Agu Saar

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6536X-ray spectroscopy of insulating films
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, senior scientist)
2005 - 2008
2.SF0382148s02Fundamentaalnähtused laia keelutsooniga materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, Senior Researcher)
2002 - 2006
3.ETF5032Probe microscopy and analysis of solid surfaces and deposits
(Univ. of Tartu, sen. researcher)
2002 - 2005
4.ETF5024Nonradiative and radiative decay of X-ray excitations in solids, films and molecules
(IPUT, Senior Researcher)
2002 - 2004
5.ETF3877Soft X-Ray Induced Inner-Shell Processes in Solids and Molecules
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, Senior Researcher)
1999 - 2001
6.SF0380180s98Fundamentaalnähtused dielektrilises materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid tehnikas
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, Senior Researcher)
1997 - 2001