Tõnu Keskküla

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF5414The investigation of physical-machanical qualities of flat roofs
(EAU Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, prof of EAU)
2003 - 2004
2.ETF5414The investigation of physical-machanical qualities of flat roofs
(EAU, professor)
2003 - 2004
3.ETF4811The Investigation of Strength Characteristcs of Estonian Building Fir Timber
(Estonian Agricultural University, prof.)
2001 - 2004
4.ETF4089The Influence of Corosion of Reinforcement to the Bearing Capacity of the Reinforced Concrete Elements of Farm Buildings
(Estonian Agricultural University, prof.)
2000 - 2002
5.SF0170122s98Põllumajandustehnika, -ehitiste ja taastuva energia uurimine ning ratsionaalsete tehnoloogiate kujundamine
(Estonian Agricultural University, professor)
1998 - 2002