanan G, Crawford SE, Lim KC, Huang XM, Gu Y, Volpert O, Karis A, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Gata3 deficiency leads to increased VEGF and impaired cardiovascular development.Circulation (2000),102, 18, 99-99 470 Suppl. Whyatt D, Lindeboom F, Karis A, Ferreira R, Milot E, Hendricks R, de Bruijn M, Verkerk T, Langeveld A, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. REDS, a signal regulating erythroid differentiation in the erythroblastic island. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases (2000),26 (5): 502-503 Whyatt D, Lindeboom F, Karis A, Ferreira R, Milot E, Hendriks R, de Bruijn M, Langeveld A, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. An intrinsic but cell-nonautonomous defect in GATA-1-overexpressing mouse erythroid cells. Nature (2000),3;406(6795):519-24 Hendriks RW, Nawijn MC, Engel JD, van Doorninck H, Grosveld F, Karis A. Expression of the transcription factor GATA-3 is required for the development of the earliest T cell progenitors and correlates with stages of cellular proliferation in the thymus. Eur J Immunol (1999),29(6):1912-8. Lakshmanan G, Lieuw KH, Lim KC, Gu Y, Grosveld F, Engel JD, Karis A. Localization of distant urogenital system-, central nervous system-, and endocardium-specific transcriptional regulatory elements in the GATA-3 locus.Mol Cell Biol (1999),19(2):1558-68 Pata I, Studer M, van Doorninck JH, Briscoe J, Kuuse S, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Karis A. The transcription factor GATA3 is a downstream effector of Hoxb1 specification in rhombomere 4. Development (1999),126(23):5523-31. van Doorninck JH, van Der Wees J, Karis A, Goedknegt E, Engel JD, Coesmans M, Rutteman M, Grosveld F, De Zeeuw CI. GATA-3 is involved in the development of serotonergic neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei.J Neurosci (1999),15;19(12):RC12. Annilo T, Karis A, Hoth S, Rikk T, Kruppa J, Metspalu A. Nuclear import and nucleolar accumulation of the human ribosomal protein S7 depends on both a minimal nuclear localization sequence and an adjacent basic region.Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1998),28;249(3):759-66 Hermans MHA, Ward AC, Antonissen C, Karis A, Lowenberg B, Touw IP Perturbed granulopoiesis in mice with a targeted mutation in the G-CSF-R gene derived from severe chronic neutropenia. British Journal of Haematology (1998), 102 (1): 140-141 Suppl. Hermans MH, Ward AC, Antonissen C, Karis A, Lowenberg B, Touw IP. Perturbed granulopoiesis in mice with a targeted mutation in the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor gene associated with severe chronic neutropenia. Blood (1998),1;92(1):32-9 Marin M, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Philipsen S.Transcription factor Sp1 is essential for early embryonic development but dispensable for cell growth and differentiation. Cell (1997),16;89(4):619-28. Whyatt DJ, Karis A, Harkes IC, Verkerk A, Gillemans N, Elefanty AG, Vairo G, Ploemacher R, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. The level of the tissue-specific factor GATA-1 affects the cell-cycle machinery.Genes Funct (1997),1(1):11-24 Hendriks RW, de Bruijn MF, Maas A, Dingjan GM, Karis A, Grosveld F. Inactivation of Btk by insertion of lacZ reveals defects in B cell development only past the pre-B cell stage. EMBO J (1996),16;15(18):4862-72. Jaegle M, Mandemakers W, Broos L, Zwart R, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Meijer D. The POU factor Oct-6 and Schwann cell differentiation. Science (1996),26;273(5274):507-10 Mazarakis N, Michalovich D, Karis A, Grosveld F, Galjart N. Zfp-37 is a member of the KRAB zinc finger gene family and is expressed in neurons of the developing and adult CNS. Genomics (1996),15;33(2):247-57. Lieuw, K.H., George, K.M., Roth, E.M., Leonard, M.W., Pandolfi, P.P., Lindenbaum, M., Karis, A., Grosveld, F.,Engel, J.D. Expression and Regulation of GATA-2 and GATA-3 in Hematopoietic and Other Cell Lineages. Biology of Hematopoiesis and Stem Cell Gene Transfer (ed. Stamatoyannopoulos, G.) 15-35 (Intercept Press, Andover, 1995). Pandolfi PP, Roth ME, Karis A, Leonard MW, Dzierzak E, Grosveld FG, Engel JD, Lindenbaum MH. Targeted disruption of the GATA3 gene causes severe abnormalities in the nervous system and in fetal liver haematopoiesis. Nat Genet (1995),11(1):40-4. Pandolfi PP, Roth ME, Leonard MW, Karis A, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Lindebaum M. Targeted disruption of the GATA3 gene. Blood (1994) 84,10, A433-A433 Suppl Karis, A., Metspalu,E., Pooga,M., Juhkam,A. and Metspalu,A. Development, immunogenecity and protective capacity of K99/F41 pilus vaccine against colibacteriosis in calves.(1992), Biotechnology (in Russian) 8, 71-74 |
viimati muudetud: 09.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Alar |
2. | Surname | Karis |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Professor |
5. | Date of birth | 26.03.1958 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Estonian Agricultural Academy,1981, DVM |
7. | Research and professional experience |
2004- present; University of Tartu, professor 2003- present; Estonian Agricultural University, Rector 1999- 2004; University of Tartu, Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology, Professor 1998-1999 University of Tartu, Centre of Strategic Competence,Senior Research Fellow 1996-1998 University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Senior Research Fellow 1993-1998 Erasmus University Rotterdam (Holland), Medical Faculty, Research Fellow 1992-1993 National Institute for Medical Research, London, post-doc 1991 University of Hamburg, Medical Faculty, Visiting Scientist 1990-1992 Estonian Biocentre, Senior Research Fellow 1987-1990 Estonian Biocentre, Research Fellow 1981-1987 Estonian Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Research |
8. | Academic degree | cand.vet.med. (parasitology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Belarus,1987 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
President of the Republic's Academic Council, Member Advisory Board of the Business and Living Enviroment Division of the Enterprise Estonia Foundation, Member Council of the Estonian Biocentre, Member Council of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Member Ethics Committee of the Estonian Genome Project, Member EC FP6 Program, Expert Advisory Board of the Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Member Council of the Archimedes Foundation, Member Monitoring Commitee of the Estonian National Development Plan, Member |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Hendrik Luuk, DSc, 2004, superv. Alar Karis, Sulev Kõks. Wolframini ja karboksüpeptidaas E ekspressiooni koregulatsioon roti mandelkehas vastusena hirmureaktsioonile ja interaktsioon rakukultuuris. Tartu Ülikool Tambet Tõnissoo, MSc, 2003, superv. Alar Karis, Riho Meier. Nukleotiidivahetusfaktor Ric-8 arenevas ja täiskasvanud hiire närvisüsteemis. Tartu Ülikool Erki Õumap, MSc, 2002, superv. Alar Karis, Urmas Saarma. Timandra griseata-grupi (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)süstemaatika Euroopas. Tartu Ülikool Kaja Reisner, MSc, 2002, superv. Alar Karis. A novel method for the molecular analysis of the C.elegans dauer larva formation. Tartu Ülikool Madis Jakobson, MSc, 2001, superv. Alar Karis. Specification of metanephric mesenchyme during mouse embryogenesis. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | developmental biology, molecular genetics, transgene technology |
14. | Current grant funding | ETF grant 6232 "The function of Ric-8 gene in the mouse nervous system" |
15. | List of most important publications |
Tõnissoo T, Kõks S, Meier R, Raud S, Plaas M, Vasar E, Karis A. Heterozygous mice with Ric-8 mutation exhibit impaired spatial memory and decreased anxiety. Behav Brain Res. (2006),15;167(1):42-8. Epub 2005 Oct 10. Airik R, Karner M, Karis A, Karner J. Gene expression analysis of Gata3-/- mice by using cDNA microarray technology. Life Sci. (2005),15;76(22):2559-68. Areda T, Koks S, Philips MA, Vasar E, Karis A, Asser T. Alterations in opioid system of the rat brain after cat odor exposure. Neurosci Lett (2005),29;377(2):136-9 Lilleväli,K., Matilainen, T., Karis,A., Salminen,M. Partially overlapping expression and function of Gata2 and Gata3 during inner ear development. Developmental Dynamics (2004),231(4):775-81 van der Wees J, van Looij MA, de Ruiter MM, Elias H, van der Burg H, Liem SS, Kurek D, Engel JD, Karis A, van Zanten BG, de Zeeuw CI, Grosveld FG, van Doorninck JH. Hearing loss following Gata3 haploinsufficiency is caused by cochlear disorder. Neurobiol Dis (2004),16(1):169-78. Lindeboom F, Gillemans N, Karis A, Jaegle M, Meijer D, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. A tissue-specific knockout reveals that Gata1 is not essential for Sertoli cell function in the mouse.Nucleic Acids Res (2003),15;31(18):5405-12. Tonissoo T, Meier R, Talts K, Plaas M, Karis A. Expression of ric-8 (synembryn) gene in the nervous system of developing and adult mouse. Gene Expr Patterns (2003),3(5):591-4. Gollner H, Bouwman P, Mangold M, Karis A, Braun H, Rohner I, Del Rey A, Besedovsky HO, Meinhardt A, van den Broek M, Cutforth T, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Complex phenotype of mice homozygous for a null mutation in the Sp4 transcription factor gene. Genes Cells (2001),6(8):689-97 Karis A, Pata I, van Doorninck JH, Grosveld F, de Zeeuw CI, de Caprona D, Fritzsch B. Transcription factor GATA-3 alters pathway selection of olivocochlear neurons and affects morphogenesis of the ear. J Comp Neurol (2001),22;429(4):615-30 Nawijn MC, Dingjan GM, Ferreira R, Lambrecht BN, Karis A, Grosveld F, Savelkoul H, Hendriks RW. Enforced expression of GATA-3 in transgenic mice inhibits Th1 differentiation and induces the formation of a T1/ST2-expressing Th2-committed T cell compartment in vivo.J Immunol (2001),15;167(2):724-32 Nawijn MC, Ferreira R, Dingjan GM, Kahre O, Drabek D, Karis A, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. Enforced expression of GATA-3 during T cell development inhibits maturation of CD8 single-positive cells and induces thymic lymphoma in transgenic mice. J Immunol (2001),15;167(2):715-23. Valdmann H, Saarma U, Karis A. 2001. The brown bear population in Estonia: current status and requirements for management. Ursus 12: 31-36 Bouwman P, Gollner H, Elsasser HP, Eckhoff G, Karis A, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Transcription factor Sp3 is essential for post-natal survival and late tooth development. EMBO J (2000),15;19(4):655-61. Lakshmanan G, Crawford SE, Lim KC, Huang XM, Gu Y, Volpert O, Karis A, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Gata3 deficiency leads to increased VEGF and impaired cardiovascular development.Circulation (2000),102, 18, 99-99 470 Suppl. Whyatt D, Lindeboom F, Karis A, Ferreira R, Milot E, Hendricks R, de Bruijn M, Verkerk T, Langeveld A, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. REDS, a signal regulating erythroid differentiation in the erythroblastic island. Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases (2000),26 (5): 502-503 Whyatt D, Lindeboom F, Karis A, Ferreira R, Milot E, Hendriks R, de Bruijn M, Langeveld A, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. An intrinsic but cell-nonautonomous defect in GATA-1-overexpressing mouse erythroid cells. Nature (2000),3;406(6795):519-24 Hendriks RW, Nawijn MC, Engel JD, van Doorninck H, Grosveld F, Karis A. Expression of the transcription factor GATA-3 is required for the development of the earliest T cell progenitors and correlates with stages of cellular proliferation in the thymus. Eur J Immunol (1999),29(6):1912-8. Lakshmanan G, Lieuw KH, Lim KC, Gu Y, Grosveld F, Engel JD, Karis A. Localization of distant urogenital system-, central nervous system-, and endocardium-specific transcriptional regulatory elements in the GATA-3 locus.Mol Cell Biol (1999),19(2):1558-68 Pata I, Studer M, van Doorninck JH, Briscoe J, Kuuse S, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Karis A. The transcription factor GATA3 is a downstream effector of Hoxb1 specification in rhombomere 4. Development (1999),126(23):5523-31. van Doorninck JH, van Der Wees J, Karis A, Goedknegt E, Engel JD, Coesmans M, Rutteman M, Grosveld F, De Zeeuw CI. GATA-3 is involved in the development of serotonergic neurons in the caudal raphe nuclei.J Neurosci (1999),15;19(12):RC12. Annilo T, Karis A, Hoth S, Rikk T, Kruppa J, Metspalu A. Nuclear import and nucleolar accumulation of the human ribosomal protein S7 depends on both a minimal nuclear localization sequence and an adjacent basic region.Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1998),28;249(3):759-66 Hermans MHA, Ward AC, Antonissen C, Karis A, Lowenberg B, Touw IP Perturbed granulopoiesis in mice with a targeted mutation in the G-CSF-R gene derived from severe chronic neutropenia. British Journal of Haematology (1998), 102 (1): 140-141 Suppl. Hermans MH, Ward AC, Antonissen C, Karis A, Lowenberg B, Touw IP. Perturbed granulopoiesis in mice with a targeted mutation in the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor gene associated with severe chronic neutropenia. Blood (1998),1;92(1):32-9 Marin M, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Philipsen S.Transcription factor Sp1 is essential for early embryonic development but dispensable for cell growth and differentiation. Cell (1997),16;89(4):619-28. Whyatt DJ, Karis A, Harkes IC, Verkerk A, Gillemans N, Elefanty AG, Vairo G, Ploemacher R, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. The level of the tissue-specific factor GATA-1 affects the cell-cycle machinery.Genes Funct (1997),1(1):11-24 Hendriks RW, de Bruijn MF, Maas A, Dingjan GM, Karis A, Grosveld F. Inactivation of Btk by insertion of lacZ reveals defects in B cell development only past the pre-B cell stage. EMBO J (1996),16;15(18):4862-72. Jaegle M, Mandemakers W, Broos L, Zwart R, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Meijer D. The POU factor Oct-6 and Schwann cell differentiation. Science (1996),26;273(5274):507-10 Mazarakis N, Michalovich D, Karis A, Grosveld F, Galjart N. Zfp-37 is a member of the KRAB zinc finger gene family and is expressed in neurons of the developing and adult CNS. Genomics (1996),15;33(2):247-57. Lieuw, K.H., George, K.M., Roth, E.M., Leonard, M.W., Pandolfi, P.P., Lindenbaum, M., Karis, A., Grosveld, F.,Engel, J.D. Expression and Regulation of GATA-2 and GATA-3 in Hematopoietic and Other Cell Lineages. Biology of Hematopoiesis and Stem Cell Gene Transfer (ed. Stamatoyannopoulos, G.) 15-35 (Intercept Press, Andover, 1995). Pandolfi PP, Roth ME, Karis A, Leonard MW, Dzierzak E, Grosveld FG, Engel JD, Lindenbaum MH. Targeted disruption of the GATA3 gene causes severe abnormalities in the nervous system and in fetal liver haematopoiesis. Nat Genet (1995),11(1):40-4. Pandolfi PP, Roth ME, Leonard MW, Karis A, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Lindebaum M. Targeted disruption of the GATA3 gene. Blood (1994) 84,10, A433-A433 Suppl Karis, A., Metspalu,E., Pooga,M., Juhkam,A. and Metspalu,A. Development, immunogenecity and protective capacity of K99/F41 pilus vaccine against colibacteriosis in calves.(1992), Biotechnology (in Russian) 8, 71-74 |
last updated: 09.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]