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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Arne
2.Perekonnanimi Sellin
3.Töökoht TÜ Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 16.09.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Pärnu-Jaagupi Keskkool (1975)
Tartu Ülikool, diplomeeritud bioloog (1981)
7.Teenistuskäik - Eesti TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut, süsteemökoloogia sektor, insener (1981-1983);
- Tartu Ülikool, Ökosüsteemide labor, insener (1983-1986);
- Tartu Ülikool, Ökoloogiajaam, nooremteadur (1986-1992);
- Tartu Ülikool, Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut, lektor (1992-1994);
- Tartu Ülikool, Botaanika ja ökoloogia instituut, dotsent (alates 1994).
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. ökoloogias
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1994
10.Tunnustused Eesti teaduspreemia 1994. aastal taimede veevahetuse uurimise eest
ja –administratiivne
* Eesti Loodusuurijate Seltsi tegevliige (alates 1981)
* EPMÜ loodusteaduste doktorinõukogu liige (1996-2001)
* Rahvusvahelise Juureuurijate Seltsi /ISRR/ liige (alates 1998)
* Ajakirja TREE PHYSIOLOGY toimetuskolleegiumi liige (2000-2002 ja alates 2005)
* Ajakirja ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY toimetuskolleegiumi liige (alates 2001)
* SA Eesti Teadusfond põllumajandusteaduste ekspertkomisjoni liige (alates 2003)

* Osalenud Eesti II kuni V Ökoloogiakonverentsi läbiviimisel aastatel 1982-1991. Kuulunud IUFRO seminari “Canopy Dynamics and Forest Management - A Missing Link?”, 1.-11. august 1999, Eesti vooru korraldustoimkonda.

* Tegutsenud sõltumatu eksperdina:
- Eesti Teadusfondi granditaotluste hindamine bio-geoteaduste ja põllumajandusteaduste valdkondades;
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Margus Pensa, PhD, 2003, juh. Arne Sellin. Variation in Needle Retention of Scots Pine in Relation to Leaf Morphology, Nitrogen Conservation and Tree Age. Tartu Ülikool

Margus Pensa, MSc, 1999, juh. Arne Sellin. Retrospective Analysis of Needle Retention in Scots Pine on the Basis of Estonian and Finnish Examples. University of Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad * Puude hüdraulilise arhitektuuri varieeruvus sõltuvalt keskkonnatingimustest.
* Malts- ja lülipuidu vahekorda mõjutavad tegurid puudel.
* Puittaimede veevahetuse stomataarne ja hüdrauliline regulatsioon.
* Hariliku männi okaste püsivus seoses lämmastiktoitumise, puu vanuse ja keskkonna seisundiga.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 5296 “Keskkonna ja hüdrauliliste piirangute mõju puittaimede veevahetusele ja võrastiku struktuurile” (2002-2005)

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2005. Effects of light availability versus hydraulic constraints on stomatal responses within a crown of silver birch. - Oecologia 142(3): 388–397.

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2005. Variation in leaf conductance of silver birch: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and position within a crown. - Forest Ecology and Management, 206(1-3): 153–166.

Pensa M., Sellin A., Luud A., Valgma I. 2004. An analysis of vegetation restoration on opencast oil shale mines in Estonia. - Restoration Ecology, 12(2): 200-206.

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2004. Within-crown variation in leaf conductance of Norway spruce: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and plant hydraulic constraints. - Annals of Forest Science, 61(5): 419-429.

Pensa M., Sellin A. 2003. Soil type affects nitrogen conservation in foliage of small Pinus sylvestris L. trees. - Plant and Soil, 253(2): 321–329.

Pensa M., Sellin A. 2002. Needle longevity of Scots pine in relation to foliar nitrogen content, specific leaf area, and shoot growth in different forest types. - Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(7): 1225-1231.

Pensa M., Jalkanen R., Sellin A. 2001. Age-dependent changes in needle-fascicle dynamics of Pinus sylvestris (L.). - Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 16(4): 379-384.

Sellin A. 2001. Hydraulic and stomatal adjustment of Norway spruce trees to environmental stress. - Tree Physiology, 21(12/13): 879–888.

Sellin A. 2001. Morphological and stomatal responses of Norway spruce foliage to irradiance within a canopy depending on shoot age. - Environmental and Experimental Botany, 45(2): 115-131.

Pensa M., Liblik V., Sellin A. 2000. Growth and needle retention of Scots pine trees in the region of oil shale industry. - Oil Shale, 17(2): 154-167.

Sellin A. 2000. Estimating the needle area from geometric measurements: application of different calculation methods to Norway spruce. - Trees, 14(4): 215-222.

viimati muudetud: 05.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Arne
2.Surname Sellin
3.Institution Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu
4.Position Docent
5.Date of birth 16.09.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education Pärnu-Jaagupi Secondary School (1975)
University of Tartu, diplomaed biologist (1981)
7.Research and
professional experience
- Engineer, Sector of Systems Ecology, Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (1981-1983);
- Engineer, Laboratory of Ecosystems, University of Tartu (1983-1986);
- Research Assistant, Ecology Station, University of Tartu (1986-1992);
- Lecturer, Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu (1992-1994);
- Docent, Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu (since 1994)
8.Academic degree Ph.D. in ecology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1994
10.Honours/awards Estonian Science Award for ecological research into plant water relations (1994)
* Active member of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society (since 1981)
* Member of the Doctoral Committee of Natural Sciences at the Estonian Agricultural University (1996-2002)
* Member of the International Society of Root Research, ISRR (since 1998)
* Member of the Editorial Review Board of journal TREE PHYSIOLOGY (2000-2002 and since 2005)
* Member of the Editorial Board of journal ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (since 2001)
* Member of the Expert Commission for Agricultural Sciences, Estonian Science Foundation (since 2003)

* Involved in organisation of the Estonian conferences in ecology (II to V) in years 1982-1991. Involved in organisation of the Estonian round of the IUFRO Workshop on Canopy Dynamics and Forest Management - A Missing Link? August 1-11, 1999, in Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

* Activity as an independent expert:
- Evaluation of research grant applications to the Estonian Science Foundation in fields of geo- and biosciences and agricultural sciences.
12.Supervised dissertations

Margus Pensa, PhD, 2003, superv. Arne Sellin. Variation in Needle Retention of Scots Pine in Relation to Leaf Morphology, Nitrogen Conservation and Tree Age. Tartu Ülikool

Margus Pensa, MSc, 1999, superv. Arne Sellin. Retrospective Analysis of Needle Retention in Scots Pine on the Basis of Estonian and Finnish Examples. University of Tartu

13.Current research program * Variation in hydraulic architecture of trees depending on environmental conditions.
* Factors determining the proportion of sapwood and heartwood in tree species.
* Stomatal and hydraulic regulation of water relations in woody plants.
* Needle retention of Scots pine in relation to nitrogen nutrition, tree age and forest condition.
14.Current grant funding Grant from the Estonian Science Foundation No. 5296 “Implication of environmental and plant hydraulic constraints in water relations and canopy structure of woody species” (2002-2005)
15.List of most important publications

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2005. Effects of light availability versus hydraulic constraints on stomatal responses within a crown of silver birch. - Oecologia 142(3): 388–397.

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2005. Variation in leaf conductance of silver birch: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and position within a crown. - Forest Ecology and Management, 206(1-3): 153–166.

Pensa M., Sellin A., Luud A., Valgma I. 2004. An analysis of vegetation restoration on opencast oil shale mines in Estonia. - Restoration Ecology, 12(2): 200-206.

Sellin A., Kupper P. 2004. Within-crown variation in leaf conductance of Norway spruce: effects of irradiance, vapour pressure deficit, leaf water status and plant hydraulic constraints. - Annals of Forest Science, 61(5): 419-429.

Pensa M., Sellin A. 2003. Soil type affects nitrogen conservation in foliage of small Pinus sylvestris L. trees. - Plant and Soil, 253(2): 321–329.

Pensa M., Sellin A. 2002. Needle longevity of Scots pine in relation to foliar nitrogen content, specific leaf area, and shoot growth in different forest types. - Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(7): 1225-1231.

Pensa M., Jalkanen R., Sellin A. 2001. Age-dependent changes in needle-fascicle dynamics of Pinus sylvestris (L.). - Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 16(4): 379-384.

Sellin A. 2001. Hydraulic and stomatal adjustment of Norway spruce trees to environmental stress. - Tree Physiology, 21(12/13): 879–888.

Sellin A. 2001. Morphological and stomatal responses of Norway spruce foliage to irradiance within a canopy depending on shoot age. - Environmental and Experimental Botany, 45(2): 115-131.

Pensa M., Liblik V., Sellin A. 2000. Growth and needle retention of Scots pine trees in the region of oil shale industry. - Oil Shale, 17(2): 154-167.

Sellin A. 2000. Estimating the needle area from geometric measurements: application of different calculation methods to Norway spruce. - Trees, 14(4): 215-222.

last updated: 05.08.2005

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