Enn Loigu

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF5627Changes and their reasons in water chemistry in Estonian rivers in 1992-2002
(TTU Faculty of Civil Engineering, Professor)
2003 - 2004
2.SF0141420s00Loodus- ja tehiskeskkonna seisundi parandamise intevsiivmeetodid
(Tallinn Technical University, erak.professor)
2000 - 2004
3.ETF4278The Investigation of Runoff and Self-Puification Processes in River Systems
(Tallinn Technical University, prof.)
2000 - 2002
4.SF0141707s00Research and management of raw water at Tallinn Water Ltd. With respect of water treatment technology and future
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)