Jüri Elken

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF5868Ice cover and near-boundary waves in natural waterbodies: numerical modelling
(TTU Marine Systems Institute, director)
2004 - 2007
2.SF0822522s03Baltic Sea water and matter exchange processes in changing climatic conditions
(TTU Marine Systems Institute, v.teadur)
2003 - 2007
3.ETF4171Interaction of Ice and Water Dynamics in the Coastal Sea and Large Lake
(TTU Marine Systems Institute, direktor)
2000 - 2003
4.SF0200798s98Läänemere vee- ja ainevahetusprotsessid ning nende mõju Eesti merealade seisundile
(Estonian Marine Institute, sektorijuh.)
1998 - 2002