[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Andres
2.Perekonnanimi Kiviste
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli metsandus- ja maaehituse instituut
4.Ametikoht Professor
5.Sünniaeg 22.05.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Riiklik Ülikool 1976, matemaatika
7.Teenistuskäik EPMÜ metsakorralduse professor alates 1999,
dotsent 1992-1999,
lektor 1990-1992,
insener 1974-1990.
8.Teaduskraad Põllumajandusteaduste kandidaat metsatakseerimise ja metsakorralduse erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
VNIILM Moskva 1991
ja –administratiivne
Teadusajakirjade "Metsanduslikud Uurimused" (Eesti)ja "Investigacion Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales" (Hispaania) toimetuse kolleegiumi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Hordo, Maris, MSc, 2004, juh. Kiviste, A.. Erindite diagnostika puistu kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide andmeil. Tartu

Padari, Allan, MSc, 2004, juh. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A.. Metsahindamisprogramm "RaieWin". Tartu

Sims, Allan, MSc, 2003, juh. Kiviste, A.. Metsanduslike mudelite andmebaas. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Puistu ehituse ja kasvu modelleerimine. Statistiliste meetodite rakendamine metsanduslikus andmeanalüüsis.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 5768 "Puu ja puistu mudelite ja andmestike infosüsteem"

Kangur, A., Korjus, H., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2005. A conceptual model of forest stand development based on permanent sample plot data in Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Vol. 20, Supplement No 6: 94-101.

Hordo, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. Statistical outliers in sample plot data – measurement errors or natural disturbances? –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 23-27.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. The effect of fertilization on Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.) cone and seed crops in Pauska seed orchard , Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(2):19-30.

Metslaid, M., Ilisson, T., Nikinmaa, E., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2004. Advance regeration after disturbances: Acclimatization of needle characteristics in Norway spruce –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 71-74.

Kiviste, A. Hordo, M. 2003. The network of permanent sample plots for forest growth modelling in Estonia. _ Research for Rural Development 2003. International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Jelgava: 174-177

Kiviste, A., Nilson, A., Hordo, M., Merenäkk, M. 2003. Diameter distribution models and height-diameter equations for Estonian forests. - Modelling forest systems (eds A. Amaro, D. Reed and P. Soares). CAB International. Pp. 169-179.

Trincado, G., Kiviste, A., Gadow von K. 2003. Preliminary site index models for native Roble (Nothofagus obliqua) and Rauli (N. alpina) in Chile. - New Zealand Journal of Forest Science 32(3):322-333.

Kiviste, A., Hordo, M. 2002. Eestit kattev metsa kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide võrgustik. - Metsanduslikud Uurimused, 37:57-69.

Kiviste, A. Uri, V. 2002. Forest resources and research status of broadleaved tree species in Estonia. Management and utilization of broadleaved tree species in Nordic and Baltic countries – Birch, aspen and alder. - Proceedings of Workshop held in Vantaa, Finland, May 16 to 18, 2001. Finnish Forest Research Institute. Research Papers 847:19-33.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2002. The effect of fertilization on Norway spruce graft foliage in the Pauska seed orchard, Estonia. - Baltic Forestry, 8(2):32-41.

Kasesalu H., Kiviste A. 2001. The Kuril larch (Larix Gmelinii var. Japonica (Regel) Pilger) at Järvselja. Baltic Forestry, 7(1):59-66.

Kiviste A. 2001. Muutus Eesti metsade kasvukäigus ja selle hindamine. - Statistikameetodid keskkonnakaitses ja ökoloogias, 11:25-36.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2001. Väetamise mõjust hariliku kuuse (Picea abies (L.)) poogendeile Pauska seemlas. - Metsanduslikud uurimused. 35. Lk. 133-149.

Nilson, A., Kiviste, A., Korjus, H., Mihkelson, S., Etverk, I. 2000. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaption tools. - Climate change impacts and responses. Proceedings of the conference on national assessment results of climate change. Held in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 25-28, 1998, 373-400.

Kiviste, A. 1999. Eesti puistute kasvumudelitest. - Pidev metsakorraldus. EPMÜ Metsandusteaduskonna toimetised, 32: 28-36.

Kiviste, A. 1999. Site index change in the 1959s-1990s according to Estonian forest inventory data - Causes and consequences of accelerating tree growth in Europe. EFI Proceedings, 27:87-100.

Nilson, A. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. Mihkelson, S. Etverk, I. Oja,T. 1999. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaptation tools. - Climate Research, 12:205-214.

Kiviste, A. 1998. Estimation of Estonian forest growth change in 1951-1994 on the basis of forest inventory data. – Climate change studies in Estonia. Tallinn: 191-196.

Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. 1998. Forest scenario modelling for optimal adaption to possible climate change in Estonia. – Forest scenario modelling for ecosystem management at landscape level. EFI Proceedings, 19: 319-328.

Elfving, B. Kiviste, A. 1997. Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using permanent research plot data in Sweden. – Forest Ecology and Management, 98(2):125-134.

Eriksson, H. Johansson, U. Kiviste, A. 1997. A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens on Sweden. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 12(2):149-154.

Kiviste, A. 1997. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara vanuseridade diferentsmudel 1984.–1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 189: 63-75.

Kiviste, A. 1995. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara sõltuvus puistu vanusest ja kasvukohatingimustest 1984. – 1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 181: 132-148.

Kiviste, A. 1995. Metsa kõrguskasvu mudelite koostamise probleeme. - Eesti Statistikaselts. Teabevihik, 5: 62-66.

viimati muudetud: 14.01.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Andres
2.Surname Kiviste
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering
4.Position Professor
5.Date of birth 22.05.1953 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu State University 1976, mathematics
7.Research and
professional experience
EAU Professor of Forest Management since 1999,
Assistant professor 1992-1999,
Lecturer 1990-1992,
Engineer 1974-1990.
8.Academic degree Cand. of Agr. Sci (PhD)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
VNIILM Moscow 1991
Member of Editorial Advisory Commitee of Journals "Forestry Studies" (Estonia) ja "Investigacion Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales" (Spain)
12.Supervised dissertations

Hordo, Maris, MSc, 2004, superv. Kiviste, A.. Erindite diagnostika puistu kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide andmeil. Tartu

Padari, Allan, MSc, 2004, superv. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A.. Metsahindamisprogramm "RaieWin". Tartu

Sims, Allan, MSc, 2003, superv. Kiviste, A.. Metsanduslike mudelite andmebaas. Tartu

13.Current research program Modelling of stand growth and structure. Application of statistical methods in forestry data analysis
14.Current grant funding ESF Grant No. 5768 "An Information System of Tree and Stand Models and Data Sets"
15.List of most important publications

Kangur, A., Korjus, H., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2005. A conceptual model of forest stand development based on permanent sample plot data in Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Vol. 20, Supplement No 6: 94-101.

Hordo, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. Statistical outliers in sample plot data – measurement errors or natural disturbances? –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 23-27.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. The effect of fertilization on Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.) cone and seed crops in Pauska seed orchard , Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(2):19-30.

Metslaid, M., Ilisson, T., Nikinmaa, E., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2004. Advance regeration after disturbances: Acclimatization of needle characteristics in Norway spruce –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 71-74.

Kiviste, A. Hordo, M. 2003. The network of permanent sample plots for forest growth modelling in Estonia. _ Research for Rural Development 2003. International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Jelgava: 174-177

Kiviste, A., Nilson, A., Hordo, M., Merenäkk, M. 2003. Diameter distribution models and height-diameter equations for Estonian forests. - Modelling forest systems (eds A. Amaro, D. Reed and P. Soares). CAB International. Pp. 169-179.

Trincado, G., Kiviste, A., Gadow von K. 2003. Preliminary site index models for native Roble (Nothofagus obliqua) and Rauli (N. alpina) in Chile. - New Zealand Journal of Forest Science 32(3):322-333.

Kiviste, A., Hordo, M. 2002. Eestit kattev metsa kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide võrgustik. - Metsanduslikud Uurimused, 37:57-69.

Kiviste, A. Uri, V. 2002. Forest resources and research status of broadleaved tree species in Estonia. Management and utilization of broadleaved tree species in Nordic and Baltic countries – Birch, aspen and alder. - Proceedings of Workshop held in Vantaa, Finland, May 16 to 18, 2001. Finnish Forest Research Institute. Research Papers 847:19-33.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2002. The effect of fertilization on Norway spruce graft foliage in the Pauska seed orchard, Estonia. - Baltic Forestry, 8(2):32-41.

Kasesalu H., Kiviste A. 2001. The Kuril larch (Larix Gmelinii var. Japonica (Regel) Pilger) at Järvselja. Baltic Forestry, 7(1):59-66.

Kiviste A. 2001. Muutus Eesti metsade kasvukäigus ja selle hindamine. - Statistikameetodid keskkonnakaitses ja ökoloogias, 11:25-36.

Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2001. Väetamise mõjust hariliku kuuse (Picea abies (L.)) poogendeile Pauska seemlas. - Metsanduslikud uurimused. 35. Lk. 133-149.

Nilson, A., Kiviste, A., Korjus, H., Mihkelson, S., Etverk, I. 2000. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaption tools. - Climate change impacts and responses. Proceedings of the conference on national assessment results of climate change. Held in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 25-28, 1998, 373-400.

Kiviste, A. 1999. Eesti puistute kasvumudelitest. - Pidev metsakorraldus. EPMÜ Metsandusteaduskonna toimetised, 32: 28-36.

Kiviste, A. 1999. Site index change in the 1959s-1990s according to Estonian forest inventory data - Causes and consequences of accelerating tree growth in Europe. EFI Proceedings, 27:87-100.

Nilson, A. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. Mihkelson, S. Etverk, I. Oja,T. 1999. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaptation tools. - Climate Research, 12:205-214.

Kiviste, A. 1998. Estimation of Estonian forest growth change in 1951-1994 on the basis of forest inventory data. – Climate change studies in Estonia. Tallinn: 191-196.

Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. 1998. Forest scenario modelling for optimal adaption to possible climate change in Estonia. – Forest scenario modelling for ecosystem management at landscape level. EFI Proceedings, 19: 319-328.

Elfving, B. Kiviste, A. 1997. Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using permanent research plot data in Sweden. – Forest Ecology and Management, 98(2):125-134.

Eriksson, H. Johansson, U. Kiviste, A. 1997. A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens on Sweden. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 12(2):149-154.

Kiviste, A. 1997. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara vanuseridade diferentsmudel 1984.–1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 189: 63-75.

Kiviste, A. 1995. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara sõltuvus puistu vanusest ja kasvukohatingimustest 1984. – 1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 181: 132-148.

Kiviste, A. 1995. Metsa kõrguskasvu mudelite koostamise probleeme. - Eesti Statistikaselts. Teabevihik, 5: 62-66.

last updated: 14.01.2005

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