Vahur Mäemets

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6705NMR investigation of kinetics and equilibrium of chemical reactions and chemical properties of materials
(Tartu Ülikool)
2006 - 2009
2.SF0182570s03Complexation equilibria between alkali metal cations and Lewis bases
(University of Tartu, teadur)
2003 - 2007
3.SF0182552s03Keemiliste ühendite reaktsioonivõime ja omadused eksperimentaalne ja teoreetiline uurimine
(University of Tartu, teadur)
2003 - 2007
4.ETF5254Investigation of the acid-base equilibria and tautomerism of compounds and their mixtures in various solvents by NMR
(Centre of Strategic Competence of University of Tartu, scientist)
2002 - 2005
5.SF0180524s98Keemiliste ühendite reaktsioonivõime ja omaduste eksperimentaalne ja teoreetiline uurimine
(University of Tartu, teadur)
1998 - 2002
6.SF0250173s98Superhapped ja -alused
(TU Technology Center, teadur)
1998 - 2002
7.ETF3370NMR Spectroscopic Study of Ion-Solvent Clusters
(University of Tartu, teadur)
1998 - 2001