Arvo Ots

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6661Behaviour of Mineral Matter and Thermal Effects by Burning of Oil Shale Fuel in FBC
(Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Mehaanikateaduskond)
2006 - 2009
2.SF0142081s02Eesti energeetilise ressursi säästliku kasutuse teed ja vahendid
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)
2002 - 2006
3.ETF5159Formation of Chlorine Compounds by Burning of Oil shale in Fluidized Bed Conditions
(Mechanical Engin. Faculty Thermal Engineering Dep., Professor)
2002 - 2005
4.ESTAG6Universaalse keskküttekatla STI 20VGTP väljatöötamine ja tootmiseks ettevalmistamine
(TTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
2001 - 2004
5.SF0141422s00Happeliste atmosfääriheitmete tehnoloogiline vähendamine põlevkivi energeetilisel põletamisel
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)
2000 - 2004
6.ETF3422Behaviour of Calcium Oxide Burning of Oil Shale in FBC Conditions
(Tallinn Technical University, prof.)
1998 - 2001
7.SF0140225s98Eesti energeetilise ressursi säästliku kasutuse teed ja vahendid
(Tallinn Technical University, prof.)
1997 - 2001