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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Andres |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kiviste |
3. | Töökoht | Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli metsandus- ja maaehituse instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | Professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 22.05.1953 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Riiklik Ülikool 1976, matemaatika |
7. | Teenistuskäik | EPMÜ metsakorralduse professor alates 1999, dotsent 1992-1999, lektor 1990-1992, insener 1974-1990. |
8. | Teaduskraad | Põllumajandusteaduste kandidaat metsatakseerimise ja metsakorralduse erialal |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
VNIILM Moskva 1991 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Teadusajakirjade "Metsanduslikud Uurimused" (Eesti)ja "Investigacion Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales" (Hispaania) toimetuse kolleegiumi liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Hordo, Maris, MSc, 2004, juh. Kiviste, A.. Erindite diagnostika puistu kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide andmeil. Tartu Padari, Allan, MSc, 2004, juh. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A.. Metsahindamisprogramm "RaieWin". Tartu Sims, Allan, MSc, 2003, juh. Kiviste, A.. Metsanduslike mudelite andmebaas. Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Puistu ehituse ja kasvu modelleerimine. Statistiliste meetodite rakendamine metsanduslikus andmeanalüüsis. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF grant nr. 5768 "Puu ja puistu mudelite ja andmestike infosüsteem" |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kangur, A., Korjus, H., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2005. A conceptual model of forest stand development based on permanent sample plot data in Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Vol. 20, Supplement No 6: 94-101. Hordo, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. Statistical outliers in sample plot data – measurement errors or natural disturbances? –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 23-27. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. The effect of fertilization on Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.) cone and seed crops in Pauska seed orchard , Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(2):19-30. Metslaid, M., Ilisson, T., Nikinmaa, E., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2004. Advance regeration after disturbances: Acclimatization of needle characteristics in Norway spruce –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 71-74. Kiviste, A. Hordo, M. 2003. The network of permanent sample plots for forest growth modelling in Estonia. _ Research for Rural Development 2003. International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Jelgava: 174-177 Kiviste, A., Nilson, A., Hordo, M., Merenäkk, M. 2003. Diameter distribution models and height-diameter equations for Estonian forests. - Modelling forest systems (eds A. Amaro, D. Reed and P. Soares). CAB International. Pp. 169-179. Trincado, G., Kiviste, A., Gadow von K. 2003. Preliminary site index models for native Roble (Nothofagus obliqua) and Rauli (N. alpina) in Chile. - New Zealand Journal of Forest Science 32(3):322-333. Kiviste, A., Hordo, M. 2002. Eestit kattev metsa kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide võrgustik. - Metsanduslikud Uurimused, 37:57-69. Kiviste, A. Uri, V. 2002. Forest resources and research status of broadleaved tree species in Estonia. Management and utilization of broadleaved tree species in Nordic and Baltic countries – Birch, aspen and alder. - Proceedings of Workshop held in Vantaa, Finland, May 16 to 18, 2001. Finnish Forest Research Institute. Research Papers 847:19-33. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2002. The effect of fertilization on Norway spruce graft foliage in the Pauska seed orchard, Estonia. - Baltic Forestry, 8(2):32-41. Kasesalu H., Kiviste A. 2001. The Kuril larch (Larix Gmelinii var. Japonica (Regel) Pilger) at Järvselja. Baltic Forestry, 7(1):59-66. Kiviste A. 2001. Muutus Eesti metsade kasvukäigus ja selle hindamine. - Statistikameetodid keskkonnakaitses ja ökoloogias, 11:25-36. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2001. Väetamise mõjust hariliku kuuse (Picea abies (L.)) poogendeile Pauska seemlas. - Metsanduslikud uurimused. 35. Lk. 133-149. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A., Korjus, H., Mihkelson, S., Etverk, I. 2000. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaption tools. - Climate change impacts and responses. Proceedings of the conference on national assessment results of climate change. Held in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 25-28, 1998, 373-400. Kiviste, A. 1999. Eesti puistute kasvumudelitest. - Pidev metsakorraldus. EPMÜ Metsandusteaduskonna toimetised, 32: 28-36. Kiviste, A. 1999. Site index change in the 1959s-1990s according to Estonian forest inventory data - Causes and consequences of accelerating tree growth in Europe. EFI Proceedings, 27:87-100. Nilson, A. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. Mihkelson, S. Etverk, I. Oja,T. 1999. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaptation tools. - Climate Research, 12:205-214. Kiviste, A. 1998. Estimation of Estonian forest growth change in 1951-1994 on the basis of forest inventory data. – Climate change studies in Estonia. Tallinn: 191-196. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. 1998. Forest scenario modelling for optimal adaption to possible climate change in Estonia. – Forest scenario modelling for ecosystem management at landscape level. EFI Proceedings, 19: 319-328. Elfving, B. Kiviste, A. 1997. Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using permanent research plot data in Sweden. – Forest Ecology and Management, 98(2):125-134. Eriksson, H. Johansson, U. Kiviste, A. 1997. A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens on Sweden. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 12(2):149-154. Kiviste, A. 1997. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara vanuseridade diferentsmudel 1984.–1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 189: 63-75. Kiviste, A. 1995. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara sõltuvus puistu vanusest ja kasvukohatingimustest 1984. – 1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 181: 132-148. Kiviste, A. 1995. Metsa kõrguskasvu mudelite koostamise probleeme. - Eesti Statistikaselts. Teabevihik, 5: 62-66. |
viimati muudetud: 14.01.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Andres |
2. | Surname | Kiviste |
3. | Institution | Estonian Agricultural University Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering |
4. | Position | Professor |
5. | Date of birth | 22.05.1953 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tartu State University 1976, mathematics |
7. | Research and professional experience |
EAU Professor of Forest Management since 1999, Assistant professor 1992-1999, Lecturer 1990-1992, Engineer 1974-1990. |
8. | Academic degree | Cand. of Agr. Sci (PhD) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
VNIILM Moscow 1991 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of Editorial Advisory Commitee of Journals "Forestry Studies" (Estonia) ja "Investigacion Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales" (Spain) |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Hordo, Maris, MSc, 2004, superv. Kiviste, A.. Erindite diagnostika puistu kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide andmeil. Tartu Padari, Allan, MSc, 2004, superv. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A.. Metsahindamisprogramm "RaieWin". Tartu Sims, Allan, MSc, 2003, superv. Kiviste, A.. Metsanduslike mudelite andmebaas. Tartu |
13. | Current research program | Modelling of stand growth and structure. Application of statistical methods in forestry data analysis |
14. | Current grant funding | ESF Grant No. 5768 "An Information System of Tree and Stand Models and Data Sets" |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kangur, A., Korjus, H., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2005. A conceptual model of forest stand development based on permanent sample plot data in Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Vol. 20, Supplement No 6: 94-101. Hordo, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. Statistical outliers in sample plot data – measurement errors or natural disturbances? –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 23-27. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2004. The effect of fertilization on Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.) cone and seed crops in Pauska seed orchard , Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 10(2):19-30. Metslaid, M., Ilisson, T., Nikinmaa, E., Jõgiste, K., Kiviste, A. 2004. Advance regeration after disturbances: Acclimatization of needle characteristics in Norway spruce –Natural disturbances and ecosystem-based forest management. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, Estonia. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University, 37: 71-74. Kiviste, A. Hordo, M. 2003. The network of permanent sample plots for forest growth modelling in Estonia. _ Research for Rural Development 2003. International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Jelgava: 174-177 Kiviste, A., Nilson, A., Hordo, M., Merenäkk, M. 2003. Diameter distribution models and height-diameter equations for Estonian forests. - Modelling forest systems (eds A. Amaro, D. Reed and P. Soares). CAB International. Pp. 169-179. Trincado, G., Kiviste, A., Gadow von K. 2003. Preliminary site index models for native Roble (Nothofagus obliqua) and Rauli (N. alpina) in Chile. - New Zealand Journal of Forest Science 32(3):322-333. Kiviste, A., Hordo, M. 2002. Eestit kattev metsa kasvukäigu püsiproovitükkide võrgustik. - Metsanduslikud Uurimused, 37:57-69. Kiviste, A. Uri, V. 2002. Forest resources and research status of broadleaved tree species in Estonia. Management and utilization of broadleaved tree species in Nordic and Baltic countries – Birch, aspen and alder. - Proceedings of Workshop held in Vantaa, Finland, May 16 to 18, 2001. Finnish Forest Research Institute. Research Papers 847:19-33. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2002. The effect of fertilization on Norway spruce graft foliage in the Pauska seed orchard, Estonia. - Baltic Forestry, 8(2):32-41. Kasesalu H., Kiviste A. 2001. The Kuril larch (Larix Gmelinii var. Japonica (Regel) Pilger) at Järvselja. Baltic Forestry, 7(1):59-66. Kiviste A. 2001. Muutus Eesti metsade kasvukäigus ja selle hindamine. - Statistikameetodid keskkonnakaitses ja ökoloogias, 11:25-36. Kurm, M., Kiviste, A. 2001. Väetamise mõjust hariliku kuuse (Picea abies (L.)) poogendeile Pauska seemlas. - Metsanduslikud uurimused. 35. Lk. 133-149. Nilson, A., Kiviste, A., Korjus, H., Mihkelson, S., Etverk, I. 2000. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaption tools. - Climate change impacts and responses. Proceedings of the conference on national assessment results of climate change. Held in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 25-28, 1998, 373-400. Kiviste, A. 1999. Eesti puistute kasvumudelitest. - Pidev metsakorraldus. EPMÜ Metsandusteaduskonna toimetised, 32: 28-36. Kiviste, A. 1999. Site index change in the 1959s-1990s according to Estonian forest inventory data - Causes and consequences of accelerating tree growth in Europe. EFI Proceedings, 27:87-100. Nilson, A. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. Mihkelson, S. Etverk, I. Oja,T. 1999. Impact of recent and future climate change on Estonian forestry and adaptation tools. - Climate Research, 12:205-214. Kiviste, A. 1998. Estimation of Estonian forest growth change in 1951-1994 on the basis of forest inventory data. – Climate change studies in Estonia. Tallinn: 191-196. Kiviste, A. Korjus, H. 1998. Forest scenario modelling for optimal adaption to possible climate change in Estonia. – Forest scenario modelling for ecosystem management at landscape level. EFI Proceedings, 19: 319-328. Elfving, B. Kiviste, A. 1997. Construction of site index equations for Pinus sylvestris L. using permanent research plot data in Sweden. – Forest Ecology and Management, 98(2):125-134. Eriksson, H. Johansson, U. Kiviste, A. 1997. A site-index model for pure and mixed stands of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens on Sweden. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 12(2):149-154. Kiviste, A. 1997. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara vanuseridade diferentsmudel 1984.–1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 189: 63-75. Kiviste, A. 1995. Eesti riigimetsa puistute kõrguse, diameetri ja tagavara sõltuvus puistu vanusest ja kasvukohatingimustest 1984. – 1993. a. metsakorralduse takseerkirjelduste andmeil. - EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik. 181: 132-148. Kiviste, A. 1995. Metsa kõrguskasvu mudelite koostamise probleeme. - Eesti Statistikaselts. Teabevihik, 5: 62-66. |
last updated: 14.01.2005
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