Mihkel Jalakas

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6043The pelvis of domestic and game animals from the perspective of sex, age, and comparative anatomy
(EAU Faculty of Veterinary Science, associate professor)
2005 - 2008
2.SF0172097s02Veiste ja hobuste reproduktsiooni biotehnoloogia ja puepreraalpatoloogia
(Estonian Agricultural University, dotsent)
2002 - 2006
3.ETF4992Pathological changes of genital organs of cows culled on infertility
(EAU, Ass. prof..)
2002 - 2004
4.ETF4809Grouth Dynamics of Bovine Hipbones, Age-Related Changes, and Breed-Related Peculiarities in the Pelvic Structure - Its Relation to the Optimun Time for Insemination of Heifers and Delivery
(Estonian Agricultural University, dots.)
2001 - 2004
5.PM14Suguselekteeritud sperma ja süva emakaseemenduse rakendusvõimalused ning lehmade sigimishäired
(EAU Faculty of Veterinary Science, dotsent)
2001 - 2003
6.ETF4099The Structure of Ovary by Healthy and Infertile Cows
(Estonian Agricultural University, dots.)
2000 - 2001