Kalle Kirsimäe
[ curriculum vitae ]
is involved in projects | |||
no | reg no | project title, institution, position | duration |
1. | ETF5851 | Formation and development of small-to-medium size complex impact craters (TÜ geol. inst., professor) | 2004 - 2007 |
2. | SF0182533s03 | Kontinentaalse maakoore ülaosa struktuurid, koostis ja evolutsioon (University of Tartu, professor) | 2003 - 2007 |
3. | ETF5372 | Clay mineral diagenesis in the Baltic Basin: implications for the basin tectono-thermal evolution and smectite-to-illite transformation (TU Faculty of Biology and Geography, Professor) | 2003 - 2006 |
4. | ETF4417 | Minaralisation in Discontinuity Layers, Fault Zones and Meteorite Craters: an Alternative Geohistorical Evidence for the Baltic Sea Region (University of Tartu, teadur) | 2000 - 2003 |
5. | ETF4541 | Modeling of Thermal History of Meteorite Impact Craters (University of Tartu, teadur) | 2001 - 2002 |
6. | ETF3886 | Late-Pleistocene Chronostratigraphy in Estonia (University of Tartu, teadur) | 1999 - 2002 |
7. | SF0180550As98 | Baltoskandia pealiskorra sedimentoloogia ja palentoloogia (University of Tartu, teadur) | 1998 - 2002 |
8. | SFDs03 | Paleosoikumi setete litoloogia, petrofüüsika ja areng Balti basseini lõunaosas (University of Tartu, professor) | |
9. | SFDs03 | Hüdrotermaalsed protsessid meteoriidikraatrites (University of Tartu, professor) | |
10. | SF0181826s01 | Savimineraalide kasutamine paleoklimaatiliste ja paleogeograafiliste tingimuste rekonstrueerimisel (University of Tartu) | 2001 - |