Mart Asi

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0172612s03Investigation on Engineering, Building and Renewable Energy Soures and Forming the Sustainable and Continuationable Technologies in Agriculture.
(Estonian Agricultural University, lektor)
2003 - 2007
2.ETF4103Machinery Use and Labour Environment Investigations and Modelling for Ergonomically, Ecologically and Technologically Safe and Suitable Machinery Systems Design in Agriculture
(Estonian Agricultural University, lektor)
2000 - 2002
3.SF0170122s98Põllumajandustehnika, -ehitiste ja taastuva energia uurimine ning ratsionaalsete tehnoloogiate kujundamine
(Estonian Agricultural University, dotsent)
1998 - 2002
4.ETF3683Sustainable and Corresponding to the EU Standards System of Manuare Disposal Machines for Dairy Farms
(Estonian Agricultural University, d.rant)
1999 - 2001