Jüri Plado

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6613Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic geodynamic events on the Fennoscandian Shield in the light of the origin and ages of the magnetic remanence components
(Tartu Ülikool)
2006 - 2009
2.ETF5851Formation and development of small-to-medium size complex impact craters
(TÜ geol. inst., vanemteadur)
2004 - 2007
3.SF0182533s03Kontinentaalse maakoore ülaosa struktuurid, koostis ja evolutsioon
(University of Tartu, v-teadur)
2003 - 2007
4.ETF5500The magnetic age of the Estonian sedimentary cover
(TU Faculty of Biology and Geography, senior scientist)
2003 - 2005
5.ETF4417Minaralisation in Discontinuity Layers, Fault Zones and Meteorite Craters: an Alternative Geohistorical Evidence for the Baltic Sea Region
(University of Tartu, teadur)
2000 - 2003
6.ETF4541Modeling of Thermal History of Meteorite Impact Craters
(University of Tartu, teadur)
2001 - 2002
7.SF0180551s98Baltoskandia maakoor: muutlikus ja protsessid
(University of Tartu, teadur)
1998 - 2002