Tiit Paaver
[ curriculum vitae ]
is involved in projects | |||
no | reg no | project title, institution, position | duration |
1. | ETF6155 | Improvement of technology of farming of noble crayfish Astacus astacus (Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU, professor) | 2005 - 2007 |
2. | SF0172103s02 | Kasvatatavate kalaliikide geneetilised ressursid ja nende säästlik kasutamine (Estonian Agricultural University, osak. juh.) | 2002 - 2006 |
3. | ETF4826 | Comparative Performance Testing of Introduced and Local Strains of Rainbow Trout and Commaon Carp in Estonia (Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU, osak.juh) | 2001 - 2004 |
4. | ETF4095 | Genetic Population Structure and Diversity of the Endangered Anadromous Salmonid Species in the Baltic Sea (Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU, v.tead.) | 2000 - 2003 |
5. | SF0170396s98 | Kalakasvatuse efektiivsuse ja toodangu kvaliteedi tõstmise võimaluste uurimine geneetiliste, biotehnoloogiliste ja kalakasvatuslike meetodite abil (Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU, osak.juh.) | 1998 - 2001 |