Lembi Lõugas

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6899Application of new methods in osteo-archaeological research
(Tallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituut)
2006 - 2009
2.SF0042476s03Interaction between the natural environment and man from the geographical, historical and technological aspect.
(Institute of History, Senior researcher)
2003 - 2007
3.ETF5759Formation of evolutionary lineages of mammals in Eurasia after the last ice-age
(Ajaloo Instituut, vanemteadur)
2004 - 2005
4.ETF5098Development of vertebrate fauna in Estonia and its exploitation by man during the Prehistoric and Historic times
(Institute of History, Senior researcher)
2002 - 2005
5.ETF4195Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Development of the Stone Age Settlement in southwestern Estonia and the Basin of Vortsjärv Lake
(Institute of History, v.tead.)
2000 - 2002
6.SF0040009s98Inimene, keskkond, tehnoloogia. Loodusressursside kasutamise ja tehnoloogilise mõtte areng Eestis muinas- ja keskajal
(Institute of History, vanemteadur)
1998 - 2002
7.ETF3467Development of Vertebrate Fauna during the Pleistocene and Holocene. Application of Modern Aspects in the Analyses of Bone Material
(Institute of History, v.tead.)
1998 - 2001