Ebe Merilo

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0182732s06Interactions between fluxes of carbon and water in ecosystems under the influence of changing environment
(Tartu University, Faculty of Biology and Geography, scientist)
2006 - 2011
2.ETF6462Age-related changes in needle N concentration, N partitioning and photosynthesis of Norway spruce (Picea abies)
(University of Tartu, researcher)
2005 - 2008
3.SF0362481s03Directional changes in flora of managed natural areas: population and production biology, horology, genetic variability, conservation.
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, vantead.)
2003 - 2007
4.SF0281770As01Süsinikuringe ökofüsioloogilised alused
(University of Tartu, teadur)
2001 - 2005
5.ETF4831Production Ecology of Willow Short Rotation Forests and Combined Use of RSF as Vegetation Filters and Renewable Energy Resourses
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, teadur)
2001 - 2004
6.SF0370203s98Taimede populatsioonibioloogia, evolutsioon ja fülogeneetiline süstemaatika ning produktsiooniökoloogia
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, teadur)
1998 - 2002
7.SF0361471s00Lehestiku struktuur (LAI, lehtede pindtihedus ja veesisaldus) kiirekasvulises pajukoosluses ning selle seos produktsiooniga
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, teadur)
2000 -