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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Krista
2.Perekonnanimi Lõhmus
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Geograafia Instituut,
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 05.11.1948 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, rakendusmatemaatik, 1972
7.Teenistuskäik 1972-1975, van.insener Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia;
1975-1976, van.insener, Eesti TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut; 1976-1983, nooremteadur Eesti TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut; 1984-1991, van.teadur, Tartu Ülikooli Ökosüsteemide laboratoorium;
1991-1992, van.teadur, Tartu Ülikooli Ökoloogiajaam,
1993- vanemteadur, Tartu Ülikooli Geograafia Instituut,
8.Teaduskraad Bioloogiakandidaat (ökoloogia)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1987
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia 2001
ja –administratiivne
Viimasel 5 aastal ETF grantide Nr. 4895 (2001-2003)"Puuliigi mõju risosfääriprotsessidele erinevates mullatingimustes kasvavatel okaspuu- ja lehtpuuseemikutel" ja 6011 (2004-2007)"Risosfääriprotsesside mõju metsaökosüsteemi kujunemisele erineva liigilise koosseisuga puistutes põlevkivikarjääride puistangutel" hoidja;
Eesti koordinaator rahvusvahelistes projektides:
SNS projekt nr 82, (Soome-Rootsi-Eesti ühisprojekt) “Role of fine roots in carbon and nutrient dynamics of forest soils – FINROOT” (2002-2004);
Soome Metsauuringute Instituudi Vantaa uurimiskeskuse ja TÜGI ühisprojekt "The effect of ash+sludge application on tree mycorrhizas in forested mineral soil”((2002);
COST E38 "Woody Root Processes" (2004-2007)
Rahvusvahelise Juureteadlaste Ühingu liige alates 1986
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Aivo Vares, PhD, 2005, juh. Hardi Tullus, Krista Lõhmus. “The growth and development of young deciduous stands in different site conditions.”. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Tartu

Signe Alama, MSc, 2005, juh. Krista Lõhmus. "Puuliigi ja mulla koosmõju kuuse-, männi- ja kaseseemikute arengule ja risosfääriprotsessidele katsetingimustes". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu

Ülle Püttsepp, PhD, 2004, juh. Hans Persson, Krista Lõhmus, Andy Taylor ja Andres Koppel. “ Effects of sustainable management practices on fine–root systems in willow (Salix viminalis, S. dasyclados), grey alder (Alnus incana) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands”.. Rootsi Põllumajandusülikool, Uppsala

Ivika Ostonen, PhD, 2003, juh. Krista Lõhmus, Olevi Kull. “Fine root structure, dynamics and proportion in net primary production of Norway spruce forest ecosystem in relation to site conditions.”. Tartu Ülikool, Tartu

Veiko Uri, PhD, 2001, juh. Krista Lõhmus, Hardi Tullus. "The dynamics of biomass production and nutrient status of grey alder and hybrid alder plantations on abandoned agricultural lands". Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Metsaökosüsteemide ja tehismärgalade aineringe, puujuurte ökomorfoloogia, juuresümbioosid, puude risosfääriprotsessid
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grandi nr 6011 (2004-2007) hoidja;
"Risosfääriprotsesside mõju metsaökosüsteemi kujunemisele erineva liigilise koosseisuga puistutes põlevkivikarjääride puistangutel"

COST E38 "Woody Root Processes" (2004-2007)

Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and biomass production by Scirpus sylvaticus and Phragmites australis in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1167-1175.

Lõhmus K, Truu M, Truu J, Ostonen I, Vares A, Uri V, Alama S and Kanal A. 2005. Functional diversity of culturable bacterial communities in the rhizosphere in relation to fine-root and soil parameters in alder stands on forest, abandoned agricultural, and oil shale mining areas. Plant and Soil (In print).

Maddison, M., Soosaar, K., Lõhmus, K., Mander, Ü. 2005. Cattail population in wastewater treatment wetlands in Estonia: Biomass, Production, Retention of nutrients and heavy metals in phytomass. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1157-1166.

Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K., Teiter, S., Nurk, K., Mauring, T. and Augustin, J. 2005. Gaseus fluxes from subsurface flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1215-1226.

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K, Pajuste K. 2005. Fine root biomass, production and its proportion of NPP in a fertile middle-aged Norway spruce stand: comparison of soil core and ingrowth core methods. Forest Ecol. Manag. 212, 264-277.

Püttsepp, Ü.,Lõhmus; K. Persson H.Å., Ahlström, K. 2005. Fine-root distribution and morphology in an acidic Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in SW Sweden in relation to granulated wood ash application. Forest Ecol. Manag. (In print)

Lõhmus, K.; Ostonen, I. 2004. Combined method of ingrowth and soil cores to estimate fine root production. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.); http://www.rhizo.at

Ostonen, I.; Lõhmus, K. 2004. Phytocentric approach of morphological and anatomical fine root parameters. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.) .); http://www.rhizo.at

Uri, V., Lõhmus, K., Tullus, V. 2004. The budget of demand for nitrogen in grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) plantation on abandoned agricultural land in Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(1):12-18.

Vares, A., Lõhmus, K., Truu, M., Truu, J., Tullus, H., Kanal, A. 2004. Productivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) plantations established on reclaimed oil shale mining spoil and mineral soils in relation to rhizosphere conditions. Oil Shale Vol. 21, 47-62.

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Teiter, S. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen, and methane emission in a subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology 48(5), 135-142.

Mander, Ü., Teiter, S., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Öövel, M., Nurk, K. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in a subsurface flow wastewater treatment wetland. In: Brebbia, C.A. (Ed.) Water Resources Management II, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, pp. 135-148.

Mander Ü., Teiter, S., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Nurk, K., and Augustin J. 2003. Emission rates of N2O, N2 and CH4 in riparian alder forests and subsurface flow constructed wetlands. In: Vymazal, J. (Ed.) Wetlands - Nutrients, Metals and Mass Cycling. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 259-279.

Ostonen I and Lõhmus K. 2003. Proportion of fungal mantle, cortex and stele of ectomycorrhizas in Picea abies (L.) Karst. in different soils and site conditions. Plant and Soil 257: 435-442.

Uri, V., Lõhmus, K., Tullus, H. 2003. Annual net nitrogen mineralization in a grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) plantation on abandoned agricultural land. Forest Ecology and Management 184, 1-3, 167-176.

Uri, V., Tullus, H., and Lõhmus, K. 2003. Nutrient allocation, accumulation and above-ground biomass in grey alder and hybrid alder plantations. Silva Fennica 37 (3): 301-311.

Lõhmus, K., Kuusemets, V., Ivask, M., Teiter, S., Augustin, J., and Mander, Ü. 2002. Budgets of nitrogen fluxes in riparian grey alder forests. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 141/3-4, 321-332.

Kuusemets, V., Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K. and Ivask, M. 2001. Nitrogen and phosphorus variation in shallow groundwater and assimilation in plants in complex riparian buffer zones. Water Science and Technology, 44, 11-12, 615–622.

Külla, T., Lõhmus, K. 1999. Influence of cultivation method on root grafting in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 217: 91-100.

Ostonen, I., Lõhmus, K., Lasn, R. 1999. The role of soil conditions in fine root ecomorphology in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 208: 283-292

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. and Mauring, T. 1997. Efficiency and dimensioning of riparian buffer zones in agricultural catchments. Ecological Engineering 8: 299-324.

Lõhmus, K., Ivask, M. 1995. Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of fine roots of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at different sites. Plant and Soil, 168-169, 89-94.

Lõhmus, K., Oja, T. and Lasn, R. 1989 Specific root area : A soil characteristic. Plant and Soil 119, 245–249.

viimati muudetud: 28.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Krista
2.Surname Lõhmus
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of Geography
4.Position Senior researcher
5.Date of birth 05.11.1948 (day.month.year)
6.Education Applied mathematician, University of Tartu,1972
7.Research and
professional experience
1972-1975 Senior Engineer, Estonian Agricultural Academy;
1975-1976 Senior Engineer, Institute of Zoology and Botany;
1976-1983 Researcher, Institute of Zoology and Botany;
1983-1984 Researcher, Laboratory of Ecosystems, University of Tartu, 1984-1991 Senior researcher, University of Tartu;
1991-1992 Senior researcher, University of Tartu;
1993- Senior researcher, Institute of Geography, University of Tartu.
8.Academic degree Ph.D.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1987, University of Tartu
10.Honours/awards Estonian research award 2001
Principal investigator in Estonian Science Foundation grants No.4895 "Effect of tree species on rhizosphere processes in coniferous and deciduous seedlings in different soil conditions" (2001-2003) and 6011 "Impact of rhizosphere processes on the formation of forest ecosystems in stands with different tree species compositions in opencast oil-shale mining areas"(2004-2007);
Estonian contractor in projects:
SNS project No 82 "Role of fine roots in carbon and nutrient dynamics of forest soils – FINROOT” (Estonian contractor) (2002-2004) and
Joint project (Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Centre-University of Tartu) “The effect of ash+sludge application on tree mycorrhizas in forested mineral soil” (2002);
Member of Management Committee and Estonian representative in EU Cost E38 action "Woody Root Processes" (2004-2007)
Member of ISRR (International Society of Root Research)since 1986
12.Supervised dissertations

Aivo Vares, PhD, 2005, superv. Hardi Tullus, Krista Lõhmus. “The growth and development of young deciduous stands in different site conditions.”. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Tartu

Signe Alama, MSc, 2005, superv. Krista Lõhmus. "Puuliigi ja mulla koosmõju kuuse-, männi- ja kaseseemikute arengule ja risosfääriprotsessidele katsetingimustes". Tartu Ülikool, Tartu

Ülle Püttsepp, PhD, 2004, superv. Hans Persson, Krista Lõhmus, Andy Taylor ja Andres Koppel. “ Effects of sustainable management practices on fine–root systems in willow (Salix viminalis, S. dasyclados), grey alder (Alnus incana) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands”.. Rootsi Põllumajandusülikool, Uppsala

Ivika Ostonen, PhD, 2003, superv. Krista Lõhmus, Olevi Kull. “Fine root structure, dynamics and proportion in net primary production of Norway spruce forest ecosystem in relation to site conditions.”. Tartu Ülikool, Tartu

Veiko Uri, PhD, 2001, superv. Krista Lõhmus, Hardi Tullus. "The dynamics of biomass production and nutrient status of grey alder and hybrid alder plantations on abandoned agricultural lands". Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Tartu

13.Current research program Nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems and constructed wetlands, ecomorphology of tree roots, root symbioses, rhizosphere processes in coniferous and deciduous trees
14.Current grant funding ESF grant No 6011 (2004-2007)"Impact of rhizosphere processes on the formation of forest ecosystems in stands with different tree species compositions in opencast oil-shale mining areas";

COST E38 "Woody Root Processes" (2004-2007)
15.List of most important publications

Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and biomass production by Scirpus sylvaticus and Phragmites australis in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1167-1175.

Lõhmus K, Truu M, Truu J, Ostonen I, Vares A, Uri V, Alama S and Kanal A. 2005. Functional diversity of culturable bacterial communities in the rhizosphere in relation to fine-root and soil parameters in alder stands on forest, abandoned agricultural, and oil shale mining areas. Plant and Soil (In print).

Maddison, M., Soosaar, K., Lõhmus, K., Mander, Ü. 2005. Cattail population in wastewater treatment wetlands in Estonia: Biomass, Production, Retention of nutrients and heavy metals in phytomass. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1157-1166.

Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K., Teiter, S., Nurk, K., Mauring, T. and Augustin, J. 2005. Gaseus fluxes from subsurface flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. 40, Nos 6-7: 1215-1226.

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K, Pajuste K. 2005. Fine root biomass, production and its proportion of NPP in a fertile middle-aged Norway spruce stand: comparison of soil core and ingrowth core methods. Forest Ecol. Manag. 212, 264-277.

Püttsepp, Ü.,Lõhmus; K. Persson H.Å., Ahlström, K. 2005. Fine-root distribution and morphology in an acidic Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand in SW Sweden in relation to granulated wood ash application. Forest Ecol. Manag. (In print)

Lõhmus, K.; Ostonen, I. 2004. Combined method of ingrowth and soil cores to estimate fine root production. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.); http://www.rhizo.at

Ostonen, I.; Lõhmus, K. 2004. Phytocentric approach of morphological and anatomical fine root parameters. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.) .); http://www.rhizo.at

Uri, V., Lõhmus, K., Tullus, V. 2004. The budget of demand for nitrogen in grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) plantation on abandoned agricultural land in Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(1):12-18.

Vares, A., Lõhmus, K., Truu, M., Truu, J., Tullus, H., Kanal, A. 2004. Productivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) plantations established on reclaimed oil shale mining spoil and mineral soils in relation to rhizosphere conditions. Oil Shale Vol. 21, 47-62.

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Teiter, S. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen, and methane emission in a subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology 48(5), 135-142.

Mander, Ü., Teiter, S., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Öövel, M., Nurk, K. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in a subsurface flow wastewater treatment wetland. In: Brebbia, C.A. (Ed.) Water Resources Management II, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, pp. 135-148.

Mander Ü., Teiter, S., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Nurk, K., and Augustin J. 2003. Emission rates of N2O, N2 and CH4 in riparian alder forests and subsurface flow constructed wetlands. In: Vymazal, J. (Ed.) Wetlands - Nutrients, Metals and Mass Cycling. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 259-279.

Ostonen I and Lõhmus K. 2003. Proportion of fungal mantle, cortex and stele of ectomycorrhizas in Picea abies (L.) Karst. in different soils and site conditions. Plant and Soil 257: 435-442.

Uri, V., Lõhmus, K., Tullus, H. 2003. Annual net nitrogen mineralization in a grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) plantation on abandoned agricultural land. Forest Ecology and Management 184, 1-3, 167-176.

Uri, V., Tullus, H., and Lõhmus, K. 2003. Nutrient allocation, accumulation and above-ground biomass in grey alder and hybrid alder plantations. Silva Fennica 37 (3): 301-311.

Lõhmus, K., Kuusemets, V., Ivask, M., Teiter, S., Augustin, J., and Mander, Ü. 2002. Budgets of nitrogen fluxes in riparian grey alder forests. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 141/3-4, 321-332.

Kuusemets, V., Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K. and Ivask, M. 2001. Nitrogen and phosphorus variation in shallow groundwater and assimilation in plants in complex riparian buffer zones. Water Science and Technology, 44, 11-12, 615–622.

Külla, T., Lõhmus, K. 1999. Influence of cultivation method on root grafting in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 217: 91-100.

Ostonen, I., Lõhmus, K., Lasn, R. 1999. The role of soil conditions in fine root ecomorphology in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 208: 283-292

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. and Mauring, T. 1997. Efficiency and dimensioning of riparian buffer zones in agricultural catchments. Ecological Engineering 8: 299-324.

Lõhmus, K., Ivask, M. 1995. Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of fine roots of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at different sites. Plant and Soil, 168-169, 89-94.

Lõhmus, K., Oja, T. and Lasn, R. 1989 Specific root area : A soil characteristic. Plant and Soil 119, 245–249.

last updated: 28.09.2005

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