Toivo Suuroja

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0182688s05Molecular biology, biochemical, morphological and nanotechnological study of luteolytic mechanisms and organ systems of transgenic mice
(Tartu University, Faculty of Medicine, Professor)
2005 - 2010
2.ETF5745The postnatal structure of the mucosa of the respiratory tract of piglets and calves, their connection with the infections of the respiratory tract.
(EAU Faculty of Veterinary Science, prof.)
2004 - 2007
3.PM9Sigade enteropaatiate diferentsiaaldiagnostika, tõrje ja profülaktika
(Estonian Agricultural University, prof.)
2003 - 2007
4.ETF4108Morphofunctional Investigation of Postnatal Development of the Thyroid Gland in Estonian Cattle Breeds
(Estonian Agricultural University, prof.)
2000 - 2003
5.SF0171667s00Radiatsiooni toime eksperimentaalselt modulleeritud glomeruloskleroosile
(Estonian Agricultural University)
6.SF0171843s01tsütoloogiliste ja histoloogiliste leidude võrdlus erinevate patoloogiliste protsesside korral
(Estonian Agricultural University)